You ever been aksed a question? What about asked one? I'd be willing to bet it's both. Let's take a quick look at metathesis and why it's not necessary to use it to judge people's intelligence.
You ever kiss a person and think, "What if this is a language sound?" Us neither. Turns out it is! Let's take a look at cool sounds in language together.
Puuttuva jakso?
Well, since we are talking about time, let’s apply it to language! In this episode, Seth talks grammatical tense, aspect, and mood. So, let’s talk talk!
Are you ever in an argument and feel like you just can't get your message across? Us too. That's why we talked to Chris Tatem -- the host of the Cross Examined Life podcast -- in order to clarify a few things about arguing. Join us on our mission to understand how to argue effectively. Hearts, minds, and opinions are open to change! We just have to approach it with cross exam. __The Cross Examined Life * * _ _ * _ _ _ _ *_ _ Website : http://www.crossexaminedlife.com _ _ * _Facebook Group_* : https://www.facebook.com/groups/crossexaminedlife/?fref=mentions * _i_* * _Tunes:_* _ *_ * __https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cross-examined-life/id1206053620?mt=2 &ign-mpt=uo%3D4
This episode, some of humanity's oldest emergent phenomena (music and language) go head-to-head once again in similarity and contrast! Join our conversation while we deep dive into a little theory here and there in regard to both of these cool topics. * _ _Note* Seth says "Moonlight" in the show but clearly means "La La Land." Sorry for the confusion!__** __ Sleep Talk Podcast with Let's Talk Talk : _ _ https://overcast.fm/+IkfrZIYxg Matthew Moore Email (for music composition commissions): **matt.ross1337@gmail.com LTT Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ LTT Twitter : https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
Ever see those really long words in foreign languages? Why does that happen? Well, sometimes it's because of agglutination. Let's take a short look at this system in this episode of Talk Tidbits!
Happy Mother's Day! In this Talk Tidbit, Kristen and Seth talk about why so many languages call Mom, "mom!" Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD Rate us on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-talk-talk/id1202606074
The man who created the languages of "Game of Thrones" tells us that we're all pronouncing Khaleesi wrong! Come listen to David Peterson talk to us about conlangs (constructed languages) this week on Let's Talk Talk! The Art of Language Invention: http://amzn.to/2pHVag9 Let's Talk Talk Social: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-talk-talk/id1202606074 Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Dfwfvztsyzx4tqa7fqe72ujlqo4?t=13_Conlangs_with_David_J_Peterson-Lets_Talk_Talk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD David J. Peterson Social: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dedalvs Website: http://www.artoflanguageinvention.com/
Holy Cow to Beef, Batman! Beef and Cow come from the same root word?! This week, we have Mark Sundaram & Aven McMaster from The Endless Knot Podcast to tell us just why Etymology is so cool. Word Drops: A sprinkling of Linguistic Curiosities: http://amzn.to/2pmkDvu Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD The Endless Knot Website: http://www.alliterative.net/podcast/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Alliterative Twitter: https://twitter.com/alliterative Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alliterativeendlessknot/ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-endless-knot/id1016322923?mt=2
What is "IT" truly that's raining outside? The sky? The weather? Goblins? Let's find out! This Talk Tidbit explores why we sometimes use "dummy pronouns" in English. Music Provided by: www.Bensound.com (track title: the lounge) Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
We have our first "Talk Tidbit" this week! You ever catch your self apologizing for apologizing? In this short episode, we discuss Contronyms (words that mean their own opposites) and why they happen! Music Provided (the lounge) by: http://www.bensound.com/ Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
What a show! Is a basketball only for sports? Why does a woman need a title that tells her marital status?! This week we have Comedian Jared Lowry talking with us about performance identity and language (we also have Jay Jackson in the studio). Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
Is Danish just Norwegian with a mouth full of potatoes? Does speaking more than one language have a downside? What country had the best Vikings? Let's find out on this episode of Let's Talk Talk with Ismar Muhic, a Linguist coming out of St. Johns, Newfoundland in Canada. So, Let's talk talk. Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
Today we have a short little episode reminding the folks at home that the Irish Language still exists! And it's cool too. Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
Well, we are certainly NSFW this episode! Ever wonder why folks get offended at COMEDY? Us too. This week, we talk to Comedian and Actor Kayla Esmond about the Performing Arts and Language. Let's Talk Talk's version of 2 Truths & A Lie in the is episode, fam. Make sure to rate us on iTunes and love us on your favorite social media platforms! Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
Holy Cow! You sure you know your Star Wars? How about your grammar? This week, we have fitness blogger and television news producer, Kristen Wilson, on the show to discuss the four big components of Linguistics! Be sure to visit www.DeadliftDolls.com to check out her writing on women and fitness. It's fantastic - easy to consume- content! Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
Are you ready to get "turnt" for linguistics?! Yeah, us too. I bet you probably thought once or twice about the Tower of Babel too - just like us. Join in on the conversation as your host, Seth Wilson, discusses Humans and Language with Archaeologist Jared Wilson on this week's episode of Let's Talk Talk. Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
We got you, "fam." This week, we have Music Theorist Matt Moore on the show discussing the intimate and intricate relationship between the origins of language and the origins of music. Plenty of knowledge and dank memes for everyone! Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
Are men too rude? Are women too polite? Let's find out! Comedian, Musician, and Entertainer - Jay Jackson - joins in this week's discussion of Gender and Language on Let's Talk Talk with Seth Wilson. Let's Talk Talk Social: Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/LetsTalkTalkPodcast/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/LetsTalkTalkPOD
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