Join Guru Singh and Tiaga Prem as they discuss how to handle the challenges coming in 2025. Finding peace inside ourselves becomes crucial when the world feels unstable and is mostly run by those who are still asleep. This important talk explains how a steady personal practice can help us stay calm and centered amid chaos.
To study with Guru Singh - Enroll in Kundalini University Today!www.kundaliniuniversity.com
The number 9 holds profound significance across many cultures and spirit traditions throughout the centuries. In sacred symbology, the figure of the 9 represents the (heavenly circle) reaching down and answering the prayers of the 6 (the Earthly circle) reaching up. In between these two realms is 8, the Earthly circle, which meets with the Heavenly Soul circle. This coming year is 2+0+2+5=9 and a year of 9 represents prayers all coming together and ultimately coming true. This class will revolve around this completion . . . the end of a cycle and the opening of our conscious awareness into eternal wisdom.
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Guru Singh's Response to HBO's Breath of Fire Documentary
Find the ‘eye of life’s storm’, where the deep calm of self-realization floats within the chaos of pre-conscious society. Utilize these postures, breathing, and movement to complement the connecting sense of calm within chaos.
Understand more deeply and practice the asana with us at The13MoonsStudio.com
After conversations and relating in your daily life, dial into the present moment and deeply re-engage through the deep listening of sunia. The asana in this Kryalito sends roots into nourishment as a polarity to the chaotic noise of daily life.
Rasa is created through physiology that produces deep feelings and intuiting. This, the body glove, its mitochondria at the center of each body cell, and the power of our ancestors support our healing and development.
Pavan: the currents of air within the breath… the waves of liquid within the blood -- all coursing throughout the body of life. These movements of winds and waves are life’s messengers and connectors from the infinite space into the finite self.
Welcome to Episode 2 of Kundalini Without The Cult, where hosts Tiaga Prem and Guru Singh explore the profound journey of spiritual teachings and the complex dynamics of power in the world of yoga.
In this episode, titled "Spiritual Teachers & Addiction to Power," we dive deep into the transformative yet challenging intersection of spiritual leadership and the allure of authority.
Life's practicality connects with the universal mind when the whole body functions equally, without hierarchy. This is the root of intuition -- the connection to everything.
Achieve a brighter life by effectively operating from the heart. The heart connects everything at a cellular level and generates intention with motivation; ideas with inspiration, hope, will, and courage. Authenticity arises from this giving us faith and trust to believe strongly in it all. Believing creates the power for life to become true.
Welcome to the first Episode of "Kundalini Without The Cult," where hosts Tiaga Prem and Guru Singh delve into the essence of Yoga and Kundalini. This episode aims to demystify these ancient practices and clarify the common misconceptions surrounding them yoga and Kundalini yoga specifically.
We are not alone… our connection to all life uplifts us energetically when we invest our belief in it. When we feel, hear, and see all life without hierarchy, all equal, all integrated, we have a real experience of these connections and this bridges everything . . . even the planet is a living being.
Reclaim the rhythm and connection to everything that is of the Earth, honoring natural law and all its countless forms. Everything lives in these rhythms . . . the oceans, lakes, rivers, waves, air, winds, the seasons, the plants, insects, and animals… Living in these rhythms delivers balance and equilibrium -- peace and calm.
Absorb, learn, and intuitively know through the vibration of mantra stretching through the entire body… Whether mentally vibrating or chanting aloud, the body’s physical understanding is nourished with the pranic life force.
Join in the play at The 13 Moons Studio https://the13moons.studio/
Ether is the most subtle and fifth element in Kundalini traditions. It’s the essence within emptiness; the primordial, fundamental, origin, and birth of the other four elements earth, water, fire, and air. Ether is present within all other elements. This omnipresence permeates all of Life, all of everything, and the space between all life and everything…
Join us and embody this wisdom at The 13 Moons Studio https://the13moons.studio/
Move within the structure of parallels -- know the stability of harmony -- balance the silence with sound -- this is what the equals sign represents to life. It’s the equilibrium of polarities…
When we are awakening into awareness we are also opening our empathic ~ intuitive abilities. This -- like our bodies and our clothing -- requires periodic clearing to remove the debris that comes from being alive and aware.
In this workshop, we will learn to clean and clear the psycho-emotional bodies. To join in the practice head to the 13 Moons Studio https://the13moons.studio/
See all things without hierarchies. Humans are not above all. All life forms are animate and equal. As humans, the more we collaborate with trees, plants, animals, rivers, mountains, the Cosmos, the more opportunities we have to survive, thrive, and evolve…
Use opposition as fuel. Balance the four material qualities of tension, pressure, stress, and friction to match your attention and motivation with your intention and purpose.
When we understand our place in space (our Vastu) we feel more at home in the full body~brain... Synchronized, we can navigate this dichotomous world with more ease, joy, and knowing.
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