
  • Welcome to episode #100! Thank you for sticking with me through 100 episodes of this podcast journey.

    This episode marks a special milestone—my continued conversation with Suzy, where we dive deep into the theme "Talk is Cheap, Actions Speak Louder than Words." Yes, it's a powerful message, and I'm thrilled to share it with you.

    We often hear the saying, "Listen closely with your eyes." This episode is all about that—paying attention to the actions around us and the stories they tell. Suzy and I discuss how actions reveal true intentions and character far more than words ever could.

    Reflecting on my past journals, I talk about the importance of not comparing one circumstance to another. Life gives us trials, but we are equipped to handle them. Comparing our past selves to our present can be a trap; instead, we should embrace our journey and growth.

    Join us in this episode, part two of two, of Life Lessons with Suzy and Toks.

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch the recording to see our cheerful faces 😊.

    Connect with Me: I would love to hear from you!

    Connect with me on social media and stay updated with the latest news and events:

    • Email: [email protected]

    • Instagram: Toks Aruoture

    • LinkedIn: Toks Aruoture

  • Welcome to episode #99! I thank you for riding with me through 99 episodes of my podcast.

    This episode has been a long time coming—my conversation with Suzy on the life lessons we learned in 2023! Yes, I know, 19 months later, but we made it, and that’s what counts, right?

    One cannot quantify the benefits of having the right people in your space. Besides having good friends who watch your back, make great company, and lend a listening ear, we should have wise people who plant words of life in and around us.

    We also have a responsibility to ourselves to learn the lessons that life teaches us. Last year, I learned that life is not a straight line. Somehow, we were led to believe that the kinks and bends in our paths should be straightened. Consequently, many of us have spent months fixing what isn’t broken because the idea of an imperfect journey doesn’t sit well with us.

    Since our last conversation, which was well received, Suzy’s divorce has been finalised, and she is living her best life. At the time of our previous recording, it was impossible to imagine the freedom she would experience. Yes, we knew it would happen, but when you are in the trenches, all you can see is mud and dead weight. Meanwhile, I have survived a long, challenging season of my own and share some of the lessons that came out of it and some tools to navigate rough terrains.

    Join us in this episode, part one of two, of Life Lessons with Suzy and Toks.

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch the recording to see our cheerful faces 😊.

    Connect with Me: I would love to hear from you! Connect with me on social media and stay updated with the latest news and events: • Email: [email protected] • Instagram: Toks Aruoture • LinkedIn: Toks Aruoture

    Contact Information

    • Email: [email protected]

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    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • This week on Living Inside Out, we dive deep into the roots of weariness and its impact on our lives and goals. Toks explores how chronic disappointments can spiral into discouragement, hopelessness, apathy, and even depression. Discover practical strategies to stay energised and focused on your God-given purpose, despite the enemy’s attempts to derail you.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Understanding Weariness: Learn how repeated disappointments lead to discouragement, and how this can devolve into hopelessness and depression. Depression is described as a dark pit of hopelessness, a place where defeat feels inescapable. • Spiritual Perspective: Understand how the enemy uses weariness to prevent us from fulfilling our purpose. Explore how God’s purpose aligns with our deepest desires, and why staying energised is crucial to achieving our goals. • Personal Testimony: Hear a personal story of unwavering belief in a future vision, despite facing logical reasons to give up. Discover the power of holding onto your dreams even in the face of weariness. • Common Causes of Overwhelm: Identify key factors contributing to weariness, such as overwork, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and emotional burdens. • Three Dimensions of Existence: Delve into the interconnectedness of our physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Get a sneak peek into how spiritual battles influence our weariness and the hope in God’s promise of overcoming the world. • Recognising Signs of Weariness: Learn about the physical and emotional signs of weariness, from chronic fatigue and headaches to irritability and lack of motivation. Understand how our modern habits, like consuming short content on social media, contribute to emotional and mental fatigue.

    Practical Tips to Stay Energised:

    1. Physical Health: Prioritise sleep, balanced nutrition, and regular exercise to maintain energy levels. 2. Mental and Emotional Well-being: Practice mindfulness, take regular breaks, and nurture positive relationships. 3. Spiritual Practices: Engage in regular prayer and meditation for peace and rejuvenation, and connect with a faith community for support.

  • Welcome to The Living Inside Out podcast. I’m your host, Toks Aruoture. This is episode 97: “Challenges to Opportunities: Steps to Help You Change Your Perspective.”

    Hello, my friend. I hope you are well. If you’re in the UK and have a 16-year-old, congratulations! The exams are over. I, too, have a 16-year-old, and now that exams are done, I told him he’d need to get a job. Initially, I thought providing everything was a sign of love, but I’ve realised the importance of work ethic and early skill acquisition.

    If this is your first time listening, thank you. Please rate and review this podcast and share it with your network. If you’ve been with me for a while, welcome back and thank you for your consistency. A couple of announcements: I have spaces for my PR workshop on 27th June. Also, for our 100th episode, I want to record in front of a live audience. Email [email protected] if you’re interested.

    Recapping last week, we discussed how our perspective on circumstances affects our growth. Today, we’ll delve into the benefits of seeing circumstances as neutral. This perspective enables us to see opportunities even in difficult times.

    Recently, I faced a tough week, but through it, I learned to trust in God’s invisible realm beyond our physical world. This trust helps us navigate challenges with the understanding that God is working for our good.

    To change our perspective during tough times:

    1. Embrace dual realities. There can be good amidst challenges. 2. Rest when tired, don’t quit. Busyness can drown out divine guidance. 3. Acceptance. Identify the lies in your thoughts and counter them with God’s truth.

    If you need support, email [email protected]. As a certified coach, I help individuals overcome limiting thoughts. Connect with me on social media @toksaruoture.

    Before we go, let’s pray. Dear Jesus, I pray for the listener. Help them navigate this season, fulfil their potential, and take the next step. Amen.

    Thank you for listening. God bless you.

    Show Notes:

    • Spaces available for PR workshop on 27th June. • Interested in attending the 100th episode live recording? Email [email protected]. • Follow me on social media: @toksaruoture. • For coaching support, email [email protected]. • Visit my website for mindset courses and workshops: toksaruoture.com.

  • Episode Summary

    In this episode, we explore the concept that circumstances in themselves are neutral, and it is our thoughts about them that shape our emotional responses. As always, I draw from personal stories, reflections, and examples, to see how our perceptions and attitudes can transform our experiences of pain, so we are not crippled by it, but instead we advance in spite of it.

    Episode Highlights

    • Introduction to the Concept: • Statement from the previous episode: Circumstances are neither good nor bad. • The idea that it is our thoughts about circumstances that determine our emotions. • The Influence of Our Perception: • Factors influencing perception: personality, culture, mood, mental state. • Personal story of discovering and embracing this concept. • Personal Story About Pets: • Childhood experiences with pets in Benin. • Decision to get pets for children despite potential for pain. • Realisation that the doorway for pain is the same doorway for joy. • Embracing Pain and Disappointment: • Reflection on Earl Nightingale’s advice to embrace pain and disappointment. • Choosing to embrace rather than fight against life’s challenges. • Perspective on Tough Seasons: • Conversation with friend Shade about tough seasons and blessings. • Realisation that what we have today was once something we prayed for. • Comparing Pain: • Thoughts on the Gaza-Israel conflict as an example of different perspectives on the same circumstance. • Discussion on the futility of comparing one’s pain to others’. • Emphasis on pain being felt internally, not externally. • Seeking Joy in Difficult Times: • Reflection on the brain’s tendency to seek joy and avoid pain. • Personal story of seeking joy through prayer during challenging times. • The importance of finding joy and peace within, regardless of external circumstances.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Circumstances are Neutral: It’s our thoughts about them that create our emotional responses. 2. Embrace Challenges: Choosing to embrace pain and disappointment can give us more control over our lives. 3. Avoid Comparison: Pain and joy are internal experiences, and comparing our circumstances to others’ can be misleading and unhelpful.


    • PR Workshop: Join us for an upcoming PR workshop where you’ll learn the essentials of public relations, effective communication strategies, and how to elevate your brand. Stay tuned for dates and registration details. • Coaching and Workshops: Explore our range of coaching services and workshops designed to help you achieve personal and professional growth. Whether you are looking to improve your mindset, enhance your entrepreneurial skills, or navigate life’s challenges, we have something for you.

    Connect with Me: I would love to hear from you! Connect with me on social media and stay updated with the latest news and events: • Email: [email protected] • Instagram: Toks Aruoture • LinkedIn: Toks Aruoture

    Contact Information

    • Email: [email protected]

    Listener Challenge

    Reflect on a time when you prayed desperately for something you now have. How do you feel about it now? Consider how your thoughts and attitudes have influenced your emotions towards it.

    Subscribe & Review

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review on your favourite podcast platform. Your feedback helps us reach more listeners and continue to provide valuable content.

    Next Episode Teaser

    Stay tuned for the next episode where we will continue exploring the neutrality of circumstances and how to harness our thoughts to navigate life’s challenges.

    This podcast is brought to you by Living Inside Out; a platform where we explore the intersection of mindset, entrepreneurship, and faith. For more insights and inspiration, visit our website and stay connected with our community.

  • We’re just five episodes away from our 100th episode, and we’re planning to celebrate big! I have some exciting ideas, including recording in front of a live audience. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so please let me know what you think.

    Embracing Challenges

    This week, I had the wonderful opportunity to speak to graduate students in Brazil, and it has left me on a high. It got me thinking about the challenges we all face in life.

    After months of waiting for a challenging season to end, I’ve finally embraced it as a part of life. Have you ever found yourself waiting, like being in a valley, hoping someone will hoist you up to the mountain? Life in the valley is something we all experience. It’s a stop on our journey but not where we’re meant to stay. If you’re in a valley, surrounded by mountains and obstacles, know that this too shall pass.

    The Power of Perspective

    Recently, I had a revelation about our thoughts, emotions, and circumstances. It’s not the circumstance that causes us to feel discouraged, sad, or angry—it’s our thoughts. Circumstances are neutral; they don’t carry any power. It’s our interpretation of them that shapes our emotions. This explains why two people in the same situation can react so differently.

    A Personal Anecdote

    I’ll share a recent personal experience to illustrate this. I changed my phone provider, moving from a high business tariff to a much lower one. The switch-over process wasn’t smooth, and the new company only offered live chat support. You can imagine the frustration! During my first interaction, I was getting annoyed. I even felt like cursing out the agent, but I managed to keep my anger in check 🙈

    Although the problem wasn’t resolved by the third conversation, my reaction was different. I felt irritation rising but managed to push it down. Here’s why:

    I had a chat with myself after the first interaction.this conversation was at home, at the start of the day, when I was at peace and not stressed.It was a different day—Friday, to be exact!Shifting Your Mindset

    Recognising that circumstances don’t directly dictate our emotions allows us to work on our internal responses. Here are three mindset shifts to adopt during challenging seasons:

    Accept that everyone goes through challenges.When I lost my business in the 2008 recession, it helped to know that it wasn’t just me—many were affected. Understanding that challenges are normal in life can help us feel less burdened and more focused on moving forward. Resist the temptation to compare your life to others. Accepting that challenges are universal and neutral stops you from searching for the cause of your pain and allows you to nurture your soul.

    Resist the urge to medicate the pain.It’s natural to want to avoid pain, but sometimes, the path to our destination involves facing difficulties head-on. There’s treasure to be found in dark places, but only if we resist the urge to numb ourselves with distractions like alcohol, shopping, or binge-watching TV.

    Don’t search for someone or something to blame.Blame is a common response to crises, but it doesn’t help us move forward. Instead of pointing fingers, take responsibility for your life. This doesn’t mean blaming yourself—it means owning your journey. By doing so, you remain in control and can more effectively navigate challenges.

    Final Thoughts

    Challenges often involve deception, which blinds us to the goodness around us and amplifies our struggles. Remember, deception is simply a lie posing as truth. The best way to counter it is by internalising and speaking the truth—God is good, and His plans for you are to prosper you and give you hope and a future.


    I'll be hosting a PR workshop on the 27th of June to teach and share with you the nitty-gritty of building your personal/business brand. These are the strategies I used to grow from $75 in the corner of my room to the destination for luxury baby furniture in London.Here's what you can expect to take away from the workshop: Learn MY tips and strategies that got me featured in top publications such as The Telegraph, The Times, The Metro, etc.

    Discover how to build a strong online presence that attracts clients and opportunities and makes you feel confident and visible!Master the art of storytelling to make your brand stand out, and get access to exclusive insights you won't find elsewhereLearn how to craft pitches that land you on top media platforms and make your voice heard!

    Join me on Zoom on 27th of June,2024 and take the first step towards elevating your brand with PR mastery. Register now on the website or send an email to [email protected].

    Spaces are limited, so sign up soon. For personal insights and reflections, check out my “Dear Diary” segment on social media and YouTube.

    Action Point

    Be especially mindful this week and watch your emotional response to uncomfortable situations; then ask yourself, what thought created this feeling, or what did I just think? This will help to self-regulate emotions as opposed to being at their mercy.

  • Hey you! Would you agree that we are in a pivotal moment in the world? It feels as though the rebate of change and evolution is at the highest speed. Social media, pandemic, wars, economic crises, artificial intelligence? Imagine someone who has been in a coma foe the past six years, waking up today? They’d freak out 😅 This episode explores how we can live authentically in a rapidly changing, and increasingly artificial world. You were created to fulfil a purpose, but you won't be able to do so unless you practice living authentically.Because the layers that embellish us to make us more acceptable also hide our gifts and our true selves.Recently, I’ve been reflecting on how I lead my team and the role of emotions in business. It’s been a challenging yet enlightening period, showing me that emotions can steer our decisions unpredictably.One theme that has been recurring is facing the fear of judgement. This is something I’ve struggled with and I am getting past, and it’s a common challenge many of us face. We have got to push past self-doubt and societal expectations to live authentically.Full Circle MomentIf we are connected on social media, you'll notice that I’ve been featured in Nigerian press for my work on mindset transformation, and will be guest lecturing at a Brazilian university, a nod to my Brazilian roots. But I also happen to be dealing with some other challenges which has led me to believe trials and success are two sides of the same coin.Life is about accepting dual realities. We often fear judgement from others, but pushing past this fear is crucial for authentic living. It’s about embracing both the good and the bad and understanding that both can exist simultaneously. Limiting beliefs, formed from past hurts, can hinder our true potential. Like pearls formed from irritants, these beliefs create protective layers that we must address to live authentically. Practical Tips for Authentic LivingDaily Practices: Journaling, mindfulness, and setting boundaries help stay connected to yourself.Mindful Consumption: Curate your environment to minimise negative influences.Setting Personal Goals: Align your goals with your true self, not external expectations.Final ThoughtsReflect on your journey towards authenticity and take proactive steps to live genuinely. If you need guidance, I offer coaching services to help uncover and overcome limiting beliefs. Contact me at [email protected] or visit toksaruoture.com. AnnouncementsThe next PR Workshop is on 27th June. Spaces are limited, so sign up soon. Also, check out my “Dear Diary” segment on social media and YouTube for personal insights and reflections. Next stepsReflect on your authenticity journey and take steps to embrace it fully. Reach out if you need support—I’m here to help you uncover your amazing self. Thanks for tuning in! Until next time, keep living authentically and embrace the journey. Do reach out with any questions or thoughts on this episode via email or social media. Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Are you an overwhelmed entrepreneur struggling to find balance? In episode 93, we dive into practical strategies for overcoming overwhelm and reclaiming control of your business and life.

    Overwhelm is a common challenge for busy entrepreneurs, but it's not insurmountable. Join us as we explore actionable solutions to help you navigate overwhelm and achieve greater freedom in your entrepreneurial journey.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Recognising the Normalisation of Overwhelm: Discover why overwhelm has become normalised in entrepreneurship and how it can negatively impact your business and well-being. Learn the importance of setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, and combating burnout.

    Addressing Unrealistic Time Management: Explore the pitfalls of unrealistic time management and how it contributes to overwhelm. Learn practical time management techniques, including the Pomodoro Technique, to boost productivity and efficiency while reducing stress.

    Confronting Mental Distractions and Lack of Focus: Uncover the impact of mental distractions and information overload on entrepreneurial overwhelm. Discover strategies for enhancing focus, practising mindfulness, and minimizing social media distractions to regain clarity and control.

    Resources and Links:

    EXCITING NEWS! I'll be hosting a PR workshop titled 'Transform Your Stories into Headlines.' this coming 18th of May at 7pm via Zoom. Learn storytelling, media relations, and guerrilla tactics for personal and business brand success.

    Want to learn more? Check out all the details and secure your spot at this link.

    Pomodoro TechniqueTomi Rotimi on InstagramTomi Rotimi on amazonEpisode 6: Joy or Pain - Emotional Decision Making

    Don't let overwhelm prevent you from achieving your entrepreneurial dreams. With practical strategies and a proactive mindset, you can overcome overwhelm, reclaim time, and find greater freedom in your business and life. Subscribe to the Living Inside Out podcast for valuable insights and support on your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Today we're diving into the topic of overcoming impostor syndrome.

    In this episode, we explore the insidious ways impostor syndrome can manifest in our lives:

    1. **Seeking External Validation:** Relying on others' approval to feel worthy, even when we've achieved success.

    2. **Crippling Self-Doubt:** Allowing impostor syndrome to undermine our confidence and hinder our ability to make decisions.

    3. **Fear of Success:** Subconsciously sabotaging our own progress due to a deep-seated belief that we're not deserving of our achievements.

    Drawing from personal experiences and insights, I share practical strategies to combat impostor syndrome:

    1. **Celebrating Wins:** Taking time to acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest victories empowers us to recognise our worth.

    2. **Preparation and Practice:**

    Thoroughly preparing for tasks or projects helps alleviate anxiety and boosts confidence.

    3. **Self-Affirmation:** Embracing self-praise, free from the constraints of cultural stigma, reinforces our sense of self-worth and diminishes the grip of impostor syndrome.

    Join me as we navigate the complexities of impostor syndrome and embark on a journey towards self-acceptance and empowerment.

    **Past Episode References:**- Episode 12: Toxic Friendships: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iATOLZd9KEk&list=PLMsxgKktXsjbYxCMgQINuPV6WE6nB8soR&index=80- Episode 9: Lies We Believe: Exposing the Mindsets that Limit Growth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VhPxdD7QkQ&list=PLMsxgKktXsjbYxCMgQINuPV6WE6nB8soR&index=83

    Thank you for tuning in! Don't forget to subscribe and rate this episode, and I look forward to connecting with you on social media at toksaruoture. Until next time!

    EXCITING NEWS! I'll be hosting a PR workshop titled 'Transform Your Stories into Headlines.' this coming 18th of May at 7pm via Zoom. Learn storytelling, media relations, and guerrilla tactics for personal and business brand success.

    Want to learn more? Check out all the details and secure your spot at this link.

  • This week we are continuing our 'entrepreneur' series and exploring what it looks like to be a Christian entrepreneur. I considered naming this episode The Spiritual Entrepreneur, but I realised that "spiritual" can mean many things to different people. So, it helps to be clear on this.

    Personal Story: Finding Guidance

    My earliest recollection of leaning on God for guidance as a Christian businesswoman was when I prayed for a mentor. God took my cry for help seriously and sent me Betsy Stevenson, a wonderful mentor who guided me through the fog. Her warmth and friendship is why I am committed to mentoring women entrepreneurs.

    God's Intervention in Business Decisions

    I’ve experienced God’s intervention numerous times in my business journey, from deciding whether to sell my store to navigating the complexities of building a website. Each time, His guidance was clear and led to remarkable outcomes.

    Learning from Challenges

    Through prayer and obedience, I’ve learned valuable lessons in business. Obedience in one area often releases favour in another, leading to unexpected opportunities and growth.

    Inviting God into your Business

    How can you include God in the running of your business? Believe in His desire to see you succeed, pray from a place of victory, and know that obedience often leads to favour and blessings.


    If you missed my interview with Channels TV, it will re-air this Saturday at 7:30pm on the programme Africans in Diaspora. Also, I have a PR workshop coming up in May. Send me a message to learn more.

    Workshops & Courses

    I am excited to announce our upcoming PR on a Shoestring Workshop.

    One thing I can say after being in business for almost 20 years is that PR is essential. My business would not be where it is without PR. Having started with $75, I had no budget to pay an agency or pay for advertising. Yet, I ended up in national and international publications like Vogue, Hello!, Architectural Digest, The Telegraph., Times, Channel 4, ITV, BBC, and so many more. In this workshop, I will teach you all I know to get yourself into the media without having to pay thousands. Email [email protected] to register your interest, and we will add you to the list once we finalise the details.

    Your Rock Star Story

    Your story is waiting to be written. If you don't write it, someone will do so for you; it will soon become your narrative. Some of us are already living someone else's version of our story. End that today and purchase the Introduction to Your Rock Star Story course. This is a 2-hour video that allows you to work through the process at your own pace. My story took me from hiding to the TEDx stage. What I was once ashamed of became my calling card. And you can do the same for yourself today.

    If you have not subscribed to and rated the Living Inside Out podcast, please do so on your favourite podcast app. It helps me grow my listenership and reach more people with relevant content. Thank you!


    Thank you for tuning in and listening to this podcast. If it has blessed you in any way, please share it with your friends and give us a five-star rating. I wish you a fantastic day ahead. God bless you.


    Betsy Stevenson, founder of Clear Creek GroupToks Aruoture's TED Talk: Channels TV interview: Diaspora NetworkWebsite
  • Are you lacking confidence as an entrepreneur? Do you make business decisions confidently? As we look forward to the future, we must reflect on our past experiences and learn from them. This episode explores decision-making and the correlation between confidence and results. We'll examine how our external and internal factors influence our decision-making process and how we can improve our confidence as entrepreneurs. The start of a new business comes with sufficient fuel to get you started but not enough to keep you going. External factors and doubt may creep in, and you may begin to blame your decisions for the fluctuations and unpredictability typical to business. This may lead to paralysis when it comes to decision-making. During the episode, we'll share three valuable tips to increase your confidence. The first tip is to recognise and embrace your uniqueness, gifts, and peculiarities. Don't try to conform to societal norms and sacrifice your individuality. Secondly, we'll discuss the importance of keeping your word to yourself. When you commit to something, follow through and reinforce your ability to do what you want. Finally, we'll touch on admitting when you don't know something. There's no shame in not knowing; recognising our limitations is crucial to growing and learning. So, stay tuned for this exciting episode, and let's learn together how to make decisions confidently and with ease.Workshops & Courses

    I am excited to announce our upcoming PR on a Shoestring Workshop.

    One thing I can say after being in business for almost 20 years is that PR is essential. My business would not be where it is without PR. Having started with $75, I had no budget to pay an agency or pay for advertising. Yet, I ended up in national and international publications like Vogue, Hello!, Architectural Digest, The Telegraph., Times, Channel 4, ITV, BBC, and so many more. In this workshop, I will teach you all I know to get yourself into the media without having to pay thousands. Email [email protected] to register your interest, and we will add you to the list once we finalise the details.

    Your Rock Star Story

    Your story is waiting to be written. If you don't write it, someone will do so for you; it will soon become your narrative. Some of us are already living someone else's version of our story. End that today and purchase the Introduction to Your Rock Star Story course. This is a 2-hour video that allows you to work through the process at your own pace. My story took me from hiding to the TEDx stage. What I was once ashamed of became my calling card. And you can do the same for yourself today.

    If you have not subscribed to and rated the Living Inside Out podcast, please do so on your favourite podcast app. It helps me grow my listenership and reach more people with relevant content. Thank you!

  • How often have you felt stuck, unable to make a business decision because your gut does not align with your logic?

    The Practical vs. the Intuitive: Entrepreneurs often prioritise the practical and tangible aspects of business, which are undoubtedly essential. However, the gift of intuition, particularly prevalent in women, should not be overlooked.

    The Challenge of Intuition: Intuition is a deeply personal experience arising from within our 'gut'. Unlike tangible skills, intuition cannot be taught or explained by others. Many individuals operate superficially, placing value solely on tangible and emotional experiences.

    Developing Intuition in Business: To incorporate intuition into business practices, it's crucial to start small. Begin by acknowledging your intuitive capabilities and actively listening to them.

    Workshops & Courses

    I am excited to announce our upcoming PR on a Shoestring Workshop.

    One thing I can say after being in business for almost 20 years is that PR is essential. My business would not be where it is without PR. Having started with $75, I had no budget to pay an agency or pay for advertising. Yet, I ended up in national and international publications like Vogue, Hello!, Architectural Digest, The Telegraph., Times, Channel 4, ITV, BBC, and so many more. In this workshop, I will teach you all I know to get yourself into the media without having to pay thousands. Email [email protected] to register your interest, and we will add you to the list once we finalise the details.

    Your Rock Star Story

    Your story is waiting to be written. If you don't write it, someone will do so for you; pretty soon, it will become your narrative. Some of us are already living someone else's version of our story. End that today and purchase the Introduction to Your Rock Star Story course. This is a 2-hour video that allows you to work through the process at your own pace. My story took me from hiding to the TEDx stage. What I was once ashamed of became my calling card. And you can do the same for yourself today.

    If you have not subscribed to and rated the Living Inside Out podcast, please do so on your favourite podcast app. It helps me grow my listenership and reach more people with relevant content. Thank you!

  • 🎙️ Welcome Back to Living Inside Out! Thank you for tuning in!! Whether you're a returning listener or joining us for the first time, I'm thrilled to have you here. In this episode, we dive deep into the intersection of faith, mindset, and entrepreneurship, exploring themes of self-discovery, growth, and overcoming obstacles.

    🌟 Highlights from My Recent Trip: I share insights from my journey to Lagos, including my experiences at the Leadership Conference and Awards where I had the privilege of speaking to a distinguished audience about the world's greatest lie and the power of personal responsibility.

    💡 Unlocking Your Gifts: Discover the importance of operating in your gifts and how it can lead to personal and professional fulfillment. I discuss practical steps for gaining clarity, expanding your network, and embracing vulnerability on your path to success.

    🔑 Overcoming Self-Consciousness: Learn how to silence the inner critic and step into your true potential by embracing vulnerability and shedding self-consciousness. Drawing inspiration from the biblical story of the widow with the jar of oil, we uncover the courage it takes to pursue our dreams despite fear of judgment.

    🌱 Next Steps: Ready to take the next step on your journey of growth and empowerment? Stay tuned for exciting news about an upcoming PR workshop designed to help you elevate your personal brand and business. Details will be announced soon, but if you're interested, feel free to contact [email protected] for more information!

    🙏 Thank You for Your Support: I'm grateful for your patience during our hiatus and excited to be back on air. Your support means the world to me, and I look forward to sharing more inspiring content with you in the weeks to come.

    For questions or support on any of my mindset courses, please email [email protected]

    Let's Connect:Have you subscribed to this podcast? Why don’t you do so on your favourite podcast app? Then head to Youtube.com/toksaruoture to watch and subscribe to my show, Living Inside Out. I would LOVE to connect with you on social; let's stay in touch at toksauoture.com and hang out together on Instagram- @toksaruoture and on Facebook, Living Inside Out.

  • Compliments of the season!! Can you believe 2023 just happened? It's a behind-the-scenes situation because I still feel like it's June, and I have six months to do what I intended. 😂

    Thank you for the comments, shares and feedback on my TEDx talk, The superpower of Authentic Storytelling

    If you haven't watched it, click to do so, and please continue to share it. More on that next week.

    To thank everyone who supported me this year, we are offering a FREE workshop for Write Your Rock Star Story this coming December 29th, 2024 at 6PM, UK Time, via Zoom.

    To secure your spot on the official attendee list, kindly complete the Registration Form, accessible through this link: https://forms.gle/EvqDmj9m29g7dLCXA

    If you know anyone eager to unlock their full potential, kindly share this information with them. Let's collectively redefine our stories and embark on a journey of brilliance together.

    In this episode, I share three spiritual lessons I learned in 2023. These were borne out of personal experiences, as opposed to books I read or sermons I heard.

    1. God is Faithful.

    People in the Christian community will agree that this has become a cliche. But we must take note of cliches because they are often heavy with truth. I share that God is faithful, which isn't just a nice or religiously correct thing to say; it is a statement of fact. We live in a world that is in a constant state of change, and the concept of immovability can be complex to grasp because we don't have many reference points.

    2. God is Love.

    Another cliche. His character is love- nothing you can do to diminish or increase His love for you. This lesson came to me while I was on holiday in Lagos, Nigeria. I was emotionally in the middle of a situation I believed I had earned rebuke and judgment for. But God did none of that. He loved me out of the pit.

    3. God is Willing

    When a leper approached Jesus to heal him, he said, "If you are willing". Jesus said I AM Willing. I AM wasn't referring to that moment in time but to Jesus's character. Jesus is always willing to help, bless, deliver, and move you forward.

    In my next few episodes, I will be chatting with some of my besties, starting with none other than Suzy Bannerman! You will remember her from two years ago when we did lessons from 2021. Suzy is a sage, A wise woman. Then you will finally get to meet Titi. Titi carries an air of unbotheredness that is second to none. I cannot imagine being ruffled next to her. She radiates calmness, and with her insight and wisdom, you need a Titi. And there's Oga. Extraordinary, incredibly intelligent Oga. I hope I can convince her to come on the podcast. Next year is all about cultivating relationships so that you will meet more of my friends, including Toyin Okunuga. We have recorded an episode in the past, but technical issues have prevented it from airing. We will try again until we get there! The collective wisdom of the women in our lives is a treasure. Cherish them. For questions or support on any of my mindset courses, please email [email protected] Let's Connect:Have you subscribed to this podcast? Why don’t you do so on your favourite podcast app? Then head to Youtube.com/toksaruoture to watch and subscribe to my show, Living Inside Out. I would LOVE to connect with you on social; let's stay in touch at toksauoture.com and hang out together on Instagram- @toksaruoture and on Facebook, Living Inside Out.
  • I hope you had a glorious summer and autumn. Is that how much time has passed? LOL!

    My much-needed break from writing and recording has ended, and I am happy to be back!

    In this episode, I bring you up to speed with what's been happening. My recent trip to Lagos left me feeling incredibly inspired. Nigeria always does that to me. When you consider the challenges the masses face with the high cost of living, yet they continue to dream and forge ahead, you will come away feeling like you need some of what they have. I compared the general mindsets I observed. In Nigeria, everyone constantly aims for better, while we don't ask for much in the UK. Just comfort. Nothing was wrong with that, but it started a train of thoughts that culminated in addressing mediocrity in my life, which I discussed in this episode. I hope it inspires you.

    In other news, I delivered my first TED talk! That deserves a whole podcast by itself. The talk will be published on TED's platform and YouTube any day now, so keep an eye out. I warn you, I will be asking, not forcing you to share it with your network; thank you in advance 😊 The Talk is titled: The Superpower of Authentic Storytelling.

    You can do hard things.

    Find out how contracting food poisoning in Frankfurt ended up being one of the best things that could have happened to me.

    All of the above has led me to resolve to live fully and stop hiding. Because I hide. I economise my presence in certain places and decide on my entrance into rooms based on the level of acceptance I predict.

    But not anymore. Because something in my home country delivered me from the lie that told me I was standing on someone else's land. And I needed to be polite and permissive on their soil.

    Knowing that I belong anywhere my life takes me is liberating. Owning the ground on which I stand is empowering.

    'I did not come here to be accepted" sounds like the title of a book I will one day write, along with sequels like 'I Do Not Need Your Permission' and 'I Will Not Dim My Light to Make You Comfortable'.

    I invite you to write yours too.

    Please leave a five-star comment, subscribe, and share this episode with your network; I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!

    I was recently interviewed on The Resilient Retail Podcast, where I shared about gathering wisps of resilience on our journey.


    My Ted Talk: The Superpower of Authentic Storytelling

    Episode 54: Recognising the Pieces of Your Dreams

  • Today's episode is birthed out of my frustration for living in overwhelm and constant stress. There's a lie some of us have believed that the more complex and challenging a task is, the more important it is. Sometimes we deliberately complicate issues because we respect the complex and spectacular over the simple and easy to do.

    We pack so much into our day and have grown accustomed to living highly-stressed lives. We believe it comes with the territory of chasing big dreams.

    Creating time buffers around your activities is a game-changer.

    It gives you room to breathe and think.Increases your self-confidence in meetingsAllows you to recognise growth opportunities

    The benefits are numerous, and I believe you won't want to return once you taste a life of ease. I encourage you to identify why you permit time to manage you instead of it being the other way around.

    Action points:

    Build buffers around your appointmentsDon't pack your diary full. You are not in a race. You were created to live and not race.Understand that self-care and self-worth increase when you become a person of your word.

    I will be taking a break from summer to refuel and recharge for the final stretch of 2023. This is a good time to re-listen to some of your favourite episodes. I will remain active on social media, where I'll continue reading my journal every week. Let's connect on Instagram @toksaruoture.


    Valorie Burton

    Successful Women Think Differently Podcast


  • I hope you're having a great day and taking some time to relax and unwind. 😊

    When it comes to growing our businesses, there are countless books, talks, videos, and articles out there that offer valuable insights and advice. They often highlight the habits and routines of successful individuals, suggesting that by emulating them, we can move closer to our own version of success. And hey, those tips can definitely be helpful!

    However, if we truly want to bring about meaningful change in our lives, we need to go beyond just focusing on what we do. We must dig deeper and address the root causes behind our actions—the very things that are producing results we're not satisfied with.

    In today's episode, I want to explore a specific habit that may be holding you back: hoarding. Now, I'm not referring to collecting physical items like a pack rat (although that's a topic for another time!). Instead, I'm talking about three forms of hoarding that can hinder our personal and therefore, business growth:

    Hoarding knowledge: Sometimes, we cling tightly to what we know, afraid to let go and embrace new ideas. But if we genuinely want to evolve and become the best version of ourselves, we must be open to releasing old notions and welcoming the possibilities that come with the unknown.

    Hoarding your present circumstances: It's natural to find comfort in the familiar, even if it no longer serves us. Stepping into the unknown can be daunting, but staying within the confines of what we know won't lead to growth. Sometimes, we need to take that leap of faith and see where it takes us.

    Hoarding ideas: This one's for all the creative souls out there. It's common to fear that once we use up an idea, we'll be left with nothing. However, ideas are infinite and abundant. They flow through us when we're open and ready to receive them. So, don't be afraid to share your ideas with the world, because new ones will always find their way to you.

    Now, why do we hoard? Fear is often at the root of this behaviour. Fear keeps us stuck, and stagnant, and prevents us from growing. If we genuinely want to break free from this pattern, we must confront our fears head-on and understand their origins.

    To facilitate this journey of self-discovery, I encourage you to spend some time journaling. Reflect on these three questions in various aspects of your life—relationships, business, and beyond:

    Am I doing my best?What does my best look like?Why am I holding back?

    By honestly answering these questions, you might uncover surprising insights and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

    As for me, it's time for a summer break! I'll be taking some well-deserved rest and relaxation. But don't worry, we still have one more episode coming up next week. And fear not, I'll be back in September when the new school year begins.

    Before I wrap up, I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for listening and sharing. Your support means the world to me. So, please, let me know your thoughts on today's episode and any other topics you'd like me to explore. I truly value your comments and reviews.

    Enjoy your summer, and I'll catch up with you soon!

    Warmest regards,


  • I recently had a fantastic time hosting a fun and casual conversation on my podcast with two amazing entrepreneurs, Amanda McKoy Flanagan and Ginny Oliva's-Smith. We got real and talked about the ups and downs of building businesses while being married with kids in beautiful Colorado.

    We laughed and debunked the glamorous myth surrounding entrepreneurship. Instead of luxury, we highlighted the non-stop work, sleepless nights, and sheer dedication required for success. It's definitely not all glitz and glamour!

    One of the highlights was our discussion on finding the balance between work and family life. As fellow moms and business owners, Amanda and Ginny shared their experiences and practical tips for juggling it all. It's no easy feat, but they reminded us that thriving in both realms is possible.

    We also celebrated Amanda's latest achievement—the release of her book entitled "Trust Yourself to Be All In: Safe to Love and Let Go". Being all in with yourself means having your own back when the chips fall with unconditional love, and trusting yourself to show up for yourself no matter what pain is coming down the pike.

    Hosting Amanda and Ginny was an absolute blast. We created a warm, welcoming environment where their wisdom and camaraderie shone through. Together, we shared a lighthearted and uplifting conversation showcasing entrepreneurship's realities while leaving listeners feeling motivated and encouraged.

    So join us for heartfelt discussions on love, loss, and connections. Amanda and Ginny bring their unique perspectives, making it a delightful and engaging experience for all. Get ready to be inspired and have some fun along the way!


    Order "Trust Yourself to be All In: Safe to Love and Let Go" book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C4M137BJ

    Amanda McKoy Flanagan- https://www.instagram.com/amandamckoyflanagan/

    Ginny Olivia's-Smith- https://www.instagram.com/ginnyos13/

    Sol Rising Podcast- www.instagram.com/solrisingpodcast

  • I truly believe everyone goes through their fair share of failures in life. It's part of being human, after all. But you know what's interesting? When we talk about our own stories, we often hold back and only share the highlights. Well, in this episode, I want to change that.

    Let me take you on a journey through the extraordinary life of the iconic Rock Star, Tina Turner. Now, when you hear her name, two things probably come to mind: the rock music legend she is and her difficult marriage with Ike Turner.

    But here's the thing: if you're going through something that has brought up feelings of shame in you, whether it was your fault or someone else's, this episode is for you. Because, let's face it, failure is something we all experience, yet we tend to shy away from discussing it openly. But your story, my friend, is worth telling.

    Your Rock Star Story is the beautiful tapestry of your life, with its ups, downs, regrets, and victories. It's about viewing yourself as a winner, even in the face of adversity. And guess what? It doesn't end with where you are today. No, it continues into the future that you've envisioned for yourself. Your story is a testament to the fact that despite everything, you've emerged victorious. But here's the catch: you have to write it.

    So, why should you rewrite your story in its rock star version? Here are three compelling reasons:

    To embrace and overcome shame: Shame has a sneaky way of making us hide the parts of our story that make us cringe. But it's precisely those parts that hold the key to your breakthrough and can resonate with others who have experienced similar struggles. The world craves human connection, and telling your story allows you to take back the power of your narrative and hold it firmly in your own hands.

    To unleash your confidence: By rewriting your story, you'll unleash a newfound confidence to show up as your authentic self. No more picking and choosing which parts to bring to the table based on who's listening. You get to be unapologetically you, and that's where your true strength lies.

    To rediscover yourself: Through this process, you'll see yourself in a different light. You'll recognize your own strength, resilience, and capabilities. It's time to let go of the notion that you're weak or a failure. You are so much more than that, my friend.

    Once you're done listening to this podcast episode, grab a pen and paper. Start writing your story, your rock star journey. And hey, if you're interested, I'd love for you to join me in a Rock Star Story workshop. It's an opportunity to dive deeper into this process and connect with others who are rewriting their own stories. You can find all the details here:

    Remember, your story matters. So let's embrace it, rewrite it, and rock it out together!


    VIA Strengths Finder Test

    Rock Star Story Workshop


    [email protected]

  • When I became a mum, I was hit with the sobering realisation that I was now responsible for the direction an entire human would take. It was heavy. The truth is, I had been accountable for my life for many years before then. When making decisions, we can go in one of three directions; throw caution to the wind and go for it, contemplate and consider all possibilities; or do nothing.

    Relying on our feelings to decide for us is easy but irresponsible because emotions, though incredibly powerful and convincing, also make bad rulers.

    In this episode, we explore three ways our emotions can sabotage our journey when they come into the picture.

    Sitting and waiting for everything to be perfectRelying on the physical or emotional for inspiration.Using past successes as a measure of our capability.

    As always, I draw examples from my journey; I hope you are inspired sufficiently to explore how you make decisions🙂


    Rubber hand sensory experiment

    Past episode references:

    #80 Turning Pain into Purpose with Ashley Randolph

    #76 Comfort: Thief of Destinies

    #75 Making Peace with Trials

    #74 The Journey of a Tenacious Entrepreneur with Sherri Blum

    #72 How to Build Resilience


    The Mindset Mentoring programme runs twice a year. Every dream you have for yourself is valid. God gave you the vision. He also equipped you with everything you need to manifest it physically. Join me on an exciting journey to Get Unstuck through mindset mentoring as we peel back the layers that have camouflaged your gifts and then gain the clarity you need to use them to propel forward. Spaces are limited as we run the course in small groups.

    Start Date: 24th June 2023

    Duration: Six Weeks

    Cost ÂŁ1299 per person

    Let's Connect:

    Have you subscribed to this podcast? Why don't you do so on your favourite podcast app? Then head to Youtube.com/toksaruoture to watch and subscribe to my show, Living Inside Out. I would LOVE to connect with you on social; let's stay in touch at toksauoture.com and hang out together on Instagram- @toksaruoture and on Facebook, Living Inside Out.