
  • Why is it so easy to pretend that everything is going so well when privately we know that we are hurting or that there is something seriously wrong with our relationships? Why? Because our society rewards and celebrates success and runs from vulnerability and weakness. Ironically, the only way to get strong and to succeed on a truly wholistic level is to address the issues within your life and marriage rather than ignoring them or pretending they will go away. So, are there cracks in your marriage, and if there are, are you willing to admit it and do something about it?

    Join hosts, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share why cracks in our marriage can be so devastating, what cracks look like in a relationship, and what to do about fixing the problems that led to the cracks in your marriage. This is an episode that will get you to examine your heart and challenge you to fix the problem! Don't miss it!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • We can all learn from our successes and failures that we experience in our own marriages. But possibly the most powerful way to learn, is through the marriages of others, who are succeeding! Marriage advice abounds in the lives of those who have chosen commitment and vows over wishful thinking or giving up and walking away.

    Join hosts, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share their individual experiences of hearing the stories of two very different marriages that both had a profound impact on them. This episode is a chance to learn from those marriage stories and the attitudes that can bring all of our marriages success! Grab a bowl of popcorn, jump on a treadmill, or just go for a walk as you listen to this incredibly relatable episode! You won’t regret it!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

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  • Fix your leaking tire over and over again by putting air in it or drop it off at the tire shop to prepare it for getting new tires? Which makes more sense? The right answer is get the new tires and never have to deal with fixing the old tires again! It's the same way in marriage. Are you and your spouse always trying to repair something broken with your relationship only to have new cracks emerge later on due to the fact that that portion of your relationship was never really mended to begin with? It's time to change that. YOU can change that!!

    Join hosts, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share about the concept of preparing in marriage and repairing in marriage. They give relevant examples on how any couple can begin to prepare their marriage for a much better future and one with a lot less relational repairs. Get ready to laugh and learn as Travis and Dawn get vulnerable about life, marriage and their own shortcomings. You won't want to miss this one!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Your reading this so that must mean that your alive! Do you realize what a gift that is? The life you are enjoying today is something other people aren't experiencing. They never made it out of yesterday. Their life ended, but yours continued. That isn't just a gift, it's a blessing from God! So, you're alive today but what if you knew you wouldn't be alive tomorrow? What would you do differently today? What would you say, what intentional actions would you take, and where would you go? One thing is true, if all of us knew that today was our last day, we would probably live differently!! Your last day is coming some day. So, why wait?

    Join hosts, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they highlight recent experiences about dealing with married couples who were facing life and death. They share what a potential "last day" might look like and challenge married couples who are listening to make those kind of changes today, regardless of how many moments or years they might have left. This is a sobering, must listen episode you won't want to miss!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Cars drive themselves and airplanes have autopilot. The amount of technology it takes to keep a plane in the air and a self driving car on the road boggles the mind! Yet, in the middle of both of those is one of the most low tech pieces of equipment that was orginally developed in the 1800's. It's one of the most important pieces of equipment and that's why it's still used and mandated today. The seatbelt. Simple, yet it will save your life. So, what about your marriage? Does your marriage have seatbelts that keep it safe and keep you and your spouse in the driver's seat?

    Join hosts, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share about a recent experience while flying across the country that reminded them about the seatbelts they have in place for their marriage. As they share examples of their marriage seatbelts, you will be challenged to determine and write down your own seatbelts for your marriage. This is an episode you will want to listen to with your spouse and share with your friends!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • None of us are exactly alike. We all have facets of our personalities, beliefs and behaviors that define who we are and what we value. Because of this, there are so many things that make us different than our spouses and annoy us even though we were attracted to the differences we originally saw in them. Yes, we said “I do” to each other, but we didn’t say “I will” with the intention to become just like the one we married. It’s those differences in marriage, especially in the areas where we may never be the same that can cause friction that leads to conflict. What if married couples took a different perspective on their spouse? What if they chose to react positively to those differences that they see daily in their spouse rather than take a judging or negative approach?

    Join hosts, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share funny differences about themselves in their own marriage, differences they see in others, and what changing your approach and how you view uniqueness in your spouse could have a huge positive impact on your own marriage relationship!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Someone forgets to empty the dishwasher or a disagreement breaks out over where to go out to eat and suddenly the "moment" turns into a fight that ends in threats of divorce. Can you feel the heat of a marriage that is on fire, a marriage that is ablaze with conflict and unmet expectations? How can seemingly healthy marriages allow a little spark of conflict to burn their house and their marriage down? What about you? Is your marriage on fire?

    Join host, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share a step by step process of how to be a first responder to your own marriage and put the fire of conflict and dissatisfaction out! Whether your marriage is actually on fire right now with the heat of disagreement or you know that it could ignite in your future, this is an episode for you and your spouse, an episode for healthy marriages and struggling marriages alike! Don't miss this one!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Is your marriage in need of better communication, the kind that will grow you closer to one another and help your love increase? Communication is one of the biggest foundational pieces of any relationship that allows it to get stronger and flourish. What if there was a marriage communication tool that could take your conversations to the next level and help you understand your spouse in a way that you never thought possible? Well, there is! It’s found in the one conversation you must have with your spouse weekly!

    Join host, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share an incredible marriage tool that will help you and your spouse unleash the power of communication in your relationship. By listening to this episode, you just might become addicted to this marriage communication tool and begin to enjoy a much more fulfilling marriage!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • We live in a world where if someone has a talent, a platform, athleticism or beauty then we suddenly feel like we have to build them an altar and worship them for what could possibly be God given, superficial or fake. Even if what they have is real, should we really be pouring our attention and adoration on people who may ultimately fail us? Maybe not. What if there was a real hero who was worth our attention that could change our marriage in ways we never dreamed? Guess what? There is. The Marriage Hero exist!

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they focus on how every marriage needs a marriage hero, someone who has the ability to shape attitudes, actions and beliefs, a person who can enter the center of any relationship and save the day. Heroes do heroic things. How about inviting the ultimate hero to come save your marriage and make it better? This episode is listenable, shareable, and one you won't want to miss!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Everyday it’s easy to get pulled away and distracted from the things that God has given us to focus on, to get pulled out of the lane He wants us to stay in. It’s something that every marriage has to fight against and be aware of in order to keep the right things in view and to not lose sight of the finish line. What does God have for you and how can you avoid stumbling, slowing down, and ultimately dropping out of the race that we are all called to run as followers of Jesus? It’s a race and a finish line God wants us all to cross and win!!

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they uncover four key steps to making sure the lines in your lane and life are clearly defined so that your marriage and life will benefit from running the race marked out before us all. You will be challenged and encouraged!! Be sure to check this episode out!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • What happens when something goes bad? Well, if it's food, we often throw it away. Which makes sense if you don't want something bad in your stomach or mouth. But what about when something goes bad, and actually it get's better? Is that possible? Yes! There are many things that when they go bad, they not only get better, they become amazing!! Would it be great if that happened to your marriage? It can. There are three key ingredients that can deliver the right chemistry to your relationship giving you a chance to have a B.A.D. marriage that becomes a marriage that is better than you ever could have dreamed!!

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they share three important qualities that can truly take any marriage that is struggling and change the relational chemistry forever. Don't miss this episode where you will discover these qualities that will give you the right kind of bad marriage that you will love!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • What does it look like to take great care of your body and make sure that it stays in good health whenever possible? There are some pretty obvious ways that we can do that but there are also some not so obvious ways that we can invest in our health. How about your spiritual heart and your soul? How do you know if they are where they should be on a spiritual trajectory of growth and health? Marriages need that same feedback as our bodies and our hearts. In the same way, our marriages need a chance, some priceless moments, to stop and analyze where they are at and what it takes to get them where they should be!

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they process the idea of an annual physical, a spiritual heart check, and a marriage exam. There are some key steps every couple should do to take care of themselves, their hearts and their relationship. Join Travis and Dawn as they challenge couples to think beyond good intentions to take the needed steps to be intentional and stay healthy in the most important areas of life!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • It's the start of a New Year and a chance to look at your life a littler closer. What will you do differently and how will you behave differently? Will you change one thing or change everything? Ironically, it's the people who are willing to constantly look at their own lives and move themselves forward with needed changes that allows them to position themselves to succeed in life and in their marriages. What if you overlooked all of that and even though you knew you needed to change, you still chose to do nothing? What would happen? What would you be missing out on? Could your marriage recover?

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they talk about what can happen when someone chooses to do nothing with their life and marriage. They also share something. beautiful that will happen when a couple chooses to look deep into their own souls and decide to make changes, changes that will thrust their marriage forward. Join us for this insightful episode!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Does every marriage, every couple have a superpower lying just below the surface of their relationship?? YES! Every couple has an ability to band together in a common cause to make others feel like royalty and in the process their own marriage is strengthened and unified. What is that power and why is it beneficial to the couple's marriage to use it?

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they discuss a fairly overlooked attitude and action that most relationships can use to gain "wins" for their marriage. They delve into a concept that mixes loving strangers well and opening your own home to reflect the love of Jesus. This is an episode that will inspire and challenge you to think more clearly about how well you are caring for others with your spouse through simple but powerful hospitality. You won't want to miss it!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • What if you did something bad and then tried to cover it up, tried to pretend it never happened. Well, if you're human you have likely done that many times throughout your life. When we do this, we are showing that we are starting to believe The Great Lie. We fall into the trap and believe that secrets exist and can be kept. The truth is that there are no secrets and almost all secrets eventually come to light.

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they dig into the idea that secrets take a huge toll on relationships, on individuals, and also bring great anxiety and fear. They share ways to break free from living a life filled with coverups and spotlight key insights into how you can experience a beautiful life filled with transparency and trust. This is an episode that is sure to inspire you!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • What is a dirty word? It's often one that people find repulsive and can't stand the thought of someone saying out loud. Vulgar, dirty words are offensive and worth avoiding at all costs. Yet, there are other dirty words that aren't considered profane and at the same time lack vulgarity. Shocking words that still make almost anyone cringe when they hear them.

    Your relationship with your spouse needs one very important dirty word, quite possibly the dirtiest of all words in marriage. It's a word that most find repulsive, but if applied to a husband and wife relationship, it will immediately begin to bring relief to almost all conflict. It will lessen disappointment and can bring a ton of peace and harmony back to any marriage. Not bad for a dirty word, right?

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger for Part 2 of this two-part series focusing on a word most marriages lack and every marriage needs in large quantities. If you listen and open your heart to the truth they share in this episode, it's likely there will begin to be significant changes in your marriage and in your future. This is an episode just might shock you but one that is guaranteed to change your marriage if you let it!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • What is a dirty word? It's often one that people find repulsive and can't stand the thought of someone saying out loud. Vulgar, dirty words are offensive and worth avoiding at all costs. Yet, there are other dirty words that aren't considered profane and at the same time lack vulgarity. Shocking words that still make almost anyone cringe when they hear them.

    Your relationship with your spouse needs one very important dirty word, quite possibly the dirtiest of all words in marriage. It's a word that most find repulsive, but if applied to a husband and wife relationship, it will immediately begin to bring relief to almost all conflict. It will lessen disappointment and can bring a ton of peace and harmony back to any marriage. Not bad for a dirty word, right?

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger for Part 1 of this two-part series focusing on a word most marriages lack and every marriage needs in large quantities. If you listen and open your heart to the truth they share in this episode, it's likely there will begin to be significant changes in your marriage and in your future. This is an episode just might shock you but one that is guaranteed to change your marriage if you let it!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Parenting is one of the most rewarding and at the same time one of the most defeating experiences. Parents have their work cut out for them but the pay off is the enjoyment that comes from these amazing children God has entrusted to them. There is one problem though. Once your kids are gone, you can't go back. That is why doing the right things now is so crucial to their lives then.

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger for Part 2 of this two-part series on Parenting as they share four things parents need to know to raise kids. They get vulnerable sharing their own failures in parenting along with key truths of wisdom for parents who are in the thick of raising humans. Moms and dad's, be sure to check this one out!! Consider sharing it with a friend who is a parent as well!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Parenting is one of the most rewarding and at the same time one of the most defeating experiences. Parents have their work cut out for them but the pay off is the enjoyment that comes from these amazing children God has entrusted to them. There is one problem though. Once your kids are gone, you can't go back. That is why doing the right things now is so crucial to their lives then.

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger for this two-part series on Parenting as they share four things parents need to know to raise kids. They get vulnerable sharing their own failures in parenting along with key truths of wisdom for parents who are in the thick of raising humans. Moms and dad's, be sure to check this one out!! Consider sharing it with a friend who is a parent as well!!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight

  • Is your spouse okay? How do you know? Have you had a conversation with them lately asking them how they are REALLY doing?

    We help so many people at work, in our extended family, and in our neighborhoods. So often we just want to be present, ready and willing to jump in and lend a hand. If that's you, that's awesome! That means you are trying to be a good human, trying to live the way that Jesus would want you to live. But what about your spouse? When was the last time you looked them in the eye and had a deep conversation about how they are doing? Are you ready to stop, listen and do something if you suddenly hear and see the warning signs that your spouse is in need and hurting?

    Join hosts Travis and Dawn Rosinger as they talk through key steps to help any couple in their marriage be the kind of spouse that shows concern, kindness and care. This episode will cause you to reflect on how your spouse might be doing and your readiness to jump in and help them!

    Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping - What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

    For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight