Just a quick word from Travis. The show has obviously been on an extended hiatus, and for now there's no return of the show scheduled. Bryon and Travis really appreciate everyone who have taken the time to listen to the show.
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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BONUS - Buy War Bonds!
In which our heroes do their part! Cut from episode 010.
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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Puuttuva jakso?
BONUS - Captain America Covers
In which our heroes discuss covers to various Captain America Comics - cut from episode 010
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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In which our heroes discuss Captain America Comics #16. Cut from Episode 010.
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
In which our heroes discuss comic book artist George "Jimmy" Orlando Thompson
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
All-Winners, Sub-Mariner & Human Torch
Main Feature (1:19 - 1:02:14): All-Winners Comics #10 which is a full-length story of the All-Winners going up against the mysterious ISBISA.
Sub-Mariner Comics #16 (1:02:14 - 1:12:53): ‘The Black Demon of Death’Human Torch Comics #16 (1:12:53 - 1:29:33): ’Sons of Evil’Next Episode: Timely Western & Romance
Join the discussion over on Facebook in the Baxter Building Breakroom
Music by Scott Tofte
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
009 Bonus: Kangaroo Man
In which our heroes discuss the Human Torch story from Marvel Mystery Comics #49
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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009 BONUS: Hurricane and Father Time
In which our heroes discuss both Hurricane and Father Time from Captain America Comics #10
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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009 BONUS: All In a Day's Work
In which our heroes discuss the prose story 'All In a Day's Work' by Stan Lee from Captain America Comics #10
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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009 BONUS: Headline Hunter
In which our heroes discuss Headline Hunter from Captain America Comics #10
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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Captain America, The Destroyer & Miss America
Main Feature (10:48 - 44:50): Captain America Comics #10 which is Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's last issue working on Captain America together. We review 'Spy Ambush', 'Hotel of Horror' and 'the Phantom Hound' stories.
Mystic Comics #6 (47:50 - 1:07:40): 'Meet the Destroyer'Marvel Mystery Comics #49 (1:07:40 - 1:25:57): 'Scourge of the Nazi's'Next Episode: All-Winners Comics #19, Human Torch Comics #16 & Submariner Comics #16
Join the discussion over on Facebook in the Baxter Building Breakroom
Music by Scott Tofte
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
This episode is dedicated to the men and women who served in WWII.
In this episode we discuss those who put down their pencils and typewriters and went to war, including:Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Stan Lee & many more.
We’d love to know your thoughts on this event over in the MET Facebook Group: Baxter Building Breakroom.
As mentioned in this episode: Kirby at Warkirbymuseum.org
Follow MET on Instagram and Twitter @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott Tofte and Voiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows! Travis - Reel Comic Heroes and Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
All Winners
007 - All Winners
This episode is a winner for sure. We’re discussing the epic team-up of all of Timely Comics’ most beloved heroes in ‘All-Winners Comics #1’. But that’s not all! We’re also looking at the origin of Toro, Human Torch’s young fiery ally. And after that, we’re talking more comics. This episode is a bit of a grab-bag look at what else was going on in Timely Comics in 1941.
In this episode we look at:All-Winners Comics #1Human Torch Comics #2& More
We’d love to know your thoughts on this event over in the MET Facebook Group: Baxter Building Breakroom.
As mentioned in this episode: cokeandcomics.com
Follow MET on Instagram and Twitter @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott Tofte and Voiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows! Travis - Reel Comic Heroes and Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
006 - The Red Skull
Every great hero needs a great villain. With the creation of Captain America came The Red Skull! But this gruesome monster may not always be quite the same arch-foe the star spangled avenger tussles with today. Listen to us talk about the creation of the Red Skull and a few of his first stories in Timely Comics.
In this episode we look at:Captain America Comics #1 - Case 4Captain America Comics #3 - Case 1Captain America Comics #7 - Case 1
We’d love to know your thoughts on this event over in the MET Facebook Group: Baxter Building Breakroom.
As mentioned in this episode: cokeandcomics.com
Follow MET on Instagram and Twitter @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott Tofte and Voiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows! Travis - Reel Comic Heroes and Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
005 - Captain America - The Sentinel of Our Shores
In this episode we continue our discussion of Jack Kirby and Joe Simon and the events that led them to join forces and create the character of Captain America. We crack open Captain America Comics #1 and pour over the origin story of “98lb weakling” Steve Rogers. We wrap up the episode with a reading of a prose story contained in the issue. We recruited Tom Taylor from Indiana Jones Minute to tackle the narration. We hope you enjoy.
We’d love to know your thoughts on this event over in the MET Facebook Group: Baxter Building Breakroom.
00:00 - 35:10 - Simon and Kirby35:10 - 1:30:30 - Captain America Comics #11:30:30 - 1:36:45 - Captain America and the Soldier’s Soup - Read by Tom Taylor with additional vocals by Dave Pallas.1:36:45 - End - Wrap UpStay tuned for our next episode in which we discuss Timely Comics’ first recurring villain - The Red Skull!
Follow MET on Instagram and Twitter @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott Tofte and Voiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows! Travis - Reel Comic Heroes and Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
004 - Simon and Kirby
We’re leading up to Captain America Comics #1 but first we wanted to talk about the men who created him. Joe Simon and Jack Kirby are legends in the comic book world, even without creating Captain America we’d still be talking about these guys.
We’d love to know your thoughts on this event over in the MET Facebook Group: Baxter Building Breakroom.
Our next episode will cover Captain America Comics #1
Follow MET on Instagram and Twitter @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott Tofte and Voiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows! Travis - Reel Comic Heroes and Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Marvel Events Timeline presents the 2021 Holiday Special
Bryon and Travis woke up early on Christmas morning to gift each other some Marvel Comics! So ignore your families for an hour and enjoy some holiday themed tales from Marvel's past.
Follow MET on Instagram and Twitter @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott Tofte. Voiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows! Travis - Reel Comic Heroes - Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Hamilton Shot By Shot Trailer
Coming early 2022 a new podcast reviewing the hit musical Hamilton, as seen on Disney+, one song at a time.
Twitter: @Hamilton_SBS Instagram: hamiltonshotbyshot Facebook: @hamiltonshotbyshot
Find out more at https://hamilton-shot-by-shot.pinecast.co
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
003 - The Battle of the Century
This is it, True Believers! The epic confrontation that kicked off the Marvel Universe is here! Bryon and Travis will be your guides through the pages of Marvel Mystery Comics 8 thru 10. Who will emerge victorious? Will it be Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner, or the fiery android The Human Torch? Tune in to find out!We’d love to know your thoughts on this event over in the MET Facebook Group: Baxter Building Breakroom.
Our next episode will be about the comic book legends: Jack Kirby and Joe Simon.
Follow MET on Instagram and Twitter @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott TofteVoiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows!Travis - Reel Comic HeroesBryon - Marine Corps Movie Minut
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
Bonus Episode - Veteran's Day Special 2021
For this Veteran's Day, Travis and Bryon take a step outside of the official timeline to learn a little about the men who started the Distinguished Competition and their impact on the comic industry.
Join us back here next time for a regular timeline episode, The Battle of the Century - The Human Torch VS Namor the Sub-Mariner in Marvel Mystery Comics 8-10
We’re on Twitter and Instagram @MarvelEventsPod
Music by Scott Tofte
Intro/Outro voiceover by Johnie Powers
Check out the hosts other shows!
Travis - Reel Comic Heroes
Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute
Find out more at https://marvel-events-timeline.pinecast.co
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