Is God Trustworthy?
In this episode of Focus Flip, we will be reflecting on where/when we started to believe that God would disappoint us.
Healing begins the moment one feels seen and heard, but people don’t let others truly see or hear them until they feel like they can trust them.
Vulnerability can feel like you are letting people see your weakness. It can feel like you are allowing yourself to be easily hurt, however, I believe vulnerability is a sign of three things - great strength, trust, and safety.
The question is not, "Do you believe in God?" The question is, "Do you trust Him?" Do you trust him when everything feels like it's falling apart? Do you trust Him when you don't see the finances, your friend abandoned you, or loss appears to be surrounding you?
I will share with you the scriptures God gave me and the journey I have been on over this past year to find how I identifed and began working to build trust again.
The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:13-14
Making things tangible...
Make a list of where you doubt God or grab some notecards like me.
As you review this list ask yourself the following questions
Can you specifically identify what you think God won’t do?
Can you think back to when you started questioning if God would show up for you? Can you identify why?
Has it proven consistent that He's not shown up for you since that time?
As you are making yourself aware, have you noticed that God has shown up more than you realized? Maybe not always in the ways you imagined, but in ways you needed?
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“Do you want to get well?”
Growth in any area of your life lands on your choice to learn and expand your horizons. It doesn’t matter your age, until the day we die, we have the opportunity to better ourselves. The question is, are you willing to take action?
Jesus asked the man with the withered leg, the man who had been struggling for 38 years, do you want to be healed?
Jesus was really asking:
Do you want the responsibility that comes with your healing?
Do you recognize that you will be required to take action?
Get Up. Pick Up Your Mat. Walk.
GET UP - Learn how to live in your community but with a different position. You can no longer lay on the ground and be a beggar, you now have to GET UP.
PICK UP YOUR MAT - You are no longer labeled by your sickness. You can’t hold onto that label anymore. Your mat doesn’t define you anymore. You have to receive your new identity. Yes, forever that will be part of your story, however, it no longer defines you.
WALK - Are you willing to work through the trauma, heartache, pain, frustration, self-doubt, and whatever else you may face to step into your healing? You are no longer going to be a victim, but fully restored. You will no longer crawl but walk. Are you ready for the actions that are required?
This is the beginning of doing things you think you cannot do, but in the process, you are going to gain strength, courage, and confidence.
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Puuttuva jakso?
Contiuing the setup for this series...
Today we will be talking about the following questions:
What does the Bible actually say, versus how have we adjusted it to fit society?
What are you allowing your eyes to be open to?
Can you identify things you have been believing that don’t align with the word of God?The Bible says to know the truth and it will set you free. But if we are never reading it, how will we know it? If we don’t know it, how are we going to stand up against lies, especially when lies are partial truths?
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. I am a stranger on earth do not hide your commands from me. My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times. Psalm 119:18-20
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Time for a new series! This series is called “Dissolving Lies, Discovering Healing & Freedom.”
In this series, we will discuss the lies we believe and make agreements with instead of believing the truth of God’s word. Dissolving the lies is a process and a partnership with God, that requires us to invest both faith and action to find the results of healing and freedom. Let’s jump in and I will explain more.
So what should you expect from this series:
Stories to remind you that you are not alone.
Scriptures to give you hope, encourage you to read your Bible, and remind you of God’s faithfulness.
Questions to maybe give you a new perspective and reflect on things you are experiencing.
Practical steps to help you walk your healing journey.
What this series is NOT:
A 1-3 guide plan for healing and freedom. We each have a different story, different personality, etc… steps that work well for me, might not work for you. Questions that make me process one way might not do it for you. What I share are examples, and you have the opportunity to create the steps that help you dissolve lies and discover healing and freedom.
What this series is NOT: A promise that healing and freedom are instantaneous. They aren’t. It takes work. You may need support from doctors, therapists, a church, friends, and family.
More clarification: Yes, I believe Jesus died on the cross for our salvation and our healing. Yes, I believe God can do immediate, miraculous healing of mental health. Yes, I believe the Holy Spirit is our counselor and the best there is... AND, I also believe he gave us community to be iron sharpening iron. I believe when the bible says to get wisdom and understanding, sometimes he uses human beings. He uses those humans to help reveal the wounds, broken places, insecurities, misunderstandings, and more to bring healing. He’s given wisdom to people and allowed them to write books, record podcasts, and teach others so they can be His hands and feet to share the healing and freedom that he desires us to have.
Do NOT miss out on your healing because God uses a person instead of a scripture or He uses a coffee shop instead of a church.
This is the year that I’m declaring NEW. No more feeling like our lives are in a horrible loop, no more watching others step forward, while we feel like we are stuck. We are moving forward. Together, we are stepping into the full identity and potential God always meant for us to walk through.
The preparation that precedes your new growth…
God doesn’t make mistakes with the places, seasons, and people he calls us to. He doesn’t waste a moment, an opportunity, or a meeting. Everything has meaning, everything has a purpose, and nothing slides by him.
If they were given seeds to plant on ground that hadn’t seen rain or dew in three years, do you think that seed would have grown or died?
God knew what was needed for life.
He knew that the only way to give us salvation was to allow his son to die. He knows that sometimes we need a storm to come through and wash away the lies, the doubt, or whatever it might be that we’ve made agreements with instead of His Words.
Sometimes He sees what will destroy and He loves us too much to watch that happen. So maybe the storm was necessary to remove something that would have destroyed you.
Don’t lose Heart. Keep Going! God is at work.
Launching is on its way!
Episode 8 of The Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky series, listen now!
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What if your storm is the answer to your prayer?!?
Most of us in the christian faith don’t want storms. We try to avoid storms, pray our way out of storms, and hope we never have to face a storm, yet Elijah prayed for a storm.
Think about the last time hard things started happening in your life…. Did you immediately blame it on the devil? Did you ever consider that it's the answer to your prayer?
Maybe God is using this difficulty to sharpen or strengthen. Maybe he is saying, consider my servant ________, they will be faithful to me no matter what.
What if the growth you long for requires a storm?
Episode 7 of The Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky series, listen now!
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In this week's episode...
What are we overlooking because they appear insignificant?
Sometimes when we deem something insignificant, we attempt to jump ahead in the process. We get distracted by greener grass instead of staying content in our field.
Maybe a situation in your life feels like it’s on repeat. stale. Disatisfying?
Sometimes God gives one word. Asking for one act of obedience. Sometimes that act of obedience requires repetition.
Have you started to find ways to skip ahead? Taking the situation into your own hands instead of trusting the last word God has you and walking in obedience?
Or have you determined that God is silent in the waiting and you want to throw in the towel?
What if you keep going?
Episode 6 of The Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky series, listen now!
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The word God gave Elijah wasn’t just impacting him, it impacted the entire country. Much like if God is giving you a word, it’s not just going to impact you but it’s going to impact those around you.
The importance of Elijah not giving up on the prayer for rain after three 1/2 years of nothing… the crops, the animals, and the people are all in desperate need of this rain. Yet, Elijah had to faithfully take action and pray for the cloud to show up. His steadfast determination to not quit praying until his servant saw a cloud.
How many times have you gone out to see if the cloud was in the sky? (1 Kings 18:43)
How many times around the Wall of Jericho have you marched? (Joshua 6:1–27)
How many times have you dipped in the Jordan River? (2 Kings 5:14 - Nahamman)
In each of these stories, the miracle didn’t come after the first action was made. It came after multiple actions and multiple days or years.
What we do in the waiting is crucial!
Will doubts come into our minds, yes, we are all human. However, the question is do your actions follow your doubts or follow your faith?
Episode 5 of The Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky series, listen now!
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How do you remain steadfast in the waiting?
Does your situation appear hopeless?
Does you situation appear like it's failing?
Does everything around you look like death?
How do you remain when there is nothing?
How do you not allow past disappointments and experiences to influence your current circumstances?
In this episode of Focus Flip, we will be focusing on 1 Kings 18:43. We will talk the emotions we might be experiencing in the waiting, along with learning to remain steadfast.
Episode 4 of The Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky series
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What if your greatest strength comes through bending your knees?
Yes, kneeling may be considered a weak position. One of humility and surrender, but what if it's where you are knighted and elevated?
In this episode of Focus Flip, we will be focusing on 1 Kings 18:42, "So Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees."
Why is your positioning so important?
Why is it important to create good habits when life is good?
What power will you receive through doing these things?
You'll find the answers to these questions and so much more in this episode.
Episode 3 of The Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky series
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Do you remember what heavy rain sounds like?
Meaning, can you remember other miracles in your life? Other moments when God showed up for you. God's faithfulness in your life.
How often is your first move removing yourself from people when you are looking for a miracle?
Could God be allowing this waiting to strengthen your faith?
In this episode of Focus Flip, we will be focusing on 1 Kings 18:41, and Elijah said to Ahab, “Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.”
We will be talking about standing in faith and proclaiming what God has spoken over agreeing with our circumstances and feelings.
We can both see the reality and have faith in the promise God has spoken.
Episode 2 of The Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky series
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#FocusFlip #ACloudIntheClearBlueSky #faith #declaration #Elijah
Have you ever experienced a season of waiting, praying, hoping, yet not seeing?
Have you started to wonder if you truly believe God can do it? Are you starting to question if you deserve the answer to your prayer? Perhaps those “words from the Lord” were just your feelings and emotions that created wishful thinking in your mind?
Logically this doesn’t make sense, yet something within your soul says, don’t give up. Don’t stop praying. Keep going. God is working even when you can’t see it yet. A miracle is rising from the depths.
This podcast series is based on the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 18:41-46. It is a mixture of his story, my story, and other miracles to encourage you to keep praying with expectation, Don’t give up when the answer isn’t visible, but pray until you see the cloud in the clear blue sky.
At the end of each episode, I leave you with a few questions to help you dig deeper. I encourage you to take a few extra minutes and honestly answer those questions. Allow yourself to sit in the tension of your waiting - both to grieve, celebrate, and build your expectations.
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#FocusFlip #ACloudIntheClearBlueSky #personalgrowth #maturity #Elijah
What you invest in now will bring future returns. So the question is what are you investing in?
What habits are you creating to build the foundation of your house and future so when (not if, but when) storms come, hard times hit, you aren't crushed by them?
This is the final episode of the Kingdom Shift Series. This 12-week series is based on Jesus' first message in Matthew 5,6, & 7. Each episode builds on the last, so go back and check them all out.
We look back to what we've talked about & lay the final layer of our foundation in the Focus Flip launch. :)
Thanks for listening! The next series is coming soon and will be based on my new devotional "A Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky." Read here: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/38672-a-cloud-in-the-clear-blue-sky
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift #personalgrowth #maturity #investments #return
What do you want to be known for?
What do you want your friends to say you bring to the relationship?
What do you like to receive from relationships?
In this episode of Focus Flip, we look at Matthew 7:15-23 and discuss how we recognize people by their fruit. The question becomes, what is the fruit you are producing?
Who is spiritually influencing you, do they have Kingdom fruit? Are you more influenced by people or by the Bible?
Let's do a little reputation evaluation to see where we are and if it's pointing us toward our King.
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift #personalgrowth #maturity #reputation
What do you consider a good gift? Do you give good gifts? Would the people receiving them say they are good?
Is it still a good gift if given at a time we don't like?
We are looking at gifts from several different viewpoints today. If humans can give good gifts, how much greater can God give good gifts.
Matthew 7:7-12 is what we are digging into.
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift #judgingothers #love #dignity
The church has unfortunately gained a reputation of judgment, but what if we were known for sharing Dignity instead of Judgement?
It's easy to create assumptions and stereotypes. We judge what we fear to get to know… and the distance builds dividers instead of bridges.
What if we stay curious and press in to learn instead of walking away or avoiding?
In this episode, I'll be sharing stories about neighbors within my community and their experiences of being judges as I unpack Matthew 6:1:6.
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift #judgingothers #love #dignity
What Do You Treasure?
For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.
So where is this place for you? Is it in your money? Your family? Your work? Your time?
Are you placing your treasure in a lasting position or in something that will crumble?
In this episode, we look at Matthew 6:19-34. We discuss where we are placing our treasure and if it's causing us to worry and be anxious or if it brings peace.
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift #prayer #fasting #intimacy
When you pray to impress you are making prayer about yourself instead of intimacy with God.
You lose the power and intimacy of prayer. You miss out on the relationship that is birthed through prayer due to making it about looking "more Christian," "a prayer warrior," or "a strong believer."
The strength of prayer comes from the intimacy it creates when you allow God to take you into His secret place.
This episode is focusing on Matthew 6:5-18.
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift #prayer #fasting #intimacy
Can you Keep it a Secret?
Why do you serve others?
Do you "do good" to make yourself look good, or feel good, or do you do it out of the overflow of the love God has shown you?
Are you selfishly serving or giving? Maybe you are hoping someone will notice your generosity.
In this week's episode, we focus on Matthew 6:1-4.
Jesus shares that we shouldn't practice our righteousness in front of others. We shouldn't announce to people that we served the poor. We shouldn't even allow our left hand to know what our right hand is doing.
In a society that's all about making a reel to show everything off, how do we follow this? How do we honor the people over the platform?
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift #generosity #giving #servingothers
What if keeping our oaths (our word), walking an extra mile with someone, and praying for our enemies is what love truly is?
Once again, what if God is flipping things upside down and going against our human nature to teach us a different type of love?
True Love. Love that only comes from God, and we can only share with others through the overflow of our intimacy with God.
What if it requires us to be intentional with our relationship with God, ourselves, and others? What if it requires us t be international with our time and resources?
What if it could transform the way we live to bring more peace and rest to our souls and build deeper relationships with God and the people around us?
A few thoughts we will chat about in this episode!
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#FocusFlip #KingdomShift
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