
  • With the launch of my 'Sales Made Simple' Membership - Consistent Leads, Predictable Sales last month, we've been chatting about the schedule of topics we will cover over the next few months. So on this episode of Mindset and Method, I will run through a mega short version of my '4 Elements Of Consistent Sales' that includes... - What you're selling - and believe me, so many people get this wrong! - Who you're selling it to - you need people with the problem you fix AND the desire and money to fix it - How you sell - your sales strategy needs to fit with your goals (not be copied from a competitor) and also fit with the price of your product/offer. - Your mindset - you have to have confidence in yourself, money and your offer to maximise your chance of easy, consistent sales. Have a listen to find out how these 4 elements come together to give your consistent leads/enquires and predictable sales! And for more information about my new membership, you can now find the details at www.jennidonato.com/sales-made-simple/

  • So many small business owners or solopreneurs feel they need to 'ramp things down' to take time off, leaving them struggling to grow a consistently profitable and predictable business... ...so with the Summer holidays looming, I thought I would give you my advice on how to grow and shift your business into one that can work for periods without you - and still bring you in money - while continuing to provide a great service (and impact/results) for your clients and customers - no matter your industry! Have a listen to this episode to hear more about my 3 P's - the 3 areas of your business you need to nail to build a profitable, low-stress venture that can work for you while you step away. And if you would like to know more about building a business that works around your complicated life AND bring you in the money you want, you can book a free strategy bullet call now by heading to www.jennidonato.com/bullet

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  • So many people are scared by the word 'funnel', but if you have something to sell, you need a way to attract people to buy it - which is effectively all a funnel is.

    On today's 'Business Backstage' episode, I chat with the incredible Donna Eade, our Podcast Host and Mentor on my business growth immersive coaching experience Altitude.

    We chat about how important it is to find your voice as a business owner, and how you can get your 'business personality' in front of your audience - and (maybe rather obviously) podcasting comes up as one of the options for how you can do this.

    We also chat about how - with the introduction of AI - the world of business is changing. Now more than ever it is crucial to shine as a business, a brand and a voice with something worth saying and on the episode, we chat about how you can do this through podcasting.

    Donna shares the benefits of podcasts and tips on how to build a loyal audience of people who want to buy from you through a podcast.

    To find out more about Donna, you can find her, unsurprisingly, through her podcast 'Mindset & Action' right here - https://donnaeade.com/podcast

  • When it comes to sales, many business owners focus on the wrong things. So today's episode of Mindset and Method is all about the most important elements of sales - which aren't actually about the sale.

    There is so much more to sales than the end sales conversation and whether the buyer decides to buy! If we look earlier on in the buyer's journey and expand our view of the whole process, there are 3 things you need to look at.

    The audience - finding or creating an audience who is relevant to what you're offering, is engaged with your message and trusts you enough to consider buying from you Strategy - having the right process and strategy to be visible and clear to that audience about what you offer. Then having the right journey to invite those people to consider the purchase - different strategies are needed for different businesses depending on who you are, how you love to show up for your audience and whether you have a low-priced product or service or a high-priced one. Your mindset - Having the right growth mindset and the resistance to do the work it takes to understand, refine and continuously improve the back end of your business to make a regular and consistent stream of sales come your way.

    Listen to the episode now to hear more about how to nail these three elements of the pre-sales process to create a business that works for you and creates the stream of leads you want, on demand!

    And if you're interested in hearing more about Altitude, or would like to know my thoughts on where you could improve your sales process, you can book a 15-minute Business Bullet Call with me now at jennidonato.com/bullet/

  • Marketing is one of the skills you don't realise you need when you start your business, so once you have nailed what you're selling (and if you're not quite there yet with your offer, go back and check out episode 72 with our amazing Hils Crisp) dive into this episode...

    ...where Katie Spreadbury, our Ideal Client Attraction Expert here at Altitude, and I chat about how important it is to know who your offer is for - and then market it in the right way.

    We chat about niching, the all-or-nothing feeling of going all in on business and what happens when you DON'T get the messaging right.

    Because if you try to speak to everyone with your messaging, you normally end up speaking to no one.

    We then chat about how you can nail who you can help and how you get it right and Katie takes us through a process to

    Nail who your offer is for and get to the bottom of what their problem is - and how you can solve it - and why it's so important not just to rely on what's in your head. Go out and chat with your ideal client and do some simple market research to understand this at a deeper level. How you keep your marketing/market research simple and move with the times while staying true to what you love to do and how you love to show up. How you get the right balance with your content and marketing to get the right people buying your thing.

    To connect with Katie, you can find her at OrangeSheep Research on social right here https://www.facebook.com/9orangesheep

    You can also find out more about Altitude, our Immersive Coaching Experience for female business owners ready to simplify their business and make it more profitable, easy-to-run and fun right here https://www.jennidonato.com/altitude/

  • Many business owners struggle to get social media working for them. The focus is too often on just the content, but there might be something you're missing that will make things a lot easier and allow you to get a more consistent and predictable lead flow to sales.

    In this week's podcast episode, I cover…

    - the potential social media marketing has right now for business

    - the difference between the marketing element and the social media element - and how to balance the two

    - the 5 different content types you should be posting

    - and how to pull it all together to make social media marketing work for you and your business

    If you know there’s something that’s not quite working for you with what you’re doing on social, but can't quite figure out what it is, you can book a quick 15-minute call to see if I can help you find the weak point by clicking here - https://www.jennidonato.com/bullet/

  • So many women in business struggle to show up with confidence and authenticity online. So today on our Business Backstage Series, I've asked another of my Supporting Coaches on my Immersive Coaching Experience Altitude to join me to chat about why we suffer and what we can do about it.

    Cat Googe is an Empowerment Coach and Joy Queen. She can often be found sharing Laughter Yoga on festival stages, online, in schools and in front of large audiences, so is perfect for today's topic of showing up authentically and with confidence.

    In this episode, we chat about...

    why female entrepreneurs often struggle to show up with confidence online how we find who we really are as business owners and build our brand in alignment with our vision and with excitement and passion and how we build consistency in our online marketing to start to showcase what we do with ease

    Cat also shares her biggest tips on how to tap into your online confidence to grow your business in a way that you're going to enjoy, now and in the future.

    To follow and find out more about Cat, click here

  • Today on the Business Backstage Series - where I chat 'behind the scenes' with our amazing Altitude Business Growth Experts - I welcome Dr. Jemma, an Empowerment Coach and Mentor and we chat about how you can create a business that feels good and works for you and your buyers.

    On this week's episode, we cover...

    ✅ What is Empowerment and why do so many women in business struggle to feel empowered when running their own business.

    ✅ What difference it makes if you run your business from an empowered energy. Including a boost in confidence, how you present yourself and ultimately what results you get from your business.

    ✅ How to get to an empowered state and how to transition your business into one that you love and that works for you.

    To connect with Jemma, you can find her on Instagram at www.instagram.com/_dr.jemma/

  • One of the things in business that is the most crucial, but people often find the hardest, is designing in consistency and predictability - both in terms of workload and income.

    In this episode, I cover why it seems so hard to build this into your business and the three things that will help you achieve it, including...

    ✅ Streamlining what you deliver to make sure you have an offer that sells - that also gives maximum value but is not linked to your time.

    ✅ Designing the right sales and marketing strategy for you so you can build consistency into your lead generation process and turn your warmest leads into sales every single month.

    ✅ Knowing your numbers so you can build predictability into your business. So you can take the holidays off with your kids and know where your next sale is coming from and how you're going to continue to deliver top quality, even when you don't want to be working.

    And if you'd like to book a Business Bullet Call with me, you can find out more right here www.jennidonato.com/bullet/

  • If your business isn't working for you - and you're not loving it the way you thought you would - chances are there's one thing you haven't considered that might make a whole load of difference...

    ...and that is whether you're actually selling the right thing?

    Today on the Business Backstage series - where I chat 'behind the scenes' to our amazing Altitude Business Growth Experts - I welcome Hils Crisp, The Business Alchemiste to chat about that very topic.

    First, we chat about why you might not be getting the results you want from your business and help uncover if it might be the way your offer is structured, priced or marketed.

    We also cover what happens if you get your offer or marketing wrong and the cycle you can go down with self-sabotage and a crisis of confidence if your offer doesn't sell the way you were expecting. Often this results in crafting something cheaper or more affordable for your audience, which also means you're watering down your value and might actually result in it being HARDER to sell.

    We then look at how to craft your offer, and Hils' own 'Offer Creation' process, including your ideal client's problems, how important it is to do your marketing research and how a great offer is tried and tested, and then constantly improved before it becomes a great offer for you AND your audience.

    To apply for a free strategy call, where we will pair you with one of our Business Growth Experts for some free coaching, visit www.jennidonato.com/altitude-strategy-call/

  • There are 3 core things you need to focus on when you're growing a business and today's episode takes you through the 3 pillars and a simple activity to do to help re-set your focus - ready for a New Year, or whenever you need a reboot.

    The first core pillar is all about your mindset and your core self-belief - and how much you believe your goals will happen. The second is simplicity - and how so many people grow an overcomplicated business and what you can do about it. If you think of your business as a jigsaw puzzle - you get to choose how many pieces you create and how they fit together. The third is implementation - the bit in-between forming a plan and making it happen which is all about 2 things - to make sure you have the right support to get you unstuck when you need it and having the right mindset to stay motivated to stick to the plan.

    Listen to the episode for more and come and join me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jennidonato/ to connect - and dm me 'reboot' if you need a bit of a re-think for your business.

  • So many people over-complicate the sales process, so today we have our own Altitude Sales and Confidence Coach, Lisa Yelland to chat with me about making Sales Simple!

    We chat about...

    ✅ Making sure you're selling the right thing - does what you sell help you reach your business goals? How do you make sure what you sell adds up to what you want to earn AND is your best offer that works for you. Then is your offer the BEST offer for your client / customer, or just the one you think they might buy?

    ✅ Sales Mindset & Techniques - Covering the sales mindset around you, your offer and your clients. Making sure you have the confidence in yourself and communicate effectively what you do. Making sure you love what you offer.

    ✅ Your Sales Process - Create a process where you know your numbers. When you know your numbers, you can take the emotion out of sale and build a strategy where you can see with confidence where and when the next sale will come.

    To apply for some free coaching from our team of Altitude coaches, visit https://www.jennidonato.com/altitude-strategy-call/

  • Figuring out the right price for whatever it is you offer can be a minefield.

    Pricing is as much about your confidence and mindset as it is about what you're actually selling and this is why so many women in business struggle to find the right price.

    In this episode, I explain my way to find the right price for you.

    Many people try to figure out their price by estimating how long they will spend on an activity, or how much profit they might make from a sale, then times this number by an hourly rate. The problem with this is there is no high level vision of the business you want to grow and therefore there is no alignment of your price with your strategy.

    For me, pricing makes much more sense when we do it the opposite way round.

    ✨ Work out what kind of a business you want to grow
    ✨ Work out how much you want to earn from that business
    ✨ Work out how many clients, customers or sales you could easily deliver
    ✨ Do the calculation to find out the price that actually builds you the business you want to grow
    ✨ Figure out how you fit the pieces together to make what you sell feel like an absolute steal for the price you have set.

    Have a listen to the episode to find out how to do all the above and if you're stuck with your price, you can book in a quick 15-minute Business Bullet Call with me to get my eyes on your business by click on https://www.jennidonato.com/bullet/...

  • Welcome to the NEW Business Backstage series on the Mindset and Method podcast!

    So many conversations happen behind the scenes my Immersive Coaching Experience, Altitude, as my team of business growth experts and I chat about all things mindset, business simplicity and sales, we knew we just had to record them so you could listen in.

    No-where else can you take such a detailed peek behind the curtains of a business growth experience than right here on ‘Business Backstage’...

    In this episode, we have a special guest, Emma Jenkings, who is a workplace mediator and assertiveness coach. Emma brings her expertise to the table as we dive into the importance of assertiveness in business growth.

    Confident and clear communication is a crucial factor in any successful business, and assertiveness plays a key role in achieving this. We explore how being assertive allows individuals to express their thoughts and needs effectively, leading to better relationships and increased opportunities.

    Perception has a significant impact on our thoughts and behaviors, and we delve into how women, in particular, need to understand their self-image when starting businesses. We discuss how societal judgment and childhood experiences can shape our beliefs about success and ambition. It is essential for women to challenge these limiting beliefs and empower themselves to reach their full potential.

    But it doesn't stop at understanding. We emphasise the importance of taking action and experiencing situations to become more assertive. By stepping into desired roles and facing challenges head-on, individuals can grow and develop their assertiveness.

    If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how to actually do it - you can now apply for a FREE strategy call at www.jennidonato.com/altitude-strategy-call/ with one of our fully trained and experienced Altitude coaches.

  • Welcome to the NEW Business Backstage Series on the Mindset and Method podcast!

    So many conversations happen behind the scenes in my Immersive Coaching Experience, Altitude, as my team of business growth experts and I chat about all things mindset, business simplicity and sales, we knew we just had to record them so you could listen in.

    No-where else can you take such a detailed peek behind the curtains of a business growth experience than right here on ‘Business Backstage’...

    In this episode, we start by discussing the frustration and sense of being stuck that can arise when passion-driven work fails to yield monetary success.

    Kayleigh Provins, a renowned money mindset coach and one of our Business Growth Experts on Altitude explains how our mindset towards money plays a crucial role in determining our financial outcomes.

    She emphasizes the mindset of wealthy individuals, who view money as a means to fulfil desires and create a positive impact in their lives and the world. Then we reflect on the detrimental effects of operating from a place of fear and scarcity when it comes to money. We stress the need to adopt a different mindset, one rooted in abundance and possibility, in order to achieve greater success.

    We discuss the journey of starting a business and finding your own unique path - avoiding generic solutions and embracing authenticity to attract sales. Failure is an integral part of this journey, and throughout the episode we encourage listeners to learn from their mistakes and bounce back stronger.

    A highlight of the episode is the distinction between the mindset of corporate employees and entrepreneurs when it comes to money. Listeners are encouraged to challenge fixed ideas about income and spending and embrace the entrepreneurial mindset, which embraces the potential for unlimited financial growth.

    If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how to actually do it - you can now apply for a FREE strategy call at www.jennidonato.com/altitude-strategy-call/ with one of our fully trained and experienced Altitude coaches.

  • Welcome to the NEW Business Backstage Series on the Mindset and Method podcast!

    So many conversations happen behind the scenes in my Immersive Coaching Experience, Altitude, as my team of business growth experts and I chat about all things mindset, business simplicity and sales, we knew we just had to record them so you could listen in.

    No-where else can you take such a detailed peek behind the curtains of a business growth experience than right here on ‘Business Backstage’...

    In this episode, I chat with Marie Coombes, a renowned calm mind coach with a rich background in mediation and conflict resolution.

    Our discussion centers around the profound impact of trauma and backstories on business progress. Marie emphasizes the crucial role of supporting individuals in conflict resolution and promoting a calm mind as the foundation for success in the business world.

    Drawing from personal experiences, we share our own journey through trauma, shedding light on the four common responses to challenging situations. We explore the importance of identifying self-limiting beliefs and creating a safe environment to foster progress in business ventures.

    Marie provides invaluable insights into various techniques that can aid in healing the brain and building new neural pathways. From cognitive behavioural therapy to somatic work, meditation, and breathing exercises, she offers a holistic approach to address the effects of trauma.

    We get deeply personal as we share powerful stories of mindset shifts that helped us overcome obstacles to forge our own paths in business. The importance of reflecting on childhood behaviour and utilizing the five-second rule to respond effectively in times of struggle are highlighted as key tools for personal growth.

    If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how to actually do it - you can now apply for a FREE strategy call at www.jennidonato.com/altitude-strategy-call/ with one of our fully trained and experienced Altitude coaches.

  • Having a powerful vision of what you want to achieve is vital to making it happen and on today's episode, I'm joined by the amazing Lisa Williams, otherwise known as the Vision Board Queen.

    In the episode, we hear about how her journey of self-development led her to vision boarding and then led her to help others create their own vision through her Vision Board Blueprint.

    We chat about

    how to start a vision board and Lisa's 5 steps how important vision boarding is to understand what you really want from your future, rather than what you think you want from your life - and your business what to do if you've done vision boards but they've not worked - where you may have gone wrong, how to connect it to a proper strategy so that vision boarding starts working for you.

    If you'd like to know more about Lisa, you can connect with her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/visionboardqueen. You can also find out more about her book The Vision Board Blueprint at https://www.lisawilliams-lmg.co.uk/visionboardblueprintsbooklaunch

  • Life - and business - isn't really about what happens to you, it's more about how you perceive it.

    There are 3 type of people in this world - and therefore 3 types of business owners - and it's important to get the balance right so you can take the action you need to take to grow and scale your business as a female entrepreneur.

    In this episode, I got through who these 3 types of business owners are, why it's important to know where you sit on the scale and discover how you can design your life and business so you can...

    Learn valuable lessons from your past without dwelling on the negatives Appreciate the present and live - and enjoy - the moment with the inner workings of your business and your family Set goals and get motivated by your vision for the future.

    Listen to the episode for more, and when you're ready, why not come and join me inside my Facebook Group at 'More to Me' or on Instagram at @jennidonato

  • Are you tired of feeling like you have to do it all in the digital business world? Create the perfect lead magnet, manage multiple social media platforms, run a podcast and YouTube channel, attend all the networking and events – it can be overwhelming. But what if we told you there's a simpler way to generate leads and take your business to new heights?

    In this episode, I unveil my secrets to stress-free lead generation. I break it down into a straightforward process that flows seamlessly:

    1️⃣ Discovering your ideal audience

    2️⃣ Sparking their interest in your offerings

    3️⃣ Identifying potential leads

    4️⃣ Initiating meaningful conversations

    5️⃣ Converting leads into loyal customers

    While there may be a multitude of lead generation strategies out there, you only need one that resonates with you to generate a consistent string of sales, so don't be sucked in by what everyone else is doing - stay in your own lane, do what you love and stick to (your own) one simple strategy.

    And when you're ready to take your business to the next level, be sure to book your Sponsored Altitude Breakthrough Call at www.jennidonato.com/altitude-breakthrough-call/. It's time to discover how we can help you achieve more! 🔥🚀

  • My 3 success secrets - all in one episode - and how they led me to...

    ✨ Creating a team of 30 business growth experts to work with my [Altitude](https://www.jennidonato.com/altitude/) clients to bring them all the skills they need on their business growth journey

    ✨ Building a business that works for me where I work an average of 20 hours per week and make HUGE impact for my clients - getting them past the income ceiling and lack of confidence/vision and smashing their business goals every month

    ✨ Having the BEST month financially during August, trebling my previous corporate income - only working a handful of days - whilst going away with my family 3 times over the summer break

    How did I do it?

    I decided my 3 words - and I've stuck with them over the last 4 years to build the business I love. And in todays episode I go through them and why - to me - they are the most important things you need to get intentional with while building your business...

    Believe - if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never take the right action to get the results you dream about.

    Simplify - if you overcomplicate, get distracted, never follow through or struggle to make decisions, you’ll spend years going round in circles

    Scale - only once you’ve mastered your mindset and uncovered the SIMPLE version of your business can you quickly - and easily - grow and scale (which are not the same thing btw)

    If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how to actually do it - you can now apply for a FREE Call at www.jennidonato.com/altitude-breakthrough-call/