A new podcast series about the Global Programme for Measuring Corruption, from the International Anti-Corruption Academy ('IACA') in Vienna, Austria with regular appearances from Prof. Liz David-Barrett, Head of the Programme, and Aoife Murray, a Senior Researcher on the Programme.
How we measure corruption shapes how we view and address the problem. Governance indicators create and spread international standards, influence the drivers of economic growth and affect our views about government performance. This material and reputational impact make it critically important that they are as accurate – and actionable - as possible.
Yet measuring corruption is also extraordinarily difficult and complex. Great strides have been made in recent years, but there are no easy answers.
Therefore, the Global Programme for Measuring Corruption seeks to take the conversation about measurement to the next level, through two work streams to investigate the ‘demand’ for corruption indicators and map the ‘supply’ of innovative methodological approaches.
If you want to find out more about the programme, visit: https://www.iaca.int/measuring-corruption or if you have any specific questions about please feel free to email the team at this address: [email protected]
This podcast is hosted by [ZenCast.fm](https://wwww.zencast.fm)