Learn to use Swedish numbers in real life by talking about time and the clock. - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
Puuttuva jakso?
Everyone has something they are extra passionate about. In this lesson you will learn to speak about your hobbies and interests in Swedish. - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
It's time to take everything we have learned so far and flip it upside down by adding negations to statements, subclauses, and questions. - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
So far, we have been learning how to speak in statements in Swedish – but how do Swedish questions sound? - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
"Hej" or "hallå" – how do you properly greet a Swede. Is there any polite or rude greeting? Let's answer those questions in this lesson and learn some of the most important Swedish words. - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
In this lesson you will get to know the three special Swedish letters Å, Ä, and Ö as well as learning the Swedish numbers and how to stack them for creating bigger values. - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
The Swedish prepositions till, åt, and för almost seem to mean the same. In this lesson you'll learn how to use them. - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
Parts of speech are basically the building blocks of a language and if you want to learn one, this lessons will help you to understand better the anatomy of languages. - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
Prepo… wait, what? What prepositions are and how are they used in Swedish? - Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Be a part of our community and get extra content and more free lessons at www.sayitinswedish.com
- Näytä enemmän