
  • In today's episode, Nicole shares the changing of the podcast and future of Soulfilled Sisterhood. To stay informed please go to www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com and sign up for the newsletter. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and feedback along this journey. Moving forward in bringing women together and how they are impacting our future generation of girls.

  • Today's guest is Stuart Fensterheim, a licensed clinical social worker, blogger, author and podcast host. He is located in Scottsdale, AZ. Stuart is a couples expert which means he works with couples having difficulty feeling close and connected to one another. He assist them in finding ways to deepen their relationship by understanding and sharing what each persons needs in the relationship. In today’s episode we are going to discuss divorce and how parents can navigate this with their teens.

    If you need parenting support or wanting to reclaim your inner knowing I invite you to go to www.NicoleBurgessCoaching.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep72

    What you will learn in today’s episode:

    Stuart shares his personal journey of experiencing divorce as a child and how he became a couples counselor, Emotional connection can make or break a relationship Changing one couple can positively impact the future generations Stuart shares his belief about how marriages can be saved He defines a “relationship injury” and the repair work How parents navigate going through a divorce with their children Have to do it without blaming the partner Remind your children they are not responsible for the divorce Depends on age of child and how much you share Parents have a conversation prior to speaking to children and create a plan Children may not have questions immediately Grieving is part of the process Parents “this is the time to use your resources”-other adults as support vs your children When parent begins to date again, ready to introduce your children to new person do in a neutral location Your daughter doesn’t have to choose between loving you or their other parent-she gets to love you both Father and daughter relationship can become stronger if there is a divorce Life can be beautiful-do the inner work

    Stuart’s Information: www.thecouplesexperts.com Couples Expert Podcast: http://www.thecouplesexpertscottsdale.com/podcasts/ YouTube Channel: http://www.thecouplesexpertscottsdale.com/video-blog/

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  • In today’s episode I discuss the difference between praise and encouragement, discouraging statements and self-reflection. Being a teenager can be challenging because they are wanting to feel accepted, step into their own identity but are still trying out new behaviors or beliefs, and wanting to feel successful and that they are enough. Parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors can role-model encouragement to improve self-esteem and use language that supports the teens in their life.

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep71

    In this episode you will learn: What discouragement can look like or sound like from your teen daughter Praise vs encouragement language PCIT-Parent-Child Interactive Therapy for parents of young children and how labeled praises is encouraging for compliance vs good or bad child Family meetings episode 2-help in decision making process Reflecting on what your expectations are for your teenager-overly ambitious which reinforces she is not enough or accepting her where she is Previous conversation with Neil Brown PhD (episode 58)-power struggles and faith in your child Comparing your children to one another or other teens-creates self-doubt, sense of unworthiness Exploring your own values and hers-check out episode one Encouraging her effort and improvement Focus on her strengths vs only focusing on the negative behaviors Stating what you appreciate about them (in any relationship) Embracing being imperfect as a teen and parent Examples of encouraging statements Build self-esteem: give them responsibility, have faith in them, s how appreciation for what they are doing at home, ask them for suggestions and feedback about family decisions, help them accept mistakes they made-episode 32 discussion with Lisa Damour, PhD reflect on her progress and process look at positive expectations without rescuing Reframing, zooming out, and helping her with different possible perspectives Parents reflect on how do you encourage yourself?

  • My guest today is Lisa Marchiano, is a licensed clinical social worker and Jungian Analyst. She has a private practice located in Philadelphia, PA and works with adults struggling with depression, anxiety, relationships issues, past traumas and grief and loss. She likes to work with myth, dreams and fairytales in her practice.

    If you need parenting support or wanting to reclaim your inner knowing I invite you to go to www.NicoleBurgessCoaching.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep70

    Myths, fairytales and archetypes:

    Lisa discusses what it is to be a Jungian analyst Jung stated we don’t stop growing psychology-it is a life long journey Lisa shares her experience of being a mother and doing Jungian training Parenting has its challenges and it can help parents continue to grow

    Why self-care is important for mothers

    Self-care can help mothers staying connected to themselves Motherhood can increase creativity Giving yourself permission to set time aside for creative outlet Can help you focus more vs trying to make the situation perfect Role models to children Creativity can feed our soul Split off from creativity due to motherhood Lisa shares how Rumpelstiltskin fairytale mirrors splitting off part of self and reintegration How JK Rowling’s childhood experience with her dad impacted her creativity and relationships Stories that were created from ancestors and challenging them Can nurture your creativity and children Changing from “either/or” to “both/and” language Being mindful of not making your children the excuse for not practicing self-care, staying connected to self or pursuing your dreams When we don’t make time for ourselves it can increase feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and depression
  • In today’s episode I am going to discuss family roles and how your teenagers can challenge them. Before I get into this I want to share a movie I watched recently called Tommy’s Honour. It is based on true facts regarding a father (Tom Morris) and his son (Tommy Morris) in the late 1800’s in Scotland. These two men are credited with being pioneers of professional golf. Tom wanted Tommy to take over the business of being greens keeper and the club and ball maker when he died. Tommy wanted to play golf and challenged not only his family role but unwritten rules of social class. Tommy and his father had various conflicts when his dad attempted to remind him of his role or place in life. Tommy not only changed professional golfers being paid fairly, but role modeled not letting prejudice or old beliefs systems stop him from loving the woman he married. Margaret (Tommy’s wife) had gotten pregnant out of wedlock and was banned from her church and Tommy’s mother wanted him to “never see her again” when she discovered this information. Tommy went against his mother’s advice and the towns. Toward the end of the movie, Tom makes a decision for his son vs allowing his adult son to make the choice himself, and it had a heartbreaking impact on Tommy. Tommy showed his Dad how we can love through the biases, not live to get other people’s approval and forgive others when they have made mistakes. In episode 65 Julie Hanks briefly mentioned if a family has an identity such as a ‘sports family’ and your daughter doesn’t like sports. In episode 49 I discussed how a psychotherapy conference earlier this impacted me and my hope for parents and caregivers are to stay curious and seek to understand the teen girls in their life ways vs dismissing or discouraging them. I am a big movie lover and have watched thousands of movies over my lifetime. I know there are other movies that demonstrate choosing to be different or standing up to challenge beliefs systems may not make you the most popular person in your family or your community, but not letting fear stop you from doing what you believe in. Parents and caregivers, I encourage you to pause and give yourself permission to explore what you think and feel when that teen girl in your life challenges the family or societal roles. Stay curious with her and seek to understand why it is important to her, what she wants from being an artist, engineer, athlete, or whatever she desires. Being beside her, owning your own fears without projecting them onto her, can help you stay a team vs placing the “issue’ in between your relationship. I invite you to invest in yourself through my coaching services at www.NicoleBurgessCoaching.com or find the show notes www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep69

  • My guests today is Susan Sweet PhD and Brenda Miles PhD. Susan is a clinical psychologist and mother of two.She has worked in hospital, school, and community-based settings and is passionate about children’ mental health and well-being. Susan hopes worries never overshadow anyone’s dreams. Brenda is a pediatric neuropsychologist who has worked in hospital, rehabilitation, and school settings. Brenda has conquered her fear of writing, despite the risk of rejections, revisions, and writer’s block. As for her other fears, she’s still working on them. Susan and Brenda have co-authored Princes Penelopea Hates Peas: A Tales of Picky Eating and Avoiding Catastropeas, King Calm: Mindful Gorilla in the City, Cinderstella: A Tale of Planets Not Princes, Jacqueline and the Beanstalk: A Tale of Facing Giant Fears, and Chicken or Egg: Who Comes First? These books are written for ages four to eight.

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep68

    Why write the books? Worked together and decided to write a book about picky eating Retelling of fairy tales and combing psychology with creativity Early interventions helps build resilience and healthy habits. Picture books open up dialog and communicate in way for young children. Mental and physical health impact one another. Stories can help change thought patterns regarding eating habits and anxiety management. Fun to write and “our brains crave stories”-Brenda. Parent and caregiver notes in back of book What are concerns of parents? Parents want the best for the children, but put a lot of pressure on themselves. Parents wonder when should I address issue. Books are about non-judgment. Want skills to help children be successful. Times is limited so having two pages in back of book with condense information from vetted sources. Words of encouragement for parents. If your young daughter is struggling with anxiety it can be addressed and improved-we are able to rewire the brain with evidenced based practices. Anxiety can help keep us safe as long as it is manageable. Doesn’t reflect on skills of parents-anxiety is common and parents are not alone. Explore other factors that may contribute to anxiety symptoms.

  • In today’s episode, I am returning to a discussion about transitions in life. If your daughter is graduating high school or college this year, now is a good time begin having conversations around this change. Often we do not acknowledge the joys and sorrows that come with ending a chapter in our lives and creating dialog about this topic is important to help create a smoother transition. I also share the possible transition with this podcast and embracing changes.

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep67

  • In today’s episode, I discuss ways parents and caregivers can either deepen their relationship with their teen daughter or create a bigger divide. Over the years teenagers have shared their frustrations with me about what their parents do or don’t do in building a relationship with them. These suggestions are areas to reflect on, discuss during family meetings, explore how to improve or change current behaviors both as parents or as teens.

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep66

    In this episode you will learn: Actively listening to your teenager without judgment or trying to fix Grilling your teen with questions Be mindful of not stereotyping your teen behaviors Chores, timing, hidden agendas and compliance Family meetings Conflicts and apologies-this is repair work in the relationship; embracing imperfections Social media-do NOT publish embarrassing photos or video about your child-causes shame, humiliation, and damages your relationship with your teenager Not sweating the small stuff and choosing conflict wisely Criticizing or nitpicking your teen daughter or giving feedback with love and respect Putting down your teens appearance vs self-expression Being on the phone, social media or with friends vs being with your teen Comparing your children to one another or other teens-creates self-doubt, sense of unworthiness Expectations at extracurricular activities-criticizing your child or belittling their performance Working together as a team vs placing the problem between your relationship

  • My guest today is Julie de Azevedo Hanks, PhD, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist specializing in women’s emotional health and relationships. Dr. Hanks is the founder and director of Wasatch Family Therapy, author of The Burnout Cure and The Assertiveness Guide for Women, a blogger, a local and national media contributor, an online influencer, a consultant, and an award-winning performing songwriter. A native Californian, Hanks currently lives in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband and their 4 children. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, taking naps, reading, writing, eating a lot of chocolate.

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep65

    For PDF on emotions: http://nicolecburgess.com/emotions/

    Why write the book? In her clinical practice noticed young women didn’t know what to be assertiveness about, so wrote a five step process to assist women. “We are socialized to care for others.” Dr.Julie Hanks Vital for women to know themselves Women can lose themselves when focused on others only Fear of disconnection in relationship When adult women don’t know themselves - can project unresolved issues onto daughters About role modeling and connecting What is attachment theory and how it impacts assertiveness? Anxious, Avoidant and Secure Develop during childhood Can change through healthy relationships Psychotherapy can assist with developing more secure attachment Differentiation of self and why it is positive step Developmental stage where teen girls can challenge family identity What do I think, feel, want and need-can change daily Being able to label emotions-primary and secondary emotions Julie shares personal story about her and one of her daughters Tips Do your own inner work for both you (parent) and your daughter Self-Care role models to both sons and daughters to take care of themselves and when they are in relationships

    Julie’s Information Download first chapter for FREE www.assertivenessguide.com Website: www.DrJulieHanks.com Social Media: @drjuliehanks

  • My guest today is Dr. Maggie Wray. She is a psychologist, mentor and life coach in the Atlanta, GA area. Maggie has Ph.D. in Neurobiology & Behavior from Cornell and is a success coach for teens and young adults. A fun fact about Maggie, she has a Bachelor degree in astrophysics from Princeton.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    Getting the “why” in time management for your teen Training yourself to focus Planners, calendars, and organization

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep64

  • My guest today is Janeen Herskovitz is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida and owner of Puzzle Peace Counseling, LLC. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Special Education from Rowan University in New Jersey, (1995) and her Masters of Arts in Mental Health Counseling from Webster University (2010). She is a trained as an EMDR Trauma Therapist, and writes as a Topic Expert contributor on Autism Spectrum at goodtherapy.org. She has been married to her husband, Joe since 1995, and together, they have two teenage children. Janeen’s podcast, Autism Blueprint, covers a variety of topics surrounding autism in the home. In this episode you will learn: Signs of autism Other diagnoses that can occur with autism and why Support and resources for parents and their teens I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep63

  • Welcome. My guest today Karen Rayne who has a PhD is in Educational Psychology. She has been working in education for the past two decades with an expertise in sexuality education. She began working in sexuality education in 2007 by providing comprehensive sexuality education classes for middle school students and human sexuality classes for college students through Psychology departments. Dr. Rayne is passionate about providing comprehensive sexuality education to people of all ages and stages with sensitivity and a touch of humor. She founded Unhushed in order to expand her educational reach and to open family conversations about sexuality in the home. In addition to providing direct sexuality education to teenagers and adults and writing books, Dr. Rayne writes curriculum and trains sexuality educators in order to expand their skills. Dr. Rayne’s newest books include GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You and Help Your Kids With Adolescence. GIRL, which will be published by the American Psychological Association’s Magination Press, is written as a friendly and accessible guide for older teen self-identified girls as they navigate the tricky waters of emerging sex and sexuality.

    In this episode you will learn:

    Why write a book about girls? How do girls ask someone out on a date? Why would a girl want to be in a relationship? How do teen girls end a relationship?

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep62

  • Today’s episode I discuss how a spiritual practice can improve relationships with others and self, how it can help your daughter, what it is and what it is not and intuition. What is a spiritual practice? Spiritual practice can include religious practices Morality deals with issues of right and wrong Ethical system set of values or beliefs and how we conduct ourselves in social scenes or relationships Spirituality is the inner knowing, connection to universe or higher power, higher awareness Maslow hierarchy of needs-used the terms "physiological," "safety", "belonging" and "love", "esteem", "self-actualization", and "self-transcendence" to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through. Investing in yourself is supporting your mind, body, and spiritual self Journaling, meditating, chanting, taking walks in nature, body movement are all spiritual practices Why role model this to your daughter When young girls or women see their parents practicing “being” vs “doing” it helps give themselves permission to slow down Encouraging your daughter to have a spiritual practice can help maintain a connection to her own intuition and self-assuredness Can decrease the perfectionism or people pleasing behavior Can assist her in staying true to herself vs needing approval from others to follow her life's path

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep61 Please leave a rating and review on iTunes

  • Today’s episode I discuss why investing in yourself as a parent, caregiver or investing in your adolescent is important. I will also discuss the differences between coaching and psychotherapy.

    Why investing in yourself or your daughter is necessary

    Everyone has their blind spots or shadows Investing in yourself is supporting your mind, body, and spiritual self Whether investing in coaching services or mental health services you are gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, where you want to be and/or healing past hurts, traumas or gaining support in improving your mental health Investing in your daughter allows her to change current behavior patterns into being more confident or having an empowered mindset for her adult life Healing from a traumatic event(s) Gain coping skills to manage worries and fears Learn skills sets in habits, communication skills, organization and more Making small or big changes impacts your future

    Coaching vs Psychotherapy

    There are different kinds of coaching -Business -Parenting -Life -Health -Spiritual Coaching does not treat mental health disorders or do mental health evaluations Confidentiality is different with coaching than medical or law confidentiality Life coaching is to create, develop and facilitate your personal, professional or business goals. Life coaching is to develop and to implement a strategy, plan, and/or program that is designed to achieve your goals In coaching, you are motivated and take responsibility for all your actions and decisions There are certification programs for coaches, but not regulated as it is for mental health professionals Psychotherapy or mental health counseling can diagnosis mental health issues and disorders Psychotherapy looks more at your past and/or family of origin issues Mental health professional attends graduate program (either master's level or doctoral level), depending on state has a specific amount of therapy hours to achieve under supervision, then can take licensure test Mental health professional can offer both types of services but can NOT treat the same person under each service

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep60

  • Today’s episode is for all the dads who are listening and raising adolescent girls. Whether you are the biological dad, step-dad, male figure in her in life this episode is dedicated to you. At the time of this recording, next Sunday is Father’s Day here in the United States. Dad’s I know this stage of development for many teen girls can be challenging because she begins to pull away from parents. My hope is after listening today you find encouragement in staying connected with your daughter or daughters. I want to begin by stating how my Dad has impacted my life and continues to along with sharing some insight from a colleague, Sovann Penn, about his experience with his daughters.

    Sovann is a licensed professional counselor and health coach in Portland, OR. He offers pre-marital and couples counseling. Along with Individual counseling for anxiety, depression, insomnia, sleep disorders, sexual addiction, porn addiction, career, transitions, grief, burnout, personal growth.

    In this episode you will learn:

    How Nicole’s father impacted her as a teen and as an adult Supporting your daughter as a teenager is different than as a child Sovann shares how he shares his love for his daughters Staying connected is the key for both Dads and their daughters

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep59

  • My guest today is Neil Brown a licensed clinical social worker, author, and podcaster. He is located in the beautiful area of Santa Cruz, CA. Neil has over 40 years of clinical experience, comes from a systemic approach and works with families and couples and kids of every age.In today’s episode, we are going to explore some areas in his recent book called Ending the Parent-Teen Control Battle. His book is written for parents of middle to high school age teens.

    In this episode you will learn:

    What is a control battle? What are the developmental stages in adolescents Taming the Beast

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep58

  • Today’s episode I discuss why sleep is important for your teen daughters, how it is normal for adolescents to stay up later and want to sleep during the day vs adults and ways to encourage healthier sleep patterns. I enjoy sleep and know this an area of struggle for many families of teenagers. The adolescent brain is going through many neurological changes and poor sleep can impact many areas of your daughter’s life.

    In this episode you will learn:

    How lack of sleep impacts your daughter’s physical, emotional and cognitive abilities Why teens are like vampires Healthy sleep hygiene or routines

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep57

  • My guest today is Mari A. Lee a licensed marriage and family therapist, a certified sex addiction therapist, the founder of Growth Counseling Services in Glendora, California, a best-selling author, popular national speaker, and a business coach supporting therapists in developing multiple income streams. Additionally, Mari is the co-founder of the annual “Shine Retreat for Women” in Laguna Beach, CA.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    Mari talks about her own experience of being in foster care The Roles moms and dads can play in supporting teen girls How self-care can benefit your teenage daughter

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep56

  • Welcome to the Launching Your Daughter Podcast, today’s guest is Lynn Lyons, LICSW who is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist who lives in Concord, New Hampshire and is in private practice there. In today’s episode, Lynn talks about how she became involved with this work, why your daughter shouldn’t avoid disappointment and hardship and ways to improve anxiety issues within a family. For 27 years, Lynn has specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders in adults and children. She is an international speaker and trainer on the subject of anxiety, its role in families, and the need for a preventative approach at home and in schools. With a special interest in breaking the generational cycle of worry in families, she is the co-author of two books on anxiety, Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous & Independent Children, and the companion book for kids, Playing with Anxiety: Casey’s Guide for Teens and Kids. Her latest book, Using Hypnosis with Children: Creating and Delivering Effective Interventions is a how-to guide for helping professionals looking to incorporate hypnotic strategies for the treatment of depression, anxiety, medical procedures, pain, and sleep.

    In this episode you will learn:

    The subtle changes parents can look out for with anxiety Ways in which for parents to get more awareness of what they’re saying The three X's in managing anxiety

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep55

  • Today’s episode I discuss Mother’s Day can be a time to celebrate and share how much you appreciate what you mom has done for you over the years. For others, it can be a day of sorrow, remembrance or pain. Whether this day brings you happiness or sorrow or pain, giving yourself permission to be where you and taking care of yourself is important.

    In this episode you will learn:

    Sharing and celebrating what you appreciate about your mother Remembering and creating ritual around the loss of your mom Reflecting on a painful past and remembering the women who were like moms to you

    I invite you to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and receive other parenting tips or information about upcoming events at www.LaunchingYourDaughter.com or www.NicoleCBurgess.com/ep54