
  • In today's fast-paced business world, finding success and maintaining a balance between work and personal life can be challenging. With this episode of "Lead with Levity," Dr. Heather Walker sits down with Adam House, a senior executive, business advisor, former professional basketball player, and co-owner of the Rochester RazorSharks, to delve into the keys to success in business and leadership.

    Setting the Stage
    Dr. Walker kicks off the podcast by discussing the importance of consistency in achieving success. She reflects on how success is often perceived as an overnight accomplishment, but, in reality, it stems from consistent behaviors and good habits. This sets the stage for a deep dive into Adam House's experiences and insights.

    From Entrepreneurship to Business Advisory
    Adam House shares his remarkable journey from starting his first business with just a couple of hundred bucks to launching multiple successful ventures. He emphasizes the importance of resilience, perseverance, and never quitting despite facing failures along the way. Adam's transition from being a CEO to becoming a business advisor has allowed him to help other entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of starting, scaling, and exiting their businesses.

    Balancing Work and Personal Life
    One of the key highlights of the conversation is Adam's focus on balancing work commitments with personal life. He shares valuable insights on the seasonal awareness of life, understanding the sacrifices involved in pursuing business goals, and the importance of staying grounded in faith and family values.

    Leadership Lessons
    As the discussion progresses, Adam provides expert advice on effective leadership, including setting clear expectations, measuring performance, and providing timely feedback to team members. He stresses the significance of cultural fit, performance-based evaluations, and the necessity of making tough decisions, such as letting go of those who are not a good fit for the organization.

    Launching New Ventures
    Despite his success in previous ventures, Adam continues to channel his entrepreneurial spirit by launching new businesses, offering business advisory services, and guiding other entrepreneurs on their journey to success. His podcast, "The House of Bricks," focuses on leveraging life experiences as building blocks for success.

    Connect with Adam House
    To learn more about Adam House and his podcast, "The House of Bricks," visit his website at AdamHouseSr.com and follow him on Instagram at @adamhousesr. Don't miss the insightful discussions and valuable insights shared on his podcast!

    In conclusion, the conversation between Dr. Heather Walker and Adam House offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for anyone striving for success in business and leadership. By embracing consistency, balancing work and personal life, and cultivating effective leadership skills, individuals can navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and fulfill their potential in the business world.

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  • In a world where the average turnover rate in some industries spikes to over 21%, holding onto talent becomes a challenge every leader faces. Yet, it's a challenge that Rasmus Holst, CEO of LMS 365, meets with a vision that transcends the typical corporate approach. In an enlightening episode of the Lead What Levity podcast, hosted by Dr. Heather Walker, Rasmus divulges the universal key to not just keeping talent, but also nurturing it to thrive and grow within any industry.

    Understanding Human Success
    From the onset, Rasmus Holst lays out a compelling narrative that challenges the conventional norms of employee retention and corporate growth. "Investing in human success is universal," he asserts, drawing connections between diverse fields like construction and software development. This notion is grounded in the belief that regardless of the industry, providing people with reasons to grow and stay is essential. A notable statistic sheds light on this perspective: more than 40% of workers in the U.S. report that their organization's commitment to employee development keeps them satisfied at work. Yet, less than half feel their company significantly invests in their growth.

    The LMS 365 Story: From Library to Global Business
    Rasmus shares the intriguing origin story of LMS 365, which began nearly two decades ago with a dentist in Denmark who quit his job to help people find books in a local library. This simple yet innovative act laid the foundation for a global business, turning over about $30 million and partnering up with giants like Microsoft. Fast forward to today, LMS 365 is used by 2000 organizations across the world, affirming Rasmus's belief that great ideas can come from the most humble beginnings.

    Changing Narratives: Human Resources to Human Success
    Rasmus introduces a thought-provoking shift in corporate terminology: from human resources to human success. This language change reflects a deeper commitment to recognizing employees not as mere assets but as individuals with potential and aspirations. "Why are we not thinking about people as success?" he questions, prompting leaders to invest in their teams' success, not just witness it from afar.

    The Power of Human Success
    In an era where technological advancements and corporate structures redefine work cultures, Rasmus Holst's philosophy presents a refreshing perspective on success. It's a conversation that extends beyond the confines of LMS 365, challenging leaders across all industries to reflect on how they view, treat, and invest in their most valuable asset: their people.

    Listeners left the conversation with not just insights into one CEO's journey from a small Danish library to the helm of a global enterprise but also with a challenge to redefine what success looks like within their organizations—and, possibly, within themselves.

    For more insights into Rasmus Holst's vision and the transformative power of LMS 365, connect with him on LinkedIn or explore the innovative solutions at LMS 365.

    This episode of the Lead What Levity podcast not only peeled back layers on the necessity of nurturing talent but also served as a beacon for those looking to foster an environment where people are encouraged to grow, stay, and thrive.

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  • In this episode of the Lead with Levity podcast, I had the profound opportunity to host Dr. Chuck Wallington, a towering figure in the realm of corporate leadership and a beacon for aspiring African American executives. Dr. Wallington, the author of "A Seat at the C-Suite Table: Insights from the Leadership Journeys of African American Executives," shares invaluable wisdom gleaned from his research and personal journey, highlighting the nuanced challenges and victories experienced by black male leaders across the nation.

    The Uniqueness of the Black Executive Experience
    One of the most compelling revelations from Dr. Wallington's work is the distinctiveness of the leadership journey for African American males in corporate America. Through his doctoral research, which originally stemmed from a quest to understand the scarcity of black men in public relations, Wallington broadened his scope to explore the stories of 30 black male executives. These narratives collectively underscore the rarefied air these leaders breathe and navigate within the C-suite realm – often as the first and only person of color in executive teams.

    Mentorship: A Pillar for Success
    A recurring theme in these leadership journeys is the vital role of mentorship. Despite the prevailing narrative, Wallington's findings reveal that while not all successful black executives had mentors, the ones who did could draw on a reservoir of support and guidance that significantly eased their paths. This mentorship paradigm extends beyond race, emphasizing the universal value of having seasoned advisors for those climbing the corporate ladder.

    Challenges and Opportunities for Growth
    The conversations Wallington had with these executives illuminate the ongoing challenges faced by black men in corporate America. The physical presence, the conscious efforts to not intimidate colleagues, and the overarching need to constantly prove oneself are just snippets of a larger narrative that demands attention and action.

    The Unlearning Process: A Path Forward
    Reflecting on personal growth, Wallington emphasizes the importance of unlearning preconceived notions and biases. This process of unlearning, prompted by new evidence or perspectives, is crucial for personal and professional development. It underscores the necessity for a mindset open to growth, change, and understanding, particularly in supporting colleagues, friends, and teams from different backgrounds.

    Dr. Chuck Wallington's journey, coupled with the insights from his research, offers a clarion call to corporate America and beyond. It's a call for introspection, broader inclusion, and a concerted effort to understand and address the unique challenges faced by African American executives. As we reflect on these stories, let us consider how we, too, can be a part of the change – through mentorship, a willingness to learn and unlearn, and our actions and policies that nurture an environment where every leader can flourish, regardless of race.

    Thank you, Dr. Chuck Wallington, for sharing your profound insights and research. Your work not only shines a light on the often untold stories of black male executives but also serves as a roadmap for building more inclusive and empathetic leadership frameworks in every sphere of influence.

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  • In a deeply engaging episode of the Lead with Levity Podcast, hosted by Dr. Heather Walker, the spotlight was on Amber Ontiveros, a trailblazer in addressing and healing workplace discrimination. Ontiveros, with a rich background spanning from working with the Bush and Obama administrations to her profound personal journey towards understanding consciousness and unconscious bias, shared insights that promise a transformative approach to workplace dynamics and personal growth.

    The Path to End Discord
    The conversation opened with the all-too-familiar challenges many people face in creating environments where everyone feels safe and valued—spaces where creativity and ideas flourish without fear of judgment or retaliation. Ontiveros delved deep into the “two sides of the coin” conundrum, emphasizing the dance between individual intentions and collective narratives. Her work focuses on bringing to light the internal scripts running within us, challenging and healing them to foster a truly inclusive environment.

    Dr. Walker and Ontiveros explored the concept of discord in the workplace, exemplified through a scenario involving "Nick", a character resistant to feedback. This example served to introduce Ontiveros’ unique approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)—one that leverages personal transformation as a gateway to tackling broader societal and organizational challenges.

    Healing the Four Woundings
    A pivotal moment in the podcast was Ontiveros’ revelation of the "four woundings"—beliefs deeply embedded in our subconscious that perpetuate cycles of discord and discrimination. These are:
    1. I am not worthy.
    2. I am not enough.
    3. I have to win.
    4. I don’t have enough.

    Ontiveros argued that these wounds, universal to all, fuel the fires of discrimination and personal dissatisfaction. Her stirring call to action was for individuals to recognize these wound within themselves to heal and move forward, both personally and within their communities.

    Mindful Listening and Other Tools for Transformation
    The discussion introduced mindful listening—a technique Ontiveros employs to understand and dissolve the barriers erected by unconscious bias. By focusing on the breath and engaging in self-inquiry, one can uncover and address the root of discriminatory behaviors and thoughts. This tool, among others shared by Ontiveros, offers a practical approach to navigating and transforming complex interpersonal dynamics.

    Final Thoughts
    Amber Ontiveros' appearance on the Lead with Levity Podcast provided not just food for thought but a call to action for anyone looking to make a substantive change in their lives and the lives of others. Her holistic approach to addressing discrimination, rooted in personal healing and consciousness, offers a refreshing, deeply needed perspective in today's discourse on diversity and inclusion.

    For those looking to dive deeper into Ontiveros’ work or seeking guidance on their healing journey, visiting her website, healthefourwoundings.com, is a promising first step towards embracing a more inclusive, empathetic, and healing approach to life and work.

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  • In the bustling world of business and organizational management, the quest for efficiency, empowerment, and happiness within the workplace is a journey many leaders embark upon, yet few travel successfully. It was in this context that I had the privilege of sitting down with Jack Skeels, a visionary thinker, CEO of Better Company, a celebrated author, and an advocate for transformative leadership. Our conversation, rich in insights and groundbreaking ideas, revealed a clear path toward creating more empowered and happier organizations.

    The Recipe for Empowerment and Joy
    Jack Skeels, a two-time Inc. 500 award winner and a beacon in the agile transformation realm, shared his recent venture into the world of authorship with his latest book, "Unmanaged: Master the Magic of Creating Empowered and Happy Organizations." This book serves not just as a read but as a manual for those daring to venture into the depths of management innovation. Jack's journey, from a sharp, promising programmer disillusioned by the apparent disconnect between managers and their crafts, to an executive coaching guru, is more than inspiring. It's a call to action.

    His book and his principles revolve around the simple yet profound notion of managing less while excelling in four key moments: the why, what, go, and grow moments of any project or organizational initiative. Derived from a Japanese technique called BA, which emphasizes unity and collective presence, Jack advocates for building a foundational understanding and inclusion at the onset of new ventures.

    A New Paradigm in Management
    Perhaps the most enlightening aspect of our conversation was Jack's challenge to conventional management wisdom. With each anecdote and example, he peeled back the layers of management practices that hamper productivity rather than foster it. From unnecessary meetings acting as a "tax on productivity" to the modern workplace's convoluted matrix of managing relationships, Jack calls for a radical simplification of managing. His insights into how every managerial action could potentially slow down processes and make things more inefficient were both alarming and refreshing.

    Kanban: The Practical Fix
    In addressing the intertwined chaos of priorities and managerial actions, Jack highlighted the Kanban system as a beacon of hope. This agile concept encourages alignment among managers regarding priorities, essentially reviving unity in management. By making work sequences visible and priorities clear to all team members, the Kanban system ensures that efforts are focused and productivity is not just a goal but a reality.

    The Four Key Moments
    Delving deeper, Jack elaborated on the four key moments that managers should excel in: The Why Moment: Explains the context and purpose, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the project or task at hand.
    The What Moment: Clarifies what needs to be achieved, ensuring that all managers and team members are on the same page.
    The Go Moment: Encourages autonomy, allowing teams to proceed with the tasks without unnecessary intervention.
    The Grow Moment: Focuses on the growth opportunities for team members through the project, emphasizing inclusive and fair participation beyond managerial biases.

    For those looking to embark on this transformative journey, Jack Skeels' work with Better Company and his groundbreaking book offers a starting point. It's time for leaders to rethink, realign, and revolutionize their approach to management for a future where empowerment and happiness are not just goals but the very essence of organizational culture.

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  • In the latest episode of the Lead with Levity podcast, we had the pleasure of diving deep into the world of leadership and inclusion with Fabrice Desmarescaux, an international executive coach and author of "The Art of Retreats." Our lively discussion spanned topics from the essence of conscious leadership to creating inclusive environments in the workplace. This blog post recaps the insightful conversation and shares key takeaways that can help leaders foster a more engaging and equitable workplace.

    The Journey to Conscious Leadership: Fabrice Desmarescaux brings a unique perspective to leadership development, advocating for what he terms "conscious" or "contemplative leadership." This approach encourages leaders to step back, reflect, and engage with their role and impact on their teams and the organization more deliberately. He argues that the fast-paced, complex nature of the global business environment demands leaders step out of the operational whirlwind to genuinely contemplate their actions and decisions.

    One of the most compelling parts of our conversation was hearing about Fabrice's own journey. After years in the high-stakes world of banking, he experienced a personal awakening in his early forties, leading him to question the meaning and impact of his work. This revelation spurred a career shift towards executive coaching, where he now impacts others by guiding them toward more fulfilling, conscious paths of leadership.

    Addressing Inclusivity Through Psychological Safety: A significant portion of our conversation was dedicated to inclusion in the workplace, specifically addressing resistance to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Fabrice offered insights into managing such resistance, suggesting a focus on fostering psychological safety rather than engaging directly with politically charged arguments about DEI.

    He shared an innovative approach to uncover issues affecting psychological safety within teams, a method that involves team members anonymously indicating their experiences of feeling undervalued, overlooked, or silenced. This exercise has proven a powerful tool in making the invisible visible, allowing teams to confront and address issues that may otherwise go unspoken.

    The Power of Retreats and Reflection: Fabrice's book, "The Art of Retreats," advocates for the transformative power of retreats and deep reflection for leaders. He stressed the importance of occasionally disconnecting from the relentless pace of work to engage in solitude and quiet contemplation. This practice, he suggests, can lead to profound personal insights and a clearer vision for one's leadership journey and life path. Throughout the discussion, it became evident that the ability to sit with oneself and reflect is not just beneficial but crucial for sustained success and well-being in leadership roles.

    Moving Forward: The Path to Inclusive Leadership As our talk transitioned towards actionable advice for leaders, Fabrice emphasized the ongoing nature of conscious leadership development and the journey toward creating more inclusive environments. It's clear that leaders have a pivotal role in shaping organizational cultures that embrace diversity and equity while fostering a sense of belonging for all employees.

    In conclusion, this episode of Lead with Levity provided a compelling look into the importance of conscious leadership and creating inclusive workplaces. It served as a reminder that the work of being a better leader, colleague, and human is never done, but it's a journey worth embarking on for the benefit of all.

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  • Introduction:
    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your message felt lost in translation? Despite your best efforts, your words just didn't seem to have the impact you intended? We've all been there. In a world where attention spans are getting shorter, it's becoming increasingly challenging to ensure that our ideas are not only heard but also understood and embraced by others. But fear not! In this blog post, we will explore the superpower of clarity and communication and how it can help you build stronger, more meaningful connections in all areas of your life.

    The Impact of Clarity:
    In today's fast-paced world, where distractions abound, attention spans are indeed getting shorter. Your ability to communicate with clarity has never been more crucial. Whether you're at work, presenting a new idea, leading a team, or trying to get your family to help out around the house, the clarity and intention behind your words can dramatically influence the outcome of your interactions. Clear communication helps eliminate misunderstandings, fosters productivity, and builds trust among individuals.

    Introducing Dr. Pam Hurley:
    To delve into the labyrinth of effective communication, we are fortunate to have Dr. Pam Hurley as our guide. Dr. Hurley is the president and founder of Hurley Write, with a Ph.D. in technical communications. She has shared her wisdom at esteemed institutions like Duke, George Washington University, and UNC Wilmington. Dr. Hurley's expertise in this area offers a lighthouse for those striving to be more precise and purposeful in our communications.

    Understanding the Challenges:
    One of the common challenges faced by professionals is the lack of writing standards and guidance. Communication is often taught with a trial-and-error approach, leading to confusion on how to effectively convey a message. Without clear standards, writers struggle to hit a moving target, trying to communicate in different tones, styles, and voices. This lack of clarity not only affects the writers but also hampers the efficiency and productivity of the entire organization.

    The Need for Individual Improvement:
    Individuals play a crucial role in honing their writing skills and overcoming the challenges of unclear communication. It starts with understanding the audience and their preferences. Knowing the audience helps tailor the message in a way that resonates with them. Additionally, setting clear goals and outcomes for each communication piece assists in maintaining focus and providing a direction for the writing process. Practicing daily writing and reading habits sharpens the skills required for effective communication.

    Bringing Levity to the Process:
    The process of writing and receiving feedback can be intimidating. However, adopting a problem-solving mindset, critical thinking, and practicing free writing can alleviate some stress and frustrations. Free writing allows the brain to release and explore ideas that might not have emerged through linear thinking. Embracing a structured approach while still being open to creativity can make the writing process more enjoyable and less arduous.

    Preparing for Feedback:
    Feedback plays a crucial role in improving communication skills. Organizations need to set the right culture and encourage reviewers to provide constructive feedback that balances praise with constructive criticism. Reviewers should provide specific guidelines and expectations for writers, enabling them to refine their communication techniques. A culture where writers and reviewers work as partners fosters growth and effectiveness in commun

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  • Welcome to the Lead with Levity podcast, where we explore strategies for fostering workplace well-being with a touch of humor. I’m your host, Dr. Heather Walker, and our exceptionally enlightening chat this time is with Chellie Phillips. With a background in journalism and public relations, Chellie is an expert in personal branding and workplace culture enhancement. Her work prominently shines in her best-selling book, "Culture Secrets", which is an excellent guide to thriving in genuinely inclusive, authentically excellent environments.

    Defining Authentic Excellence and Inclusion
    Authentic excellence is about embracing your unique strengths and, rather than trying to fit into a specific mold, bringing your best self to work in a way that aligns with your true self. On the contrary, inclusion focuses on fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard, leading to a supportive workplace.

    A Conversation with Chellie Phillips
    Chellie is an on-point example of transforming obstacles into opportunities, supporting others, and staying true to oneself in the process. With her expertise in creating inclusive cultures and personal branding, she offers invaluable insights on career paths, self-growth, and personal branding.

    A significant aspect is to know and value oneself and be able to showcase it effectively. Whether you're a novice starting your career or a practicing professional, developing a robust personal brand is crucial to your professional and personal growth. Chellie brings a practical set of simple methods to understand oneself and use this understanding to create an impactful personal brand, promoting authenticity and resilience at their core.

    Communicating for Connection
    Every leader dreams of effectively connecting with their team without letting other responsibilities slide. Chellie Phillips echoes this feeling and shares her technique of supercharging connection within her team without sacrificing her managerial duties. She emphasizes the importance of communication and personal interaction and proposes a solution where these elements seamlessly blend with the work process.

    Chellie utilizes a ‘Monday morning check-in’ – a platform for team members to share their weekly goals, hurdles, and wins. These open lines of communication breed informed leaders and a cohesive team that recognizes and values individual inputs. The process not only builds up the work culture but also fosters the environment of open communication that is pivotal to creating vibrant workplace cultures.

    Chellie Phillips has shown us the immense possibilities that arise from authentic excellence and real inclusion in the workplace. More than that, she offers practical ways to cultivate these values, showcasing her leadership savvy and personal growth that results from her branding techniques.

    Her words resonate that failure need not be a roadblock but a beneficial learning experience, a stepping stone towards creating and maintaining successful team dynamics and a thriving work culture. After all, being authentic, resilient, and supportive defines a successful professional journey and fortifies the essence of building a powerful personal brand.

    Chellie’s enriching journey assures us that success comes from embodying a transparent, well-communicated, and empathetic leadership style, reinforcing the importance of these qualities in cultivating an environment of authentic excellence and inclusion.

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  • In our increasingly connected world, the importance of promoting a sense of community and fostering a creative environment in our workplaces cannot be overstated. Our surroundings can profoundly affect not only our productivity but also the connections we establish with each other. By channeling our understanding of the spaces around us, we can unlock the potential for innovation and collaboration, often hidden in plain sight.

    Today we welcome a special guest, Rebecca Swanner: a trailblazer in architectural engineering design. Rebecca is the Workplace Sector Leader for Harley Ellis Devereaux Corporation (HED), the firm that is redesigning the way we perceive and interact with office spaces. Her invaluable insights reveal how consciously designed spaces can foster not just productivity but also inclusion, energy, and levity, transforming our surroundings into a catalyst for clarity.

    Diverse Work Environments and their Impact

    Rebecca stresses the importance of acknowledging that people work differently in diverse environments. Some thrive amidst constant stimulation, while others need an environment that filters out as much external stimuli as possible, allowing them to concentrate solely on their tasks. A foundation of radical transparency and trust within the workplace is crucial for team members to feel comfortable in their work environments.

    Making Your Office a Home Away from Home

    With a shift toward activity-based design, giving employees a choice of where to work within a workspace is essential. Depending on their needs for the day or even the hour, they should be able to select an environment that best supports their current task. Designing specialized spaces ensures that each space is optimized for a specific type of work.

    Nurturing the Human Aspect in Design

    One of the key trends Rebecca discusses is creating neighborhoods within the workspace. By fostering a sense of community within each neighborhood, employees feel a sense of belonging and pride in their area. Personalizing the space further enhances this sense of ownership, giving employees a connection to their surroundings.

    Bringing Humanity to Workplaces

    Thinking about the workplace as a space to nurture the human mind opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. Incorporating soundscapes, pleasant scents, and elements that trigger positive memories can significantly impact an employee's mood and overall well-being. Space designed with elements of relaxation and comfort can help prevent burnout, fatigue, and keep employees engaged and inspired.

    Final Thoughts

    Re-imagining workplaces through design is a compelling and innovative approach towards building more collaborative and nurturing work environments. By prioritizing employees' well-being and leveraging the potential of well-designed spaces, companies cannot only boost their bottom line but also foster a community of inspired, dedicated, and happy employees.

    To learn more about Rebecca Swanner and HED's work, visit HED.design or connect with Rebecca on LinkedIn.

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  • In the latest episode of the 'Lead with Levity' podcast, our host, Dr. Heather Walker, had a delightful conversation with Watchen Nyanue Hampton. Watchen is a talent management strategist, founder, and CEO of 'I Choose the Ladder.' She's widely recognized for her work with Fortune 500 companies such as Nike, McDonald's, and Best Buy, empowering them to better understand, grow, and retain black female talent.

    Unmasking Professional Authenticity

    Early on, Heather and Watchen explored the concept of "authentic excellence." This idea focuses on enabling individuals to bring the best version of themselves to the workplace without feeling the need to wear a metaphorical "mask." They discussed Watchen's inspiring journey, how the 'I Choose the Ladder' initiative came to life, and why striving for professional honesty is paramount in an organization.

    The Evolution of 'I Choose the Ladder'

    Watchen shared how 'I Choose the Ladder' transitioned from a podcast into a successful business. Initially, the podcast provided a stage to interview black female executives and present their unique leadership journeys. However, as the initiative gained attention, organizations began to approach Watchen for expert advice. This unexpected turn of events led to the evolution of 'I Choose the Ladder' into a fully-fledged business aimed at empowering black women in corporate spaces.

    Discovering Professional Alignment

    As the discussion ensued, Watchen spoke about how her corporate training played a vital role in her successful entrepreneurial journey. She emphasized the importance of both personal and professional relationships in fueling her career growth. Moreover, she shared how a leap of faith led her to discover professional alignment and make "magical things happen.”

    Promoting Transparency and Vulnerability in Leadership

    Dr. Heather noted an emerging trend in today's corporate world - a call for increased transparency and vulnerability from leaders. She highlighted Watchen's suggestion for leaders to humanize corporate experiences and live up to their stated values to build a strong, diverse workforce.

    Addressing the Challenge and Cultivating Balance

    Closing the conversation, Watchen addressed the specific scenario of a manager who struggles to express vulnerability at work. She advised that launching small, safe techniques to build connections with their team could make a significant difference.

    On a personal note, Watchen shared how she maintains balance amidst her responsibilities as an entrepreneur and a mother. For her, prioritizing things important to her, giving herself grace during challenging times, and ensuring she is on her list of priorities are the key elements of achieving personal balance.


    The candid conversation with Watchen Nyanue provided insightful perspectives about nurturing authentic leadership and fostering diversity in corporate spaces. Her journey is a testament to how resilience, faith, and a healthy grasp on work-life balance can make all the difference as one ascends the ladders of personal and professional success.

    To learn more about Watchen and her initiative, visit the 'Choose the Ladder' website, follow 'I Choose the Ladder' on Instagram, or connect with Watchen Nyanue Hampton on LinkedIn.

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  • I am thrilled to announce the first episode of the Lead with Levity podcast for 2024! 🎊 In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing the incredible Sam Yankelevitch, an expert in overcoming the fear of failure.

    Sam shared his unique perspective on failure and how we can bring more levity into our lives to approach work and relationships with intention. He even wrote a fascinating book called "An Interview with Failure," which takes a fictional approach to explore this topic.

    During our conversation, Sam discussed the power of words and how they impact our behaviors and success. He emphasized the importance of understanding failure and removing the fear associated with it, allowing us to pursue our goals without hesitation.

    In addition to Sam's insights, I also shared some exciting updates for the podcast this year. We will be focusing on 12 big challenges and inviting expert guests to discuss topics such as building trust, leveraging technology, and making learning fun.

    So, if you're ready to kickstart 2024 with a fresh mindset and a dose of levity, be sure to tune in to this episode of the Lead with Levity podcast. You won't want to miss it!

    To listen to the episode and learn more about our upcoming challenges, visit www.leadwithlevity.com/podcast. And don't forget to check out Sam's book, "An Interview with Failure," for an intriguing and enlightening read.

    Let's make this year one of growth, joy, and success together!

    Stay tuned for more exciting episodes and valuable insights on the Lead with Levity podcast.

    #LeadWithLevity #Podcast #NewEpisode #Failure #Mindset #Growth #Success

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  • In this episode, Dr. Leslie Becker Phelps discusses her book "Bouncing Back from Rejection" and shares valuable insights on how to become resilient in connecting with and understanding others as well as ourselves.

    Join us as we dive deep into the topic and explore the importance of compassionate self-awareness. Whether you're struggling with rejection or want to help young people in your life navigate through it, this episode offers practical tools and advice.

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  • In this episode of the Lead with Levity podcast, Dr. Heather Walker sits down with Jeff Jenkins, a travel journalist and entrepreneur, to discuss his journey of facing fears and living courageously.

    They explore topics such as overcoming obstacles, pushing past fears, and embracing opportunities. Join them as they dive deep into the power of never saying never.

    Don't miss out on this inspiring conversation that will help you think about your own challenges in a whole new way. Like and subscribe to the podcast to stay updated on future episodes.

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  • In this episode of the Lead with Levity podcast, host Dr. Heather Walker interviews Dr. Kharazi, a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon and founder of the Heart of Motivation Consulting Practice. Dr. Kharazi shares insights on how to thrive in high-risk, high-stress careers, drawing from her experiences in the medical field and her passion for skydiving. Discover the importance of mindset and self-care in managing stress and making informed decisions.

    Whether you're in the healthcare industry or any other profession, this episode offers valuable lessons for navigating stress in your daily life. Tune in and gain inspiration for living your best life. Don't forget to check out the show notes for links and resources mentioned in the episode.

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  • Hey there, podcast fam! I'm super excited to announce our latest episode featuring the incredible Dr. Heather Walker, founder of Lead with Levity with our host System and Soul.

    In this episode, we dive deep into team dynamics, culture, and overall health in the workplace. Dr. Walker, an organizational psychologist, brings her expertise and passion for creating positive work environments to the table. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one!

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  • In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Julienne B. Ryan, a New Yorker who knows a thing or two about navigating the holidays with grace. Julienne shared some incredible words of wisdom that I can't wait to pass on to you.

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    Did you have any lightbulb moments while listening? Share it with us on Instagram @leadwithlevity or visit our website leadwithlevity.com so we can talk about it!

  • In this episode, Heather - our host will be our guest. She shares some valuable insights on how to make work more than just a grind and hustle for money. She dives into the importance of bringing our passions into our work, finding enjoyment, and making a positive impact on our communities, homes, businesses, and customers.

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    Did you have any lightbulb moments while listening? Share it with us on Instagram @leadwithlevity or visit our website leadwithlevity.com so we can talk about it!

  • Exciting news! The latest episode of the Lead with Levity is here, and it's filled with incredible insights and takeaways that you won't want to miss.

    In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with an amazing guest, Aneace Haddad, who shared his wisdom on the power of mindfulness and self-reflection.

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    Did you have any lightbulb moments while listening? Share it with us on Instagram @leadwithlevity or visit our website leadwithlevity.com so we can talk about it!

  • In this episode with author and speaker, Joshua Becker, we dive deep into the world of minimalism and how it can transform not only your physical space, but also your leadership style and your life.

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    Did you have any lightbulb moments while listening? Share it with us on Instagram @leadwithlevity or visit our website leadwithlevity.com so we can talk about it!

  • Hey everyone! I am excited to announce the latest episode of Lead with Levity podcast show where we dive into the world of leadership training and development. In this episode, we explore the importance of experiential learning, reflective dialogue, and the power of gratitude in facilitating impactful trainings with our very special guest, Dr. Jonathan Kroll.

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    Did you have any lightbulb moments while listening? Share it with us on Instagram @leadwithlevity or visit our website leadwithlevity.com so we can talk about it!