BruggVarpið er hlaðvarpsþáttur í umsjón Stefáns Pálssonar og Höskuldar Sæmundssonar. Báðir eru þeir áhugamenn um bjór, hafa skrifað bók um bjór, drukkið bjór í meira magni en þeir kjósa að viðurkenna og hafa talað um bjór í áratug að minnsta kosti, hvor um sig.
Nautnaseggirnir Eva & Solla fjalla um mat og matargerð í sem víðustum skilningi. Þetta hlaðvarp er fyrir sælkerann, meðaljónin og sjoppuna.
Join Travis and David each week as they discuss all things meat. Travis is a butcher with a strong background in slaughter and retail, as well as sausage and charcuterie production. David is a small-scale intensive farmer; he manages rotationally grazed livestock and butchers them for direct-to consumer-sale. He’s also worked in retail meats and as a chef. They’ve both worked alone on mobile slaughter units, and they both like Waylon Jennings.
The Hot Slice brings you inspiring stories, strategies and lessons learned from successful pizzeria professionals and top experts. This podcast is hosted by the team at Pizza Today, the premier network for pizzeria professionals. We’re bringing our award-winning interviewing and 37 years as a trusted pizza restaurant partner to the airwaves with real, in-depth conversations with pizzeria owners, champion pizza makers, industry pros and others to help make your business better.
Wine 101 is a wine podcast for the everyday wine lover. Once a week VinePair's tastings director Keith Beavers will breakdown everything from how wine is made to wine regions of the world in easy-to-digest fashion giving the listener the confidence they need on their wine journey.
Follow Keith on Instagram for episode previews and general wine lover musings @vinepairkeith
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Glass in Session® is a wine education podcast hosted by Val Caruso, DWS, CWE, FWS. She's a certified wine educator, lifelong learner, & shameless corkdork.
Every 2nd and 4th Friday there will be a new Glass in Session® focusing on a new topic. Val's mission is to educate, entertain, and empower the wine learner, wine lover, or wine curious by seeking out the fun - and sometimes funny - side of wine education. -
Each week, we'll discuss what's going on in the scotch industry, discuss our latest review, a visit from Dr. Scotch, and share a few drams. Visit You must be of legal drinking age in your country to listen to this channel. Do not share this content with minors- share it with your friends of age. Support this podcast:
Take a deep dive into beef and beyond. Join renowned Chef Tony Biggs, Meat Scientist Diana Clark and self-proclaimed Master Taster Bryan Schaaf as they explore meat science, culinary innovation and storytelling with some of the bastions of the food world, delivered to you from the epicenter of the world’s foremost premium beef – the Certified Angus Beef ® brand – in Wooster, Ohio.
Brynjar Birgisson ræðir um íslenska matsölu- og veitingastaði.
Nýr þáttur annan hvern föstudag - ef allt gengur eftir.
Intro: Laser Life - Hyrule
Art by Kári Ólafsson Elínarson -
Við þekkjum öll gamla góða Sunnudagskaffið. Hér munum við setjast niður eins og við myndum gera ef við værum að bjóða í sunnudagskaffi, ræða um allt baksturstengt, ræða allt milli himins og jarðar um lífið og tilveruna, hlúa vel að okkur í öruggu rými, berskjalda okkur, fá ahugavert fólk í viðtal og kynnast mér, Elenoru og mínu lífi, aðeins betur jafnvel með góðan kaffibolla við hönd.
Cuma latihan
It's about pancakes.
It's a story about how a cup made with love
Have you been cooking pasta all wrong? 😏;It's about time to learn how to cook noodles like a pro. 👍
Preparación de los más deliciosos waffles
This is for skl
Laila and masons EPIC podcast.