Eastern European host Zaza talks to some of the SMARTEST PEOPLE on the planet, exploring as many different topics as he can get his greedy hands on.
A historically-informed maritime current events series – or possibly the Old Top Gear/The Grand Tour team if they were interested in navies. Stars Alex (@AC_NavalHistory), Drach (@Drachinifel), and Jamie (@Armouredcarrier)!
The first surviving building of the Lyabi-House complex dates back to 1569 and was built before the current house was dug on the square. The organization of the reservoir was taken up in the early XVII century by Nadir Divan-begi, the vizier under Imamkuli Khan.
This is a show for all of you who are curious about historical, and often quirky, medical practices. Each episode examines a central topic about the peculiar approaches to healing across centuries since ancient times.
Join Christi and recurring co-hosts for discussions of the offbeat, created for laypersons and medical professionals alike.
New episodes are released each week on Sundays! -
Podkast Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije - v katerem predstavljamo zgodbe iz arhivov in razstav MNZS-ja ter osvetljujemo različne vidike sodobnih muzejskih praks.
A History of Biological and Chemical Warfare
V oddaji Graditelji slovenskega doma predstavljamo Slovence in Slovenke iz matične domovine, zamejstva in zdomstva, ki so s svojim življenjem in delom gradili “slovenski dom” in zapustili trajne sledi v naši preteklosti. Poskušamo predstaviti čim več rojakov in rojakinj, ki so sooblikovali našo preteklost in utrdili slovenstvo med nami in v svetu. Običajno predstavimo življenje posameznika, kronološko ali kako drugače predstavimo njegova dela, njihov vpliv na okolje in odzive na njihovo delo. Pozorni smo na stoletnice in v skladu z njimi oblikujemo tudi oddaje.
Oživljamo pomembnejše dogodke in osebe iz zgodovine.
Every week, the Myth Friday crew will read two myths, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, and then discuss them on Friday.
Bonus Episodes may drop on Sunday, depending on whether we could find anything for the week.
You can find the Myth Friday gang on Spotify, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher. We've got an email, if you want to get in touch with us at [email protected]. We'd love to take on guest readers! -
Ancient Egyptian History For Everyone
Erst als Vergangenheit, schreibt Michael Rumpf, kann die Gegenwart verwandeln.
Tatsächlich berührt uns Geschichte jeden Tag: Durch sie verstehen wir die Welt, wie sie ist, und wir alle tragen unsere eigene Geschichte in uns, die uns erklärt, wie wir so geworden sind, wie wir jetzt sind.
Dabei sind die Geschichten aus der Geschichte nicht nur lehrreich, sondern unterhaltsam und spannend: Tausendundein Abenteuer verbergen sich in den Geschehnissen der Vergangenheit.
Überall auf der Welt beschäftigen sich Forscherinnen und Forscher mit unserer Herkunft. Das tun sie aus Leidenschaft und der Überzeugung, dass die Geschichte ein Schlüssel zu einem besseren Verständnis der Gegenwart darstellt.
Diese Begeisterung teilen sie in diesem Podcast: Host Fabian Eiden unterhält sich mit Historikerinnen über ihre Liebe für die Vergangenheit, brandaktuelle Forschung und die Lehren, die wir für das Hier und Jetzt aus der Geschichte ziehen können!
Begleitet uns auf diesen Streifzügen durch die Geschichte und kommt mit auf einen Schnack von gestern!
A peek into the history of legends, folklore, and creatures. You’ll be amazed to find out the origins of some of your favorite tales, monsters, and more! Support this podcast:
This podcast puts yourself in the shoes of someone who was on the RMS Titanic the day it sank
contaré la historia de René Descartes
Fakt oder Falsch – Der Podcast für Urban Legends und unnützes Wissen. „Wir leben in einer Welt, in der Traum und Wirklichkeit nah beieinander liegen. In der Tatsachen oft wie Phantasiegebilde scheinen, die wir uns nicht erklären können…“
Podcast dialog ini akan membagikan kisah sehari-hari yang saya alam dan kalian semua alami.
Ninety-Pound Rucksack is a podcast about the US Army's legendary 10th Mountain Division, a gritty unit of World War II climbers and skiers who trained for more than two years in the Colorado Rockies (often wearing ninety-pound “rucksacks,” or backpacks) to fight the Axis powers in extreme cold and mountainous terrain. Not only did the Division's insertion into the war help end Germany’s occupation of Italy; post-war, its veterans founded and developed ski areas across America, started companies like NOLS and Nike and launched the fields of avalanche science and wilderness rescue. Equal parts real-time research, intimate conversation and revelatory journalism, Ninety-Pound Rucksack explores not only the stories that made the unit famous, but also the transformative power of the mountains to forge a collective identity among the mountain troops—and to ignite a passion for the outdoors that reshaped American society in the process.
It talks about the power of women and the jobs they did in the war.
Christmas -
Veteran's Stories, Mental Health and TBI advice with seriously Ally people 🤙🏼