The Santa Fe New Mexican is the home of Mary Charlotte's Radio Café, a twice-weekly show exploring life, politics, and news.
Eden Reforestation Projects recreates healthy forest systems that restore hope, alleviate suffering, empower people, and build local economies in impoverished communities.
Utah's Morning News hosts Brian Martin and Amanda Dickson sit down with Susan Speirs, a CPA and board member of the Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants or UACPA, and Shane Stewart, a Certified Financial Planner with Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators or DMBA, to find out what changes in tax law you need to know in 2018 before you file your 2017 IRS returns.
Welcome to our podcast, How to Change the World, where we dive deep into the world of changemaking leadership! Whether you're leading an organization, a political campaign, or a community cause, this podcast is your go-to resource for creating impactful change.
We’ll bring you engaging stories and actionable tips from our team and inspiring guests who are making waves in their communities. Tune in for clear takeaways and practical advice to elevate your impact through powerful storytelling. Stories change the world - let’s help you tell yours. -
A Civil Rádió délutáni magazinműsorának podcast csatornája. A műsor élőben is hallgatható hétköznaponként 16.00-18.00 óra között a oldalon és a Civil Rádió androidos mobilalkalmazásán keresztül. Az elhangzott adások legemlékezetesebb beszélgetéseit ezen a folyamatosan frissülő podcast csatornán tesszük közzé. Ezeket az interjúkat tehát kedve szerint bárki bármikot visszahallgathatja itt!
Beszélgetések aktív emberekkel.
What if there were a predictable roadmap for success – proven over the years by other women – that would let you FAST TRACK your career and business success and move you forward. Success 4 Women Radio Show will bring these experts to you every week to tell you just how they did it. And let you know you can “do it” also.
Success 4 Women is broadcast live Thursdays at 2PM ET on W4WN Radio - Women 4 Women Network ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( Success 4 Women TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (
Success 4 Women Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (, Talk 4 Podcasting (, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
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NBS brings research and business together. Join leaders of industry, academia, and community in shaping a more sustainable future.
A Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság (MKT) a hazai közgazdász szakma legnagyobb múltú, patinás egyesülete, több mint 3 ezer taggal. Évente 80-100 szakmai rendezvénnyel szolgálja tagjait és a gazdaság ügyei iránt érdeklődő szakembereket. Ezen a csatornán az MKT szakmai előadásainak, konferenciáinak a hanganyagát tesszük közzé podcastok formájában.
In the new podcast series Philadelphia Fed on Wharton Business Radio, economists and other experts from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia discuss their research and provide insights into trends and issues affecting consumers, businesses, and the U.S. economy. Philadelphia Fed on Wharton Business Radio features highlights from interviews originally airing on SiriusXM 132, Business Radio powered by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Want to receive future episodes? Subscribe today wherever you get your podcasts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"حقاني" رحلة عدالة مستمرة، حقاني هي منصة للناس تحكي فيها قصصها الحقيقية، قصص ملهمة و مثابرة تُبين كيف اجتازت الناس التحديات في وجه الانتهاكات الجسيمة لحقوق الانسان في ليبيا. هنسمعوا فيها قصص حقيقية بأصوات اصحابها الحقيقيين. في كل موسم هناقشوا قصة مختلفة و انتهاكات مختلفة. وفي كل موسم من هذا البودكاست قصة ملهمة في مقاومة القمع وتحقيق العدالة المرجوة. Meaning both “truthful” and “just,” Haqani looks at injustice in Libya through the prism of real stories told by the people who lived them. Haqani is a space for those who have triumphed over oppression to speak about their experiences. Each season will shed light on a new story as we discuss the law and how to pursue justice and accountability.
Friss epizódokkal jelentkezik a Hermina Magazin, a Vakok és Gyengénlátók Hermina Egyesületének magazinműsora. Adásainkban igyekszünk olyan témákat feldolgozni, melyek minden látássérült személy érdeklődésére igényt tarthatnak, legyen az adott személy gyengénlátó, aliglátó vagy vak. Körüljárjuk a legfontosabb akadálymentesítési kérdéseket, bemutatjuk a legújabb informatikai fejlesztéseket. Ezek mellett hírösszefoglalókkal, arcképsorozattal, programajánlókkal, kultúrális tartalmakkal és archív felvételekkel is jelentkezünk.
Eine Schweizer Volksinitiative fordert die Abschaffung der Massentierhaltung. Bis zur Abstimmung im Herbst 2022 beleuchten wir mit zahlreichen Gästen jede Woche die unterschiedlichen Facetten der Initiative: Vom Initiativtext, über die Tierhaltung bis hin zu den Folgen der Initiative.
The world of work has changed and there is no longer a “typical” career path for a young professional. Whether your goal is to work for one of the top companies in the world or to follow your dream of starting your own business, one thing is certain - you’re going to need to upskill to get ahead of the game.
InterPod, The Global Voices of Pride Podcast, powered by InterPride, where the world comes together for the LGBTQIA+ community!InterPod, powered by InterPride is hosted by Michelle Meow, who brings on guests from all over the world to broaden the audience's understanding of queer, trans, and Pride culture and politics, to surprise and delight listeners with unexpected points of view, and to invite listeners into a vibrant conversation about the issues that are animating the global LGBTQIA+ communities. Support this podcast:
Kreative und Innovative im Austausch
Creative Hub Bremen:
Über 70 Projekte, mehr als 30 Arbeitsbereiche von Technik bis hin zu Forschung, Handwerk, Kunst, Kultur, Musik und vieles mehr. Dazu ein Netzwerk aus Institutionen und Kooperationspartnern. Damit Synergien entstehen und sich Potenziale entfalten.
Von der Idee zum Projekt, vom Projekt zur eigenständigen Organisation. Visionskultur begleitet Menschen mit Ideen und hilft ihnen bei der Konzipierung und Umsetzung. Sowie bei Fragen zu Innovationen in der Stadt- und Quartiersentwicklung. -
Happy Valentine's Day