
  • Episode 12: Your desire must be strong and unwavering to manifest that which you want. At least that's what they say.

    But the truth is there is a hidden, dark side of desire that is likely working against you—and your manifestations—in this very moment.

    Join me in this episode for an exploration of how desire invisibly works against us, and how we can turn the tables so it becomes our greatest ally in creating the lives we deserve.

    CLICK HERE to get this episode's Companion Worksheet

    KEY TOPICS in this episode


    Understanding the Laws of Creation

    - The Law of Manifestation (Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption) and how it works to fulfill your desires

    - How what we’ve been taught about achieving success in life causes our manifestations to fail

    - Why most people are using the Law of Manifestation to work against their own self-interest

    - Understanding the role your State of Being plays in the process of reality creation

    The dark side of desire

    - How desire can work for—or against—your success with manifestation

    - How your desire serves as an indicator of your current State of Being

    - The paradox: The more you want something the more you cannot have it

    Making desire work for you instead of against you

    - How desire can warn you that you’re occupying a sabotaging State of Being

    - How to listen to desire and shift your State of Being

    - Why belief is more powerful than desire


    Using imagination and belief for Manifestation success

    - Understanding the power of imagination in shaping one's state of being

    - How to use imagination to shift your State of Being no matter what your external circumstances are

    - Why imagination alone is not enough

    - How to combine imagination with belief to activate the Law of Attraction

  • Have you ever doubted that the Laws of Manifestation are even working for you? You visualize, you affirm, maybe even, pray, and still, the universe fails to deliver your desires. It’s a common experience, but the good news is it can be remedied—with one simple fix. Join me in this episode where we’ll explore one of the most common Manifestation mistakes and how you can avoid it to enjoy more success with more and more of your own Manifestations, whatever they may be.

    Get free Manifestation meditations and exercises at www.patreon.com/manifestationmatters

    KEY TOPICS in this episode


    Common Manifesting frustrations and their solutions


    - Why it’s common to struggle in the early stages of one’s Manifestation practice.

    - Understanding the reliable and consistent operation of the Law of Attraction.

    - How manifesting success is 100% in your control.


    Why Manifestations never “fail”


    - The importance of seeing the difference between a Failed Manifestation and an Errant Manifestation.

    - How you can control your actions and mindset to create Manifestation success.

    - Highlight the empowering aspect of being able to fix Manifestation challenges.

    - Encourage self-reflection and adjustment of course to achieve desired manifestations.

    - The mistake that will sabotage your Manifestation just as it is about to materialize.


    How to trust in Source, God, and your Creative Power


    - Your role in the Manifestation process during the period of Creation.

    - How to start mastering Manifestation in a way that builds confidence and faith.

    - A proven Manifestation technique to see more and more Manifestation success.

    - Why Neville Goddard taught his famous “climb the ladder” experiment.

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  • You truly can be, do, or have whatever your heart desires—but that's true only if you're willing to do this one thing.

    Join me in this episode for an exploration of the mirror-like nature of our three-dimensional world—and learn how you can bend reality in a way that compels it to deliver to you what you most desire in life no matter what it is.

    Episode includes a customized Yoga Nidra Meditation

    Download it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pure-beingness-90856141


    The Nature of the Creative Forces of the Universe

    - Why your three-dimensional world is a mere reflection of your State of Being

    - How your thoughts and beliefs influence your State of Being.

    - How to use imagination to remake your State of Being to manifest your desire.

    - How the “I’ll believe it when I see it” attitude derails the creation of what you desire.


    The Manifestation Master Key: Being what you desire to see

    - Understanding the mechanics behind the creative power of your State of Being.

    - How to shift your State of Being using imaginal acts.

    - How to embody the feeling of already having what you desire.


    The #1 Manifesting mistake that can keep you stuck in a loop forever

    - How to break free from the sabotaging influence of #1 manifesting mistake.

    - Why your current reality cannot hold you back from what you desire.

    - How to command the forces that govern all Manifestations.


    How to change your State of Being to Manifest your dreams

    - How your State of Being instructs the universe's creative forces.

    - Understanding the various elements that compose your State of Being.

    - How to effortlessly shift your State of Being to manifest what you want.

    - Using the Divine creative power of imagination to instigate effortless change in your life.


    Manifestation Exercise

    Includes free custom Manifestation Meditation recording. Get it at the link below:


    Learn more about my programs here: www.ericwal.com

  • Is Manifestation real? Does the Universe really respond to my thoughts? Can I truly create whatever I want in life?

    When it comes to the Law of Assumption and Manifestation, these are common questions—and they're totally understandable given what most of us have been taught about the Universe.

    But here's what you need to know: It is real, and you can create whatever you want—if only you have faith.

    To help you with that, in this episode, I'll be sharing some real-life success stories of Manifestation to fill you full of inspiration and enthusiasm to fuel your journey to your heart's desire.

    Episode includes free downloadable Manifestation Meditation

    CLICK BELOW to download


    KEY TOPICS in this episode

    Real-life Success Story of Manifestation:

    Neville Goddard manifesting a trip home

    - Neville Goddard and his impossible desire

    - The manifestation technique of visualization given by his teacher, the Mystic Abdullah

    - How to live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled despite your circumstances

    - The surprise Manifestation and how it changed Neville's life

    - How to believe in the desired outcome and focus on the feeling of the wish fulfilled


    Key Elements in Neville’s Manifestation 

    - The need to believe in the manifestation before it materializes

    - How the universal Creator responds to one's state of being rather than desires

    - Breaking free from the influence of the hypnotic spell of the three-dimensional world

    - Using "I'm already in Barbados" as a powerful mantra


    Real-life success story of Manifestation:

    Eric Walrabenstein manifesting his Spiritual Teacher

    - How a burning desire for an authentic spiritual teacher fuels the process

    - Fueling the act of conscious creation with the expectation of positive result

    - A miraculous meeting leads to a lifetime relationship


    Manifestation Exercise

    free custom meditation recording


    Learn more about Eric at www.ericwal.com

  • Prayer: it's an amazingly powerful force in awakening your ability to deliberately manifest that which you wish to see in your life.

    But...that's true, only if you truly understand how to use it.

    The fact is most people are making a series of critical mistakes with their prayers that sabotage them and leave them feeling as if their prayers are unheard and unanswered.

    In this episode, we'll be learning how to harness the true power of prayer in service of you manifesting your best life—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It's all about understanding how prayer affects your reality, and your very own self.

    The episode includes a free Guided Meditation recording to make your prayers more potent and effective than ever.

    CLICK HERE to download the Free Guided Meditation

    KEY TOPICS in this episode

    How to use the true power of prayer to unlock your Manifesting abilities

    - The #1 point of confusion the robs most prayers of their power

    - The inaccurate worldview that will stop the answering of your prayers in its tracks

    - How to avoid giving away your divinely-bestowed manifestational power

    - Why you must be clear on the dual roles of consciousness to manifest successfully

    - How your effort to pray for what you desire may really be working against you


    The true definition of Prayer—and how it works

     - The real purpose of prayer you won’t hear in Sunday School

    - How prayer actually works to Manifest your desires

    - How the mind creates illusory blocks that can derail your Manifestation

    - How to make sure your prayers impress the subconscious with your desires

    - How to overcome doubts and worries that keep you stuck where you are


    How to command your subconscious and steer the creation of your reality

     - Understanding the hidden role of the subconscious

    - The hidden aspect of the subconscious responsible for creating what you don’t want

    - Using prayer’s unique role to command the subconscious to manifest your desires

    - How contradictory and confusing thoughts stall manifestation

    - Prayer’s powerful but little-known boomerang effect

    - The #1 key to Manifestation success with prayer: clear and consistent communication with the subconscious

    Learn more about Eric and his work at www.ericwal.com


  • Manifesting whatever you want in life is simple—but it's not always easy.

    That's because we all have a battalion or two of sabotaging mental habits, limiting beliefs, and damaging narratives holding us back.

    Fortunately, yoga's Science of Mind with its proven practices and techniques was custom designed to solve it all.

    Join me in this episode to learn how you can use yoga's ancient wisdom to harness your divine creative powers.

    Get the companion meditation to this episode free at the link below:


    ï»żKEY TOPICS in this episode

    How habits in the mind can sabotage your manifestations

    - Recognizing mental adversaries and their impact on manifesting desires

    - Identification of mental patterns and beliefs that hinder manifestation efforts

    - The futility of trying to manifest your desires without first addressing the sabotaging patterns in the mind

    - How the mind can become the biggest obstacle to manifestation

    How yoga’s Science of Mind can powerfully aid in manifestation success

    - Yoga as a science of mind and its relevance to manifestation

    - Understanding the forgotten wisdom of yoga beyond physical practice

    - Yoga's focus on taming and controlling the mind for spiritual realization

    - Importance of yoga in achieving happiness, joy, and conscious manifestation

    How to use yoga techniques to overcome manifestation blocks

    - Explanation of specific yoga practices beneficial for manifestation

    - Pratyahara: The withdrawal of the senses to maintain focus on the desired outcome

    - Bhavana: Generating positive feelings like gratitude and satisfaction

    - Dharana: Training the imagination to focus on thoughts and feelings that align with manifestational goals

    How doubt can powerfully block your manifestation efforts

    - Highlighting doubt as a common manifestation hindrance

    - Focus on different forms of doubt affecting manifestation efforts

    - The difficulty in managing thoughts directly

    - The yoga secret to neutralizing doubting thoughts without friction

    - Introduction of yoga’s practice of dharana to overcome doubt

    Manifestation Exercise: free custom meditation recording

  • "It is more blessed to give than it is to receive."

    Embedded in this well-known verse is a secret to tapping into the unlimited abundance all around you. Whether you seek abundance in wealth, or health, or love, or even spiritual enrichment, our discussion in this episode will empower you awaken to your immense powers of manifestation—even if you've been struggling for years.

    Get this episode's custom Manifestation Exercise below:


    KEY TOPICS in this episode

    How the secrets to manifestation are alive in scripture

    - The hidden meaning behind the passage "it is more blessed to give than to receive"

    - Has nothing to do with the belief that giving is morally superior to receiving

    - How this passage contains the secret to unlocking boundless abundance

    Understanding the Scarcity Mindset

    - How a scarcity mindset sabotaged my life

    - Understanding that Mindset is more than an attitude

    - The correlation between mindset and reality

    - How Mindset is literally what your Mind is Set to manifest

    The Common Problem of Allegiance to the Past

    - How using past experiences to construct self-image, beliefs, and expectations keeps you stuck

    - How beliefs and expectations act as instructions to the creative power within

    - How the mind uses past experience to make reflexive conclusions that create your reality as it is, instead of how you want it to be

    The Connection between Mindset and Hardened Reality

    - How to identify the thoughts and feelings that are creating your reality

    - How to modify your set point in the mind to manifest your deepest desires

    - Understanding how you’re already powerfully manifesting, but perhaps you're manifesting what you do not want

    How to Recognize the Staggering Abundance You’ve Already Created

    - A reminder that everything is consciousness (everyone and everything is you pushed out)

    - How to claim ownership of the overlooked abundance in your life

    - The true meaning behind “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

    Manifestation Exercise - free custom manifestation exercise to shift your mindset

  • "Thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee." And it is true, unless we derail the manifestation of what we decree by allowing the senses and our current experience to distract us from the Truth of who we really are.

    Join me in this episode to learn how one of Yoga's most powerful practices can help you use your Divine creative power to awaken your deepest desire—no matter what may be happening in the world around you.

    Get the free companion Meditation Recording at the link below:


    KEY TOPICS in this episode

    How your focus on the facts of your current reality can sabotage your manifestations

    - How society emphasizes the importance of facts and reality

    - How that focus on your circumstances interferes with manifesting your desires

    - How imagined scenarios are no less real than reality, but are in a different stage of manifestation

    The Causative Role of Imagination in Manifestation

    - Importance of imagination in the manifestation process

    - Understanding reality as the remains of past thoughts and imaginations

    - How the present moment is really just an echo of the past—a dead fact


    How to manifest powerfully and reliably

    - The need to operate in the realm of cause (imagination) rather than the realm of effect (the 3D world)

    - How to move beyond managing the three-dimensional experience and affect the cause in imagination

    - The trap of looking for manifestational progress and how it can stall progress


    How to Deal with Impatience and Anxiety in Manifestation

    - Acknowledging the impatience and anxiety that can arise when manifesting desires

    - The importance of focusing on the cause rather than prematurely looking for results

    - How to trust in the manifestation process and have faith in one's abilities


    Manifestation Exercise - Free custom meditation recording

  • You shall reap what you sow. It's a spiritual truth that most of us have been taught, in one form or another, since we were children. And even so, too many of us continue to sow the seeds that deliver nothing but more of the same to them. Join me in this episode to learn how to use this eternal truth to break through to a life where our deepest desires are our reality.

    Episode includes a free Manifestation Exercise available at https://www.patreon.com/posts/manifestation-4-87159118

    KEY TOPICS in this episode

    The Law of Assumption and the mechanics of manifestation

    - Exploring the concept of the Law of Assumption and how it relates to manifesting our desires.

    - The role of consciousness in manifesting material reality

    - The roles of the male and female aspects of consciousness

    - How the male aspect of consciousness impresses instructions onto the female


    Why some desires don’t manifest despite colossal effort

    - The importance of conscious cultivation of thoughts and feelings

    - The difference between thinking “of” a desire and thinking “from” it

    - How thinking “of” manifests the absence of what you want

    - How to sow the seeds of thoughts and feelings that align with your desires

    How to visualize in a way that manifests your desired outcomes

    - Sowing seeds that align with our desired outcomes

    - Assuming the desire as your current reality

    - Respecting the nature of the subconscious as nonselective and able to manifest what you do not want

    Manifestation Exercise - “Thinking from” worksheet to help you shift your thought patterns and enjoy more success with your manifestations

  • The Law of Manifestation is quite simple, yet too often, misunderstood. For it is not true that you get what you most desire, rather, you get what you consent to be true. Join me in this episode for one of the most fundamental and important concepts in the Science of Manifestation—and how to make it work for you.

    Get the companion Worksheet and exercise for this episode at https://www.patreon.com/posts/manifestation-3-86769380

  • The power that creates every thing that has, or will ever be, resides within you. But to awaken it and manifest your deepest desires, no matter what they are, you must first do this one thing. Join me in this episode to learn about this lost secret of Manifestation.

    Get the free Bonus Meditation Recording for this episode at: www.patreon.com/posts/bonus-meditation-86411551

  • Could it be that everything we've been taught about how the universe works—and how to get what we want in life—is all wrong?

    Join me in this inaugural episode of the Manifestation Matters podcast and find out how you can take your first steps to unlocking the power of the Universe to help you fulfill your desires—and create a life you're truly in love with.

    Get this episode's Manifestation Worksheet free here:
