
  • Episode Summary. When faced with the sight of millions of men, women, and children from war-torn lands seeking to escape tyranny to have better life, most Christians will voice their approval for open door policies of inclusion, hospitality, diversity and welcome. After all Jesus, did teach that true believers will hear from Jesus, “I was a STRANGER and you WELCOMED me.” Doesn’t this settle the issue—All Christians must be welcoming to immigrants who want to come into our country. Actually, no. This understanding of immigration is so flawed that it misses the most significant biblical text about the government’s role in immigration. This episode seeks to help us all think biblically about the hot topic today of illegal, undocumented, immigrants coming across our southern border.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    Why do you think so many Americans are unaware of what is happening at the southern boarder? Of the categories of harm that un-enforcement of immigration policies brings—human trafficking, spread of drugs including fentanyl, terrorism, and attacks from hardened criminals, which concern you the most?How would you respond, biblically to the fallacy that for Christians to properly care for immigrants we must we welcoming to all who want to come to our nation, including those crossing the border illegally?What biblical principles do you think apply to our treatment of illegal immigrants who are already in our country?

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  • Summary: The spiritual battle in which Christian men are called to engage is largely a battle of ideas. After Paul devotes eleven chapters of Romans to the glory of the gospel, and challenges Christians that the only proper response is to offer ourselves back to God as a living sacrifice, the very next command is a reference to this battle over ideas: Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. This reality presents Christian men with an enormous challenge. We are created to be warriors (Gen 2:15). But few of us are philosophy majors. The world of ideas that we know best matches our vocation and avocation. Yet, as warriors in the spiritual battle of ideas WE are to destroy arguments, and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor 10:5). This podcast series, “Election 2024 and Biblical Worldview” is intended to equip men to understand the worldview issues that lie beneath the upcoming election.

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    Critical Dilema, Neil Shenvil and Pat Sawyer.Fault Lines, Voddie Baucham.Money Greed and God, Jay Richards.Unwoke, Ted Cruz.

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  • Summary: The purpose of this podcast has always been to help Christian men define and stay focused upon their mission as followers of Christ. So, what is our mission over the next 50 days in view of the upcoming American election? Some Bible-believing Christians answer, “Your mission is to save America as a Christian nation by voting for Donald Trump and getting others to.” Other Bible—believing Christians are appalled by such Christian nationalism and would say, “The kingdom of God is not America. The mission of the church is to preach the gospel and stay out of political discussions.” Which is it? This episode analyzes the strengths and flaws of these two arguments, then suggests an alternative that avoids the potholes of both.

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  • Summary: Behind the world and the flesh is an even deadlier enemy, one we rarely speak of and are much less ready to resist, the kingdom of darkness, which is to blame for most of the casualties around us and assaults against us. Paul said it this way, We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Paul reveals two vital implications of this reality 1) we must put on our spiritual armor—the belt of truth, etc., 2) we must PRAY. Eph 6 continues, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints (vs 18). This episode explains why prayer is such a vital part of combatting the spiritual forces of evil. It’s goal is for men to no longer viewing prayer as guilt-producing obligation to discover that it has become a life-changing thrill!

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    Why do think Christians don’t see prayer more as a weapon?What is wrong with saying that after the resurrection, Jesus left this world to go back to heaven and be with God?What does Jesus want Christians to during this stage of salvation history, between his ascension to God’s right hand and his final return?Why is it important, that Jesus prefaced his command to make disciples of all nations with, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, Therefore…”?

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  • Summary: The biblical context for viewing all of life’s events is called spiritual warfare—the age-old conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light…. Biblically and practically speaking, we are in a spiritual war. The Christian’s spiritual enemy is not in uniform, and he doesn’t meet us on an identifiable battlefield. He uses ruthless and unconventional tactics such as deceit, deflection, and disguise…. The church of Jesus Christ needs to know its enemies and his strategies. Above all, Christians need to know how to gain victory over this enemy. (The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book). In this episode, we take a practical look at HOW TO USE the sword of the Spirit to resist thoughts and temptations that seek to entice us off the path of life and onto the road to destruction.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    Do you think this is a fair statement? If a man is not winning his own spiritual battles, he won’t be very effective helping his wife and children win theirs.Describe in your own words the power of the Word of God.What did you learn from our examination of the way Jesus wielded the sword of the Spirit?Of the 13 temptations, listed, which 2 or 3 do you most need to be able to parry, by quoting Scripture.

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  • Summary: This episode continues the series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. As we seek to run well the race marked out for us, this calling means advancing the righteous reign of King Jesus in our own hearts, attitudes, and behavior, not to mention and shaping each sphere of life with Christ’s agenda. But it is very easy to think, “Who am I to spread righteousness anywhere? Whoever thinks that’s my job in life, doesn’t understand the corruption of MY heart and weakness of MY flesh.” But it is Christ who told his followers to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Jesus calls us to this primary life focus, knowing the weakness of our sinful nature because his plan has never been for us to seek righteousness in our own strength but in his. He tell us. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. This episode tries to define in practical terms how to put on the helmet of salvation and how that protects us in the fight to do the right thing.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    Why does taking up the helmet of salvation mean something different from just thinking biblically about stuff.How does putting on the helmet of salvation protect us from thinking we are too dirty for God to love? Why does being saved by grace alone cause a true Christian to be drawn to those who need mercy?

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  • Episode Summary: Christ has called you and me to follow him in his cause of defeating evil and establishing his righteous kingdom over every square inch of human hearts and lives. There is no other man who can replace you in your life, in the arenas you have been called to. If you leave your place in line, it will remain empty. You must be the hero in your own story. There is no extra or stunt man to fill in for you. Winning your spiritual battles matters. You will celebrate for eternity the ones you win tomorrow and the next day and the day after that because each victory has honored Christ. This episode examines how we protect ourselves from Satan’s fiery arrows by lifting up our shield of faith.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    For you, what is the hardest part of remembering that winning your spiritual battles matters?What circumstances tend to be the occasion for you to doubt God’s goodness and whether following Christ is worth it?Of the six aspect of our Faith Shield mentioned, which “Trust God because…” statement do you most want to remember?

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  • Episode Summary

    This episode continues our study of the armor of God and finishes looking at Eph 6:15, where we’re told to put on, as our shoes, the readiness of the gospel of peace. Most Christian men want to be contagious Christians. We know that sharing our faith is something our Lord wants us to do and when we do seize opportunities to talk with others about Christ the experience pumps joy and energy into our walk with Him. We also realize that if we are to lead our homes well, our wives and kids need to see us modeling Jesus’ love for the lost and a commitment to seeking ways to share him with others. So, we want to be ready, when the opportunity presents itself, to steer a conversation towards the good news that our listener can have a personal relationship with Christ. This episode looks at three ways TO BE READY when that opportunity arises.

    For Further Prayerful Thought

    Does realizing that Jesus tailored the good news to others based on the way they were experiencing the brokenness of life in this fallen world discourage you because it makes sharing Christ harder, since there is no “one size fits all” or encourage you because it helps you realize how wise we are to be about relationships and the uniqueness of every human?Which 2 or 3 of those in your circle of lost associates and friends has God put on your hearts. What might be missing in their lives compared to what you have in Christ?Is God prompting you to be more intentional about praying for and reaching the lost? What might additional intentionality look like for you.

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  • Episode Summary. Often Christians think of evangelism like this: It is having the courage to overcome every piece of emotional intelligence we’ve learned about relationships, and intruding into the life of a co-worker, neighbor, or stranger to tell someone, who doesn’t want to hear it, the gospel message that they are a sinner in need of a savior, and then being willing to suffer rejection if we are accused of being preachy. If that is what sharing our faith looks like, who would want to do it? But this view is NOT BIBLICAL. It has major flaws. This episode identifies these flaws and ends up showing a biblical view of sharing our faith that is winsome and begins where people are instead of where we want them to be.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    Why is it misleading to understand the Greek word for evangelism(EUANGELIZO) to mean preaching the gospel to others?How does understanding the four-chapter gospel help us realize that Christ’s kingdom power is for more than just an eternal life insurance policy?Can you think of biblical examples not mentioned in this episode of Jesus tailoring the good news of the kingdom to the point of brokenness being felt by his listener?

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  • Summary: Do you ever feel like our side is losing in the spiritual battle—that the powers of darkness and evil are winning? Perhaps more specific to our own lives, do you ever wonder why the Christian life is so hard, why sin so easily ensnares us, why our whole-hearted resolve on Sunday to love Jesus better by obeying him more has given way to blatant sin by Sunday night? Today we continue our series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. Paul tells us that to fight evil we must put on the breastplate of righteousness. But most of us don’t even know what the breastplate of righteousness is, much less how to put it on. At the end of this episode, we want everyone to have a clear picture of what this piece of armor is and begin winning more spiritual battles because we put it on.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    What is the motivation for hungering and thirsting for righteousness for one who is confident of God’s unconditional love? How does that contrast with the moralist’s view of the moral law?What is the difference between seeking righteousness and being legalistic?How would you summarize Paul’s command to put on the breastplate of righteousness? What stood out to you about HOW to do this?How is the fourth beatitude (Matt 5:6) a prerequisite for putting on the breastplate of righteousness?

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  • Episode Summary: Is our mission today, as Christians living in America, to recover America as a Christian nation? As we process what happened last weekend and go back to the last election and the storming of the Capitol, Christians are divided. Eschewing passivity, many believers feel impelled to speak up on the social media to fight a movement rooted in ungodliness, which they see shaping our culture. They are appalled that younger Christian leaders either don’t seem to see this happening or seem to lack the courage to speak up about it. Other believers are horrified at the views they hear expressed by Christians on social media, which exhibit a kind of “Christian Nationalism” and exhibit Christians to be combative towards those with whom they disagree, violating Christ’s clear command, love your neighbor, not to mention, love your enemy. This episode continues our series Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons by examining how to encircle ourselves with the belt of God’s truth, which must be the starting point for sharing that truth in the culture. Then we consider how to be persuasive as salt and light in the culture, and in particular the dangers of being right, but sharing truth in a HARMFUL, rather than a COMPELLING way.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    Which aspect of fastening the belt of truth around ourselves stood out to you?Why is it important in today’s word to surround our loved ones with truth?How does Jesus’ teaching not to give holy things to dogs or throw our pearls before swine resonate with your experience? Are there times when you have thought that a person is not spiritually in a place to hear this truth?How do Paul and Barnabas follow this teaching from Jesus in Acts 13:44-49. What Thoughts do you have about trying to determine is a potential hearer of biblical truth is in a place to value it or not?

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  • Summary: This episode continues the series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. Every guy who reads this blog would stand at the door of his house with a shotgun to protect his family physically. But most Christian men feel inept and inadequate at fighting to protect them, spiritually. As we saw last week, Jesus told his disciples the ultimate weapon for defeating Satan is prayer. But if we are going to use this weapon effectively in spiritual battle, we need to understand it. This episode continues our study of what Jesus taught are the six basic parts of effective prayer, in Matt 6:9-13.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    What would you say to a believer who said he thought that reciting the Lord’s prayer at the end of his daily bible reading is what Jesus taught?What struck you about Jesus teaching us to tell our heavenly father what our practical needs are? Have you ever thought about keeping a prayer journal?Why does it make sense that one of the six prayer concerns we should have is looking at past events to see if there is unconfessed guilt or resentment towards another?How can you be more watchful of temptation coming into your life?

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  • Summary: This episode begins the series, Winning Spiritual Battles Because We Use Our Spiritual Weapons. As we seek to run well the race marked out for us in 2021, i.e. advance the righteous reign of King Jesus in our own lives, God has ordained one, primary offensive weapon that overthrows the kingdom of darkness: PRAYER. Jesus said to Peter, “Satan has demanded to sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you “(Luke 22:31-32). One veteran missionary writes, There is nothing on earth that Satan so fears as prayer. He cannot triumph over prevailing prayer.

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  • Episode Summary. One of the words used to describe the worldview of the culture in which we all swim is secularism, which describes a lifestyle of preoccupation with the visible, material world to the neglect of the world of the spiritual. The result of swimming in this polluted water has been, in my view, a largescale disregard of the fourth commandment by Christians and consequent loss of its benefits. The lost benefits are understanding the eternal value of work and understanding the need to regularly shut out the secular world to be renewed and reconnected to the Spiritual Being who created us. This episode seeks to recover what is often lost by the neglect pf the fourth commandment.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    What most stood out to you in this episode about the fourth commandment?How would you respond to someone who said, “Keeping the Sabbath is being legalistic, and the church is not Israel?”What components of a biblical view of work seem most important to you.It’s been said that the more important your work is, the more important it is to regularly step away from it and renew. How might this principle apply to serving Christ?

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    Link to New City Catechism Curriculum.

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  • Episode Summary. Fatherhood champion Anthony Bradley’s research proves what Scripture teaches us about the role God has assigned to fathers in creation: fathers are the most important men in any community, anywhere, everywhere, ever. Their presence, involvement, and guidance are pivotal for the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of their children. This is the fourth episode in our June series, Fathers Giving the Moral Foundation to Their Children That the Culture Won’t. It recognizes that the third commandment, You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain involves much more than a prohibition against cussing. It goes to the very heart of our love for Christ and how God says that love should be shown in the way we treat his name.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    It seems like having a plan for building a strong moral foundation into our children with the help of the Holy Spirit is OBVIOUS. Why do you think so many Christian fathers don’t have one? How can you help that change?What thoughts stood out to you about teaching children to not misuse God’s name?What thoughts stood out to you about beginning our prayer by asking that God’s name would be hallowed? Why might Jesus say to start this way?How can the thought that Christ has given us his name, fire a hotter passion to please him?

    Link to Master Plan Objectives for Instilling Biblical Moral Values

    Link to New City Catechism Curriculum.

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  • On October 7, 2023, more than 3000 members of the radical Muslin extremist group Hamas surged across the Israeli border crying “Allahu Akbar” “God is good” raping women, beheading children, torturing, mutilating and murdering more than a thousand people, most of them civilians conducting the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. How would you respond to the trembling words of a seven-year-old who said, “Daddy, these bad men said God told them to do those awful things. How can this be?” This episode seeks to answer this question by understanding what the second commandment teaches.

    For Further Prayerful Thought

    How would you answer a new believer who said to you, “I believe Jesus is the Son of God, the risen Lamb slain to take away my sin, but why are there so many other religions in the world?”Why can’t a chewing gum replica of the Alps convey their glory? Do you agree that a chewing gum replica of the Alps might be worse than no physical image? Why?Although man was created in God’s image, our fall into sin means that we suppress the truth of who God is, especially our accountability to him, and remake God as OUR IMAGE—the way we want him to be, because we are created to worship. (Atheists usually build their life around a false ideology, which functions like a God.) How do you see this biblical truth making sense in what you observe about the world?

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  • Episode Summary. Unlike adherents to multi-culturalism, Christians realize that God chose to reveal his moral law to one nation, Israel, in a rather spectacular manner. God himself wrote his summary of his moral law on two stone tablets using his own finger (Dt 5:22) telling his people how they can most please him. There is no other text of the Bible written directly by the finger of God. The two tablets were called the Ten Words, the decalogue, and kept in the Ark of the Covenant. Foty years later, In Deuteronomy 5, Moses repeated The Ten Commandments for the next generation. This episode examines how to apply the first commandment as the leaders of our homes and provides some thoughts about teaching it to our kids, using the New City Catechism.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    In the opening overview observations, which one stood out most to you?Why do spiritual leaders have to fight a lifelong battle to keep reminding those under their care that God’s word is the path of life? Why is that so hard for us to remember, in moments of temptation?What do you find most helpful in Tim Keller’s definition of an idol as: “anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.” Which potential idols do you need to be wary of?

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  • Episode Summary. With the average teen spending over 50 hours a week on his or her phone, it is undeniable that social media is catechizing our children, not the church. This episode seeks to recapture the urgency of the fathers role to raise up his children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. It supplies a master plan that every guy can adapt for his own and begins to show how the New City Catechism can be used and be an effective plan for countering many of the cultural falsehoods impacting our kids.

    Master Plan: Instilling Biblical/Moral Values: For some reason the link may not work, so here is the Website Page address:


    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    Why do you think most Christian fathers are not intentional about formulating a plan to teach their children and grandchildren the ways of the Lord and Abraham was to do? How would you persuade a Christian friend that he needs to have a master pan for what he is going to teach his sons and daughters?So far, what have you most liked about the New City Catechism and the curriculum’ helps?

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  • Episode Summary. This episode shows how the biblical worldview of authority laid out for us in I Timothy chapters 2 and 3 is on a collision course with the worldviews of critical theory, egalitarianism, and multiculturalism at almost every point.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    What do you think are the most important elements of a 30,000-foot overview of the Bible’s view of authority?Paul encouraged Timothy to pray that civil government leaders accomplish four things. Which ones stood out most to you?How would you contrast the Bible’s high view of authority with the view of critical theory and egalitarianism’s views of authority?

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  • Episode Summary. There is strong evidence that Christians today are oblivious to much of the spiritual battle that Scripture repeatedly urges us to fight. In fact, in Paul spiritual leadership charge to Timothy, he commands, “fight the good fight.” It is impossible to understand why Paul urges spiritual leaders to do this or understand what the battlefield even is without understanding that we live in an age in which Christ is taking back Adam’s lost kingdom, earth, from Satan, sin, and death to reestablish righteousness and health over Adam's kingdom. This episode seeks to give a clear look at this battle, so we know how to fight it.

    For Further Prayerful Thought:

    When seeking to understand what fighting the good fight means, why might it be valuable to recognize that we are engaged in a war between two kingdoms?How does understanding the extent of the damage done to Adam’s posterity and kingdom by sin and its consequences help us better understand how to implement our orders to FIGHT?In the fight against wrong desires, thinking, attitudes, behaviors, the fight to implement Christ’s agenda in every sphere of our lives, and the fight to be salt and light, influencing culture towards righteousness and truth—which do you feel you are most alert to? Which do you need to consider more carefully?

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