There is no apostrophe in this title and yes that is absolutely incorrect but we do not make the laws of America.
And tbh, if we did, we wouldn't start with Melrose Place titles. So Burnin Love it is, even if the red squiggly line appears.
Big news - Jane sets Alison's apartment on fire and fade to black while she watches it burn. Bigger news - it's been a long time since Jane was boring. It just kind of snuck up on us.
Billy and Sam are getting together. Okay, fine. At least they're not inevitable.
Jake and Alison are now outed as lovers, but Jane is not having it. What? Sure, that makes sense with her story arc.
Kimberly is giving up her medical license to become Michael and Peter's secretary. She might have other plans.
Matt is in some of his hottest scenes - at a gay bar - picking up a prostitute - going to jail. BUT OOOHHH NOO we didn't get the blue jumpsuit. Next time.
Well, here's what happened - we finished the Models, Inc. 'Cast, with sadness in our hearts, thinking we would never again enjoy the entertainment of this arm of the fictional Melrose Place / 90210 / Models, Inc. universe.
Alas, building towards our final episodes of the entire podcast, probably still a few years out, we realized that we needed to identify which characters from Models, Inc. would be elevated into the final tournaments - exploring each season for the saddest main character, and most awesome guest star.
So, we have it - enjoy this flash back to the simpler times, when models didn't have cell phones.
Puuttuva jakso?
How hard do you have to convince a police officer that he should "shoot to kill"? That's the high art Melrose Place tackled this week. The answer: not very hard. Especially if they're hunky but skittish park rangers.
Also, Mary points out the traumatic experience Sam has dealing with Jane and Sydney this week, as she rolls up, shouts "toot toot, sorry I'm late!" and is suddenly ducking bullets.
Taylor is still scheming in what is a relatively slow burn in the world of Melrose Place. We still don't know what she's up to.
Billy discovers Alison and Jake are sleeping together and he gets upset. Does he have a right to be? These are his two best friends sneaking around and lying to him for weeks in order to spare his feelings.
Also Matt is high and Kimberly saves Peter by having an outburst in court.
Look, because we* are completionist, we *have* to go back to past seasons and identify the guest star we'd most like to podcast with. Of course then at the very end of this podcast, when we've watched our last episode but still keep churning out special episodes, we can have a proper tournament of season champions.
* I am obligated to say that "we" means "Teege"
This week, we'll discuss the season one guest stars to identify who we'd most like to join us in the podcasting studio. Who would be your picks?
It's a traditional, single-elimination tournament, just like Wrestlemania IV, but with no one skipping to round two.
David / Donna / Steve
Kelly TaylorTerrance Haggard
Paul BrubeckerLucy Cabot
Hal BarberKay Beacon
Nancy DonnerDr. Stanley Levin
Palmer WoodwardThe Campbells
The FieldingsKeith Gray
Carrie FellowsCharles Reynolds
Sam Towler -
Why are we calling him Dick, now? Is this some pop culture moment from way back that we don't understand? Or was it meant to be a bit racy?
Peter and Amanda are arguing over whether or not Peter killed his first wife. Amanda, mystically, thinks he could never do something like that even though he was on probation for attempting to murder her.
Michael is helping Kimberly along, hoping she'll regain her memory, but mostly being a dutiful husband. It's nice.
Matt continues to be on drugs, and is kind of a hottie little drug user.
The story of the week remains with Jane - who is admittedly not boring this week. Throw in the comedy of errors with Sam slowly realizing that something isn't quite right with Jane and Sydney, and you've got yourself an actually entertaining story line. Hopefully it goes on for a long time.
Alison and Jake continue to secretly date. Hopefully this does not.
Taylor continues to be an intriguing new character. Far more so than Kyle or Sam. She clearly has a thing for Peter, and Amanda is starting to figure it out.
You can't get it out of your head - the image of Kimberly and Sydney, flowing attire flapping in the wind, casually eating ice cream while walking along the beach and plotting a M U R D E R of Michael Mancini.
Or as they say in My Cousin Vinny, Murder IN THE FIRST DEGREE!
But, did their ginger plot start with murder, or was it more of a slow build? Maybe the began by imagining what would happen if they just released a little air from his tires every now and then, requiring him to stop and fill them up more frequently. Perhaps putting one Macintosh apple in a bag of Galas, making him question his flavor profile?
In this month's robot remix, we asked robot to help us imagine what happened in the moments before the cameras arrived.
If you are as confused and dumbfounded as we are about the re-election of Donald Trump, then join us on this special inauguration day episode.
Mary and I work through each of the characters, with a remarkable ability to know how they voted on a secret ballot, to determine just how the election tilted towards Donald Trump.
This is a throwback episode, for sure. But in order to be completionists, after the rousing success of the Tournament of Sadness at season three, we went back and revisited the first season. Using an epic tournament style deliberation, we answer the question: which Melrose Place character had the worst season?
Here are the brackets:
The Mrs. Mancinis
Jane / Sydney
Winner takes on: Kimberly
They Live Above Jake
Rhonda / Sandy
Winner takes on: JoThe D&D Dream Team
Alison / Amanda
Winner takes on: Billy
The Bros
Matt / Jake
Winner takes on: MichaelWho do you think had the worst experience in season one?
Melrose Place is back for another season, and so are we!
We come back to see what happened with the fact that Richard, while dead, was literally crawling out of the ground. His psychological warfare on Jane Mancini is epic. Also, who exactly is the villain in this scenario?
Alison and Jake are dating behind Billy's back, to spare his feelings. I can't wait to see how this turns out.
Peter is in jail, and his arrest apparently makes front page news in ::checks notes:: BOSTON - where Taylor sees it and decides to blackmail her husband into moving to LA immediately, given the things he's done to her in the past. They own restaurants.
Jo is officially gone.
Matt is on drugs.
Kimberly can't remember having dinner with Peter, and shockingly, her memory is the only thing that would save Peter from the death penalty over the murder of ::checks notes:: Bobby Parezi, not his first wife or the attempted murder of his second.
Okay, fine - so the incest was creepy. Let's try to jazz this up with two former fiancés who always seemed like a better brother and sister than they did future spouses.
However - is the Folgers ad too boring without the incest overtones?
Okay, so a brother / sister remix weirded Mary out.
So did big brother / little brother even though they just act like they're full brothers, when in reality, they're half brothers.
So let's go in another direction. We asked robot to write us a version of the ad that even frat boys wouldn't be weirded out by.
Well, perhaps robot understood frat boys better than us.
We're continuing our journey to use robot to rewrite a more acceptable ad than what Folgers delivered fifteen years ago.
Let's see what robot thinks would happen if we rolled the Hanson brothers into the ad, with the Jo walking in at an inopportune moment.
The Folgers ad really shocked the conscience of a troubled nation.
Robot helps us imagine what that commercial would have looked like if the brother / sister combo were indeed Amanda Woodward and David Michaels, with Hillary Michaels stepping in at an uncomfortable moment.
Folgers Incest Ad: The Oral History of "Coming Home" for the Coffee Commercial's 10th Anniversary | GQIn 2009, Folgers released a nice, downhome, wholesome ad, where a brother and sister are clearly into each other.
Mary had never seen the ad.
Until now.
With Richard literally crawling out of the ground after being buried, we ask robot to help us imagine a scenario where Melrose Place and The Walking Dead cross over.
Who will win in a leadership battle between Amanda Woodward and Rick Grimes?
Is Daryl Dixon or Alison Parker the better sidekick?
Which Melrose Place characters will take advantage of the zombie horde to begin an illicit affair?
Also, who was the Scud Stud?
As is custom, we wrap up the season with an overarching view of this entire season as one contribution to the culture.
But is it art or is it trash?
We both take our best shot at winning this argument before, mercilessly, burying the season right alongside Richard, where I'm sure it will never be heard from again. Certainly it won't be literally crawling out of the ground in a few months.
We're nearing the end of our legally-required human resources intervention.
At least as it relates to Melrose Place.
Let's round out this mini-series with a thorough analysis of what an HR professional thinks might be uniquely problematic in the Melrose (work) Places during season four.
In a recent special episode, expert guest Christopher (of Melrose Sheltering In Place infamy) told us that Sam was the worst character on Melrose Place - and her actions led directly to the worst thing that happened in the entire series.
Of course, Mary and Teege have no idea what he's referring to.
Of course, that won't stop us from throwing out haphazard guesses anyway.
Join us in trying to guess, "What did Sam do?!?"
A long, long, time ago, season one featured a one-episode family for Billy Campbell. He leared at a sexy lady having car troubles on the side of the road, picked her up literally and figurately, dated her for a week, took the kid to Six Flags, lied to Alison, fought the boy's father, and thought "hasta la vista, baby" was a secret code between him and his step son.
But what if Dawn came by later in the series and she was an old girlfriend instead of a rando comedian on the street?
Join us as we remix and rewrite Dawn, from season one.
This is a unique situation for us - a main-stay character is coming aboard with just enough background for Mary and I to speculate while simultaneously being someone we know nothing about.
So while Sydney and Kimberly both had some guest appearances before becoming a season regular, we both knew what to expect.
Sam? No clue.
So Mary and I are guessing - with our rival and threat to our podcast kingdom, Christopher, is here to tell us how close we are.
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