
  • Kayla and Venus discuss the many drugs in the 1994 cult classic, Pulp Fiction, and also talk about why they like (and dislike) the movie.

    Listen to the whole episode over on Patreon at the $2 tier, and watch our next movie with us on Discord by joining the $5 tier.


  • Between 1997 and 2007, a Mexican street gang known as "Las Goteras" poisoned and robbed men, killing as many as 70 with simple but deadly eye drops. Much like this isn't the first time we've featured eye drops, Las Goteras were not the only ones using this method.


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  • Charged Lemonade, Coca-Cola, and caffeinated potato chips - oh my! Caffeine may be everywhere, but that doesn't mean it's not dangerous at the wrong dose (and that's probably lower than you think it is).


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    Citations available on Kayla's blog at writerkaylawoods.wordpress.com

  • Following the events in Minamata, Japan, mercury came under intense scrutiny by researchers, physicians, and parents alike. One kind of mercury is not like another, but what does that mean when there's mercury in vaccines?


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  • In 2001, anthrax sent in the US mail as part of two separate biochemical terrorist attacks killed five people and sickened dozens of others. The Amerithrax investigation did not officially end for another nine years and it is unclear if the killer responsible was truly identified.


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  • Spanish Fly is a potent poison with purported aphrodisiac effects, and it was used to kill two women in 1954 just because their office manager wanted to have sex with one of them.


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  • This is the survival story Aimo Koivunen, where snow, meth, and a dash of Finnish spirit make for an arctic adventure that no one expected.

    Listen to the whole story and watch the accompanying video only on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/lethaldosepod


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  • Larry McNabney was a Las Vegas lawyer and horse lover who was poisoned with horse tranquilizer by his wife and her best friend in 2001.


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  • Two siblings were found dead in their Colorado home in 2002, but was their death an accident from misreading a cold syrup label, or was it homicide? Mistakes with the toxicology made interpreting the situation much more difficult in this case.


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    Find the citations for this episode at Kayla's Website writerkaylawoods.wordpress.com

  • After the Manhattan Project ended, its legacy continued. Plutonium production at the Hanford Nuclear Site increased, as did work at Los Alamos and Oak Ridge, so that more nuclear bombs could be dropped at the Nevada Test Site and on the Marshall Islands in the name of science and "supremacy."


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  • This story goes beyond the work of Oppenheimer, Groves, and all the other Nobel laureate scientists and uncovers the injuries inflicted upon Americans across the country and hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in the 1940s. And it's only the beginning.


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  • In 2016, a beauty stylist accused a client of attempting to kill her with poisoned cheesecake, but that's just the tip of the iceberg in this story.


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  • There are only two recorded cases of homicidal poisoning in the UK using aconitine. Venus and Kayla discuss both of them and think about how little has changed in over 100 years.


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  • In the 1950s, the citizens of Minamata, Japan began experiencing strange symptoms from a disease that authorities struggled to identify and the government failed to properly protect them from.


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    Find the works cited for this episode on Kayla's blog.

  • Venus and Kayla describe the return of a heavy hitter in this classic drama!

    Content warning: mentions of rape and incest

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  • This microdose talks about the poisons in one of Kayla and Venus' favorite movies, and we also do some myth busting!

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  • For the first summer movie night of 2023, we watched The Wizard of Oz. This microdose covers the poisons used in the plot and on the set of the Hollywood classic.

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  • This season finale episode concludes the story of Charles Sobhraj and his accomplices Marie-Andree Leclerc and Ajay Chowdury, who helped him poison, rob, and murder an untold number of tourists in Southeast Asia in 1975 and 1976. Get out your globes for this one!


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  • The serial killer Charles Sobhraj, later known as The Serpent or the Bikini Killer, started out with petty crimes and poisonings during a fractured adolescence divided between Vietnam and France and quickly escalated, leaving a trail of people who liked and trusted him reeling in his wake.


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