
  • Today, Mike speaks to Krista Neher about the increasingly critical subject of personal branding. Krista is an award-winning digital marketer, bestselling author, social media specialist, speaker, trainer & CEO.

    Regardless of the tech work you do, how you present yourself makes a huge difference to the opportunities you attract. Your personal brand builds credibility and makes you attractive, so the information in this episode is critical to your success.


    Your personal brand is who you are. The person people see when they meet you. Work with you, listen to you or experience your work. Be that face-to-face or online. Your brand needs to demonstrate to potential clients that you have what they need and something extra to offer. Think why would someone pick me over someone else? Look at how your competitors differentiate themselves. When building your personal brand online, focus on one channel. Listen closely to what others tell you about how they perceive you. You have to be memorable. If you don´t stand for something you stand for nothing, so nobody will remember you. Create a great elevator pitch for yourself. Be authentic. If people feel they can´t get to know you they won´t connect with you. Don´t feel fenced in by your brand. People expect you to evolve and pivot


    O7:58 "What´s the reputation you are building for yourself that is unique? What sets you apart from others? – That´s the way to think of your brand."

    08:19 "If you're an entrepreneur, are looking to get clients or grow your reputation externally, it's really about how people perceive you and being deliberate and consistent."

    36:46 "The first is memorability. Which is specificity, simplicity and consistency."

    36:52 "Authenticity. So, if people don't feel like they are getting to know you, they will not connect with you."

    48:36 "Points of difference…. what are some meaningful differences that I would get with working with you than working with someone else?."

    57.10 “Get your elevator speech down. Your elevator speech is what you say when you meet someone.”






    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike speaks to Joe Pulizzi, who is a content marketing guru who is the founder of multiple startups including The Tilt, Content Expo Events, the author of 7 books, and the host of several podcasts. He also runs The Orange Effect Foundation which provides children with consistent speech therapy.

    Joe explains how he went down the content marketing rabbit hole and how any business can leverage it. He and Mike discuss, which platforms you should use, software, automation, knowing your audience, email list building, leveraging AI and much more.


    If you want to grow significantly you need to build a strong relationship with your customers. Content marketing enables you to do this. People come to know, like and trust you, over time. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Don´t just go create content. Know who your audience is and be clear about what your marketing goal is. To find your sweet spot, ask what my audience’s pain spots are, what am I qualified to talk and tell stories about, and what differentiates us from our competitors. Don´t publish on every channel. Joe explains how to choose which ones. Initially you will need to set up listening posts so you can better understand what your audience wants. But don´t forget to talk to your customers. Use your content to build your list. You need to get people´s email addresses to gain one-on-one access that will enable you to better serve them. Once you have people´s email you can use that to look at their buying behaviour. Use your data to the full. So many businesses don´t. Before investing in software, get the most out of free tools like Google Analytics. Create a long-form piece of content e.g. a podcast, then pull your short content out of that. Make sure you post to a platform you own e.g. your website. The socials constantly change the algorithms, so you can never 100% rely on it. Leaning too heavily on AI stifles your creativity and makes you sound the same as everyone else. AI does however make a great assistant for example doing research. It takes a long time to build a business, years, which is why patience is essential.


    05:52 "It (content marketing) takes a lot of time, but it is the absolute best form of marketing on the planet."

    13:45 “Create content that differentiates you and rises above all the other content clutter out there?"

    25:48 "At some point you have to think like a marketing strategist and say I need to have the data."

    27:20 "Build a program to get people back to your website and sign up for something."

    40:17 "We don't have the time or resources to really figure out all these channels and do what we need to do. So just choose one."

    48:33 "I think you´re in trouble if you´re getting your content from an AI tool."

    55:57 “Don't spend frivolously. Don't be on every platform. Be strategic."








    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Mike speaks with Adelina Chalmers the founder of Geek Whisperers. She helps CTOs, Heads of Engineering, and others to improve team performance. In her 20s, Adelina stopped working in human rights organisations when she realised, she could help people far more by working in tech.

    Her mission is to transform engineers and their leaders. To do that they both need to know how to give and take feedback. Something that we are socially and biologically engineered to struggle with. Adelina explains how to unpick that and use feedback to transform our performance.


    Those who work in tech have an incredibly powerful impact on people´s lives. The projects we work on really move the needle. Feedback is critical. Without it, nobody knows if they are doing a great job or not. Feedback is not a personal attack. Often, for biological and social reasons we see it that way, Adelina explains why and how to get past that feeling. Lean into feedback. Regardless of how you feel respond by saying “Tell me more” Think of feedback on your performance as being like the feedback you get from customers when developing products. Remote feedback is more difficult. Adelina explains how to get around this. For feedback to work well, the two people need to trust each other and have a proper connection. Remote teams need some face-to-face time. Tell people in advance why you need to speak to them. Don´t blindside them. Coach first if that does not work give feedback. Remember constant negative feedback wears people down.


    02:11 "Giving feedback and receiving feedback is effectively how we all grow."

    03:43 "When people ask for feedback, most people mean, please don´t hurt me, give me good feedback."

    29:03 "If you think about growing, by default, you have to make mistakes, learn from

    32:19 "My key tip would be to build a relationship of trust with this person."

    50:06 "Coach them every time they make a mistake. And if the coaching doesn't work, then you can move a gear up to feedback."

    1.00:00 "The business strategy tells you what you need to do with your tech strategy.”





    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike speaks to Michael Orant who is an entrepreneur, fractional CTO and racing driver. Today, they discuss fundraising, covering when to raise funds and how to talk to VCs, what to expect from them and spending the money strategically.

    To do this, Michael shares several real-world examples. Over the years, he has played a significant role in helping several startups to raise money.


    Even when investors are more risk-averse, you can still raise funds. Think about your exit and the exit for the investors and make that as attractive as possible. Accelerator events are a great way to find funders. Get a warm invite. Michael explains how to do that. Practice articulating the opportunities to different types of investors in a range of settings. Practice on friends and family, if they understand investors will too., Be honest and realistic about what your business is worth and the potential of your idea. Model out the future, in particular, consider what future rounds of fundraising will look like. Do everything you can to avoid having to raise further funds. Remember you are inviting the investors into your business and will be working with them for the long term. Fundraising takes a long time, so plan ahead to avoid running out of cash before the funding arrives. Sometimes the VC will want to change the board and management team. Engage with the investors and set expectations. You will have to hire a lot of people fast, prepare early and empower people to recruit for their teams.


    12:57 "You need people that will ground you or at least challenge your thinking so you can check your facts and numbers are right."

    24:31 "Be transparent with everything. Let the skeletons out of the closet early."

    34:35 "Think about cash conversion. And actually, what can we do to mitigate having to go for further investment rounds."

    36:42 "You are inviting someone into your business, to be part of that business, do your due diligence on them."

    54:33 "If you're looking for highly skilled roles, then there is an advantage of using niche recruiters."

    42:45 – “You have to make sure that they're (VCs) buying into that plan that you've put forward, or you accept that you're going into their plan.”

    57.11 – Don´t underestimate how exhausting fundraising can be.”


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike speaks to Robbie Clutton a fractional CTO, who does pretty much anything engineering-related. Today, they discuss transitioning from being an individual contributor to taking on a leadership role. Looking at how to decide if this is right for you and what you can expect that new role to look like.

    Robbie also shares some really practical tips to help you to coach, manage and develop your first team. He covers giving feedback, managing one-to-ones, building relationships, effectively managing up and much more.


    Becoming a fractional CTO genuinely gives you control over how and when you work. To cover any lean times, have some cash behind you, reduce your spending and develop several income streams, e.g. coaching and advising. Not everyone can lead so try before you buy by taking on temporary leadership roles. Be wary of roles that require you to code but spend a lot of time managing people. You won´t be able to get into the necessary flow state to code well. Correct poor behaviour quickly. Creating a culture in which people can thrive is a leader´s No. 1 priority. Don´t protect your team from everything. They need to understand why things are needed in a certain way, if they don´t the hows they come up with may not work well. When asking for resources be clear about what you need and ask early. Consider using an external mentor. There is no bias in that relationship. The smartest people always ask for help.


    04:21 "During school holidays, it's very easy for me to dial down the work."

    14:07 "Before you take on any formal responsibility start looking for the informal ownership of things." (Robbie explaining how to work out if a leadership role is a good fit for you)

    42:00 "There´s no way you´re gonna be good at leading people if you´re not able to have a courageous conversation and give course-correcting feedback."

    54:19 "For managing out make sure what you´re asking for is clear and ask it kind of early."



    Micheal Bungay Stainer - https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/author/B002QK41GQ

    Non-violent Communication - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nonviolent-Communication-Language-Life-Guides/dp/189200528X

    The Leadership Pipeline - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Leadership-Pipeline-3rd-Developing-Leaders/dp/B0CYJ6NJZY


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • For this episode, Mike´s guest is Pleo CTO, Meri Williams. They take an in-depth look at building high-performing, fully diverse, and inclusive teams, discuss how to attract and retain people from widely different backgrounds and create an environment in which they uncover and develop the innovative solutions that are so often missed by less diverse teams.

    Meri has led both small and large teams for 17 different organisations. Including, P&G, Monza, MOO, M&S and several startups. So, the recruitment, training and retention strategies Meri shares here are highly practical.


    True inclusion is missing from most companies. People are rarely asked for their opinions, and they don´t feel they can be their true selves. If you only pay lip service to inclusivity people from diverse backgrounds just won´t apply. Hire people from different backgrounds whose life experience means they genuinely see things from a different angle. Go where people from diverse backgrounds train to find more candidates. Have a robust and effective onboarding process to improve retainment. Engineering managers need to want to and be capable of developing others. Tech leads need to be prepared to do the glue work e.g. refining processes Provide people you promote internally with leadership training and explain why they need to lead in a certain way.


    06:50 "The first thing I do is go meet every team and I ask them, what are they proud of? What are they worried about? And if I had a magic wand, what should I do with it?" (How Mari decides which challenges to tackle first when starting a new leadership role)

    35:43 "I think actual diversity, where people are from different backgrounds, different demographics, different life experiences is much more likely to lead to true diversity and true different thinking."

    37:23 "Making it an environment where lots of different people can be themselves and still succeed is the litmus test for whether you've got the right to go and get those people who are different in the first place."

    51:03 "As you get bigger, it becomes easier to attract people who are different, because there's now more chance that they're not the only one who's different."





    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • In this episode, Mike talks about B2B, B2C, and B2B2C business models with Benjy Meyer, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Commonplace. Benjy shares his knwoledge on the complexities of different business models, the challenges of transitioning between them, and the unique role of a CPTO. With a mix of personal experiences and industry observations, Mike and Benjy share knowledge for anyone navigating the tech growth landscape.


    B2B and B2C models require different skillsets and approaches, with B2B focusing more on stakeholder management and B2C on data-driven decision-making. Transitioning from B2C to B2B can be a strategic move to increase revenue and customer loyalty, as seen in examples like Naked Wine and Design My Night. B2B2C models face unique challenges in balancing opposing forces from different sides of the marketplace and aligning motivations. Feature flags and customisation in B2B products require careful management to avoid technical debt and maintain scalability. The role of a CPTO combines strategic product vision with technical execution, requiring trust from the CEO and board, and the ability to think critically across both domains. Organic search and social media, particularly Facebook/Meta, can be powerful channels for building and engaging audiences in B2B2C platforms. When starting a tech venture, prioritising an entrepreneurial mindset in early engineers over perfect infrastructure can accelerate growth and learning. Building anticipation through waitlists and leveraging personal networks can help gather valuable early feedback and create a foundation for product development.


    "I would rather fail in a B2C where I've got a lot more data that teaches me, gives me learnings about why I failed, um, so that I can apply those to the next iteration, if that makes sense." 27:22 Discussing the difference between B2B and B2C

    "We want built environment professionals, real estate developers, local government to come and use the platform to talk to communities so that they can get their planning applications through faster, build better places that are better designed, but they don't really want to talk to communities. We're kind of their enemy." 43:37 Explaining the challenges of B2B2C platforms

    "You really have to understand in detail the user problems And motivations on both sides of that marketplace to come up with the right OKRs So that you don't like build this spurious motivation for your teams that imbalances" 45:05 Explaining the importance of understanding user problems in B2B2C

    "What matters most at that level is the structure that's underneath. Those leaders and like in theory, let's say I'm working in a company of 300 people or something. I don't need to be that deep, right? I've got a team of 20, 30, 50 people working in products and technology. I need them to be amazing." 54:43 Discussing the role of a CPTO

    "When you're kicking off entrepreneurial doesn't really care about the infrastructure doesn't know much about the infrastructure is just hungry for more data to help them make decisions and help you have good conversations together about what to build next" 01:00:48 Describing the importance of the first engineer in a tech venture


    Benjy Meyer


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Join Mike as he discusses the business implications of AI and data with Steven Harrison, co-founder of Infratech Digital. Steven Harrison shares his visionary insights on the future of AI, the value of data, and how businesses can stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. From comparing data to oil fields to predicting the rise of company-specific AIs, this episode will reshape your understanding of technology's role in business growth.


    Data is becoming a new pillar of economic value, alongside labour, resources, and capital, with unique properties that make it infinitely replicable and potentially more valuable over time. AI is evolving from understanding and learning to creating, which opens up new possibilities for problem-solving and innovation beyond just automation. Companies that develop their own specialised AIs may gain a significant competitive advantage, potentially outperforming those with only top human talent. The adoption curve for AI technology is likely to be nearly vertical, with widespread integration expected within five years across various industries. Security is crucial for protecting valuable data and AI assets, and businesses should consider partnering with specialised security providers rather than relying solely on in-house expertise. The value created by IT investments needs to be carefully measured and justified, as many companies have shifted expenses to technology without necessarily increasing profitability. Businesses should use AI to eliminate waste and free up employee time for strategic thinking about transforming their operations and services. Education in digital infrastructure and data management is becoming as essential as basic literacy for navigating the modern world and avoiding exploitation


    "We don't teach how to build the things that make digital possible. We teach how to consume digital when it's already been built. So it begs the question of, well, who's going to build the next generation?" 02:19 (Harrison discussing the lack of education in digital infrastructure)

    "The organisations that do that work best today, I think they're going to be positioned for an incredibly lucrative hundred years because as data becomes more controlled, more constrained, the value of the people that do have the data is just going to go up exponentially." 31:29 (Explaining the long-term value of data ownership)

    "Once you realise that sort of step one, step two, step three process that have created an AI with the ability to think, I've now given it the ability to learn and have now given it the ability to create. If we look at that AI as we would a little human. It's kind of how we raise children, isn't it?" 36:33 (Harrison comparing AI development to raising children)

    "We're going to see countries and organisations that previously would have struggled to compete, suddenly be extremely competitive. Because they've invested wisely in AI technology." 45:29 (Discussing how AI could level the playing field in global competition)

    "If you wait until the wave is crashing down on top of you, there's going to be so much competitive pressure. There's going to be so much more pressure for the talent that you can now hire and train and develop today." 1:05:54 (Advising businesses to start AI transformation early)


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.

  • Mike interviews Peter Sorgenfrei, a coach for CTOs and business leaders. They talk about the often-overlooked realm of work-life integration, challenging the hustle culture mentality. Peter shares his thoughts on time management, prioritisation, and the importance of "me time" for leaders. Mike and Peter’s conversation will make you rethink your approach to work and life, offering practical tips to boost productivity while maintaining balance.


    Work-life integration is more achievable than work-life balance, focusing on organising professional and personal life around peak performance times. Delegating tasks and prioritising ruthlessly can significantly reduce overwhelm and increase productivity for leaders at all levels. Regular "me time" without screens, preferably in nature, is crucial for recharging and maintaining clarity of mind. Challenging the need for meetings and questioning the importance of tasks can free up significant time and mental space. Building in public and ensuring at least five new people know about your business daily is crucial for startup growth. Napping for 20-25 minutes after lunch can provide a significant energy boost for the rest of the day. Engaging with a professional coach or mentor can accelerate career growth and provide valuable perspectives. Selling and making people aware of your product or service is more important than perfecting features when starting a business.


    "I talk a lot about work life integration, which is to, instead of trying to find balance, which within something which is essentially out of balance because of our devices always being with us because of most of us being, you know, digital workers in some way, knowledge workers, it's about finding that integration." 06:48: Peter discussing the concept of work-life integration

    "Sell every day. Selling. Sales saves everything." 56:15 Peter answering what is the most important thing for any tech venture growth)

    "The number one piece of advice that I give anybody is make sure that five new people know that you exist and what you do every single day, seven days a week." 56:38 Peter emphasising the importance of building awareness for your business

    "You can have the best product, but if you haven't exposed it to the market, if you haven't exposed it to customers and actually modified it in a way that they will buy it. You don't have a business." 58:51 Peter sharing the story about Mercedes-Benz introducing the C-Class to the US market

    "I personally was person who was unwilling to pay for coaches and mentors until I slowly started doing it. And now I got a mentor and a coach for many things in life and the acceleration and the value exchange is just, it's just not comparable." 01:04:59 Mike discussing the value of professional coaching


    Peter Sorgenfrei - CEO & Founder Coach

    Website: https://www.petersorgenfrei.com/#1

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sorgenfrei/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sorgenfrei_co

    Youtube: www.youtube.com/@peter_sorgenfrei

    Newsletter: https://astounding-speaker-2032.ck.page


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike talks with David Lush about the intriguing world of imposter syndrome in tech leadership. Dave shares his personal journey from experiencing intense imposter syndrome to feeling surprisingly confident in his new role. The conversation explores psychological safety, authenticity, and the delicate balance between humility and assertiveness.


    Imposter syndrome can be a sign of growth and stepping out of your comfort zone, indicating you're challenging yourself in new roles. Developing a personal playbook for entering new roles can help mitigate imposter syndrome and increase confidence in adding value quickly. Active listening and asking questions before sharing opinions can help maintain humility while leveraging experience in leadership positions. Creating psychological safety in teams is crucial for open communication and addressing mental health concerns in the tech industry. Authenticity and being yourself at work can lead to trust-building and improved psychological safety within teams. Balancing humility with confidence is key for effective leadership, especially when transitioning from individual contributor to management roles. Influence in the workplace can be gained through a combination of experience, data-driven arguments, and effective storytelling techniques. The tech industry is gradually shifting towards a healthier work-life balance, with younger generations prioritising clear boundaries and fair exchanges in their careers.


    "I've never really been able to keep my mouth shut and therefore I've ended up down the sort of management and leadership IC." 01:30: Dave explains how he transitioned into leadership roles due to his tendency to speak up and share ideas.

    "A case of getting out and meeting people in the company doing the, you know, the information firehose thing, like, let me gather context, let me understand how your business works, build a mental model of it." 08:19: Dave is describing his strategy for quickly understanding a new company and role.

    "I think I'm probably quite in the middle, you know, I'm very happy in my own company, but I also like a bit of other people's company for a period of time." 03:11: Dave is reflecting on his introverted and extroverted tendencies in relation to leadership roles.

    "I feel like a bit of imposter syndrome is good. You know, the fact that I don't have any imposter syndrome coming into this role is probably a sign that I've not, you know, challenged myself enough with the role that I've moved into" 38:37: Dave believes that the lack of imposter syndrome in his current role might indicate a need for more challenges.


    David Lush is the Chief Technology Officer at MindGym, with a distinguished career in technology leadership, including key roles as Head of Engineering at Onzo and Visa. With over 20 years of experience, David excels in building and scaling high-performing teams, aligning strategy with company vision, and fostering a culture of innovation and psychological safety. Known for his strategic mindset and commitment to continuous learning, David integrates his expertise in engineering and data to drive success and growth.


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike speaks to Steve Spittle, the Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder at GlobalTrust Ltd about the fascinating world of satellite data and its role in sustainability. Steve shares his journey from environmental science to space technology, explains how Global Trust leverages satellite imagery for environmental monitoring and discusses the ethical implications and future of the industry. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and the power of space-based observations to drive positive change on Earth.


    Global Trust uses satellite data to monitor environmental impacts, helping businesses make sustainable decisions and comply with regulations. Satellite imagery can provide valuable insights into various environmental factors, including deforestation, atmospheric emissions, and biodiversity. The satellite data industry is evolving rapidly, shifting towards smaller, more cost-effective satellites and increased data accessibility. AI and machine learning play crucial roles in analysing satellite data, but it's essential to use these technologies judiciously and transparently. The future of satellite data analysis will likely involve more integrated, user-friendly tools that become part of everyday business operations. Ethical considerations around satellite data usage include privacy concerns and the need for transparent, traceable analysis processes. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for businesses, driven by regulations, investor pressure, and public awareness. Networking and participating in industry events are crucial for CTOs and businesses looking to stay informed about sustainability trends and technologies.


    22:56 "So effectively the pricing module is on the frequency of data on a quality of data and then there's a historical data sets you can buy into that." (Mike summarising Steve's explanation of satellite data pricing models)

    25:58 "From space, we are actually able to map out exactly where the dust goes from the activities. And we can also look at some of the high level composition of that dust by looking at its individual spectral footprint." (Steve Spittle discussing how satellite data can be used to monitor industrial dust pollution)

    28:08 "We've gone from a place of having a separate sustainability report and a separate business model to now having what they call a sustainable business model. And they've combined the two." (Steve Spittle explaining how businesses are integrating sustainability into their core operations)

    51:18 "I think 10 years in the future, we won't be so obsessed, I hope, with using terms such as AI, and it's going to be part of the kind of fabric of what we do on a day to day and it just gets wrapped into this term of analysis." (Steve Spittle predicting the future of AI and satellite data analysis)

    01:01:18 "The premise of sustainability is that part of that idea of inclusion and actually bringing all these thoughts together and recognising that if we're going to have any chance of making any real impact, we need to have this kind of multidisciplinary approach." (Steve Spittle discussing the importance of collaboration in addressing sustainability challenges)


    Steve Spittle

    Steve Spittle previously worked as the Global Extractives Industries Technical Lead at the Satellite Applications Catapult. Within this role Steve engaged with stakeholders across the mining sector from large multinational commercial companies, governments and investors, creating satellite-based solutions. Prior to this role Steve held two additional roles at the Catapult, alongside these roles at the Catapult, Steve spent three years as a technical and business mentor for satellite start-up companies across Europe, as part of the Copernicus Accelerator programme. Finally, Steve is a non-executive director of Lux Aerobot, an exciting Canadian high-altitude platform start-up. He is one of the 100 Geospatial Rising Stars 2024.






    Spacewatch: https://spacewatch.global/2024/04/esa-funds-globaltrust-and-ecogains-space2climb-project/


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • In this episode of Mastering Tech Growth, host Mike interviews Peter Dakin, a behavioural assessment expert. They talk about the world of psychometrics, discussing how understanding human behaviour can revolutionise team dynamics and personal growth. From the origins of Promana People to the future of AI, this conversation is packed with insights on leadership, entrepreneurship, and the importance of self-awareness.


    Promana People offers a digital platform with psychometric assessments to help individuals, coaches, and organisations understand and improve human behaviour. The "catalyst" or "disturber" behaviour is crucial for tech startups, as it drives innovation and disruption in the market. Understanding observable behaviour is more effective and authentic than personality-based assessments for improving team dynamics and individual performance. The concept of "endurance" may be more positive and goal-oriented than "resilience" when discussing stress management and personal growth. AI's ability to reason at human levels presents both opportunities and challenges for the future of work and decision-making processes. Effective leadership involves understanding and managing different behavioural preferences within a team, including time management and communication styles. The "action process" in organisational behaviour includes assessing cost-benefit and controlling behaviours, which is crucial for project management and resource allocation. Psychometric assessments can help identify and develop various coaching, mentoring, and advisory styles, leading to more effective knowledge transfer and personal development.


    09:38 "We don't really define even, even the word coach is necessary, not necessarily appropriate. That's why we call our, the middle tier of what, who we provide a service to people in the behaviour change business rather than coaches." (Context: Peter Dakin discusses the broad applicability of their services beyond traditional coaching)

    19:25 "Stress in itself isn't a negative thing. It's when you reach overwhelm, that's when it becomes a problem." (Context: Peter Dakin explaining the importance of stress management in entrepreneurship)

    56:22 "We're sort of literally on the event horizon now of going into either a black hole or a wormhole. And I don't think anybody really knows whether it's a black hole or a wormhole yet." (Context: Peter Dakin discussing the uncertain future of AI and its impact on society)

    1:25:01 "I always enjoy listening to what people are having as a challenge, you know, as a struggle, as some type of definition of a problem space and put myself into that and go like, you know what, that's what I would do." (Context: Mike Reflecting on his natural inclination towards advising rather than coaching)

    1:33:44 "Words do matter and we don't really want to fall into patterns of using buzzwords. We want to get across the idea that is underneath that." (Context: Peter Dakin discussing the importance of precise language in behavioural assessments)


    Pete Dakin: Co-founder, Promana People

    Pete Dakin is the founder of Promana People, a New Zealand-based digital platform providing individuals, coaches, "people persons" and organisations with a suite of online tools, including a comprehensive suite of behavioural assessment tools that deliver insights for understanding and fostering personal, professional and organisational growth and development. Pete's path has long been intertwined with the interactions of people and technology - including work in early stage behavioural advertising, behaviour change in education, and now, to the mission of helping people to thrive in a complicated and ever-changing world.




    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike is joined by Ruben J Garcia, a cloud Architect and AWS Trainer with over 8 years of experience. Having worked in large corporate companies and start-ups to help migrate and create applications in the AWS cloud Ruben shares his journey from consultant to AWS expert, revealing insider secrets to optimising cloud infrastructure. Discover the power of AWS Control Tower, best practices for seamless integration, and how to navigate the complexities of multi-environment setups


    AWS Control Tower provides a solid foundation for cloud infrastructure, with built-in guardrails and compliance features, making it easier to manage and scale AWS accounts. When choosing a cloud provider, consider your team's expertise and stick with one to develop deep knowledge rather than spreading yourself thin across multiple clouds. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is crucial for managing AWS infrastructure at scale, enabling version control, reproducibility, and easier collaboration among team members. AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) is a powerful framework for IaC, allowing developers to define infrastructure using familiar programming languages and integrate with other AWS services seamlessly. Proper role management and using temporary credentials through AWS Identity Centre can significantly enhance security by limiting the blast radius of potential compromises. AWS X-Ray is an invaluable tool for debugging and optimising performance in complex microservices architectures built on AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and other services. When designing a tech stack for a startup, carefully consider foundational choices like databases and API architectures, as changing these later can be costly and time-consuming. AWS offers a wide range of services and integrations with third-party tools, making it possible to build and deploy applications entirely within the AWS ecosystem.


    "The more time you have this without fix, the more expensive it's going to be to fix in the future." (16:49) Mike emphasises the importance of addressing technical debt sooner rather than later

    "Control Tower with security half and guard duty is the way to do that. When you put control tower is going to be by default activated for you. So you're going to have a lot of control that already are there, but you can create your own control if you need." (22:44) Ruben discusses the importance of AWS Control Tower for regulated industries.

    "In a modern application, in a modern company, I won't use this kind of thing because you can do the same things with CodePipeline and with the build script." (58:45) While discussing the use of AWS CodePipeline for CI/CD, Ruben expresses his preference for native AWS tools over third-party solutions like Jenkins.

    "You need to move fast, and you need to use the right tool for your application. I think you need to choose wisely when you are creating your application because if you have a problem in the design at the very beginning, it's going to be with you a long time." (1:03:39) Ruben shares his advice for startups when it comes to balancing speed and careful consideration in technology choices.

    "If you have a problem in your architecture in the very beginning, it's going to be very hard for you to reverse all your work." (01:04:36) Ruben stresses the importance of making the right architectural decisions early on.


    Ruben Garcia

    Cloud Architect and AWS Trainer with over 8 years of experience. Worked in large corporate companies and start-ups to help migrate and create applications in the AWS cloud.







    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Remote leader Charlie Perrins joins Mike to talk about how he navigates remote work in a global tech team. Charlie shares his experiences transitioning from an office mindset to successfully managing distributed teams across North America, Latin America, and India. Packed with practical wisdom and thought-provoking anecdotes, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to thrive in the world of remote tech leadership.


    Shifting from an office mindset to remote work requires adapting communication and collaboration strategies while maintaining a focus on delivering high-quality work. Aligning teams across different time zones is crucial, with the client's time zone serving as the anchor point for all team members. Cultural differences among global teams are less significant than individual roles and skill sets when it comes to effective collaboration. Respect and acknowledge team members' locations and time zones through small gestures like greeting everyone according to their local time. Remote work has opened up opportunities for more flexible schedules and improved work-life balance. Leading people effectively is the most critical factor in achieving tech venture growth, as people are the driving force behind all achievements. Spontaneous conversations and innovation can still occur in remote settings through the use of video calls and collaboration tools. The software development lifecycle remains largely unchanged in remote work, with improvements in tools and cloud services enhancing efficiency.


    "You do good work when someone from the client's team is acting in some capacity as a product owner. When you're in a fortunate position on both sides of the equation to be able to do that then I think the best work will come out of it" (08:17) Charlie emphasises the importance of having a product owner from the client's team to ensure the best work is delivered.

    "I think that my biggest misconception was that it wouldn't work. I worried that it would be difficult. I worried that I would be less useful to the rest of my team if I was not there. (24:57) Charlie reflects on his initial misconception about remote work and his concerns about being less useful to his team when not physically present.

    "It feels more the same than different in terms of the shape of the SDLC, it's just that some of the tools have got better, the access to cloud services has increased, you know, lets us maybe do certain things faster than we used to do." (52:04) Charlie shares his thoughts on how the software development lifecycle has remained largely unchanged in remote work, with improvements in tools and cloud services enhancing efficiency.

    "If you're not careful, team members can get lost and not everybody can sort of be carried along that journey. And that's, I think, where risks and errors creep in because somebody's doing a task, not deliberately doing it badly or certainly not doing it maliciously, but they don't quite think they're meant to be doing the same thing that somebody else thinks they're meant to be doing." (1:02:16) Charlie discusses the risks of team members getting lost in the process and how misaligned expectations can lead to errors and mistakes.

    "To the extent we lose that on the days where we're not working in the office, we gain it from being able to chat to colleagues, or at least in the, in the kind of company I'm in now, where there's lots of us all over the world, we gain it from the freedom of being able to have a call with anybody. Wherever they might be if a call with that person is what you need to get to a good idea or to get to a breakthrough." (1:07:24) Charlie explains how remote work settings can still foster spontaneous conversations and innovation through the use of video calls and the ability to connect with colleagues worldwide.


    Charlie Perrins is a MarTech & AdTech specialist who has led engineering teams around the globe. He has lived in the UK and the USA, with over 15 years of digital agency experience working in software engineering, team lead and executive roles. Charlie has three children with his wife Lucy, and plays guitar for bands in North Yorkshire & Massachusetts when he’s not working or being a dad.



    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • In this episode, Mike interviews Craig Mellon, an experienced CTO who shares his journey from a passionate developer to a technology leader. Craig discusses the importance of hands-on experience, the challenges of transitioning into leadership roles, and the key skills needed to succeed as a CTO. He also highlights the significance of fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning within technology teams.


    Hands-on experience as a developer is invaluable for CTOs, providing a deep understanding of technology and its impact on business decisions. Transitioning from an individual contributor to a leadership role requires letting go of control and trusting your team to grow and innovate. Passion for continuous learning and staying up to date with the latest tech trends is crucial for driving innovation and making informed decisions. Business acumen is essential for CTOs to effectively communicate with stakeholders and align technology initiatives with business goals. A CTO's role varies depending on the size and nature of the company, ranging from hands-on involvement in startups to more strategic roles in larger enterprises. Encouraging experimentation and providing opportunities for team members to explore new technologies fosters a culture of innovation. Formal education alone may not be sufficient for a CTO role; practical experience and tailored learning resources are equally valuable. Clear communication and presenting technology initiatives in terms of business benefits are key to gaining support from executives and stakeholders.


    "I kind of got obsessed with computers and programming then, which really drove me career in that direction." (01:34) - Craig shares how his early passion for technology shaped his career path.

    "I've always found that most, most companies I've worked at, Kind of kind of always fall into that leadership role I tend to always end up leading a project or lead in a team" (9:44) - Craig discusses his natural tendency to take on leadership roles throughout his career.

    "You've got to, you've got to, you've got to realize to step back as well, to see bigger picture." (12:43) - Craig emphasises the importance of stepping back and seeing the bigger picture as a leader.

    "I think from a, from a CTO point of view, if you, during your communication with your team, if you're telling them about how this is going to affect the business. How it's going to help grow the business. And we're going to choose this solution because it'll help scale and it'll be cheaper to scale than this one." (20:02) - Craig explains how CTOs can help their teams understand the business impact of technology decisions.

    "I'd rather you come out and ask rather than sit there worrying, trying to sort something out." (29:46) - Craig encourages a culture of open communication and asking for help when needed.

    "You've got to give the business confidence in your decisions and what you're proposing. And so I think that really helps with those kind of decisions." (01:01:09) - Craig emphasises the importance of communicating effectively with business stakeholders.

    "I think you've got to find a good, fit for your business." (01:14:18) - Craig highlights that the CTO role varies depending on the company's size and requirements.

    "If you show people they can have that time and foster that innovation, I think that's a great way to progress with it." (01:11:11) - Craig discusses the importance of providing time and resources for innovation.


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike interviews Chris, a data science expert, about the latest trends and developments in AI. From neural networks to generative AI, they dive deep into the technology behind the AI revolution. Chris shares his experiences working at a fast-growing startup and his current venture Speedsheet, which converts Excel models into web apps. Listen in for thought-provoking insights on the future of AI and its impact on businesses and jobs.


    Neural networks, modelled after the human brain, are the basis of deep learning and have enabled breakthroughs like AlphaGo beating the world champion at Go. AI is currently in a bubble similar to the dot-com era, with high valuations and over-promising, but the technology is here to stay and will transform industries. Specialised AI models that focus on specific tasks can provide immense value to businesses at a lower cost than general-purpose models. AI will automate much intellectual grunt work, but jobs requiring creativity, problem-solving and human interaction are safer in the short term. The falling cost of computing power and the potential of quantum computing could lead to exponential advances in AI capabilities. Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub may have been a strategic move to gain access to a vast code repository for training AI models. The most important factor for success in a tech startup is the ability to iterate quickly based on a deep understanding of users' needs. Verification and synthetic data generation are key areas of research for ensuring AI models perform reliably and as intended.


    Whenever you hear the word deep learning, basically it means machine learning with neural networks." (Chris, 11:35) Chris provides a simple definition of deep learning and its relationship to neural networks.

    "What I find really interesting, and I think the comparison is fair between dot-com and AI, is that yes, the dot-com bubble was a real thing and then a lot of companies went bust, but the internet stayed." (Chris, 46:57) Chris compares the current AI bubble to the dot-com era, noting that while many companies may fail, the underlying technology will persist and transform industries.

    "I wouldn't be too worried, honestly. I mean, I think the job of an engineer or a data scientist, it's not, it's not just programming." (Chris, 01:03:48) When asked about the potential for AI to replace jobs, Chris suggests that roles requiring creativity and problem-solving will be safer in the short term.

    "It's so hard to say one, right? You need, you need lots of things, but if you, if you really pin me down and you have to tell me what, what's like the, the one thing, yeah, it's being able to fit like your product to the user." (Chris, 1:08:58) Chris emphasises the importance of deeply understanding users' needs and quickly iterating based on their feedback as the key to success for tech startups.

    "Still very open area of research, but could be promising as a way to kind of, I guess qualitatively measure the performance of, of your, of your specific AI model." (Chris, 1:22:12) Chris discusses the potential of synthetic data generation for testing and validating the performance of AI models.

    "I love Excel. I've done like internships in finance. So sort of really comfortable with Excel. I like maths and everything. And I think it's, it's honestly, I think it's probably the most transformative, software in the last 30 years." (Chris, 1:16:53) Context: Chris expresses his admiration for Microsoft Excel and its impact on businesses over the past few decades.


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • In this second episode with Rob Wade, host Mike delves deep into the world of QA and its crucial role in tech growth. Rob shares his wealth of experience and unique insights on measuring quality, the importance of dialogue, and the challenges of remote work. Filled with thought-provoking discussions and practical advice, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to master the art of tech growth.


    QAs can act as blueprinters, shaping projects before development begins, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Bouncing back and forth between states in a workflow indicates a breakdown in interpretation and process. The worst and most expensive place to find a bug is in production, as it leads to context switching and delays. Documenting time spent in each status can help identify bottlenecks and improve throughput. Hybrid work models offer flexibility but require discipline to maintain productivity and avoid burnout. Communication is the most important factor for tech venture growth, as it drives action and alignment. Constructive conflict is necessary for decision-making and avoiding hidden issues that can hinder progress. As projects progress, discussions about changes should become increasingly trivial, with major decisions made early on.


    "The best compliment you can pay me is that I'm a pedant. Because that is why I'm here." (02:29) Rob discussing the importance of QA's role in finding problems and being meticulous in their work.

    "If you get buy-in for that mindset in a team, that production's a bad place to find it, then you have an easier life because they don't want it to happen that way." (03:31) Rob emphasises the importance of catching bugs before production and getting the team to understand that mindset.

    "If you've got people who work on a kind of standard day in their territory, you lose the kind of point - you have to a minimal point of synchronisation where they can actually touch base and compare notes." (10:57) Rob discusses the challenges of working with distributed teams across different time zones and the need for synchronisation.

    "I think the opportunity of being able to kind of shape stuff before you start building it is the bit that, you know, QAs can act as kind of blueprinters to help everybody get on the same page in terms of what we're trying to achieve." (08:07) Rob highlights the value QA can bring by being involved early in the process and helping to define the project's goals.

    "Businesses talk about productivity in terms of we're paying you for your time. We expect you to work for us during your time, not an unreasonable position. Employees are thinking about productivity in the sense of what can I get done in a day." (21:48) Rob discusses the different ways businesses and employees define productivity, particularly in the context of remote work.

    "You should always have everybody in the team moving towards the same goal for the business, which is continued growth and success. But you need everybody to kind of be aligned on what that looks like, what the definition of that is." (46:21) Rob stresses the importance of having the entire team aligned and working towards the same business goals for growth and success.

    "I want the discussions around what needs to change to become increasingly trivial as you get closer to the end. So the big, you know, significant shifts in functionality and look and feel in kind of overall working are decided earlier and at the end, it's about do we make that button red or yellow?" (51:36) Rob explains his philosophy on project management, where major decisions should be made early on, and discussions should become more trivial as the project nears completion.


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Join Mike in the first part of his conversation with Rob Wade, Head of Group IT at Kuflink, for a deep dive into the dynamics of start-ups versus enterprises. They explore the challenges of managing people, ensuring quality, and navigating the world of hybrid work. Rob shares his insights from his unique journey, offering valuable lessons for anyone in the tech industry.


    Authenticity and open communication are crucial for effective leadership, especially when managing teams across different settings. Documenting processes and sharing knowledge helps mitigate the risk of single points of failure and ensures smooth operations. Balancing the demands of various stakeholders requires clear prioritisation, transparent dialogue, and managing expectations. Quality assurance goes beyond testing; QAs can add value by shaping requirements, improving user experience, and guiding the development process. Automation is essential for efficiency, but manual testing and human insight remain invaluable for ensuring product quality and usability. Navigating the trade-offs between speed and quality requires open discussions, clear priorities, and a commitment to addressing technical debt. Effective communication and alignment among developers, QAs, and product owners are key to building the right product efficiently. Embracing new challenges and continuous learning are essential for personal growth and career advancement in the tech industry.


    "When you want the business to succeed because the people inside it are people you've, you kind of attach value to, you kind of resonate emotionally with that, that can be very kind of powerful as a motivator to kind of take you forwards." (8:56) Rob discusses how caring about the people you work with and wanting the business to succeed can be a strong motivator to push through challenges.

    "I've always been quite happy to acknowledge where I don't know stuff." (12:21) Rob discusses the importance of being authentic and admitting when you don't have all the answers.

    "The fun will come, but it's just that you have to kind of ride that period of chaos. You have to kind of go through that pain to then get to a point where you can kind of turn it into something fun” (24:29) Mike and Rob discuss the importance of persevering through the initial challenges and chaos when learning a new skill or taking on a new project, as it eventually leads to a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment.

    "You're doing them a disservice in the long run to kind of placate them in the short term." (34:33) Rob explains why it's important to have difficult conversations and provide honest feedback for the long-term benefit of team members.

    "QAs have underserved potential to add value even before the code is written by making sure that you think about all the scenarios you want to run through, putting yourself in the frame of mind of a user." (01:04:56) Rob highlights the valuable role QAs can play in shaping requirements and improving the user experience.


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • In this episode of Mastering Tech Growth, Mike interviews Armagan Amcalar, a seasoned professional in the tech industry. Armagan shares his extensive experience and valuable insights on the role of fractional CTOs, sustainable business practices, and the future of work in the tech sector. He discusses the importance of strong company culture, effective remote leadership, and the potential impact of AI on productivity.


    Fractional CTOs offer a cost-effective solution for startups, providing experienced leadership without the full-time commitment. Establishing a shared culture and aligning values are crucial for successful remote work and seamless collaboration. Sustainability and regenerative energy practices are key to long-term success in the tech industry. AI will revolutionise the future of work by automating mundane tasks and allowing humans to focus on creativity and passion. Decentralisation and autonomous units within a company can lead to increased productivity and employee satisfaction. Measuring the success of a fractional CTO should be based on tangible business outcomes and ROI. Effective leadership involves empowering employees, fostering autonomy, and drawing inspiration from real-life examples. Apple serves as a prime example of sustainable growth through smart investments and long-term vision.


    "I found myself here one day at home. I was out of books to read. And the last book I could find to read was the instructions manual for Commodore 64. I was at the age of six." (00:45) Armagan shares how he first got into programming at a young age

    "A fractional CTO should be there to make sure you're not losing energy and if possible, you're creating energy with your practices. You have the right team in place, right process in place. You're building the right thing that your users need that will keep your business growing." (18:16) Armagan explains the role of a fractional CTO in ensuring sustainable business practices and growth

    "You have to be able to convince people to buy your product and your service or whatever your offering is, without actually having that offering. And if this sounds unreasonable to you, just stop working right now. You're not going to make it." (22:17) Armagan advises startup founders to validate their ideas and secure funding before hiring a CTO

    "The biggest problem that I have with start-up founders are like first time founders or second time founders who are bringing on their egos too much to the game." (34:16) Armagan points out that the biggest issue he faces is working with first or second-time founders who let their egos interfere with the success of their startup.

    "You need to challenge your fractional CTO to create sustainable systems. Within the company, you have to create a culture that's going to survive even after you leave, even after you change a CTO" (38:47) Armagan stresses the importance of challenging fractional CTOs to create sustainable systems and a strong company culture that can outlast their tenure.

    "Apple is doing great. I think in this aspect of growing sustainably, whereas every major company in the U.S. is talking about laying off thousands and thousands of people." (01:15:06) Armagan praises Apple as an example of a company that has mastered sustainable growth


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Mike interviews Aycan Gulez, the CTO of Faraday, to explore the world of carbon emissions management and energy optimisation. Aycan shares invaluable insights on leveraging AI, navigating hardware challenges, and driving sustainability in the tech industry. Listen to this episode to discover how Faraday is revolutionising the way businesses measure and reduce their environmental impact, and learn practical strategies for scaling tech ventures while prioritising sustainability.


    Measuring carbon emissions is crucial for companies to comply with upcoming regulations and avoid potential carbon taxes Faraday provides a platform for companies to calculate carbon emissions and manage energy consumption using IoT devices and AI algorithms Outdated practices and hardware-centric mindsets in the energy management industry pose challenges for innovation and flexibility Scalability issues with relational databases can be addressed using techniques like vertical scaling, ARM processors, and the ZFS file system Prioritising simplicity in tech stack choices, such as using Vue.js over React, can improve developer experience and reduce complexity Working closely with customers to understand pain points and develop solutions is key to successful product innovation Ensuring security through encryption, simplifying tech stacks, and following best practices is essential when handling large amounts of sensitive data Achieving product-market fit is the most critical factor for the growth and success of any tech venture


    "You can't reduce something you don't measure. And also, there are initiatives about a so-called carbon tax, some companies will be expected to pay a carbon tax for damaging the environment and making the entire world a really bad place for our children to live in." (03:05) Aycan emphasises the importance of measuring carbon emissions.

    "I prefer to have as few dependencies as possible because statistically speaking the more dependencies you have, the more chances of something going wrong. So, I think it makes sense to build a monolith first." (28:06) Aycan discusses his approach to managing complexity in software architecture.

    "Soon this I hope will be normal. I mean, asking your partners what their emissions are. Right now, I mean, no one cares. But there is an increasing awareness and the upcoming regulations that make it mandatory to check all these data from your suppliers." (40:59) Aycan predicts the future of carbon emissions reporting in business partnerships.

    "I hate pointless government regulations as much as everyone. But I think self-regulation is an oxymoron. In a free market, all economic actors are supposed to act in their own self-interest. That's the agreement, right?" (41:47) Aycan shares his blunt opinion on the necessity of government regulations for carbon emissions.

    "I mean, tech is only part of the equation. I believe that business developments, marketing, product-market fit, things like this, soft things are actually more important than the tech stack, because if you, if no one knows that you have a great product, then I mean, it doesn't really matter" (52:33) Aycan stresses the importance of product-market fit over technology.


    Meet Mike, a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary with over two and a half decades of invaluable experience in founding and scaling successful tech start-ups. Mike brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

    As a host, Mike is dedicated to sharing actionable insights, strategies, and stories gathered from conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and experts. With a remarkable ability to distil practical wisdom from guests, Mike curates engaging discussions that resonate with both aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals.


    Welcome to Mastering Tech Growth, where we dive deep into the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of scaling tech-driven ventures. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of technology businesses, uncovering the secrets behind successful growth trajectories. Each episode brings you candid conversations with founders and industry experts, sharing invaluable insights, proven tactics, and real-life stories. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, discover the roadmap to navigating the complexities of scaling in the ever-evolving tech landscape.