
  • How good are you at letting things go? For some people, this is a very difficult process. The phoenix rising from the ashes is a wonderful analogy for remembering how important it is to rise above it all.

    One of the most difficult things to do during any process is to learn how to keep the faith. It is easy to get discouraged. Without the struggle, we don’t have as much appreciation for the outcome. Great work takes time and if you are going to all of the trouble to create and forge a new life, then you already know it will take some effort.

    This Phoenix Rising from the Ashes is also a wonderful analogy for rebirth. It shows us that we can emerge from catastrophe stronger, smarter, and more powerful than we were before. This meditation is a wonderful exercise for growth and renewal.

    Sometimes we are kicked out of our comfort zone for a reason. Perhaps we were meant for much more. They say we are never given more than we can handle but many of us question that at times.  

    Like a phoenix rising from the ashes our struggles are what make us shine. Emerging from the struggle really gives us an intense and joyful appreciation. Looking back, we realize that our struggles made us the incredible person we are today.

    Acknowledge the fact that in order to attract new solutions, you must sometimes let the pieces fall so you can start fresh again.

    Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

    Some affirmations in this session are:

    I don’t merely survive – I sur-thrive!I no longer hesitate – I resonate.I no longer fight – I rewrite.I am not stressed, I’m blessed.I don’t chase, I attract.I am the Phoenix rising from the ashes.Whatever is meant for me, will always find me.My vibe attracts my tribe.My energy is the pathway.My thoughts lead the way.I am the Phoenix. I will rise! It is infinitely possible for me to create and live a magnificent, blessed life.


  • It can be difficult to feel happy if you are resisting life at every turn. This relaxing calm meditation can help you loosen your grip on life and feel better.

    Whatever you resist persists, so learning how to let go can really help you move into a new mindset, a happier mindset.

    We all have a tendency to try and control things. While that may be a good thing in theory, it’s not actually a very practical way to live.

    For example, your current situation in life is the way it is, whether you like it or not. When you constantly feel unhappy or restless, you create a certain amount of resistance, which creates a barrier that keeps good things from coming in.

    Acknowledging the bad things that you have drawn into your life is the first step to letting go of and allowing better things in.

    Sometimes certain people or certain situations are brought into our lives to teach us something. Acceptance and acknowledgment is the key here because resisting only makes you feel worse!

    When you begin to move into a space of grateful appreciation, even for those negative or hurtful things, you begin to move into a space of optimism and hope.

    Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

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  • Practicing gratitude and expressing appreciation is a great way to move closer towards your true self.

    Learning to appreciate the gifts you already have in your life and expressing gratitude for those gifts you have yet to receive can completely change the tone of your day.

    Many of us are so wrapped up in trying to get ahead that we forget that we can choose to be happy and grateful NOW.

    We can take time out of our day to smell a flower or appreciate a happy moment. We can call a friend or sit with a cup of tea. We can be grateful for those things we have already been blessed with.

    What you have already is priceless. You are the miracle. When you take the time to celebrate yourself you begin to really understand how amazing you truly are.

    Just relax and close your eyes. Tune into this moment in time. Give thanks for your life and for those blessings you already have.

    Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • This lovely meditation can help you quiet your mind and tune into that inner stillness. Simply listen to the soothing music, and soft words and your mind will be able to relax in a very short time.

    This meditation is relaxing and easy. Just what you need for those times when you are feeling off-balanced.

    This meditation also has the Blessism for Quieting the Mind at the end. Like the beautiful lotus flower – you can rise above the mud and the muck and choose to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

    Blessism for Quieting the Mind

    I bless my ability to quiet my mind so I may hear my inner voice. With every breath I take, I release any and all fears and breathe in positive energy and peace. I surrender any limiting thoughts or energy that impede the fulfillment of my purpose. Today may I receive what I need. May my way be cleared as I step out of the darkness and into the light of and into a higher vibration. I have this creative healing power. It lives inside of me. I am open to raising my level of consciousness with every breath I take. Like the beautiful lotus flower - I can rise above the mud and the muck and choose to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life and for that I am grateful.

    Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • Without sadness, we would not appreciate joy.

    Like the yin and the yang, we need both positive and negative emotions and experiences to appreciate what we have.

    Life isn't always going to be easy....that we know, but it shouldn't always be hard. Without the struggle, we won't have as much appreciation for freedom. Without heartbreak, love would not be quite so sweet.

    Practicing gratitude can really help you shift your focus, from those things that bring you down to those things you feel grateful for.

    Gratitude also strengthens your immune system, which in turn helps your body defend itself against disease and recover faster from illnesses.

    When you meditate and practice mindfulness, your body releases natural endorphins into the bloodstream that help you cope better with stress and pain.
    The best way to find joy in difficult times is to focus on those things that you feel grateful for at the moment.

    This meditation is all about looking at ways you can find joy in difficult times.

    Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • What would it feel like to take a breath of happiness? Practicing gratitude and expressing appreciation is a great way to move closer toward a life filled with happiness and gratitude and a life in alignment with your ultimate destiny. Learning to appreciate the gifts you already have in your life and expressing gratitude for those gifts you have yet to receive can completely change the tone of your day.

    Many of us are so wrapped up in trying to get ahead that we forget that we can choose to be happy and grateful NOW. We can also use mindfulness and gratitude to have faith in the unfolding journey of life.

    We can take time out of our day to smell a flower or appreciate a happy moment. We can call a friend or sit with a cup of tea. We can be grateful for those things we have already been blessed with.

    What you have already is priceless. You are the miracle. When you take the time to celebrate yourself you begin to really understand how amazing you truly are.

    All you need to do to enjoy this meditation is to relax and close your eyes and tune into this moment in time.

     Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • We’re going back to the basics with this wonderful short meditation. This beautiful meditation is set to the music “Quietude”, described as food for the soul.

    This meditation soothes and relaxes you right down to your very core.

    Gratitude is also a wonderful way to find joy in difficult times. As you move through this meditation practice, you can focus on those little things you feel grateful for and spend a moment feeling gratitude for your body itself.

    Sometimes we forget how lucky we truly are just to be here in this moment. Gratitude helps us feel good and it also helps block the intensity of negative emotions like anger, stress, worry, and fear which raise our adrenaline, cortisol levels, and blood pressure.

    The music in this meditation makes it easy to settle into a serene and content state of mind, an effortless journey into deep relaxation.

    It also encourages "bio-rhythmic relaxation" by gently reducing your heart rate and breathing rate. You may even feel a sense of euphoria as your nervous system relaxes and your body increases its production of endorphins.

    Everything in life is about balance. Without the darkness, we would not know light. Without sadness, we would not appreciate joy. Like the yin and the yang, we need both positive and negative emotions and experiences to appreciate what we have.

    Life isn't always going to be easy, that we know, but it shouldn't always be hard. Practicing gratitude can really help you shift your focus, to those things you feel grateful for every day.

    Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • It’s part of our human nature to want to be successful. But what exactly does this mean?

    How do you know if you’re successful, on your way to success, or failing? How do you know when you’ve become successful and can start to relax and enjoy what you’ve worked so hard to accomplish?

    To answer all of these questions, you have to define what being successful means to you. There is no right or wrong answer. It is different for every one of us.

    In short, there’s a lot to consider and think about when it comes to success. At the same time, it’s essential that you do this thinking and define what it means to you to be successful, in all areas of your life. Don’t let this overwhelm you. You don’t have to work on everything all at once, and you don’t have to reach your long-term goals in a matter of weeks. But you do need to know where you want to be heading so you can start to make and measure progress.

    You can’t set goals for yourself if you don’t know what success means.

    You can start by defining your very own version of success and then set some goals and intentions for yourself based on your definition of success.

    This meditation is all about exploring the idea of success and creating an intention. As you go through this session, focus on what kind of intention you would like to set to start living a more peaceful, prosperous, and abundant life.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. ...But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind." - Deepak Chopra

    How do you define success? If you have trouble visualizing your ideal life or would you like to be able to picture yourself engrossed in work that feeds your soul, you are going to love this session.

    Enjoy a relaxing walk along the beach in this beautiful session as you envision your ultimate level of success.

    If you are ready to tap into every ounce of your ultimate potential this session is the perfect one.

    As you walk along the beach, you’ll also enjoy the sounds of the ocean in the background. This beautiful relaxing meditation also features a mindfulness bell.

    The mindfulness bell is a powerful meditation tool that was created for people who want to practice mindfulness meditation. It features the sound of a specially selected meditation bell that is played at periodic intervals to help clear your mind and guide you into a deep state of meditation.

    The energy you create with your thoughts is like a force field. If your energy is focused on your goals and on success, then success is much more likely to roll in. If your energy is tied up or constantly focused on your problems and on lack and limitation, then you are really just manifesting more of it with your thoughts.

    This session allows you to let go of those thoughts and feelings that may be holding you back as you focus on what your ultimate level of success is.

    This session also has the Blessism for Living a BIG, Juicy Empowered life. If you are not living a BIG Juicy Empowered Life, now is the time to do so!

    Blessism for Living a BIG Juicy Empowered Life!

    I bless my ability to live a big, juicy empowered life and a life aligned with my passion and purpose. I bless my energy and vitality and my ability to live a life that I truly love. I take time every day to visualize my ideal life and as a result, draw it closer and closer.I have a right to live the life I want to live. I dream without limitations. I create BIG visions. I know no limitations. Whatever I focus on becomes bigger and bigger and more important every day. I am continually expanding my vision and seeing new possibilities. I focus on what kind of value I can add to the world with my creative gifts and talents. I flood my heart, mind, and soul with this empowered energy and focus as much as possible. I strive to let go of how I believe my life should be and strive to live in the flow of each inspired thought. I bless my ability to live a life without limitations. I live from the heart. I follow my dreams. I follow my bliss because that is my divine right! I bless my ability to pursue the life of my dreams in an empowered, fulfilling way.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • Meditation for Finding Your Sweet Spot of Success

    Are you ready to cut those old energetic cords that are holding you back and step into your sweet spot of success? What does it mean to find your sweet spot of success?

    It’s about reaching beyond your circumstances and believing in something you can’t necessarily see. When you are in your sweet spot, you are connected to others and to the world in a beautiful way.  You have the ability to succeed beyond your wildest imagination. Your sweet spot is a joyful, fulfilling and lucrative place and a place where you feel connected, validated, acknowledged, and honored for exactly who you are.

    Your sweet spot is that moment in time and that place where everything seems to flow; that spot in which you feel happy, content and in sync with the world around you. Your sweet spot of success is that intersection of your strengths, your passions, and you’re your uniqueness.

    In this lovely meditation you can let go of who you think you are and focus on what you want to create.

    This lovely meditation is set to the music of Christopher Lloyd Clarke’s Astral Voices. Astral Voices is an evocative composition featuring angelic vocals from another realm. The music includes spacious breath-like sounds, celestial chimes, Tibetan singing bowls and a deep pulsing drone. It’s a genuinely unique musical experience.

    Filled with positive statements and blessings to support you, you are going to love how this meditation makes you feel.

    Blessism for Finding Your Sweet Spot of Success

    I bless my sweet spot of success. I am reaching beyond my circumstances and believing in something I can’t necessarily see. When I am in my sweet spot, I am connected to others and to the world in a beautiful way. I bless this connection and this ability to succeed beyond my wildest imagination. My sweet spot is a joyful, fulfilling and lucrative place and a place where I feel connected, validated, acknowledged, and honored for exactly who I am. What a blessing this is! I know my path to success is extraordinarily unique. It is meant just for me. It is that moment in time and that place where everything seems to flow; that spot in which I feel happy, content and in sync with the world around me. My sweet spot of success is that intersection of my strengths, my passions, and my uniqueness. I was born for success. I know that no matter what happens, my sweet spot of success is always there for me. I am consciously connecting with my sweet spot of success right now in this moment. I am meant for greatness and meant for success, and this is my divine right. I bless and celebrate my success and my extraordinary journey and my ability to find and consciously connect with my sweet spot every day.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • How far does your circle of success reach? What about your zone of influence? Do you have a philosophy for success for your life? Have you taken a step back from your job or your career to re-evaluate things? Sometimes it’s necessary.

    This lovely meditation, set to soothing music, will allow you to relax and create your own philosophy and circle of success. Set to the dreamy, ethereal music, Wandering in the Warmth, you’ll be able to take a relaxing beach walk and create your very own circle of success.

    What does success really mean for you? Is it about happiness and fulfillment? Is it about taking care of your family? Is it about making more money? What comes first, happiness or success? You could argue that either one could come or should come first. You don’t need to be super successful just to be happy in life. Success doesn’t guarantee happiness either. It’s a chicken versus the egg scenario.

    This meditation is all about letting go of who you think you are and focusing on what you want to create.

    This lovely meditation is set to the music of Christopher Lloyd Clarke Wandering in the Warmth, a dreamy, ethereal piece. Wandering In the Warmth is a quieting arrangement of chord progressions that slowly blur from one to the next, gently massaging the mind and soothing one’s nerves.

    Filled with positive statements and blessings to support you, you are going to love how this meditation makes you feel.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • How many limitations do you place upon yourself? What kind of unconscious beliefs are keeping you from rising higher? Do you believe in synchronicities and unexpected blessings? If not, it might be time to change your thinking.

    Life can change in a single moment. Your destiny is not set in stone. Every day you have a brand new opportunity to shift directions. In the wise words of Helen Keller, the struggle of life is one of our greatest blessings. It makes us patient, sensitive, and Godlike. It teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. What a blessing this is.

    Who you are today cannot exist without every single sacrifice and mistake you have made. All of the problems, challenge and life lessons have made you the incredible person you are today.

    Today’s meditation is all about Unexpected Blessings! This lovely meditation is set to the music of Christopher Lloyd Clarke's Wandering in the Warmth, a dreamy, ethereal piece. Wandering In the Warmth is a quieting arrangement of chord progressions that slowly blur from one to the next, gently massaging the mind and soothing one’s nerves. Filled with affirmations and blessings to support you, you are going to love how this meditation makes you feel.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work! 

  • Are you ready to release all resistance and become a greater version of yourself? Are you looking for ways to go from mindfulness to manifestation and from stressful living to successful living? Make space for new things to come in and expect the unexpected with this peaceful, relaxing meditation where you can float down your river of dreams.

    This beautiful meditation allows you to travel down a lazy river and practice moving from mindfulness to manifestation.

    While we all love a good meditation, sometimes we need to know how to go from mindfulness to manifestation. The more you practice mindfulness and the more you meditate, the more you will raise your vibration and as a result, come into a vibrational alignment with those things you want, need, and desire. 

    Wonderful things happen when you start blessing things instead of feeling aggravated or getting upset.

    This meditation also features the Blessism for Going from Mindfulness to Manifestation.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • Are You Ready To Turn Difficulties and Disappointments into Acres of Diamonds?

    Welcome to Season 5 with Blessisms for Successful Living and Turning Difficulties and Disappointments into Acres of Diamonds!

    What might be possible if you expanded your vision and believed in something much, much greater than you?

    What would happen if you truly believed the world and the universe supported you?

    The universe is much, much larger than any of us can see. There is an infinite world around you that you know little to nothing about. The real truth is the Universe Supports YOU!

    This meditation allows you to travel to a beautiful conservatory and visit an ancient library where you can explore your infinite potential and let your imagination run free.

    This meditation also has the Blessism for Infinite Mindset and the Infiniverse.

  • Feeling Wealthy & Abundant. You can feel wealthy and abundant, no matter what your current circumstances! Do you ever wish you could channel a YOU 2.0 Money Persona?

    Well, now you can! The meditation for this week is all about channeling your YOU 2.0 Ultimate Money Persona.

    Most of us are programmed from an early age on what to expect. We are taught how to think, how to act, and how to feel. These subconscious thoughts or set points are programmed into our mind where they become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.

    It’s not our fault that we tend to think more negatively, because the mind and brain are programmed for negative thinking. This is often called the negativity bias.

    The tendency to think negatively stems from our basic survival instinct.

    Our early human ancestors spent much of their time trying to survive – so it makes sense that negative thoughts were more prevalent than positive ones. This negativity bias has been well studied and heavily documented and it affects nearly every area of our life, especially our financial life.

    You can overcome this bias, however, by working constantly to replace those negative ones with positive ones and working with Blessisms.

    When you align yourself with your 2.0 Ultimate Money persona, amazing things happen!

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • Are you ready to rise above the struggle and live in resonance? There is an aspect of mindfulness known as beginner’s mind – that allows you to start fresh and approach things as if you know nothing.

    As a Zen teacher once said, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”

    Tapping into your capacity to look at things differently can help you more than you might imagine. When you start to learn anything for the first time, you are fresh, curious, and open to all possibilities. Your mind is not yet solid with concepts, opinions, and certainties.

    It’s kind of learning to look at things with a childlike sense of enthusiasm. This same approach can be used to help you reset your financial blueprint and your ideas about money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

    In this lovely meditation, you visit a Japanese Tea House where you can clear your mind and start fresh.

    There is a lot of power in a simple mindfulness meditation. The more you practice this type of meditation, the easier it will get.

    This meditation features the Mindful Intention for Rising Above the Struggle and Living in Resonance.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • Creating a Life of Total Financial Freedom How can you create a life of total financial freedom? Many of us have lost our ability to believe we are worthy of good things. In essence, we have lost our hope and our expectation.

    Life has a way of beating us down sometimes and it is hard to keep the positive momentum going when we are so used to struggling. Many of us are so caught up in the struggle, that we can’t get out of the negative cycle. According to the LOA, you attract whatever type of energy or vibration you are resonating with. In other words, the energy you put out equals the energy that back comes in. It sounds pretty simple. If you are focused on lack and on the negative, that’s exactly what you’ll attract right back in. I’m sure you have heard about the Law of Attraction – but how does it really work? A better way of working with this Universal law is by working with the principle of Harmonious Attraction.

    The Law of Harmonious Attraction essentially takes the Law of Attraction a step further. When you are harmonious, you are living in harmony with the world around you. The positive energy you put out comes right back to you, in a beautiful, harmonious way. The real truth is everything is energy. You reap what you sow. There really is no mystery to achieving success, as it is available and accessible to everyone. In other words, at some point, you have to let go of the reigns and trust that the Universe is conspiring to work with you instead of against you. That is the art of Harmonious Attraction.

    Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

  • Tapping into the Flow of Abundance! We all deserve to be healthy, wealthy, prosperous and loved. If your life falls short in any of those areas – you will have a hard time moving forward. The real truth is you CAN HAVE IT ALL – you just have to feel as if you truly deserve it.

    Those who are rich have already recognized their oneness with the abundance of supply. They have already developed that recognition that there is an abundance of everything.

    For many of us, the idea of money is a stressful thing. Wealth is one of those universal things everyone needs. However, what most of us don’t realize is the fact that it really isn’t the wealth itself that makes us happy, it is the “feeling” that wealth brings us that really makes us happy.

    This session can help you overcome that resistance and tap into your flow of abundance as you travel down your very own river of wealth.  Are you ready?

    Visit TheGratitudeCoach.com, MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!