
  • Do you ever find yourself feeling envious of other women’s success or beauty? Do you feel that twinge of jealousy, wondering why their lives seem so perfect while you're left feeling inadequate or insecure? If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Many of us have been conditioned to view other women as competition rather than allies, often without even realizing it.

    As women, we’ve been taught to believe that our worth is tied to our appearance, that we’re in a race against time, or that we must constantly serve and please others. But if you're tired of these outdated narratives, there’s another way—a way to step into your own power, live authentically, and celebrate the success of other women.

    The world is ruled by envy, competition, and comparison. It’s time to step out of the “princess” mindset and into the “queen” energy that will help you thrive, and transform your feelings into something empowering.

    In this episode, I’m talking about:

    Feeling like a victim and blaming others for your circumstances.

    How patriarchal conditioning and early relationships (especially with mothers) create mistrust among women.

    Emotional blocks in abundance and success.

    How to shift your energy to attract supportive, high-vibe women and neutralize competition.

    Learning and understanding your own triggers, and using them to grow.

    Toxic beauty standards.

    Celebrating other women’s success.

    We can live with grace, confidence, and an open heart toward the women around us. It’s time to stop competing and start connecting.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • As women, we’ve been conditioned to protect, to please, and to mold ourselves to societal expectations, often leaving us feeling unseen, unheard, and unfulfilled in our relationships. But what if I told you that there’s a way to break free from this? A way to communicate where your needs are truly heard, respected, and honored?

    As a woman, one of the most powerful shifts you can make as a woman is to move from a reactionary "princess" communication to the deeply grounded, empowered energy of a "queen."

    We’ve been taught, as women, to communicate from a place of fear and defensiveness. In this episode, I’m going to show you how to transform that into a style of communication that builds trust, connection, and intimacy.

    This method isn’t just for romantic relationships—it’s for every interaction in your life, from your workplace to your friendships, and most importantly, the way you speak to yourself.

    In this episode, I’m talking about:

    Transitioning from reactive “princess” communication to empowered “queen” communication.

    How emotional dysregulation blocks meaningful connection.

    The power of vulnerability, grounded in self-trust and emotional hygiene.

    The five steps to mastering the queen’s communication.

    Building a bridge of understanding and compassion in every relationship.

    How to lead others in communication by changing the way you show up.

    If you're ready to communicate with clarity and emotional depth—and finally feel seen and heard—this episode is for you. Tune in now for these life-changing insights and be sure to listen to the full episode!

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

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  • Today, I want to take you on a journey into self-love—the kind of love that doesn't come from someone else but from within. A love so profound that it makes you unstoppable.

    I spent most of my life searching for validation from outside sources—waiting for someone else to tell me I was enough. But everything changed for me one day, not through a relationship, but in a single moment, catching my reflection in a car mirror. That was the day I truly saw myself for the first time.

    It wasn’t just a glance; it was an awakening. I finally understood that the love I had been waiting for was the love I needed to give to myself. And once I touched that kind of self-love, everything changed. I realized that real love—true, overflowing love—begins from within. And that’s what I want to share with you.

    In this episode, I’m talking about:

    The myths surrounding self-love and why loving ourselves is often viewed as "selfish" or "egotistical."

    How society conditions women to shrink themselves for the sake of others.

    The difference between giving from an empty cup and giving from a place of true self-love.

    How self-love can transform relationships.

    Loving yourself isn’t just a nice idea—it’s your birthright, your revolution, and the foundation for everything beautiful in your life.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • I’ve seen it time and time again, whether through clients, DMs, or just conversations with women around the world – they all have the same questions. How do I attract and maintain a relationship as a successful, powerful woman? Can I have both – love and success? So many of you feel torn, maybe even afraid that stepping fully into your power might cost you the relationship you want or already have.

    Last week, we started a deep dive into women and money, women and success, and women and their power. Today, we're continuing that conversation, but we're diving into an area that I know so many of you have questions about – relationships.

    We're going to talk about men who are attracted to powerful women, men who feel threatened, and how you can call in the kind of relationship that supports the brilliant, successful woman you are or are becoming.

    In this episode, I’m talking about

    Attracting supportive partners

    How to build empowering relationships

    Identifying red flags

    Balancing success and relationships

    Shifting your beliefs

    It's time to shatter that myth and step into a space where both your love and success can thrive together.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • For so long, women were denied access to financial independence, and though laws have changed, the cultural and emotional barriers remain.

    In this episode, we’re diving deep into a topic that has shaped the lives of so many women—money, and the complex relationship we have with it. This isn’t just about financial literacy or making more money; it’s about unraveling the deep-rooted conditioning that has held women back from fully stepping into their power, both financially and spiritually.

    Today, I’m sharing my personal journey—one filled with hard lessons, breakthroughs, and unwavering belief in the value of women’s work. This conversation is about breaking old patterns and stepping into a new era where women can stand tall in their worth, not just spiritually, but financially. I hope my experiences, and the wisdom I’ve gained along the way, serve as a guiding light for you on your own path toward empowerment.

    In this episode, I'm talking about:

    Societal conditioning.

    The history around women and money.

    Money and happiness.

    Why women often feel apprehensive about charging for their services.

    How to build a passionate business.

    Jealousy among women.

    Supporting other women and celebrating their success.

    Let’s write a new story together—one where we, as women, thrive unapologetically.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Uncover the unexpected reason why women are flocking to an event that's redefining everything about womanhood. This is not just another gathering; it's a transformative experience shaking up the industry. Find out why women worldwide are defying social beliefs handed down from generation to generation, leaping into this Magnetic Movement, and why it's not just about personal growth but about reclaiming desires and stepping into personal power. The surprising truth behind this event will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take action. Want to know why this is more than just an event? Stay tuned to uncover the magnetic pull drawing women from around the globe.

    Do you want to step into your power and reclaim your desires?

    Here’s your solution to reclaim yourself, Queen. Join me as I share the transformative experience waiting for you at Magnetic, a women-only event unlike anything else. Get ready to unlock your inner magnetism and build lifelong friendships while curating the life of your dreams. It's time to take inspired action and redefine what it means to be a woman. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your life.

    Does this sound familiar? Have you been told to seek personal growth through generic self-help books and online seminars, only to feel unfulfilled and disconnected? The frustration of being unable to tap into your inner magnetism and reclaim your desires can be overwhelming. Break free from the cycle of unfulfilled promises and step into your power. Let's explore a new approach that will transform your life and connect you with like-minded women in a way you've never experienced before.

    It is time for us to take up space. It is time for us to remove the apology from our voice. It is time for us to get into rooms and start saying, I'm no longer at war with other women. I want to stop competing. I want to start communicating. I want to stop seeking approval and validation and worthiness and love. I want to start being all those things.

    Join us at Magnetic this November.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

  • Have you ever been told to be a "good" or "pleasing" woman? Like we are being graded on some sort of scale that tells us that we are “good” or “bad”.

    It’s time to break free from the cages society has placed around us, particularly as women. There are challenges of being viewed as "crazy" or "unhinged" by those still trapped in their cages, but I want you to see this as a reflection of others' fears rather than a judgment of your own worth.

    When we embrace our freedoms, we can soar, despite the fear of rejection, and normalize living authentically and bravely. My message is clear: our freedom is not only for ourselves but also for the world, as it inspires others to break free and live fully expressed lives.

    For those of you feeling isolated or unsure on this path, this episode is for you.

    In a world where staying small feels safer, I want to remind you to take up space and lead lives of courage and authenticity. It’s a heartfelt invitation to step into your power and join a movement of women who are redefining what it means to be truly free.

    In this episode, I'm discussing:

    The fear others have of a woman’s freedom

    Normalizing freedom and authenticity

    The significance of community and support

    Challenging the status quo

    True freedom and authenticity

    Let's normalize freedom for women everywhere, and in doing so, create a world where every woman can soar.

    Stay free, stay close, and remember—you were always meant to fly.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • At first glance, being an "inconvenient woman" might sound negative, but stick with me, and you’ll discover a powerful and liberating perspective. Being an inconvenient woman means breaking free from societal standards and living by your own rules. It involves rejecting patriarchal norms, toxic beauty culture, and religious expectations that limit women's power and authenticity.

    When we embrace inconvenience, it allows women to connect with their divinity, trust themselves, and create a life of freedom and liberation. This journey involves self-trust, reimagining relationships, and expanding possibilities.

    In this episode, I'm discussing how:

    Inconvenient women reclaim their power.

    They embrace their intuition.

    They challenge societal norms that try to keep them boxed in.

    The fears and objections from partners who feel threatened by this growth.

    How to reframe these changes as opportunities for deeper connection and mutual evolution.

    Stepping into your power as an inconvenient woman can lead to more authentic relationships, greater self-trust, and a life filled with limitless possibilities.

    Tune in to be inspired, challenge the status quo, and imagine a world where women lead with courage, conviction, and unapologetic authenticity.

    Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Are you ready to uncover the unexpected journey from princess to queen energy? In this raw and deeply personal account, you'll witness a powerful transformation that will challenge your perceptions and beliefs. Brace yourself for a compelling narrative that digs into the intricate dynamics of relationships and self-confidence.

    Get ready to experience the unexpected as you journey through the twists and turns of this captivating story. Are you prepared to unlock the secrets to transitioning from princess to queen energy in ways you never imagined? Stay tuned for an eye-opening revelation that will leave you craving more.

    Have you ever struggled to communicate your needs authentically in your intimate relationships? Are you tired of dropping hints and expecting your partner to read your mind, only to feel unheard and unfulfilled? If you've been told your partner should know what you need if they really love you, you're not alone. The pain of unmet expectations and misunderstood needs can leave you feeling frustrated and disconnected. But what if there's a different way to communicate your desires and cultivate a deeper connection with your partner? Let’s explore how to transition from princess to queen energy and build authentic, fulfilling relationships.

    I’m sharing my journey of transitioning from princess to queen energy in relationships. Drawing from my own experiences and struggles, I emphasize the ongoing process of breaking free from generational patterns and embracing authentic communication. Through relatable anecdotes, I highlight the significance of women supporting each other in sisterhood and the transformative power of vulnerability in relationships.

    My candid reflections on my marriage journey and the impact of childhood traumas provide valuable insights for navigating midlife relationships and self-confidence. My emphasis on authentic communication, overcoming princess energy, and building queen leadership in relationships makes this episode a must-listen for women seeking to navigate the complexities of intimate relationships and growth through sisterhood.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Do you ever feel like you've lost touch with your inner magnetism?

    I am spilling the tea on the profound impact of sourcing happiness from within and how it can lead to unlocking personal power and authenticity.

    Often, we seek validation and fulfillment from external sources, whether relationships, societal expectations, or toxic beauty culture. But what if I told you that the key to becoming a more magnetic woman lies in the practice of sourcing from within?

    When we learn to source from within, we tap into our deepest desires and needs and meet them ourselves. It's a journey of self-discovery and inner wisdom that can have a transformative effect on our lives. We can uncover the deeper longings and emotions driving our actions by pausing and questioning our impulses.

    This practice isn't just about self-care; it's about cultivating a profound sense of self-worth and fulfillment that radiates outward, drawing others towards us genuinely and authentically.

    Consider the impact of sourcing from within on your journey towards personal magnetism. Have you begun exploring the power of meeting your needs and desires? How has this practice influenced your relationships and sense of self?

    If you find these insights helpful, please share them with your network.

    Let's start a meaningful conversation about embracing authenticity and unlocking personal power as women.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Have you ever felt destined for something bigger but didn't know how to make it happen? Discover powerful Womanifestation techniques to turn your wildest dreams into reality.

    By focusing on your true desires, embodying your future identity, taking consistent action, persisting despite fear, honoring commitments in hard times, and ensuring pure intentions, you too can bridge the gap between imagination and manifestation.

    First, clearly articulate what you wish to manifest and why it matters on a soul level. Passion and purpose activate the full force of intention to attract what you desire. As one insight goes, "It's like planting a seed. You have to nurture it to make it grow."

    Next, adopt the identity of the person who has already achieved your goal. Stepping into the shoes of your future self helps internalize that reality and emit the energy to receive it.

    With your vision clarified and identity embodied, take small but powerful steps daily from a place of self-belief. Manifestation requires bridging the gap between what is and will be through consistent, aligned action.

    When fear, doubt, or uncertainty arise, connect to the passion and purpose behind your aspirations. Honoring your commitments, even on hard days, proves your dedication to yourself and the universe.

    Finally, ensure your motivations also serve others. Pure intentions unlock support from spiritual forces. The saying goes, "You must have the right intention behind it."

    Start now; don’t wait for perfect conditions. By applying these principles of Womanifestation, you can make your biggest dreams your reality.

    The Muse Community:

    The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Do you believe balancing personal fulfillment with the demands of motherhood is essential for a happy and harmonious family life?

    During a recent heart-to-heart with my daughter, Ava, we uncovered an essential insight into the world of motherhood, it’s fantastic moments and it's hard moments.

    The key takeaway: The significant role of self-care and personal fulfillment in being a mom. As someone who's been down this road, I've come to understand the vital importance of maintaining a sense of purpose and personal well-being while nurturing a happy and healthy family dynamic.

    Here's the thing:

    A mother's fulfillment is not a selfish pursuit. It's crucial to fostering an emotionally stable and nurturing environment for her children. Imagine when a mom's emotional cup is filled with joy, love, and nourishment; it lets her pour the same into her children's lives. But when that cup is empty and brittle, there's little to offer when faced with the inevitable bumps and challenges of parenting.

    What are your thoughts on prioritizing personal fulfillment while navigating the challenges of motherhood?

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ November 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    This episode reveals some unexpected truths about societal beauty standards and the self-berating talk many women experience. It’s time to challenge the norm and rewrite the narrative around self-worth and beauty. Join us for an engaging conversation that will change how you see the world.

    Today's special guest is my daughter, Ava, a young woman navigating societal beauty standards and self-berating talk. As a 21-year-old growing up in the age of social media, Ava sheds light on toxic beauty culture and the struggle of comparison. She shares her journey of evolving self-perception and the importance of positive role models, offering candid insights into the pressure to commiserate in negativity.

    We talk about the harmful impact of self-berating talk on well-being, the importance of body image conversations, and how social media shapes unrealistic beauty standards. Our chat also touches on ageism and its influence on societal norms and personal perspectives. Embracing natural aging and self-love for a fulfilling journey is another key theme.

    Listen to the episode for more on women's self-perception and societal pressures. Follow Dr. Amanda Hanson @midlife.muse on social media for ongoing insights on women's power and self-love. Explore natural aging paths, celebrate your unique beauty, and consider the impact of toxic beauty culture. Reflect on being a leader in your circle and setting a positive example for women of all ages.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Uncover the unexpected reason why women are flocking to an event that's redefining everything about womanhood. This is not just another gathering; it's a transformative experience shaking up the industry. Find out why women worldwide are defying social beliefs handed down from generation to generation, leaping into this Magnetic Movement, and why it's not just about personal growth but about reclaiming desires and stepping into personal power. The surprising truth behind this event will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take action. Want to know why this is more than just an event? Stay tuned to uncover the magnetic pull drawing women from around the globe.

    Do you want to step into your power and reclaim your desires?

    Here’s your solution to reclaim yourself, Queen. Join me as I share the transformative experience waiting for you at Magnetic, a women-only event unlike anything else. Get ready to unlock your inner magnetism and build lifelong friendships while curating the life of your dreams. It's time to take inspired action and redefine what it means to be a woman. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your life.

    Does this sound familiar? Have you been told to seek personal growth through generic self-help books and online seminars, only to feel unfulfilled and disconnected? The frustration of being unable to tap into your inner magnetism and reclaim your desires can be overwhelming. Break free from the cycle of unfulfilled promises and step into your power. Let's explore a new approach that will transform your life and connect you with like-minded women in a way you've never experienced before.

    It is time for us to take up space. It is time for us to remove the apology from our voice. It is time for us to get into rooms and start saying, I'm no longer at war with other women. I want to stop competing. I want to start communicating. I want to stop seeking approval and validation and worthiness and love. I want to start being all those things.

    Join us at Magnetic this November.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Miscommunication and tension are common in close relationships, especially between mothers and daughters. Prioritizing open and understanding communication can help us navigate conflicts and strengthen our bond.

    We recently shared a behind-the-scenes look at a challenging conversation we had almost a year ago and how we worked through it together. It was a moment of misunderstanding and miscommunication, but we learned much from confronting the issue head-on.

    Through our experiences, we’ve grown and learned from our mistakes, gaining insights that apply to any family dynamic. Our conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging mistakes, learning from them, and using them as opportunities for growth.

    We also explored the benefits of clear communication and how it has transformed our relationship, shedding light on the power of open dialogue. Clear communication has been a game-changer for us, paving the way for greater understanding and empathy.

    When emotions run high, taking space to cool down prevents further escalation. We revisit discussions when we’re both calm, looking for solutions we both want rather than trying to win the battle. Maintaining open communication through life's ups and downs has brought us closer. Listening without judgment and expressing care for each other has strengthened our mother-daughter bond.

    What’s a challenging conversation you’ve had with a family member that led to a deeper understanding?

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    I enjoyed diving into a deep and meaningful conversation with my 23-year-old son, Hayden. Together, we explored our family dynamics, perspectives on contemporary societal issues, and the intriguing "man or bear" dilemma that has sparked conversations globally.

    I feel incredibly fortunate to have another one of my children joining the show. Grateful for the opportunity, Hayden shared his excitement about deepening the discussion around man or bear. We discussed our family’s unique trait of engaging in profound and lengthy conversations, often turning a brief interaction into a deep discussion. Hayden acknowledged how this family practice makes “typical”, superficial conversations in the world less intriguing for him.

    As we unpack the viral TikTok question: "If you were alone and lost in the woods, would you rather encounter a random man or a bear?" Initially part of a viral trend, this question serves as a litmus test for understanding perspectives on safety and trust in society. Last week, my daughter Ava and I discussed this, and I now seek Hayden’s viewpoint.

    Hayden expressed his initial reaction, both shock and disappointment, but was quickly able to pivot into curiosity rather than outright dismissing the question. He reflected on how societal issues and behaviors shape such hypothetical dilemmas, noting the importance of discussing these issues to raise awareness and understanding.

    Hayden was surprised to hear that his mom, sister, and girlfriend would rather face a bear than a random man in the woods. This initial shock led Hayden to ponder deeper societal issues affecting women's sense of safety. Through our discussion, he understood why many women might have this instinctive preference, acknowledging the unfortunate reality of how some men are perceived as more threatening than wild animals.

    We then critically examined the notion that men are traditionally seen as protectors of women. Hayden questioned the validity and genuine sentiment behind this concept, especially in light of contemporary issues like restrictive abortion laws. He argued that these laws reflect control rather than protection, challenging listeners to consider the broader implications of so-called protective behaviors.

    So, how should men respond to issues raised by women? Hayden talked about the natural defensive reaction many men have and how it hinders meaningful dialogue. He stressed the importance of curiosity and empathy, advocating for men to listen and engage rather than immediately defend.

    Hayden shared the negative influence of figures like Andrew Tate, who perpetuate toxic masculinity. He emphasized that such influences thrive on insecurities and lead young men astray. Hayden advocated for listening to oneself and seeking positive role models who promote genuine respect and empathy.

    Hayden shared his experience living with his male friends and learning to express emotions openly. He highlighted the relief and clarity from honest conversations, underscoring the value of emotional vulnerability and communication. Reflecting on my parenting philosophy, I noted how I avoided "baby talk" and engaged my children in meaningful conversations from a young age. This approach has fostered my children's ability to handle deep and challenging dialogues.

    The episode ended with me expressing my desire to explore topics like patriarchy and its impact on both men and women even further.

    Our interaction reminded me of the importance of deep, empathetic conversations within families and society. Our discussion highlighted critical societal issues and offered insights into fostering better understanding and stronger interpersonal relationships.

    Thank you for joining us and having this engaging conversation. Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore important and thought-provoking topics.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Have you heard about the man versus bear debate in the woods? Women would rather encounter a bear than a random man in the woods, surprising, not really. This idea stems from the belief that masculine energy is intimidating and unsafe for women and the notion that women have to teach men about their experiences.

    I'm joined by my special guest, my daughter Ava, for another deep conversation about how societal norms have pushed women to choose the bear. Ava's unique insights and personal experiences bring a valuable perspective to the conversation on gender dynamics and communication.

    Focusing on fostering empathy and healthy relationships, we offer practical strategies and thoughtful observations on the impact of masculine energy on women. Engaging in open, honest conversations and committing to deepening understanding makes her an essential contributor to discussions about gender relations and balance in relationships.

    We explore masculine energy's impact on women and its influence on communication and relationships, providing practical strategies for engaging in deep and meaningful conversations with men to foster understanding and connection. Balancing feminine and masculine energies in relationships is significant for improved communication and harmony.

    Statistics on violence towards women versus bear encounters underscore the need for creating safer environments. The preference for encountering a bear over a random man reveals a deep-rooted fear of exploitation and harm. We emphasize the importance of open and honest conversations with men about women's fears and experiences to foster empathy and understanding. Addressing societal biases and power dynamics through dialogue is crucial for promoting safety and inclusivity.

    Masculine energy impacts women and relationships, stressing the need for a balanced dynamic that allows for mutual support and understanding. We challenge traditional notions of masculinity and embrace empathy in relationships as key components of fostering healthy connections. The transformative potential of engaging in curious conversations about gender dynamics is an opportunity for personal and collective growth.

    You never know who you're going to help. The power of listening, understanding, and fostering curiosity in relationships cannot be overstated. This episode aims to provide practical insights and strategies to help navigate the complexities of gender dynamics, ensuring safety and fostering healthy, balanced relationships.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

  • Are you seeking to achieve deeper intimacy and understanding in your relationships? Do you want to truly connect with your loved ones on critical societal issues? If so, you're in the right place. We dive into the heart of complex relationships and societal perceptions to spark a more profound understanding of how the media we consume affects how we show up in life.

    In this special episode, I sit down with my daughter, Ava, to explore the often uncomfortable yet crucial conversations about violence against women in entertainment and the importance of setting boundaries. You may not have even noticed the on-screen violence, as we as a society have been so conditioned that it is okay to see women being raped and beaten. But once the veil has been lifted, you will see women's current male-depicted role in most media.

    Have you ever felt uneasy about your partner’s media choices but didn't know how to address it? You’re not alone. Many of us have been told to let it go, not rock the boat, or that it’s not a big deal. But the pain of suppressing your truth and seeing no change in your relationship will lead to unhappiness.

    Ava shares her discomfort with a popular TV show, Game of Thrones, the portrayal of women, and how she opened a conversation with her boyfriend about his TV choices. This discussion opens a deeper conversation about media influence, relationship dynamics, and societal norms. We offer a fresh perspective on approaching sensitive topics and setting healthy boundaries.

    This raw and honest episode dives into the intricate layers of relationships and societal issues. Together, we'll explore the power of meaningful conversations and media and discover their profound impact on our lives and relationships.

    Join us on this journey towards greater connection and understanding.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

  • Register for MAGNETIC: FIRST EVER women-only event in Phoenix, AZ Nov. 2nd and 3rd 2024. www.AmandaHanson.com/MAGNETIC

    Join me on my journey through menopause as I share my unique experience as a woman. This isn’t about negating anyone else's experience; I am offering my perspective with the hope that it might resonate with some of you.

    Let’s explore menopause from multiple lenses. As a woman who honors the natural world and a psychologist who views human experiences through a distinct lens, I bring a dual perspective to this conversation, from silent bystander to active participant, sharing insights on the female body, life's cycles, and the impact of societal structures.

    We live in a patriarchal system that often shames natural aging processes like menopause. If we shift our perspective to a matriarchal viewpoint, emphasizing feminine consciousness and holistic well-being we can approach menopause with curiosity and celebration. This has allowed me to navigate menopause with grace, not seeing it as something broken or wrong.

    I’m sharing my journey with alternative healing and natural childbirth and how our narratives influence our experiences. These stories have shaped my approach to menopause, fostering a sense of awe and wonder rather than fear and confusion.

    There is an interconnectedness of our physical and mental health, the importance of what we put into and onto our bodies, and how societal expectations influence our perception of menopause. By embracing a narrative of love, honor, and curiosity, we can redefine this stage of life.

    Whether you're experiencing menopause, approaching it, or simply curious about a different perspective, I invite you to listen with an open heart. This is for anyone ready to explore a new narrative and find beauty in the natural cycles of a woman's life.

    Let's celebrate our bodies and the profound journeys they take us on.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie

  • ​​If you're feeling weighed down by the shame and inconvenience of your natural cycles, like periods, childbirth, and menopause, then you are not alone! The societal narratives around these life phases have been deeply entrenched in patriarchal beliefs, leading to feelings of embarrassment, inconvenience, and fear. Let’s explore the phases of womanhood from the patriarchal and matriarchal lens. Which one would bring us more celebration and joy?

    Women have been conditioned to view their bodies and experiences through a lens of shame and limitation. Still, there is a different way to approach these cycles, one that honors and celebrates the feminine consciousness. Why have the cycles of our bodies been looked at as inconveniences? After all, without the woman’s body and natural cycles, there would be no life on this planet.

    Everything you thought you knew about your body and its cycles was just a fraction of the truth. A truth that has kept you feeling shameful and embarrassed about your beautiful body that creates life: we need to bring feminine consciousness to the surface to begin leading to a life of beauty, power, and profound wisdom.

    Join me as I share the real stories of periods, childbirth, and menopause through a matriarchal lens. Come with an open mind and be ready for a paradigm shift that will challenge societal norms and unlock the hidden potential within you. This is your invitation to a more beautiful way of living and being.

    The changing of the lens starts here, and the possibilities are endless.

    Are you curious to explore the untold narrative of womanhood? The path to feminine consciousness awaits.

    The Muse Community: The Muses. A Safe Sisterhood Where Women Heal Women

    Join Here https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/themuses

    Connect with Dr. Amanda Hanson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/.

    GIVEAWAY ALERT: Leave a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts or a 5-star review on Spotify and grab your INTIMACY GUIDE for FREE. *If you don’t use either of those podcast players, share this episode and tag me. Then, CLICK the below link and let us know you have submitted it and get instant access to one of my favorite guides. Take a journey into yourself and learn how to craft intimacy from within. Grab your GUIDE HERE: https://amandahanson.mykajabi.com/intimacypodcastfreebie