Dear Students and Lithuanian Language Enthusiasts,Meet Denis Copilas, a biologist from Romania who now lives and works in Vilnius, Lithuania. Denis has achieved an impressive level of Lithuanian fluency, and in this episode, we discuss his academic background, research, and experience learning Lithuanian.📜 Want to improve your Lithuanian? Download the episode transcript on Contribee and access exclusive content, transcripts, and learning materials.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor even better comprehension, install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language to compliment the Lithuanian ones.Gero klausymo! 🎓
Sveiki mielieji tinklalaidės klausytojai,
Ypatingos dienos proga, dalinuosi ypatinga serija. Šiandien su istoriku Remigijumi Jaruščevičiumi kalbėjomės apie Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo diena, 1990 kovo 11-tąją. Ši diena yra esminė mūsų šiuolaikiniai istorijai ir gyvenimo būdui, tačiau, kaip jau žinome, nepriklausomybė yra trapi. Ką mums reiškiai kovo 11-toji? Kaip iki jos atėjome? Kas yra Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdis ir kodėl kai kurie lietuviai taip nemėgsta Vytauto Landsbergio ir Tėvynės sąjungos? Apie tai šiandien ir pakalbėsim.
Jei norite padėti šiam projektui vysytis ir gauti prieigą prie papildomo „Lithuanian with Paulius“ turinio, galite tai padaryti tapdami mano Patreon arba Contribee prenumeratoriais.
🐝 Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius
💎 Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv
Jei norėtumėte susisiekti su Remigijumi ir pradėti mokytis istorijos drauge, galite tai padaryti telefono numeriu: +37069870565 📱
Gero klausymo!
Puuttuva jakso?
Dear Lithuanian students and podcast listeners,Today, on February 16th, Lithuania celebrates its Independence Day. This historic day marks the official proclamation of Lithuania’s independence from the Russian Empire in 1918, paving the way for the free and sovereign nation it is today.Nonetheless, with war still raging in Ukraine and a largely anti-European U.S. administration, Lithuania faces new challenges in defending its sovereignty and values. As geopolitical tensions rise, unity within Europe and NATO has never been more crucial.Join me today to learn more about the significance of February 16th, Lithuania's historical resilience, and its evolving role in European politics.💡 You can download the full episode's transcript on Contribee or Patreon to follow along as you listen.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor better comprehension, don't forget to turn on the subtitles and install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language.If you enjoy this episode, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment! Let me know what other topics you’d like to learn about in Lithuanian.Gero klausymo! 🎓
Dear students and podcast listeners,In today's video, we will once again dive into the topic of Lithuanian pronunciation. This time we will focus on diphthongs and practice pronouncing them together. Also, I will provide you with some useful tips regarding spelling so that you could master both the spoken and written aspects of this interesting but slightly complicated topic.To deepen your knowledge, download the full episode's transcript from my Patreon or Contribee!🐝 Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrvIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future content. I hope that the video will prove useful and aid in your learning.Gero mokymosi! ⭐
Mieli lietuvių kalbos mokiniai ir tinklalaidės klausytojai,Šiandien su jumis dalinuosi trečiuoju mano ir Remigijaus pokalbiu. 🎓Remigijus Jaruševičius yra istorijos mokytojas, tačiau istorija jis neapsiriboja. Šiandien su Remigijumi kalbėjomės apie ikikrikščioniškąjį, baltiškąjį lietuvių tikėjimą, krikščionybę ir šiuolaikinį Romuvos judėjimą, kuris siekia atgaivinti baltiškasias lietuvių kultūros šaknis, šiuolaikiniame kotekste.Jei norite padėti šiam projektui vysytis ir gauti prieigą prie papildomo „Lithuanian with Paulius“ turinio, galite tai padaryti tapdami mano Patreon arba Contribee prenumeratoriais.🐝 Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrvJei norėtumėte susisiekti su Remigijumi ir pradėti mokytis istoriją drauge, galite tai padaryti telefonu arba parašę žinutę „Skype“ programėle.📱 Telefonas: +37069870565👋 Skype: live:.cid.f89c8a3292964b7fGero klausymo!
Dear Lithuanian students and podcast listeners,In this episode, you’ll hear my take on how we sometimes get in the way of our own progress in learning. I'll introduce 5 emotional blocks that interfere with our efforts to improve and provide you with some solutions on how to overcome them.💡 You can download the full episode's transcript on Contribee or Patreon to follow along as you listen.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor better comprehension, don't forget to turn on the subtitles and install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language.If you enjoy this episode, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment! Let me know what other topics you’d like to learn about in Lithuanian.Gero klausymo! 🎓
Hello and welcome,My name is Paulius, and I am an online tutor for Lithuanian and English. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find material suitable for their level.In this week's episode, you'll hear my conversation with Francisco. He began learning Lithuanian in late 2022 and has achieved a remarkable level of fluency in such a short time. In 2023, Francisco relocated from Buenos Aires to Vilnius, and today he shares his experiences of living there for a year, his methods for learning Lithuanian, cultural insights, and much more.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the episode's transcript, please head to my Contribee or Patreon platforms. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
Dear Lithuanian students and podcast listeners,The podcast is back with yet another episode for beginners! 🎉 In this episode, you’ll hear me talk about my daily routine in Lithuanian: what I do on a regular day, what I did yesterday, and what I’m planning to do this weekend. By listening to this episode, you will here Lithuanian in action and learn how to use the present, past, and future tenses in a simple and natural way. Your challenge will be to adapt this monologue to suit your routine.💡 Download the full transcript on Contribee or Patreon to follow along as you listen. I’ve also added a helpful glossary with all the new verbs in their infinitive forms to make learning easier.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor better comprehension, don't forget to turn on the subtitles and install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language.If you enjoy this episode, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment! Let me know what other topics you’d like to learn about in Lithuanian. 😊Gero klausymo! 🎓
Dear Students and Lithuanian Language Enthusiasts,It is my great pleasure to present you Dymer Agasaryan. Dymer has grown up in an Armenian family, in Lithuania, but being a young adult moved to the UK and found his passion - teaching chess and competing in powerlifting and chessboxing. Today we've talked about his life in the UK, Lithuania and Armenia, chessboxing, martials arts, sports, stereotypes and much more.If you'd like to download the episode’s transcript, you can find it on my Contribee. There, you'll also gain access to all podcast transcripts, exclusive episodes, and other useful learning materials.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor better comprehension, don't forget to turn on the subtitles and install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language.Timeline:00:00 - Intro01:16 - Gyvenimas Londone04:21 - Šachmatai ir mokytojavimas10:44 - Armėnija, Lietuva ar Anglija?15:48 - Šachboksas20:29 - Šachbokso istorija ir taisyklės25:19 - Šachboksas mokyklose?29:31 - Sportas sau VS ruošimasis varžyboms35:09 - Mr.Crazy požiūris į darbąGero klausymo! 🎓
Hello and welcome!My name is Paulius, and I am an online Lithuanian and English tutor. I created this beginner Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find anything suitable for their level.In this short episode, I will talk about how Lithuanians celebrate Christmas Eve, Christmas and the New Year.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the full transcript and exercises, please head to my Contribee platform. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
Dear Lithuanian students and podcast listeners,The New Year is upon us, and today I would like to share a couple of my goals and strategies for the year ahead. The main takeaway is to always be realistic and not to be too hard on yourself. Language learning should be fun, even if it's not easy. Try to stay consistent, and progress will certainly come, even if it happens slower than expected. With this in mind, I wish you a Happy New Year, and see you in 2025!If you'd like to download the episode’s transcript, you can find it on my Contribee. There, you'll also gain access to all podcast transcripts, exclusive episodes, and other useful learning materials.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor better comprehension, don't forget to turn on the subtitles and install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language.Gero klausymo! 🎓
Dear Lithuanian students and podcast listeners,Today I am excited to introduce you to a professional ice dancer and newly announced Lithuanian citizen, Allison Reed. Just half a year ago, Allison became my student, and together we worked tirelessly to improve her Lithuanian. After intense study, she achieved a level sufficient to hold a conversation with the President of Lithuania and secure her citizenship.Today, we’ll discuss her journey of learning Lithuanian, gaining Lithuanian citizenship, the world of ice dancing, and much more. All in Lithuanian!If you'd like to download the episode’s transcript, you can find it on my Contribee. There, you'll also gain access to all podcast transcripts, exclusive episodes, and other useful learning materials.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor better comprehension, don't forget to turn on the subtitles and install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language.Gero klausymo! 🎓
Dear Students and Lithuanian Language Enthusiasts,
It is my great pleasure to once again speak with Valerijus Rynkovičius. After exploring the Latvian language in depth in the last video, this time we sat down to discuss Latvian and Estonian history.
Check out Valerijus's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@LatvijaLietuva
If you'd like to download the episode’s transcript, you can find it on my Contribee. There, you'll also gain access to all podcast transcripts, exclusive episodes, and other useful learning materials.
🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius
💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv
📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisFor better comprehension, don't forget to turn on the subtitles and install Language Reactor to add a second line of subtitles in your native language.
00:00 - Intro
02:10 - Priešistorė (finougrai / indoeuropiečiai)
06:26 - Livonija
16:57 - Baltijos vokiečiai
21:08 - Nacionaliniai judėjimai
31:47 - Pasauliniai karai
36:22 - Architektūra ir svetimumas
39:36 - Kalbų standartizavimas
44:20 - Batlijos šalių idėja
49:20 - Rail Baltica
52:19 - Anti-sovietinis rokas
55:53 - Knygos apie Latvijos ir Estijos istoriją
Gero klausymo! 🎓
Hello and welcome,My name is Paulius, and I am an online tutor for Lithuanian and English. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find material suitable for their level.
In this week's episode, you will hear my conversation with Juraj. Juraj started learning Lithuanian over 15 years ago when he first came to Lithuania through an exchange program. Later, he graduated from Mykolas Romeris University and moved abroad, but he hasn't forgotten the language. Juraj has reached a superb level of Lithuanian, and I hope our talk will inspire you to improve your skills as well.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the episode's transcript, please head to my Contribee or Patreon platforms. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
Dear students,
This week, I had the pleasure of inviting Antanas, a Lithuanian teacher and founder of the 'Talk Like Antanas' initiative, as my guest. During our conversation, we discussed our approaches to language learning, shared the strategies that have helped us the most, and offered valuable tips for those on their journey toward mastering Lithuanian.Additionally, I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Also, if you wish to download the episode's transcript, please head to my Contribee or Patreon platforms. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
Hello and welcome,My name is Paulius, and I am an online tutor for Lithuanian and English. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find material suitable for their level,In this week's episode, you will hear my conversation with Djamila. Djamila was born in Germany but grew up in France. She fell in love with languages and decided to learn Lithuanian in 2018. Djamila has already reached a high level of fluency in Lithuanian and she joins me today to share her experience and insights on how to study this notoriously challenging yet beautiful language.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the episode's transcript, please head to my Contribee or Patreon platforms. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
Hello and welcome!My name is Paulius, and I am an online tutor for Lithuanian and English. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find material suitable for their level,In this week's episode, I'd like to share some relevant vocabulary related to catching a cold, sickness symptoms, medicine, and other essential Lithuanian terms.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the full transcript and exercises, please head to my Contribee platform. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
Hello and welcome!
My name is Paulius, and I am an online tutor for Lithuanian and English. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find material suitablefor their level.
In this week's episode, I'd like to share a few thoughts onHalloween, All Saints' Day, and All Souls' Day—known in Lithuania as Vėlinės. Vėlinės is a unique and ancient Baltic celebration with deep cultural significance. I hope you'll discover something new about these traditions today!
I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.
Additionally, if you wish to download the full transcriptand exercises, please head to my Contribee platform. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.
🐝 Become a Contribee:https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius
💎 Join my Patreon:https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv
📅 Book a Lesson:https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodis
If you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow andsubscribe for future videos! ⭐
Hello and welcome!My name is Paulius, and I am an online tutor for Lithuanian and English. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find material suitable for their level,In this week's episode, I want to discuss why Lithuania joined NATO and the European Union in 2004. I feel there’s a lot of negative propaganda from the Russian Federation regarding the accession of post-Soviet states to the EU and NATO, and I’d like to clarify a few essential points on this topic.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the full transcript and exercises, please head to my Contribee platform. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐Hello and welcome!My name is Paulius, and I am an online tutor for Lithuanian and English. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find material suitable for their level,In this week's episode, I want to discuss why Lithuania joined NATO and the European Union in 2004. I feel there’s a lot of negative propaganda from the Russian Federation regarding the accession of post-Soviet states to the EU and NATO, and I’d like to clarify a few essential points on this topic.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the full transcript and exercises, please head to my Contribee platform. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
Hello and welcome!My name is Paulius, and I am an online Lithuanian and English tutor. I have created this Lithuanian podcast for those who want to listen to and read Lithuanian content but struggle to find anything suitable for their level.In this week's episode, I want to discuss whether the Lithuanian language should be mandatory for those who live and work in Lithuania.I recommend turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Install Language Reactor to translate the Lithuanian subtitles into your language of choice.Additionally, if you wish to download the full transcript and exercises, please head to my Contribee platform. There, you will also find exercises to practice vocabulary and grammar, templates to organize your notes, and much more.🐝 Become a Contribee: https://contribee.com/lithuanianwithpaulius💎 Join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/24e3njrv📅 Book a Lesson: https://paulius.setmore.com/pauliusjuodisIf you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos! ⭐
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