
  • 《#罪後真相 - The Post-Truth World 》 ♠️ Description: A has-been newscaster Liu Li-min is taken hostage by an escaped inmate Zhang Zheng-yi, who pleads his innocence. To Liu's astonishment, Zhang claims that he was smeared by Liu's departed wife. Thus, Liu teams up with Zhang and reinvestigates Zhang's murder case to help his beloved be cleared of blame. However, the more they get to the bottom of the case, the further the truth is beyond their reach. 劉立民,曾經的新聞主播,被一名逃犯張正義劫持。張正義聲稱自己是無辜的。令劉立民驚訝的是,張正義宣稱他是被劉立民已故的妻子陷害的。因此,劉立民決定與張正義合作,重新調查張正義的謀殺案件,以幫助清除他心愛之人的罪名。然而,隨著他們深入調查,真相卻越來越難以觸及。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ If your sibling was a fugitive would you help them hide or turn them in? - 如果你的兄弟姐妹是逃犯,你會幫助他們藏匿還是把他們舉報? ♦️ When will there be a referendum to vote for the death penalty? - 什麼時候會有關於死刑的公投? ♦️ If you are innocent, but everyone feels you are a murderer, what to do? - 如果你是無辜的,但大家都認為你是殺人犯,該怎麼辦? ♦️ If you knew someone was innocent, would you try to help them? - 如果你知道某人是無辜的,你會嘗試幫助他們嗎? ♦️ Why do Taiwanese parents not believe in sports being a potential future? - 為什麼台灣父母不相信體育可能是未來的出路? ♦️ If you found out your parents did something bad to your sibling, what would you do ? - 如果你發現父母對你的兄弟姐妹做了壞事,你會怎麼做? ♦️ Should news agencies publicly expose who their shareholders are? - 新聞機構是否應該公開他們的股東是誰? ♦️ How much should the court compensate for someone wrongly imprisoned for years? - 法院應該如何補償那些被錯誤監禁多年的無辜者? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#罪後真相 - The Post-Truth World 》 ♠️ Description: A has-been newscaster Liu Li-min is taken hostage by an escaped inmate Zhang Zheng-yi, who pleads his innocence. To Liu's astonishment, Zhang claims that he was smeared by Liu's departed wife. Thus, Liu teams up with Zhang and reinvestigates Zhang's murder case to help his beloved be cleared of blame. However, the more they get to the bottom of the case, the further the truth is beyond their reach. 劉立民,曾經的新聞主播,被一名逃犯張正義劫持。張正義聲稱自己是無辜的。令劉立民驚訝的是,張正義宣稱他是被劉立民已故的妻子陷害的。因此,劉立民決定與張正義合作,重新調查張正義的謀殺案件,以幫助清除他心愛之人的罪名。然而,隨著他們深入調查,真相卻越來越難以觸及。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Does your dream have to be my dream? - 你的夢想是否必須是我的夢想? ♦️ With so much talent in Taiwan, should the government start supporting athletes like other countries? - 台灣有這麼多人才,政府是否應該像其他國家一樣支持運動員? ♦️ Are you optimistic or pessimistic type when it comes to dreams? - 對於夢想,你是樂觀型還是悲觀型? ♦️ Would you continue loving someone if you know their parents don’t like you? - 如果你知道某人父母不喜歡你,你還會繼續愛那個人嗎? ♦️ If you fight over money while dating, would you still imagine a future with that partner? - 如果在約會中因錢爭吵,你還會想像和那位伴侶的未來嗎? ♦️ How involved should we be in our teenager’s love life? - 我們在青少年戀愛生活中應該多麼介入? ♦️ Should society think of another way to punish criminals? - 社會是否應該考慮另一種方式來懲罰罪犯? ♦️ Even in danger, would you still try to use the moment for publicity ? - 即使面臨危險,你還會嘗試利用這一刻進行宣傳嗎? ♦️ Should news agencies be fined for intentionally exposing fake news for media exposure? - 新聞機構是否應該因故意曝光假新聞而被罰款? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

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  • 《#緝魂 - The Soul 》 ♠️ Description: Liang Wen Chao is a man suffering from cancer, yet remains dedicated to his job. His wife A Bao is pregnant with their child. When Wang Shi Chong, the chairman of a famous conglomerate, died tragically in his home, the couple took on the difficult case. Through their meticulous investigations, they discover intricate connections between everyone: the son of the deceased Wang Tian You and his wife Li Yan, Wang Shi Chong's long-time partner Wan Yu Fan and even his dead ex-wife Tang Su Zhen. As more clues rise to the surface, the situation becomes more complicated. After all, what can be seen by the naked eye might not always be true. 梁文超是一名身患癌症的男子,但他仍然堅守在自己的工作崗位上。他的妻子阿寶正懷著他們的孩子。當著名集團的董事長王世聰在家中慘死時,這對夫妻接下了這個棘手的案件。通過他們細緻的調查,他們發現每個人之間都有著錯綜複雜的關聯:死者的兒子王天佑與他的妻子李妍,王世聰的長期夥伴萬玉凡,甚至還有已故的前妻唐素珍。隨著更多線索浮出水面,情況變得越來越複雜。畢竟,肉眼所見並不總是真實的。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ With mental health issues becoming more and more common, should we monitor our loved ones more closely? - 隨著心理健康問題越來越普遍,我們應該更加密切地監控我們的親人嗎? ♦️ What to do when it feels like “something else” is living in your house? - 當你感覺到家裡有「某種東西」存在時,你會怎麼辦? ♦️ Should getting the cure for cancer cost you your life savings? - 獲得癌症的治療是否應該讓你耗盡一生的積蓄? ♦️ Even with all the money in the world, why are so many wealthy families still dysfunctional? - 即使擁有全世界的財富,為什麼許多富裕家庭仍然功能失調? ♦️ Would you buy a wife? - 你會買一個妻子嗎? ♦️ Would you break the law to save your sick partner’s life? - 你會為了拯救生病的伴侶而違法嗎? ♦️ When is it really time for a CEO to step down? - 什麼時候是CEO真正應該退位的時候? ♦️ What to do when your lover gets married ? - 當你的愛人結婚時,你會怎麼辦? ♦️ If your body was reaching its last days and you could transfer into anything, would it be another human or animal? - 如果你的身體即將走到盡頭,你可以轉移到任何東西中,你會選擇另一個人類還是動物? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#緝魂 - The Soul 》 ♠️ Description: Liang Wen Chao is a man suffering from cancer, yet remains dedicated to his job. His wife A Bao is pregnant with their child. When Wang Shi Chong, the chairman of a famous conglomerate, died tragically in his home, the couple took on the difficult case. Through their meticulous investigations, they discover intricate connections between everyone: the son of the deceased Wang Tian You and his wife Li Yan, Wang Shi Chong's long-time partner Wan Yu Fan and even his dead ex-wife Tang Su Zhen. As more clues rise to the surface, the situation becomes more complicated. After all, what can be seen by the naked eye might not always be true. 梁文超是一名身患癌症的男子,但他仍然堅守在自己的工作崗位上。他的妻子阿寶正懷著他們的孩子。當著名集團的董事長王世聰在家中慘死時,這對夫妻接下了這個棘手的案件。通過他們細緻的調查,他們發現每個人之間都有著錯綜複雜的關聯:死者的兒子王天佑與他的妻子李妍,王世聰的長期夥伴萬玉凡,甚至還有已故的前妻唐素珍。隨著更多線索浮出水面,情況變得越來越複雜。畢竟,肉眼所見並不總是真實的。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ What if you find out one of your family members was part of a cult?- 如果你發現你的一個家庭成員參加了一個邪教,你會怎麼辦? ♦️ If you found out your partner has cancer, but they don’t want to fight, what to do? - 如果你發現你的伴侶得了癌症,但他們不想接受治療,你會怎麼辦? ♦️ If your company is very successful, is it morally right to donate to charity ? - 如果你的公司非常成功,捐款給慈善機構在道德上是正確的嗎? ♦️ What if your name is not in the will? - 如果你的名字不在遺囑中,你會怎麼想? ♦️ When one of your family members is a lost cause, will you still love them or let them go? - 當你的家庭成員成為無可救藥的人,你還會愛他們還是放手? ♦️ What type of person will you let handle your family affairs? - 你會選擇哪種人來處理你的家庭事務? ♦️ If your child grew up looking more and more like the partner you hate, could you still look at them? - 如果你的孩子越長越像你討厭的伴侶,你還能看著他們嗎? ♦️ Is suicide really and truly the last option? - 自殺真的是最後的選擇嗎? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《# 關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事 - Marry My Dead Body 》 ♠️ Description: Wu Ming-Han, a straight policeman who is homophobic and ghost-phobic, accidentally picks up a red wedding envelope while collecting evidence. He finds himself betrothed to the envelope's owner Mao Pang-Yu, a gay man who died under mysterious circumstances. The duo must work through their differences and join forces to solve the case, seeking justice for Mao. 恐同又怕鬼的直男警察吳明翰在辦案蒐證時誤撿紅包,與因一場意外冤死的毛毛被迫結為連理,兩人只好攜手辦案,共同找出肇事兇手替毛毛伸冤,展開一段荒謬又笑中帶淚的旅程。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ With everyone having smartphones, would you be angry if your partner disappears all day? - 每個人都有智能手機,如果你的伴侶消失了一整天,你會生氣嗎? ♦️ What to do if your partner keeps pressuring you to get married ? - 如果你的伴侶一直催促你結婚,你該怎麼辦? ♦️ What if you really want to marry someone, but they don’t want? - 如果你真的想和某人結婚,但他們不想,你該怎麼辦? ♦️ Should we stop making promises and seize the moment? - 我們應該停止做出承諾並抓住當下嗎? ♦️ What kind of life do you really want with your partner? - 你希望和你的伴侶過什麼樣的生活? ♦️ If so many married couples are unhappy, is it better to be single? - 如果這麼多已婚夫婦不幸福,單身會更好嗎? ♦️ Would you accept your son or daughter being gay or lesbian? - 你會接受你的兒子或女兒是同性戀嗎? ♦️ What if you caught your son or daughter’s lover with another partner? - 如果你抓到你兒子或女兒的戀人和其他人在一起,你會怎麼辦? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《# 關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事 - Marry My Dead Body 》 ♠️ Description: Wu Ming-Han, a straight policeman who is homophobic and ghost-phobic, accidentally picks up a red wedding envelope while collecting evidence. He finds himself betrothed to the envelope's owner Mao Pang-Yu, a gay man who died under mysterious circumstances. The duo must work through their differences and join forces to solve the case, seeking justice for Mao. 恐同又怕鬼的直男警察吳明翰在辦案蒐證時誤撿紅包,與因一場意外冤死的毛毛被迫結為連理,兩人只好攜手辦案,共同找出肇事兇手替毛毛伸冤,展開一段荒謬又笑中帶淚的旅程。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ What to do if you are straight and gay guys keep looking at you in the gym? - 如果你是異性戀,但在健身房裡總是有同性戀男人盯著你看,你該怎麼辦? ♦️ If you were a police officer, what would you eat during a stakeout? - 如果你是一名警察,在埋伏期間你會吃什麼? ♦️ Would you marry a dead body? - 你會嫁給一具屍體嗎? ♦️ When is it time to tell the grandparents “Please stop pressuring me” - 什麼時候該對祖父母說「請不要再逼我了」? ♦️ If a sign keeps chasing you, would you accept fate or keep running? - 如果一個徵兆不斷追著你,你會接受命運還是繼續逃跑? ♦️ If you passed away single, what type of person would you want to marry your dead body? - 如果你單身過世,你希望什麼樣的人娶你的屍體? ♦️ Do you think spirits are around us? - 你認為我們周圍有靈魂存在嗎? ♦️ What would you do if your family married your dead body to someone you don't like? - 如果你的家人把你的屍體嫁給一個你不喜歡的人,你會怎麼辦? ♦️ If your phone was to be unlocked, what would you not want to be discovered? - 如果你的手機被解鎖了,你不希望被發現什麼? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 EP8 ♠️ Description: What on earth is she doing here? Rebecca keeps observing Qing Fen, speculating about her intentions. Anyway, she's got nothing to lose now. So, Rebecca accepts her enemy's challenge. After they start talking, they talk about so much more. Then they realize that the enemy is the one who knows them best. It turns out that the one who knows me best hits me on the sore spot. In fact, there's only a fine line between a friend and an enemy. What actually trips us isn't the blooming flower on the other side, but ourselves… 她到底在這裡做什麼?Rebecca 一直在觀察慶芬,猜測她的意圖。不管怎樣,現在她已經沒什麼可失去了。所以,Rebecca 接受了敵人的挑戰。在她們開始交談之後,話題越聊越多。然後她們意識到,敵人其實是最了解自己的人。原來,最了解自己的人正是會戳中痛處的人。事實上,朋友和敵人之間只有一線之隔。真正絆倒我們的,不是彼岸盛開的花朵,而是我們自己…… - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️Will you really feel better after having an affair ? - 你真的會在出軌後感覺好一點嗎? ♦️What does the ocean breeze remind you of? - 海風會讓你想起什麼? ♦️Is it embarrassing to be a stay at home dad or mom? - 做家庭主夫或家庭主婦會讓你感到尷尬嗎? ♦️Do you post sometimes to make others jealous? - 你會發帖子是為了讓別人嫉妒嗎? ♦️Would you still ask for alimony if you are the one who cheated ? - 如果是你出軌了,你還會要求贍養費嗎? ♦️Should alimony be based on salary or the situation of divorcing parents? - 贍養費應該根據薪水還是離婚父母的情況來決定? ♦️Could you be friends with the ex-lover of your ex-lover? - 你能和你前任的前任做朋友嗎? ♦️How much do you need to retire happy? - 你需要多少錢才能幸福退休? ♦️If you are not great at making a living, how do you go on living? - 如果你不擅長賺錢,你會如何繼續生活? ♦️When you can’t hit the z’s, what do you do to fall asleep? - 當你睡不著的時候,你會做什麼來入睡? ♦️What is perfectly imperfect about you? - 你覺得自己有什麼不完美之處,但又恰好是你獨特的魅力? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 EP7 ♠️ Description: As if she's woken from a dream, Qing Fen has gained enlightenment after messing up her life. If she and Rebecca are two entangling particles, then she would want Rebecca to live well. She goes around asking after Rebecca. Finally, she hears about their romance from Yu Xiang Li. Qing Fen is caught up in their love story, unsure if she's happy for Rebecca, or for herself. So, she decides to look for an answer. 彷彿從夢中醒來,慶芬在搞砸了自己的生活後頓悟了。如果她和Rebecca是兩個糾纏的粒子,那麼她希望Rebecca能過得好。她到處打聽Rebecca的情況。最終,她從宇翔那裡聽到了他們的戀情。慶芬被他們的愛情故事所吸引,不確定自己是為Rebecca感到高興,還是為自己。於是,她決定去尋找答案。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️Do you believe in quantum entanglement? - 你相信量子糾纏嗎? ref. 量子糾纏 - when two particles link together in a certain way no matter how far apart they are in space.In this view, entangled relationships encompass more than just physical proximity; they involve a deep and profound connection that transcends the limitations of time and space. 量子糾纏是指兩個粒子以某種方式連接在一起,無論它們在空間中相隔多遠。從這個角度看,糾纏的關係不僅僅是物理上的接近,而是超越時間和空間限制的深刻聯繫。 ♦️Do you ever think about who your ex is currently dating? - 你會想知道你的前任現在在和誰約會嗎? ♦️Could you continue living in the same house you divorced in? - 你能繼續住在你離婚的房子裡嗎? ♦️What if someone is the one, but they don’t realize it yet? - 如果某人是你的真命天子/天女,但他們還沒有意識到,你會怎麼辦? ♦️What to do when you find out you are stuck in a “vanilla relationship”? - 當你發現自己陷入了一個“香草關係”時,你會怎麼辦? ref. A vanilla relationship is one with all the traditional values in dating, such as commitment, trust, no kink, heterosexuality in most cases, monogamy, and anything usual. “香草關係”指的是一個具有所有傳統約會價值觀的關係,如承諾、信任、沒有奇怪的癖好、多數情況下是異性戀、一夫一妻制,和其他常見的關係。 ♦️Do you prefer someone to always be there when you need them or is it ok to miss them sometimes? - 你更喜歡有人在你需要他們的時候總是陪在你身邊,還是有時候想念他們也可以? ♦️What type of person are you when you get drunk? - 你喝醉時是什麼樣的人? ♦️If your partner had breast cancer, would you still be attracted to her? - 如果你的伴侶得了乳腺癌,你還會被她吸引嗎? ♦️Do you love because you are selfish or because you are really in love? - 你是因為自私而愛,還是因為真正的愛? ♦️Beyond making love, what are the simplicities of love that you want and need? - 除了做愛,你想要和需要的愛情簡單之處是什麼? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 EP6 ♠️ Description: Qing Fen withers like a flower as she looks after her mother-in-law. She can't feel bad for herself because she knows that once she does, she will crumble. So, she hates it when He Rui Zhi thanks her for her efforts. However, Rebecca's happiness and smiles on her social media become sort of a release for Qing Fen. She knows she's utterly defeated, but at least her enemy isn't aware of it. But just when she's about to shrivel up, she gets that "One Like"… 慶芬在照顧婆婆時,自己也像花朵一樣枯萎。她不能為自己感到難過,因為她知道一旦這樣做,她會徹底崩潰。所以,她討厭何瑞之感謝她的努力。然而,Rebecca 在社交媒體上的快樂和笑容成了慶芬的一種釋放。她知道自己徹底失敗了,但至少她的敵人還不知道。然而,就在她即將完全枯萎的時候,她收到了那個 "一個讚"…… - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Who will always be a smile in your heart? ref.心裡永遠的微笑 - 誰會永遠是你心裡的微笑? ♦️ Could you work in another city away from your spouse? - 你能在另一個城市工作而離開你的配偶嗎? ♦️ If you are in love with someone in your company, would you resign if the company has a no dating policy or pretend in the office? - 如果你愛上了公司裡的人,公司有禁止約會的政策,你會辭職還是在辦公室假裝? ♦️ Should we still get on one knee to propose or just ask directly? - 我們應該還是單膝跪地求婚還是直接問就好? ♦️ If you don’t marry someone, does it mean you don’t love them? - 如果你不娶或不嫁某人,這是否意味著你不愛他們? ♦️ Is it your duty to take care of your partner’s parents if they get sick ? - 如果你的伴侶父母生病了,你有義務照顧他們嗎? ♦️ Can you find happiness in a trapped life? - 你能在困住的生活中找到快樂嗎? ♦️ Is it considered cheating if you were just vulnerable from pain? - 如果你只是因為痛苦而脆弱,這算是出軌嗎? ♦️ If the love has completely died in your marriage, would you tell your partner you slept with someone else, or keep it a secret? - 如果婚姻中的愛情完全消失了,你會告訴你的伴侶你和別人上床了,還是保守這個秘密? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 EP5 ♠️ Description: After Qing Fen's mother-in-law had a bad fall, her life changes drastically. She acts as if she's done something wrong and pays special attention to He Rui Zhi's mood. But the more careful she is, the more mistakes she makes. Yet looking at a worn-out and guilt-ridden He Rui Zhi, the emotional abuse seems to reveal the anger that she's buried deep down in her heart for 12 years. At the same time, Rebecca is trying to make up with her past self from 12 years ago. She lets go of her past and decides to move on to a new future. However, a competitive Qing Fen makes a decision 自從慶芬的婆婆摔了一跤後,她的生活發生了巨大的變化。她表現得像是做錯了什麼事一樣,特別注意何瑞之的情緒。可是她越是小心翼翼,犯的錯誤就越多。然而,看著疲憊不堪、內疚不已的何瑞之,這種情感上的折磨似乎揭示了她深埋心底十二年的憤怒。同時,Rebecca 也在努力與十二年前的自己和解。她放下過去,決定邁向新的未來。然而,充滿競爭心的慶芬做出了決定。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Is it all an imagination ? Ref. 梦幻泡影 - 這一切都是幻覺嗎?參考:夢幻泡影? ♦️ Can you hate your ex forever? - 你能永遠恨你的前任嗎? ♦️ Is 24 hours in a day enough? - 一天24小時夠用嗎? ♦️ When chasing your potential lover, do you prefer an easy snatch or a challenge? - 在追求潛在戀人的時候,你喜歡輕鬆得手還是喜歡挑戰? ♦️ How far can a thank you go? - 一句謝謝能走多遠? ♦️ Is it easier to hate someone than love them? - 恨一個人比愛一個人容易嗎? ♦️ How to know when you are somebody’s “the one”? - 如何知道自己是某人的「那個對的人」? ♦️ Are you someone’s love or destiny? - 你是某人的愛情還是命運? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 EP4 ♠️ Description: Qing Fen often recalls how she suffered while trying to win over He Rui Zhi. So, when she finally married him, it's as if she'd won a medal. From time to time, she can't help but remind him of it. Not just him, but also her. Since Qing Fen liked Rebecca's SNS post, there's been no update. Qing Fen feels quite smug about it. Rebecca has to go through the pains of moving to a new place again, and it makes her remember the guy who once told her, "Don't be afraid, I'm right here." But now, all she's got left is a boy who would have dinner with her, the boy who has witnessed her fragility. 慶芬經常回想起為了贏得何瑞之的心所經歷的痛苦。所以,當她終於嫁給他時,就像是贏得了一枚獎牌。時不時地,她忍不住提醒他這一點。不僅是他,還有她自己。自從慶芬點贊了Rebecca的社交平台動態後,Rebecca就沒有再更新了。慶芬對此感到相當得意。Rebecca又得忍受搬到新地方的痛苦,這讓她想起了那個曾對她說過「別怕,我在這裡」的男人。但是現在,她所剩下的,只是一個願意和她共進晚餐的男孩,一個見證過她脆弱的男孩。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ How often do you have to turn a blind eye? - 你多久需要睜一隻眼閉一隻眼一次? ♦️ Can you make loving someone a habit after 21 days? - 愛上一個人可以成為21天後的習慣嗎? ♦️ When it’s time to really vent, what do you do? - 當真的需要發洩時,你會怎麼做? ♦️ Is food still the way to a man’s heart? - 食物還是男人心的通道嗎? ♦️ What to do when your sibling is constantly messing up ? - 當你的兄弟姐妹總是犯錯時,你該怎麼辦? ♦️ When the world is crashing down on you, who do you call? - 當世界崩塌在你身上時,你會打電話給誰? ♦️The double slit experiment : what do you really see vs what you want to see? - 雙縫實驗:你真正看到的與你想看到的有什麼區別? ♦️ What are your favorite car snacks ? - 你最喜歡的車上小吃是什麼? ♦️ What is your name on your partner’s phone? - 你在你伴侶的手機裡是用什麼名字? ♦️What to do when you see a strange name in your partner’s contact list? - 當你在你伴侶的聯繫人列表中看到一個陌生的名字時,你會怎麼辦? ♦️ If your lover bought a house, would you help with the rent or expect to live for free? - 如果你的愛人買了一棟房子,你會幫忙付房租還是希望免費住? ♦️ Who will you expose your fragility to? - 你會向誰暴露你的脆弱? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 EP3 ♠️ Description: He Rui Zhi is a good man, or so everyone says. They call him a good son, a good colleague, a good supervisor, a good husband, and a good father. But to be good in every way, he has to make lots of compromises and betray himself. So, only he knows that there was just that one time when he nearly did what he truly wanted. But now, a shocking secret becomes his wakeup call. It turns out that everything he tries to protect may not be worth it. 何瑞之是個好人,至少大家都這麼說。大家稱他是個好兒子、好同事、好主管、好丈夫、好父親。但要在各方面都做好,他必須做出很多妥協,背叛自己。所以,只有他自己知道,那次他差點做了真正想做的事。但現在,一個震驚的秘密成了他的警鐘。原來他努力保護的一切,可能都不值得。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Do you notice me? - 你注意到我嗎? ♦️ It’s your kitchen, whatever? - 這是你的廚房,隨便你? ♦️ Is our consciousness the real creator of our universe? - 我們的意識是我們宇宙的真正創造者嗎? ♦️ Have you ever had an enemy that wasn’t really your enemy? - 你曾經有過一個並不是你真正敵人的敵人嗎? ♦️ Would you smoke in front of your kids? - 你會在孩子面前抽煙嗎? ♦️ Would you take the promotion or let others have it ? - 你會接受升遷還是讓給別人? ♦️ Do you push your partner to be better or 慢慢來 as usual? - 你會推動你的伴侶變得更好,還是像平常一樣慢慢來? ♦️ What’s your favorite local Taiwanese food? - 你最喜歡的台灣本地美食是什麼? ♦️ Can you work hard without passion? - 你可以在沒有激情的情況下努力工作嗎? ♦️ Could you sleep with your boss and act normal in the office? - 你能和你的上司發生關係後在辦公室裡表現正常嗎? ♦️ If your girlfriend is the one but not for your mom, what to do? -如果你的女友是那個對的人,但你媽媽不喜歡她,你該怎麼辦? ♦️ What if you are in love with someone, but you are just a running mate to them? - 如果你愛上了一個人,但你對他們來說只是個跑友,該怎麼辦? ♦️ Can you love others without loving yourself? - 你能在不愛自己的情況下愛別人嗎? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 EP2 ♠️ Description: Everyone says that Rebecca is very pretty and capable, and that's why she's still single. Her abilities make men feel inferior to her. She enjoys her single life to a tee, but of course, there are situations that make her feel "alone." Her assistant chooses a boyfriend over her when work gets busy, so she has to eat alone; her horny landlord makes up excuses to see her; and then there's that overwhelming sense of loneliness. She's not afraid of being alone, but when loneliness strikes, she can't help but think of that person that she mustn't think about anymore. 每個人都說Rebecca非常漂亮又能幹,這也是她依然單身的原因。她的能力讓男人感到自卑。她非常享受單身生活,但當然也有讓她感到“孤單”的時候。當工作繁忙時,她的助理選擇男朋友而不是她,於是她只能獨自用餐;她那好色的房東找藉口來見她;還有那壓倒性的孤獨感。她不怕獨處,但當孤獨來襲時,她不禁會想到那個她不該再想的人。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Should there be a new rule to stop landlord’s from randomly kicking out tenants to give their property to their kids? - 應該制定新規則來阻止房東隨意趕走租客以將房產留給他們的孩子嗎? ♦️ Is it time to find new English names? Claire, Rebecca, Brittney, Lily? William? Johnny? Tony? Lisa? - 是時候為自己找一個新的英文名字了嗎?像是 Claire, Rebecca, Brittney, Lily?William?Johnny?Tony?Lisa? ♦️ Do you like to be surprised for your birthday or you are tired of eating cake? - 你喜歡生日驚喜嗎,還是已經厭倦了吃蛋糕? ♦️ Is your job in danger of being replaced by AI? - 你的工作有被人工智能取代的危險嗎? ♦️ What is your number? How much do you need to save to walk away from it all? - 你的數字是多少?你需要存多少錢才能放下一切? ♦️ Would you work overtime for free? - 你會免費加班嗎? ♦️ Could you stay in love with someone who is always working? - 你能夠一直愛著一個總是忙於工作的伴侶嗎? ♦️ If you are a strong, smart, and independent woman, would you change your personality and character to be more suitable for market or the market has a problem? - 如果你是一個堅強、聰明且獨立的女人,你會改變自己的性格以更適應市場,還是市場有問題? ♦️ Do you have any exes you would run back to if you had the chance? - 如果有機會,你會回到某個前任的身邊嗎? ♦️ If there is obviously NO ONE in the restaurant, should restaurant rules still apply? - 如果餐廳裡明顯沒有其他人,餐廳規則還應該適用嗎? ♦️ If you are alone all the time, should date to kill the silence, or it’s better to be alone and be real? - 如果你總是獨處,你會為了打破沉默而去約會,還是寧可獨處而真實? ♦️ With so many people stuck in unhappy marriages due to money or kids or never actually falling in love, should we still judge people for being single? - 由於許多人因為金錢或孩子或從未真正相愛而陷入不快樂的婚姻,我們是否還應該因為單身而批評他們? ♦️ With such a high divorce rate, should we still be rushing young women to marry and have kids, just because? - 鑒於如此高的離婚率,我們是否還應該催促年輕女性結婚生子,只因為社會壓力? ♦️ If you had two people chasing you simultaneously, how do you make a choice? - 如果有兩個人同時追求你,你會如何做出選擇? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》 Introduction: The story begins with an outfit clash. Two women who were born on the same month and the same day not only fell in love with the same man but also often bought the same clothes. They were rivals in love when they were young, and for 10 years, they have been using clues on Facebook to fantasize about each other's better life and feel jealous. Unexpectedly, they meet again. 故事從一次意外的撞衫事件展開,同月同日生的兩人不只愛上了同一個男人,還經常買了同一款服飾。年輕時曾互為情敵,10年來一直透過臉書的蛛絲馬跡,幻想對方活得更好而感到嫉妒,沒想到卻意外重逢。 EP1 ♠️ Description: Jian Qing Fen, just like all other career women, her life is a bit busy and tiring. Fortunately, she has a nice husband, and a lovely son. But for that reason, she's been leading a smooth-sailing and ordinary life, day after day. There's even nothing to complain about (apart from her mother-in-law and oh, her sister-in-law.) Because there's no suffering on her path to happiness, it's hard to say, "I'm so happy!" That's why she's been a bit annoyed lately and she's looking to stir up some trouble. 簡慶芬就像所有的職業女性一樣,生活有些忙碌和疲憊。幸運的是,她有一個好丈夫和一個可愛的兒子。正因為如此,她的生活一天又一天地過得平順而普通。除了她的婆婆和小姑,她幾乎沒有什麼可抱怨的。由於在追求幸福的道路上沒有經歷過痛苦,她很難說出“我真的很幸福!” 也因此,她最近有些煩躁,想要找些麻煩來折騰一下。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Should happiness and pain be in the same conversation? - 「快樂」和「痛苦」應該出現在同一個對話中嗎?(「快樂」其實是用「痛苦」累積來的) ♦️ Are we unhappy, because we don’t know what we are chasing in life?- 我們是否因為不知道自己在追求什麼而感到不快樂? ♦️ If we have everything we need, why are we still unhappy? - 如果我們已經擁有了所有需要的東西,為什麼我們仍然感到不快樂? ♦️ Do we take for granted “small moments of happiness”? - 我們是否忽視了「小確幸」? ♦️ What behavior do you show when you are happy, but you never realize you do it ? - 當你感到快樂時,你會表現出什麼行為而自己卻從未意識到? ♦️ Would you scroll through your old competitions social media profile? - 你會翻閱你以前競爭對手的社交媒體資料嗎? ♦️ Is scrolling through someone’s social media curiosity or spying ? - 翻閱別人的社交媒體是出於好奇還是窺探? ♦️ Do you have an innate talent, but you are not using it? - 你有天賦但卻沒有發揮出來嗎? ♦️ What to do when your marriage has no real issues, but it's just a marriage? - 當你的婚姻沒有實際問題,只是平淡無奇時,你該怎麼辦? ♦️ If you are stuck in a normal marriage, do you envy single people? - 如果你困在一段普通的婚姻中,你會羨慕單身的人嗎? ♦️ Do you schedule when to make love with your partner or do you keep it spontaneous? - 你會安排和伴侶做愛的時間還是保持隨性? ♦️ What happens when your mother in law is too good at being a mother in law? - 當你的婆婆太過優秀時會發生什麼? ♦️ Is it stealing if you know you are better than someone’s current partner? - 如果你知道自己比對方的現任伴侶更好,這算是偷竊嗎? ️♦️ If you are in a relationship or marriage and saw your ex was way more beautiful or handsome than when you were together, would you give it one more shot or the past is the past? - 如果你在一段關係或婚姻中,看到你的前任變得比以前更漂亮或帥氣,你會再給自己一次機會還是認為過去的事就讓它過去? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》 EP8 ♠️ Description: Engulfed in scandal, Chao Chang-tse works frantically to contain the fallout; summoning her courage, Ya-ching decides to take a bold step. 趙昌澤醜聞纏身,手忙腳亂地趕緊收拾殘局。亞靜鼓起勇氣,決定踏出大膽一步。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ If you know your parents are flat out lying to you, would you confront them or is it not worth it? - 如果你知道你的父母明明在對你撒謊,你會直球對決他們還是覺得這不值得? ♦️ If you wanted to escape from it all, where would you go? - 如果你想逃離一切,你會去哪裡? ♦️ If your spouse was running for president, but was caught cheating, would you patriotically stay by their side, divorce right away, or divorce after the election? - 如果你的配偶正在競選總統,但被發現有外遇,你會愛國地留在他們身邊,馬上離婚,還是選舉後再離婚? ♦️ If you are trying to take someone powerful down, but they have threatened to expose your nude photos, would you continue attacking or retreat? - 如果你試圖打倒一個有權勢的人,但他們威脅要公開你的裸照,你會繼續攻擊還是撤退? ♦️ Should political talk shows on tv or YT prove they are not sponsored by a certain party or citizens have the right to believe in lies? - 政治脫口秀節目在電視或YouTube上是否應證明它們不是由某個政黨贊助的,或者公民有權相信謊言? ♦️ When you go to KTV, what song makes you release your pain? - 當你去KTV時,有什麼歌曲讓你釋放痛苦? ♦️ When it comes to a presidential election, will you tell others who you will vote for? - 談到總統選舉,你會告訴別人你將投票給誰嗎? ♦️ Would you study abroad in the UK or the US if you had the opportunity? - 如果有機會,你會選擇在英國還是美國留學? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》 ♠️ Description: As Wen-fang's team races to track down a suspicious viral post, a reckless Ya-ching scrambles to cover up a damaging secret. 一篇瘋傳的網路貼文很可疑,文方的團隊追查來源。見不得光的秘密可能外流。焦頭爛額的亞靜拼命掩飾。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Should AI accounts be forbidden? - 應該禁止AI帳號嗎? ♦️ Should netizens be fined or banned for spreading fake news or misinformation? - 應該對散布假新聞或誤導信息的網民進行罰款或禁止嗎? ♦️ If one of your parents wants to divorce, but has no evidence, would you help them? - 如果你的父母之一想離婚但沒有證據,你會幫助他們嗎? ♦️ Should paparazzi be fined or put in jail for invasion of privacy? - 狗仔隊侵犯隱私是否應該被罰款或入獄? ♦️ Should political slogans be trademarked, so they can’t be used twice? - 政治口號應該註冊商標,以防止重複使用嗎? ♦️ Which one is your favorite, stir fry or izakaya? - 你喜歡熱炒店還是居酒屋? ♦️ In a world where people repost and ask questions later, what would you do if gossip or negative news was spread about you? - 在一個人們先轉發後提問的世界裡,如果有關你的八卦或負面新聞被傳播,你會怎麼做? ♦️ Should First Ladies be given more respect? - 第一夫人是否應該被給予更多的尊重? ♦️ Mom / Dad are you really happy? - 媽媽/爸爸,你們真的快樂嗎? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》 ♠️ Description: A corruption scandal breaks out creating shockwaves in the heated race; Wen-fang finds a new audience through her candid online persona. 貪腐醜聞驚爆而出,在如火如荼的選戰投下一顆震撼彈。文方在網路上有話直說的風格,吸引到一票新觀眾。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ If tv stations and tv shows are too one-sided and controlled, would you start your own podcast or you tube channel? - 如果電視台和節目過於片面和受控,你會開始自己的播客或YouTube頻道嗎? ♦️ If you feel your boss is intentionally trying to overwork you, what would you do? - 如果你覺得你的老闆故意讓你過度工作,你會怎麼做? ♦️ Is it really a democracy, if the president is also protected? - 如果總統也受到保護,這真的算是民主嗎? ♦️ If someone apologizes, but doesn’t know what their mistake is, will you accept? - 如果有人道歉,但不知道他們犯了什麼錯,你會接受嗎? ♦️ Is your work more important than your partner’s work? - 你的工作比你伴侶的工作更重要嗎? ♦️ Do you really know why your partner loves or doesn’t love you ? - 你真的知道為什麼你的伴侶愛或不愛你嗎? ♦️ What if you partner is always on the phone during family time? - 如果你的伴侶在家庭時間總是在打電話怎麼辦? ♦️ Would you stay with your partner who makes a lot of money, but is never at home? - 你會和一個賺很多錢但從不在家的伴侶在一起嗎? ♦️ If one of your parents were elected president, would you agree to be in public or behind the screen? - 如果你的父母之一當選為總統,你願意公開露面還是選擇幕後? ♦️ Would you be a famous celebrity or KOL? - 你會選擇成為一個著名的名人或KOL(關鍵意見領袖)嗎? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》 ♠️ Description: Ya-ching confides in Wen-fang about a poignant history; facing a shocking revelation, Lin Yue-chen has a difficult decision to make. 亞靜向文方坦承一件不堪回首的往事。林月真得知驚人真相,必須做出艱難抉擇。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Are protest effective anymore? - 抗議活動還有效嗎? ♦️ If you sleep with your boss, can you blame them for wanting more? - 如果你與老闆發生關係,你能怪他們想要更多嗎? ♦️ What if your partner is not crazy in love with you, like you are with them? - 如果你的伴侶不像你那樣瘋狂愛你怎麼辦? ♦️ Could you date a sugar daddy or a cougar? - 你能和乾爹或熟女約會嗎? ♦️ Which one is more important, power or money? - 哪個更重要,權力還是金錢? ♦️ Is it possible to love a person forever? - 有可能永遠愛一個人嗎? ♦️ Could you got to KTV with a coworker you don’t like? - 你能和你不喜歡的同事去KTV嗎? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》 ♠️ Description: Ya-ching faces growing pressure over an official complaint lodged against an improper colleague; Jung-chih grows curious about her father's secrets. 亞靜舉報行為逾矩的同事,他自己承受的壓力也越來越大。蓉之對父親的秘密漸感好奇。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Should reporters have a “rating or score” to determine if they should be allowed to continue reporting ? - 記者是否應該有一個「評分或評級」來決定他們是否應該繼續報導? ♦️ When you see the top management of your company is not taking your sexual harassment case seriously, do you leak the proof they are blatantly ignoring or let is pass? - 當你看到公司高層對你的性騷擾案件不重視時,你會洩露他們公然忽視的證據,還是就此放過? ♦️ If your political party has a sexual harassment case issue, would you hide it to protect the campaign or justice should be served? - 如果你的政黨有性騷擾案件,你會隱瞞以保護競選活動,還是應該伸張正義? ♦️ As every family is not perfect, Is it really necessary to interview a candidate’s family? - 由於每個家庭都不完美,真的有必要對候選人的家庭進行採訪嗎? ♦️ As pure talent is becoming rare, should plagiarism be more heavily penalized? - 隨著純粹才能變得稀少,是否應該對抄襲行為處以更重的罰款? ♦️ If platforms like PTT are netizens most valuable “source of the latest scoop” should we still to watch the news? - 如果像PTT這樣的平台成為網民獲取“最新熱點”的最有價值“來源”,我們還應該看新聞嗎? ♦️ Should we dig up someone’s old dirt to attack them today? - 我們應該挖掘某人的舊事來攻擊他們嗎? ♦️ Are you the type who will stand up for their coworker who was sexually harassed, or every man for themselves? - 你是那種會為遭受性騷擾的同事站出來的人,還是各顧各的? ♦️ What is your favorite unhealthy food to let you release? - 你最喜歡的不健康食物是什麼,讓你釋放壓力? ♦️ Would you befriend someone close to your enemy just to revenge them? - 你會為了報復而與你敵人的親近者交朋友嗎? ♦️ Would you help someone set up your parent, if you knew your parent was doing something bad? - 如果你知道你的父母做了壞事,你會幫助別人設局嗎? ♦️ What to do when your coworker wants to have a relationship with you, but you only want to be coworkers? - 當你的同事想與你發展戀愛關係,但你只想保持同事關係時,該怎麼辦? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》 ♠️ Description: After a new issue dominates the news cycle, Lin Yue-chen faces some tough questions at a public talk; Tsai Yi-an is torn between his job and idealism. 媒體都在關注新議題,林用真公開演講時,碰到刁鑽提問。政治大局與個人理念互相牴觸,蔡易安心中百般拉扯。 - Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts ♦️ Should we wait on large corporations to lead the fight to save the earth, or should we take actions ourselves? - 我們應該等待大公司來帶頭拯救地球,還是應該自己採取行動? ♦️ Should the death penalty be abolished? - 死刑應該被廢除嗎? ♦️ If you have proof that your coworker inappropriately touched you and the company didn’t do anything, would you sue the company and report to the police or let it slide? - 如果你有證據證明你的同事不當觸摸了你,而公司沒有採取任何行動,你會起訴公司並向警方報案還是就此放過? ♦️ Should election debates be live streamed? - 選舉辯論應該實時直播嗎? ♦️ Should election candidates receive the debate questions before the live debate or lack of preparation is more exciting? - 選舉候選人應該在直播辯論前收到辯論題目還是缺乏準備更加刺激? ♦️ If the government is allowing so many loopholes when it comes to going green, should we blame large corporations or the government? - 如果政府在推行綠色政策時留有太多漏洞,我們應該責怪大公司還是政府? ♦️ Should actors with no political background be allowed to run for the presidential election? - 沒有政治背景的演員應該被允許參選總統選舉嗎? ♦️ If a democratic country’s constitution emphasizes “freedom of speech”, should citizens be allowed to say anything online? - 如果一個民主國家的憲法強調“言論自由”,公民是否應被允許在線上說任何話? ♦️ Do you feel the meaning of “democracy” is not really democratic? - 你是否覺得“民主”的意義並非真正的民主? ♦️ Should we enact a new law to impeach presidents who don’t achieve at least one of their promises during the first year of their presidential term? - 我們應該制定新法律,彈劾那些在任期第一年未實現至少一項承諾的總統嗎? ♦️ Should there be an age limit on how old you can be to run for president? - 是否應該設定一個參選總統的年齡上限? ♦️ Should there be a new law that fines people for not leaving you alone when you clearly showed you are not interested? - 是否應該制定新法律,對那些在你明確表明不感興趣時仍不放手的人罰款? ♦️ Should tv shows and dramas hire an English consultant to train their actors and actresses to sound more authentic? - 電視劇和戲劇是否應該聘請英語顧問來訓練他們的演員,使他們的發音更地道? ♦️ When you are trying to make up to your spouse, do you cook dinner, talk it out, or whatever, ego is king? - 當你試圖和配偶和解時,你會做晚餐、談話解決問題,還是任由自尊主宰一切? ♦️ Are you the parent who prioritizes your kid's homework, or just let the other parent check it? - 你是優先處理孩子作業的家長,還是讓另一位家長檢查? - Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas. No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER! Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目! 不批評!不爆雷!純聊我們外國人怎麼看台灣戲劇背後的…WHATEVER! - 💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic 關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好 歡迎來我們IG跟FB玩 IG| @lightscamerawhatever FB| /LCWhatever YT|@LCW-rei PLEASE Subscribe and Follow! Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈 請訂閱追蹤! 謝謝您們的支持,讓這一切夢想得以成真! 【每週日、每週三晚上8點更新】 - ©LCW team --Hosting provided by SoundOn