
  • Let's face it; life gets tough for all of us, and sometimes in midlife, when our warrior-hormone estrogen has tanked, life can feel especially tough.
    Cam and Amelia have both experienced struggles: aging parents, business travel, loss of pets, parents moving, cancer.....it's all, well, heavy.

    Joint us for an enlightening and (believe it or not) encouraging episode on how to cope with hard times by establishing minimums: good habits and practices that you can rely on to keep you centered and sane.

    00:00 Midlife understanding is crucial; stress and change.
    04:50 Older parents often forget caregivers' busy lives.
    07:16 Laughing through the challenges of caregiver burnout.
    11:26 I’ve grown more honest with age.
    14:54 Cam taught me to recognize and process emotions.
    18:45 Morning devotional time keeps me grounded daily.
    23:20 I now enjoy solitude and my own company.
    24:37 Consciously rotating through long-term, evolving friendships.
    28:16 Change is inevitable; authenticity deepens friendships.
    31:36 Hope this helped; find us on Instagram.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    Minimum Self-Care Routines:Establish basic self-care habits to prevent burnout, especially when caregiving for aging parents. It's essential to set boundaries and allow yourself the space to recharge, even if it feels unfamiliar after years of prioritizing others.Flexibility & Well-being:Embrace flexibility in your dietary and lifestyle choices. While eating whole, real foods is beneficial, it's equally important to indulge occasionally and enjoy social activities without guilt. Balance is key.Authenticity in Relationships:Authenticity fosters trust and deeper connections. Be honest with yourself and others, and allow your true self to show up in relationships. This practice saves energy and encourages genuine bonds.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • Cardio workouts were a part of life in the 1980's and 1990's. Why do our bodies respond differently to it in midlife?? That is a loaded question and one we tackle in this week's episode. So much changes in midlife! But we are here to arm you with the details that will help you maintain your fitness and a healthy weight.
    You can still do Cardio in midlife, but it might look a little different. LISTEN UP to get all the deets!

    00:00 Consume calories before workouts to avoid fasting stress.
    03:31 Avoid heavy food before a workout.
    08:45 Interval training decreases body weight, abdominal fat in menopause.
    10:31 Longer rest periods needed for high-intensity training.
    13:19 80% effort daily, with meaningful recovery periods.
    16:00 Brain stops you when injury feels extreme.
    20:52 Pickleball: fun, cardio workout with family.
    25:01 Accepting imperfection as part of personal growth.
    28:10 Discussing stresses and healthier cardio habits in menopause.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    The Power of Fueling Up: Discover why Cam and Amelia insist on eating 100-200 calories before a workout and get inspired with their favorite pre-exercise snacks, from a half banana to peanut butter coffee delights!Interval Training Magic: Learn all about the benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and High-Intensity Repeat Training (HIRT). Cam shares a 2020 meta-analysis that highlights how interval training can help reduce body weight and belly fat, especially during menopause.Listening to Your Body: Get tips on recognizing when you're pushing too hard and how to adjust your workout intensity to avoid burnout. It's all about maintaining energy and boosting performance!

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

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  • Are you a stress-eater? Do you eat less when you're stressed? We see both. In midlife, we have to be careful because we can control 2 things: cortisol response and insulin response.
    We grew up in an age where we 'ate less and exercised more' to lose weight. That no longer works in midlife.
    Join us for part 2 of this series. This episode talks about how stress can railroad your weight loss journey. We know some of this feels counter-intuitive, but we implore you to listen and give these tactics a try!

    00:00 Buying jeans was defeating due to size perceptions.
    05:39 Incorporate movement into daily habits consistently.
    08:50 Midlife feels like navigating a narrow trail.
    12:36 Intentional multitasking fragments focus, reduces productivity.
    15:37 Circadian rhythm affected by irregular schedules, travel.
    19:10 Therapist helps reduce consistent mental stress.
    19:50 Boundaries protect health from others' opinions.
    23:08 Midlife women report disrupted sleep as primary concern.
    26:56 Late exercise caused unexpected weight gain.
    31:56 Thin women can have poor bone density.
    34:37 Strength training ensures healthier aging and vitality.
    36:30 Discovered pickleball with daughter, thoroughly enjoyed it.
    38:57 Fasted workouts hinder performance; fueled ones excel.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    🎯 Why "Eat Less, Exercise More" Might Be a Trap!Yup, you read that right. Sometimes, undereating and overexerting can make your body cling to fat like it’s an old friend. Your body needs fuel, not starvation!💪 The Power of Strength Training Over Endless CardioSay goodbye to those marathon treadmill sessions. We'll discuss how 2-3 times a week of strength training can revolutionize your metabolic health, muscle mass, and even bone density.😴 The Stress-Sleep-Weight ConnectionStress and poor sleep can turn your metabolism upside down. Learn why quality sleep and managing stress might be your secret weapons in this battle.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • A common misstep for midlife women, especially in the current generation is undereating. Both Cam and Amelia have personal and professional contacts for whom this is true. We grew up in diet culture, so can you really blame us?
    But there is a better way. Join us for this enlightening episode on calorie intake and expenditure. You might be surprised at what the dial-movers really are!

    00:00 Didn't eat enough, heart raced at night.
    04:30 Improve diet: less fat, more carbs needed.
    07:05 Balance muscle, calories, and exercise for results.
    12:02 Exercise only accounts for 5% daily calories.
    14:11 "Diet encompasses more than just food intake."
    18:42 Using side vegetables as appetizers is great.
    23:35 Busy helping daughter clean, forgot to eat.
    26:55 Be conscious and intentional with food choices.
    28:03 Special occasions no longer justify overeating.
    32:13 Cycle in, track protein, prioritize intake sources.
    33:49 Track trends weekly, not daily, for accuracy.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    Understanding BMR: Learn what basal metabolic rate is and why it’s crucial to know how many calories your body needs to function.Myth-Busting: Discover the truth about the "starve yourself" myth and how it affects us midlifers, leading to physical and mental exhaustion.Nutritional SOS: Get actionable tips on how to recognize hunger cues and improve your eating habits to support your midlife journey.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • We all try to do it - find balance. Sometimes we may actually achieve it. In this episode of the Midlife Mommas, Cam and Amelia talk about the push and pull of life as it relates to masculine and feminine energy. You may have never thought in these terms before. The masculine - demanding schedules and structure, timelines, accomplishments, working in 24 hour cycles; versus the feminine - more flow and flexibility, nurturing, honoring our cycles of energy.

    Even if this sounds a little hoo-doo-ey to you, it's worth a listen. We think you'll find value in examining how you expend your energy. Maybe you're doing everything exactly right, or maybe your energy could use a little tweaking. Information is power.

    00:00 Addressing physical imbalances through structural integration alignment.
    05:19 Balancing structure and flexibility in daily life.
    08:34 Balancing masculine and feminine energy in management.
    11:49 Balance masculine and feminine energy in fitness.
    14:18 Listen to your body's yes or no.
    17:08 Understanding women's cyclical nature and need for space.
    19:50 Utilize moon cycle for fitness training balance.
    24:59 Look into childhood dreams for balance.
    28:29 Managing energy, digestion, and stress in menopause.
    30:52 Deprogram negative self-talk, manage stress, stay aware.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    Understanding the significance of balancing masculine and feminine energies in daily life, and how this balance can impact overall well-being at midlife.Insight into practical ways to tap into feminine energy through activities like art classes, playing music, enjoying nature, and embracing creativity.Tools to manage stress, including alternative meditation methods, recognizing and honoring energy cycles, and exploring stress management techniques like journaling, meditation, and spending time o

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • This is a fun look at 'extremes' for anti-aging or general health and wellness. The concept of 'extreme' is different for everyone - what is extreme for one person may be an everyday occurrence for another.
    We hope that you listen to this episode with an open mind. We might even teach you something.

    00:00 Midlife exploration of societal beauty standards and health.
    04:23 Misconceptions about calories and weight loss conversation.
    09:13 Gravitating toward achievement, but quit running recently.
    11:45 Mixed feelings on taking medicine for health.
    15:34 GLP may help with addiction, mental issue.
    16:32 Appreciating balanced approach and self-reflection on fertility.
    20:08 Emotions reflected on my face, natural skincare.
    25:18 Discussing podcast and hormone treatment for cancer.
    26:30 Fibroids made me look 5 months pregnant.
    30:16 Avoid plastic, pollution; use electric, bicycle.
    32:20 Considering trying out the router despite skepticism.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    The impact of diet culture on women in midlife and how to navigate it with a holistic approach to health.Exploring extreme beauty and anti-aging procedures, along with the reservations and potential health risks associated with them.The importance of making conscious choices and assessing individual limits without judgment, especially in the realm of extreme wellness practices.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

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  • Few things in life bring you as much comfort as a snuggle with a pet. Whether you're a dog-lover, a cat-lover or a lover of all animals, this episode is for you.
    Cam and Amelia have both lost beloved pets in the past 4 months, and through this grieving experience, they have learned a lot about their own lives and priorities.
    Join us for this heartwarming episode!

    00:00 Losing pets brings shared understanding and memories.
    06:33 Luther inspires asking for what you need.
    07:22 Learning to be assertive and accept help.
    10:25 Dog sought safety in favorite corner spot.
    13:32 Darcy was smart, intuitive, and independent dog.
    18:37 Despite resisting boundaries, she stayed within safety.
    21:15 Parental struggle with letting children grow up.
    24:59 Dog's gratefulness during illness stands out.
    26:20 Love pets, give them hugs, follow Instagram!

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    The art of setting boundaries and conserving energy while remaining loyal and brave.How to ask for help and greet your loved ones with a smile, no matter what life throws at you.Napping in the sunshine, because warm is better than cold any day!

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • We've heard for years from Brene Brown, "We desperately don't want to talk about shame, and we're not willing to talk about it. Yet, the only way to resolve shame is to talk about it." So we are.
    Join us for this truthful, maybe gut-wrenching talk about shame and guilt and midlife, as Cam and Amelia guide you through these problematic emotions. But remember, these should be emotions, instead of getting stuck as a mood.

    00:00 Inquiring about the purpose of guilt and shame.
    05:17 Creating unnecessary boundaries based on false perceptions.
    09:10 Caring for aging parents while setting boundaries.
    13:16 Differentiate between shame and guilt for lasting change.
    15:15 Labels are like masks, connecting but not defining.
    19:48 Honesty, vulnerability, and accepting inevitable relationship conflicts.
    21:26 Seeking authenticity, empathy, and grace with others.
    24:27 Struggled at work, found success, transformed.
    27:30 Overcoming fear leads to confidence and resilience.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    Authenticity Through Alignment: Assess your actions and values by using your calendar, checkbook, or credit card statement as concrete data points for self-accounting. Aligning actions with values can lead to greater authenticity and self-awareness.Liberating From Labels: Move away from shame as a tool for change and from labeling. Shedding negative self-identifications can lead to emotional freedom and deeper connections with others.Vulnerability Breeds Connection: Embrace vulnerability as a path to love, belonging, joy, and innovation. Being honest with oneself and opening up to trusted others can lead to deeper connections and personal growth.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • What do you value?
    Does how you spend your time reflect those values?
    Join Cam and Amelia as we take a honest look at what we value and how we demonstrate those values. We want you to be intentional about your life and your actions.

    00:00 Time is precious, invest it wisely for rewards.
    06:00 Empathic person comforted 12-year-old in distress.
    08:22 Acknowledging and investing in others reaps rewards.
    10:59 Sharing experiences, treasures, and joy in life.
    13:08 Discussing health investments and expectations for outcomes.
    18:40 Healthy habits improved energy and sleep quality.
    21:56 Importance of sleep and self-discovery process.
    23:17 Reunion with husband, enjoyed hot meal and cocktail.
    27:27 Unfinished projects steal joy, complete for happiness.
    29:55 Investing in rest and recovery is important.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    1. The Limited Nature of Time: We emphasize the importance of intentional investment and share personal experiences about investing time and energy in family relationships.

    2. Unveiling Treasures: Explore the concept of treasures as things truly valued, with our health being a top priority. We discuss the relationship between investments and expectations, highlighting the need for intentionality and consistency.

    3. Making Conscious Choices: We prioritize creating an uncluttered and aesthetically pleasing environment that impacts mental well-being. Additionally, we share the importance of investing in activities that promote good mental and physical health.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

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  • 00:00 Surviving midlife challenges and hormonal declines.
    05:19 Confront fear and anxiety with action and motion.
    07:18 Feelings are important, mindset needs work.
    12:50 Reluctant exercise believer sees benefits in muscle balancing.
    14:32 Regular daily activities build and maintain muscle tone.
    18:27 Mindfulness helps navigate stress during menopause.
    21:31 Struggling with others' opinions and self-worth.
    22:58 Recall happy memories to replace negativity.
    27:25 Value social connections for better mental health.
    30:23 Endured pain but found inner strength afterward.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    1. The importance of prioritizing physical movement and muscle tone during menopause and beyond. We share valuable insights on how regular exercise and strength training can contribute to your overall health and wellbeing.

    2. Strategies for overcoming mental weakness and building mental strength. From mindfulness practices to breath work and lifestyle adjustments, we discuss effective ways to cultivate mental resilience during midlife.

    3. The significance of fostering supportive social connections and embracing inner strength. We explore the impact of real, consistent social connections, along with personal anecdotes and insights to inspire and empower you.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • In this episode, you'll hear:

    1. Re-evaluating Food Choices: The hosts share their food choices and experiences, shedding light on the difficulty some people face in transitioning to healthier eating. Understanding the effects of high-bliss-point foods and how removing them can lead to a shift in desire is truly eye-opening.

    2. Mindful Eating and "Worth It" Foods: The concept of mindful eating and the idea of enjoying everything in moderation without going overboard is a key takeaway from this discussion. Discover the importance of setting boundaries and parameters in all aspects of life, including work, food, and exercise.

    3. Flexibility in Fitness: Taking into account midlife hormones, Amelia and Cam share their evolving attitudes towards exercise and the importance of honoring one's own body during workouts. Whether it's interval training, CrossFit-style workouts, or high-intensity training, there's something for everyone in this discussion.

    00:00 Podcast will provoke self-reflection on common topics.
    03:10 "I'm maybe into running and cycling."
    08:45 Mom tries Crossfit-style workout with daughter.
    10:29 Respect others' choices and give yourself grace.
    12:35 Community support, exercise changes, symptoms in 30s.
    18:42 UK-made plant-based clear no-calorie mocktail drink.
    21:33 Ownership, autonomy, authenticity lead to regret avoidance.
    24:35 Ibuprofen used sparingly for headache relief.
    26:24 Questioning culture of relying on medication use.
    31:07 Eliminate bliss point foods for improved health.
    32:36 Indulgence turning into habit needs caution.
    36:43 Making choices to improve work-life balance.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • In this episode, you'll hear:

    1. Experiment of One: We believe in trying out different health trends and seeing if they work for us personally. It's all about finding what works for you in your midlife journey.

    2. Mindset Matters: We discussed the importance of approaching health and wellness trends from a positive and open mindset. Sometimes things work, and sometimes they don't, and that's perfectly okay.

    3. Big Rocks vs. Little Pebbles: We emphasized the significance of focusing on the big rocks of health, such as sleep, exercise, and nutrition, rather than getting caught up in every single health trend out there.

    00:00 Trying new things for personal and planet.
    03:21 Started yoga for flexibility during triathlon career.
    07:03 Reduces plastic consumption through bulk toothpaste pellets.
    11:12 Experimented with intermittent fasting, faced challenges.
    16:05 Vanity and health linked to weight loss.
    16:48 Self-acceptance is key to positive living.
    21:34 Adding juices to meals to boost nutrients.
    22:56 Mixed feelings but sees potential in juicing.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • 00:00 Discussing challenges when kids bring in partners.
    06:12 Daughter and daughter-in-law were friends before marriage.
    09:48 In-laws visit North Carolina, holidays split.
    12:50 Stepfamily dynamics shift when older children resent.
    15:17 Marriage to a man with kids ends.
    18:12 Nurturing relationships with extended family is important.
    22:26 Challenges of stepfamily dynamics and positive perspective.
    23:50 Holidays don't always live up to expectations.
    28:33 Embrace change for a more fulfilling life.
    30:06 Contact Midlife Mommas for show details, info.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    Embrace Change: Flexibility is key in navigating midlife family dynamics. Let go of old feelings to prevent negative physical impacts on the body.Foster Positive Interactions: Whether it's with in-laws, stepfamily members, or siblings, nurturing positive relationships is crucial for a harmonious family dynamic.Communication is Key: Have open conversations about addressing in-laws and setting new family traditions to reduce stress during the holidays and beyond.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • Ladies! (and gents) This is a fabulous convo with Jessica. She covers so much more than perimenopause, so if you've already gone through the change, there is still a TON of wisdom in her words. Please join us.
    Jessica has hundreds of thousands of followers and we are thrilled and honored to have her on the show. Jessica's heartfelt and authentic story is a pleasure to listen to. She's helped SO many women navigate perimenopause and menopause. We know you'll love her as much as we do.
    Connect With Jessica:
    What the Menopause

    Free masterclass:
    Perimenopause: Your Pain to Power Era - https://www.whatthemenopause.com/masterclass-pain-to-power-era-ppp1

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • 00:00 Similar symptoms in perimenopause and stress. Consider causes.
    06:13 Stress and caffeine contributed to high blood pressure.
    07:49 Addressing sleep disturbances through lifestyle adjustments and self-awareness.
    10:42 Physical symptoms of chronic stress: low energy, digestive issues, colon cancer.
    14:50 Using positive tactics for more energy and productivity.
    18:44 Nature offers a meditative experience through sensory presence.
    20:42 Positive mindset linked to health and happiness.
    25:46 Overcame doubts during menopause, now advocating possibility.
    26:51 Lessons learned, improved life, coping strategies embraced.
    30:38 Celebrating progress and self-care for midlife.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    1. The connection between stress and physical health: We discuss the profound impact of chronic stress on our bodies, addressing the physical symptoms and the interconnectedness of thoughts, emotions, and health. Learn how to recognize the biofeedback signals and adopt proactive stress management.

    2. Unveiling the power of mindset: Discover the influence of mindset on our physical health and the potential connection between beliefs and coping with menopause and life challenges. We share our personal experiences and strategies for reframing, cognitive behavioral therapy, and controlling responses to situations.

    3. Embracing self-care and finding joy: We emphasize the importance of slowing down, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care during midlife. Find out how to listen to your intuition, reduce stress, and engage in activities that bring you joy and peace.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • In this episode, you'll hear:

    1. The Importance of Self-Awareness and Intuition: We delve into the concept of biofeedback and highlight the significance of listening to our bodies during recovery and training. Understanding our own needs and prioritizing health and fitness goals is crucial for holistic wellbeing.

    2. Embracing Flexibility and Self-Compassion: We talk about the dangers of the "all or nothing" mentality in fitness and the importance of celebrating small wins. Flexibility and self-compassion play vital roles in maintaining long-term goals and finding motivation during challenging times.

    3. Finding Joy and Emotion-Based Goal Setting: We share the impact of embodying the spirit of joy and gratitude, and encourage creating goals based on emotions rather than just tasks. Finding fulfillment from within, rather than solely relying on external expectations, is a game-changer in finding long-lasting motivation.

    00:00 Appreciative of life, acknowledging challenges and recovery.
    04:47 Questioning motivation and fulfillment in volunteering activities.
    06:41 Chasing material goals leads to short fulfillment.
    12:45 Consistency and effort matter, not perfection.
    15:54 Triathlon setbacks made me angry and resentful.
    18:37 Confident in mothering, less sure about self.
    21:08 Avoid all or nothing mentality for success.
    24:18 Seek objective advice to help make decisions.
    27:56 Celebrate small wins to show it's safe.
    30:44 Stay hopeful and flexible to reach goals.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • What is Self Care? It's not just a buzzword. In today's fast-paced world, where we are constantly bombarded with stimuli, we need a way to center & ground ourselves. We need to protect our energy.
    How we do this may be slightly different per individual but it's no good to run on empty. The badge of honor of multi-talking is a crock of, well, you know what I'm talking about.
    In this episode, we unpack self care, which is not manis, pedis, and massages....necessarily. We hope you enjoy this deep-dive on maintaining good health through self care.
    00:00 Embracing female authors, self-care in current culture.
    05:37 Maintaining health, delayed mammogram due to pandemic.
    07:29 Applauding bravery, sharing personal experience, and self-care.
    09:46 Encouraging story about sharing experiences and self-care.
    13:53 Daily sunlight and nature for better sleep.
    16:47 Protect yourself with energy bubble wrap strategy.
    20:32 Neglecting spiritual well-being is often hollow.
    23:12 Gratitude for life despite challenges and imperfections.
    29:29 Moderation key in consuming wine and alcohol.
    30:44 Trying new company products for mocktail experience.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    Prioritize Circadian Rhythms: Get daylight early in the day and ground yourself by putting bare feet onto the soil to manage anxiety and stress.

    Manage Internal Chemical Balance: Seek external support like chiropractic adjustments or massages, and consider magnesium supplementation for better overall well-being.

    Cultivate Gratitude & Mindfulness: Nurturing spiritual well-being through meditation, gratitude practices, and mindful connections with nature is crucial for mental healing and growth.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • 00:00 Ignorant eating habits changed during athletic career.
    03:41 Former athlete reflects on health challenges.
    08:16 Shifted from Weight Watchers to triathlon coaching.
    11:16 Evaluate sleep habits; consider lifestyle changes.
    13:34 Better mental acuity with grace after sleep.
    18:36 Hysterectomy led to rethinking health and metabolism.
    22:33 Healthy food on a budget, inspiring others.
    24:04 Mother-in-law loves cooking, but not from recipe.
    28:31 App Think Dirty rates product chemical safety.
    30:55 Slick marketing pushes harmful, fake products. Consumers beware.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    1️⃣ Reevaluating Fitness Goals: Cam and Amelia passionately discuss the need to reassess our approach to fitness, emphasizing the significance of longevity and quality of life over societal standards. They urge us to redefine our health and fitness goals in midlife, emphasizing the importance of balance and finding a routine that suits individual needs and responsibilities.

    2️⃣ Embracing Natural Living: Our hosts shed light on the impact of everyday products on our health, advocate for using natural alternatives, and provide practical tips for reducing exposure to harmful chemicals. From mindful eating to utilizing natural cleaners, their journey towards natural living inspires us to make healthier choices for a more holistic well-being.

    3️⃣ Prioritizing Sleep: Cam and Amelia stress the pivotal role of good sleep habits in maintaining overall health. They share insights on optimizing sleep routines, the benefits of magnesium supplementation, and the need for grace on challenging days. Their personal experiences underscore the profound impact of quality sleep on mental acuity and energy levels, guiding us to prioritize our rest for a thriving midlife journey.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • In this episode, you'll hear:
    1. The Impact of Cultural Influences: How generational and cultural influences shape our communication styles and mindset, and how we can break free from limiting beliefs.

    2. The Power of Doing Your Best: Understanding that everyone's best is relative to their individual personality and motivations, and how to avoid seeking external validation.

    3. Not Taking Things Personally: The struggle we all face in not internalizing the opinions of others, and the importance of self-acceptance and self-validation.

    00:00 Former boss recommended powerful book, shared it.
    06:13 Fear-based mindset hindered joy and authenticity.
    08:39 Regret for gossip, learning to move on.
    13:04 Understanding that not everything is personal.
    15:09 Advocate self-acceptance, don't seek external validation.
    17:10 Collective addiction to drama brings emotional strain.
    20:34 Overcoming silence and assumptions to find certainty.
    24:53 Dinner with boyfriend's mom at high-end restaurant.
    28:32 Decide what your best is, self-acceptance.
    31:59 Identify motivation before pursuing change or improvement.
    34:45 Finding peace with oneself makes challenges easier.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️

  • 00:00 Sugar fueled industrialization, now pervasive in food industry.
    04:45 Sugar hijacks dopamine, creating pleasure-seeking response.
    07:16 Struggle with substance abuse leads to shame.
    11:09 Early Coca Cola marketing and medicinal claims.
    13:29 High protein bars with sugar alcohols cause issues.
    19:08 Start small, replace sugar with fruit. Reduce soda.
    22:19 Be cautious of hidden sugar in "healthy" foods.
    23:09 Meal prepping saves time, avoids unhealthy eating.
    28:49 Clients lost due to limited one-on-one work.
    29:46 People not following the program properly.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    1. The physiological and psychological impact of sugar on our bodies, including the addictive nature of sugar and its effects on our brain chemistry.

    2. Practical tips for breaking the sugar habit, from recognizing hidden sugars in processed foods to the importance of journaling and meal prepping.

    3. The significance of a whole foods diet and lifestyle changes to combat sugar addiction and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

    Stay Connected!

    Website: https://www.thehelpfulplate.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehelpfulplate/


    Website: https://www.camoyler.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/heymomma_cam/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heymomma_cam

    Midlife Mommas IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.mommas/

    Please share, rate, and review the podcast. We appreciate you! ❤️