Welcome to the second episode of 2022 Christmas special!! For this episode we thought it would be nice to do a recap of the year, and set some new goals and resolution for 2023. We suggest you to do a recap of this year to see what have you achieved and set goals for the new year. So enjoy this last episode of season 4 and we'll be back soon!
Enjoy the rest of the 2022 and Happy New Year!!
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Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Welcome to the first episode of 2022 Christmas special!! For this episode we thought it would be funny to play the game Would you rather, but in a Christmas edition. We had so much fun recording the episode, that we recommend the game to you guys to play with your family or friends.
Have nice holidays with your loved ones and we wish you a Merry Christmas!!
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IG: @lovealadijonnaisepodcast
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Puuttuva jakso?
You heard it right, this year we're doing Christmas special again!! In this short announcement we give you the dates of episodes, and with that we'll finish season 4.
** Don't forget to follow us and share the podcast!!
IG: @lovealadijonnaisepodcast
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
In this week's episode we talk about a topic, that is usually the reason for breaking up relationship. Yes you guessed it right, it's money!! Before we get into a relationship with someone, it's important that we as an individual have a healthy relationship with money, as well as our partner. Later both you and your partner can bring those healthy habits into the relationship, and see what works for you best in the aspect of dealing with money in the relationship. At the end we give you few advices how we're dealing with the topic of money in the relationship.
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YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
In this week's episode we break down some perceptions, that social media has created of how a healthy relationship should look like. Every relationship, every couple is different, so what might work for us might not work for another couple. And this is why we should consume social media cautiously, when it comes to relationship content. At the end we also talk about cultural point of view of relationships.
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YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
In this week's episode we want to talk about perfectionism and how it can affect us in different ways. We share our point of view about this topic, since one of us is a perfectionist and the other one is more easy going person. If we have learnt anything is, that perfection is found in imperfection. The only thing that is perfect is nature, yet it's still imperfect!
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Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
You never thought we'd do one of these episodes, but here it is!! Since Halloween has become very international we decided to record one episode on this topic, and tell you guys what do we celebrate around Halloween dates in our countries and how. At the end of the episode we share a creepy experience that had happened to us. Enjoy the episode as much as we enjoyed recording it!
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YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
This weeks's episode is a self reflection of how do we manage our own time, and how does time affects us in a long term. We grow up with the believe, that time should be managed the way society tells us, but really should it be like that? Or can we manage our own time the way we want?
We hope this episode can encourage you to self reflect of how you manage your time, and if it's currently affecting you in any way. If it is, what can you do to change that in order to live by your own rules, and not the ones from society.
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YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Yes guys you heard it well, we did the famous "How well do we know each other?" questions. It's a great activity at any stage of relationship so we recommend it to you!! So let's see how we did!?
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YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
For this week’s episode we brought back the famous long distance relationship assumptions!! This is part two of us reacting to the assumptions and giving our honest opinion about them. We hope you enjoy listening to the episode as much as we enjoyed recording it!
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YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Hello guys, we're back from our long break!! Welcome to season 4 of your favorite podcast, Love à la Dijonnaise!
This week's episode is a very funny story time of our never ending curse... Let new season begin!!
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YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
For this last episode of the third season we wanted to talk about something very accurate in everyone's life, and that is the importance of not being in automatic mode! Guys, we came here to enjoy every single aspect of life and to enjoy the journey, not only to focus on the end... Join us on this reflexive talk!
Thank you so much for all the support guys and see you in Season 4!
**Don't forget to follow us and share the podcast!!
-IG: @lovealadijonnaisepodcast
-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Everyone says uncountable myths and assumptions of long distance relationships and the impressive part is that sometimes, these people haven't even been in one! That's why, today we'll react to some of the most common myths and assumptions and we'll tell you if we agree or not.
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-IG: @lovealadijonnaisepodcast
-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Along all this time we have changed guys; we have learned so many things from each other but also from our cultures and what they represent to us. All these lessons, have become part of our daily lives, even when we are apart. So come and listen how have we been turned into a European-Mexican mixture.
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-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Having problems and discussions in a relationship is normal (on a measured way, of course), but having them and still being far away from the other makes it even harder, that's why, today we want to talk about how have we been facing this issue for almost four years and to give you some tips.
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-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
We all have different hobbies, right? They are those activities that literally fulfill our souls and make our days happier but, have you ever stopped to think if you could have more than the ones you currently have?... Have you ever thought if you could turn your hobby into your dreamed job?
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-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
If someone would have ever told us that being in a LDR had two clear faces, maybe we wouldn't have believed it... Now, almost 4 years later we can tell you that this type of relationship can be as cruel as wonderful.
Join us and listen to the worst face our relationship has but at the same time the most amazing of it!
**Don't forget to follow us and share the podcast!!
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-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Whoever knows us in person always tell us that we're a cute and funny couple, and the thing is, that we're even funnier inside our relationship! There isn't any single day that we don't laugh about something, and believe us guys... Everything has to be with all the random things we discover on a daily basis about each other.
Enjoy today's episode and laugh a bit with us!!
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-IG: @lovealadijonnaisepodcast
-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Hi guys! Today we wanted to talk about a very personal topic that is completely related and applies to all of us... Sometimes we focus on the external things or take in account only bad stuff people say about us, but we forget that we all are beautiful and perfect, so, in order to have a better perspective of who we really are we need to ask the question, "What is the inner beauty?"
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-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
Yeah... who hasn't been in the situation that someone gives us an advice and for some reason when we apply it in our life everything works the opposite? That's why, today we talk about funny stories about advices that some people got to tell us and since the beginning was a "NO"... Chill out and refresh your memory about those bad advices someone gave you.
**Don't forget to follow us and share the podcast!!
-IG: @lovealadijonnaisepodcast
-YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN4g4DQsCaWXUsCrvS4Uyg
-Email: lovealadijonnaise@gmail.com
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