Amoris Laetitia +Exhortación Apostólica Post-Sinodal del Santo Padre Francisco a los obispos, a los presbíteros y diáconos, a las personas consagradas, a los esposos cristianos y a todos los fieles laicos sobre el amor en la familia+
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When it comes to matters of the heart, everyone has an opinion, but very few have the answers. So step away from that group chat, and bring your problems to The Solve. Join ESSENCE’s love guru, Charli Penn and her girl gang of outspoken friends and experts as they share hilarious anecdotes and get-to-the-point advice for navigating some of your biggest dating dilemmas.
Life presents enough challenges, from inevitable death and illness to man-made strife like poverty, inequality, and war. In the face of human suffering, sexuality is an incredible outlet for joy, healing, pleasure and connection.
Yet, social norms make accessing this simple joy harder than it needs to be. In this podcast, we unpack junk narratives about which bodies, identities, relationship styles, or sexual activities are considered acceptable and reclaim the power of sexual freedom.
Recent decades have brought meaningful progress in some areas of gender and sexuality, like greater acceptance of LGBTQ people in the institution of marriage and the workplace, and access to contraception that allows women more sexual freedom. Nonetheless, dominant cultural norms still perpetuate narrow ideas about who is desirable or worthy of love and what sexual practices are appropriate. Often, these subtle, pernicious ideas operate quietly beneath the surface and show up in our hearts as shame, isolation or fear.
How do we break free? How do we learn to be and love our whole authentic selves, to find the joy and pleasure in authenticity? How do we release the fear that who we are, how we love or what we desire is a problem?
What do happiness and connection look like for people who don’t conform to idealized standards? How do we claim the power of sexual freedom for people who have a differently sized body, differently functioning brain, or different levels of mobility; people who work in the sex industry; or people who are slutty, kinky, old, Black or brown, transgender, or polyamorous?
Cliff Media is a porn production company that invites people of all walks of life to share in the exciting, scary experiment of co-creating sex-positive spaces beyond fear and shame. We encourage all good-hearted people to participate, as long as they provide STI results, sign release forms, and show up with kindness, humility and a desire to grow. Together, we produce scenes that explore themes of loving community, healthy non-monogamy, joyful kink, and empowered female and queer sexuality.
Porn is often derided as gratuitous indulgence in big boobs, hard dicks and offensive stereotypes. But if we set aside the way porn has been used by many mainstream companies and consider the medium itself, it’s actually an awesome opportunity. It’s perhaps the most widely viewed, intimate and uncensored medium, allowing creators to explore topics that go deep into our psyche, including:
Shame and acceptance of our bodies and identities
Diversity in romantic and sexual relationships
Sexual health and ethics
Sexual deviance, desire and kink
Fear of rejection, judgment or loss
Trauma and healing
Joy, humor, kindness, and care, and
The innate human longing for affection and belonging.
In this companion podcast, we dive deep into the topics that underlie our production work. Our host Vanessa Cliff, CEO of Cliff Media, talks with pornstars, participants in Cliff Media shoots, and other sex-positive community leaders.
Join us in the joy of being awkwardly human, naked and without pretence. Let’s get free. -
Na 11ª temporada do Sexoterapia, Ana Canosa, psicóloga e terapeuta sexual, e Bárbara dos Anjos Lima, editora de Universa, recebem sempre uma convidada para falar de sexo, sexualidade e relacionamentos. A cada temporada, um tema diferente.
Entendendo o mundo através de histórias interessantes. -
Sexo é uma parte fundamental da nossa vida, mas mesmo assim muitos de nós não damos a essa prática a atenção devida. Aqui neste podcast explicitamos com todas as letras as verdades sobre a sexualidade humana, com especialistas sérios, mas sem deixar de lado a putaria de qualidade. É pra você pensar, para aprender e, acima de tudo, se amar! Tudo que você sempre quis saber sobre sexo e nunca teve coragem de perguntar você encontrará aqui. Pode chegar e ficar à vontade!
PQPCast - podcast semanal, feito por #MulheresPodcasters, dedicado a debater sobre a sociedade e ativismo com base em fatos, dados, pesquisas e vivências. Disponível todas as segundas-feiras! Produção: Thata Finotto, Natália Mattos, Malu Leite & Lybia Abaaoud // Tribo TDAH - único podcast em português do mundo sobre Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade e saúde mental, com conteúdo quinzenal sempre na primeira e terceira quintas-feiras do mês. Produção: Thata Finotto
No Podcast Feliz com Crohn você vai conhecer muito além da história da Lorena ou da Doença de Crohn, aqui, você vai aprender mais sobre cuidados com a saúde, bem estar e aceitação dos momentos difíceis que passamos, por isso todos irão se identificar e poder se inspirar a cada episódio novo
Nikki and John, two married 30-somethings, open up in real time about the decision to open up their marriage. You'll go on their journey as they explore non-monogamy, polyamory and what it means to be in an open marriage. Send questions, or just say hi, at
The Liberation Project: A Movement for Manhood is an honest, in your face podcast that challenges the social and cultural norms that define today’s man. Through witty banter and provocative conversations we’re redefining masculinity. We’re finding a balance somewhere in between the classic caveman and the limp-wristed doormat of today’s generation. Tune in and learn what it is to be a confident, powerful, loving leader that people trust and admire. If you’re ready for the challenge of being a “real man,” you’re ready to join The Liberation Project.
Podcast A Vet is a podcast for Veterinarians, students, nurses, veterinary professionals and animal lovers with an emphasis on community. The podcast shares the stories, struggles, successes and insights of leaders across the veterinary industry.
As modern vets, we face numerous challenges on a daily basis, from dealing with patients and clients, to running profitable practices, to dealing with internal struggles like compassion fatigue. We believe that the best way through these struggles is by learning from a supportive and open community, and improving the vet industry as a whole, one vet professional at a time. -
You only cash it once. In this weekly podcast, comedian Erin Darling finds out how famous and funny guests lost their virginity.
Esse podcast tem como tarefa destrinchar uma das principais obras filosóficas do século 20, tendo como norte uma reflexão quanto a prática clínica. Discuto portanto sua contribuição à Psicologia, dando especial ênfase à Daseinsanalyse.
Comentado por Gabriel Góes (Psicólogo Clínico)
Para entrar em contato com o autor:
(11) 995681563 (whatsapp) -
Welcome to 'On The Rebound', hosted by 5x NBA Champion, fashion icon, world peace maker and relationship expert Dennis Rodman. On this podcast you'll find Mr. Rodman talking to couples about anything from sex to emotional issues and more. Will Dennis save couples from losing it all or will he just have to go up for the rebound?
It's Complicated with Tanya Goodin. A podcast about learning to live healthily and happily with technology and the digital world - and about understanding why sometimes that's so hard to do.
Each week we'll be asking a new guest how they can help us with the relationship with the tiny tyrant in our pocket - our smartphone.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Renan Sukevicius mergulha em questões de vida e morte.
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Esse é um podcast pra quebrar tabus da sociedade. Vamos falar de relacionamentos não padronizados e trazer muita educação sexual.
Produção e edição: Mardem Reifison -
Seja muito bem vindo ao Podcast Felicidade em Ação!!!
Quinzenalmente vamos abordar temas referentes à Psicologia Positiva, em um bate papo leve e gostoso.
Deixe nos comentários suas dúvidas, críticas e sugestões e no próximo podcast a gente vai se falando.
Venha ser Feliz Hoje!!!