
  • ***This is a REPLAY which is why you hear "Journey with Jennie" in the beginning***

    Hot topic right here!!

    What is Gut Health? Why is it so important?

    What’s the big deal about gut health? What are the concerns of the gut?

    What is the gut microbiota?

    What happens when the gut microbiome is damaged? How does the gut microbiota get damaged?

    What is leaky gut?

    Can I do anything to improve my gut health?

    What are the best foods to eat to repair my gut?

    Here are 5 Tips to better Gut: Remove, Restore, Reinoculate, Repair, Rebalance

    Listen in, change your life

    Vegan Product Choices - Skincare, Makeup, Body care, Supplements, Nutrition

    Get started on your gluten free lifestyle today with this ebook!

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  • *This is a REPLAY...which is why it says "Journey with Jennie" in the intro!*

    Most of us don't think we have an autoimmune disease...but the fact is, it is estimated that 24 million Americans are affected by autoimmune diseases. Of those autoimmune diseases, Hashimoto's has the highest number of cases.

    PARENTS: Listen up!! This is for you!

    Soooo, what is an autoimmune disease?

    How does one get an autoimmune disease?

    What are the signs of an autoimmune disease?

    What treatment is there for autoimmune diseases?

    Why is there a dramatic increase of autoimmune diseases in our children?

    What can I do to prevent getting an autoimmune disease?

    What is the link between inflammation and autoimmune disease?

    Listen to answer these questions about autoimmune diseases...this is everything I want to say to someone when they have questions about autoimmune diseases.

    Let me know what you found most shocking!

    Choose Alternative Products: Shop vegan, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, artificial sweetener free (plus more!) products here

    Get started on your gluten free lifestyle today with this ebook!

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  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • So, it’s summertime, it’s hot outside and the sun is blazing full force.

    You know you need to wear sunscreen for yourself and your kids and here you find yourself staring at a wall of sunscreens.

    Who knew there were so many choices?! How the heck do you know what to choose?

    Did you know that many of those sunscreens are filled with harmful chemicals? There are many toxic chemicals in sunscreens that are on the shelves of your local drugstore or grocery store.

    I am here to help you wade through the sea of sunscreens and help you make an educated decision that you can feel good about your decision.

    8 No-No Ingredients in Sunscreen:

    Oxybenzone (Benzophenone)Octinoxate PABAHomosalateOctocryleneOctisalateAvobenzoneBenzene

    2 Ok Ingredients in Sunscreen:

    Zinc OxideTitanium Dioxide

    My favorite Sunscreen! FUNSUN Mineral Sunscreen Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 30

    My Fave Baby/Children's Sunscreen

    Episode 75: Do you trust the companies you buy from?

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  • We all do it - swing through the drive thru in a last-minute attempt to get food into our kids' bodies as we rush them off to practice.

    Or maybe you are noshing on a fast food burger and fries now while you are traveling home from vacation.

    Americans have a fast food habit. But the real question is: how bad is it really?

    What is that fast food ACTUALLY doing to your body? To your kid's body?

    Listen & find out....

    Credit to Cleveland Clinic Article: Here's How Fast Food Can Affect Your Body

    Episode 84: Does the food you eat really affect your health?

    Episode 80: 5 Quick, Easy Recipes for the Busy Mom

    Episode 20: Meal Planning 101 with Kathy Davis

    Episode 74: 5 Tips to Lower your Cholesterol

    Episode  45: How 30 Days to Healthy Living can Change your Life

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    Please leave a 5 star rating and a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify...I am so grateful!!

  • Does the food you eat really affect your health?

    I don’t know if people are in denial or they simply don’t want to know how much food really does affect them…but I will tell you right now, up front, yes, food does in fact affect your health…and in very dramatic ways. And it is our role as moms to teach our children…to lead them in creating healthy habits.

    To help them understand the relationship…the connection between the foods they eat and the health of their body… the connection between the foods they eat and how they feel.

    So this is my little message to you, mamas! My encouragement to you to keep on leading your family in healthy habits because it will have a lifetime of repercussions…and even generational repercussions!

    One of the biggest things for us is to understand that the way we are feeling is NOT the way we ought to be feeling. I didn’t realize that I wasn’t supposed to be feeling bloated and gassy and uncomfortable all the time. Listen, Indigestion, bloating, cramping….you name it…these are sooo so common in the general American public….and it is not supposed to be part of the normal everyday human experience.

    It’s due to a lot of things….but one of the biggest culprits is the foods that we are eating.

    Sooo, if we can teach our kids while they are young that there is, in fact, a direct relationship between what we eat and how we feel – our overall health, they will be better off over the long haul.

    Gut health is SO important!!

    This is my FAVE supplement for kids 4+(included adults!!):

    Biotic Sticks

    This is my favorite gut health supplement for adults 18+:

    Gut Health

    My fave Greens Supplement on the Go:

    GreenSynergy Elixir

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  • Ok tell me the truth…do you see getting a massage as a luxury?

    Well I'm guessing your answer is  "yes!"

    And I'm guessing your answer is what the majority of people think!

    My point of this podcast is to give another side…to maybe even convince you otherwise…that instead of it being a luxury… it is in fact is a necessity for your health.

    Have you ever thought about massage therapy that way? As being something to improve your health? Especially in your pregnancy! Well my guest today is going to explain how that can be – she’s going to share the surprising benefits of massage therapy…especially in pregnancy. So listen up mamas, you’re not going to want to miss this!

    Cailin McBee is the owner of Balance Massage & Wellness Center located in Newington, CT.  She has a degree in Sports Medicine, is a board-certified massage therapist and reiki master, and a former teacher.  Her passion for helping others lead her to create a holistic practice that continues to expand its reach to the community in many ways, including educational opportunities like this podcast.  

     So let’s start with what is massage therapy?

    What are the benefits of massage therapy?

    Is massage therapy safe in pregnancy?

    How is massage beneficial in the first trimester of pregnancy?

    How is massage beneficial in the second trimester of pregnancy?

    How is massage beneficial in the third trimester of pregnancy?

    Get in touch with Cailin McBee: www.BalanceMassageCT.com

    Summertime Mama's: Mindful Movement Series. RSVP HERE

    Sundays in July from 7/9 - 7/30 10:30am - 11:30am

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  • Are you stressed? Do you have stress In you life?

    I know…you’re like, seriously Jennie?? Who doesn’t have stress in their life??

     OF COURSE I have stress in my life!

    Well then my next question is….how do you relieve your stress? What do you do to reduce your stress?

    If you’re kind of scratching your head and wondering how to answer that, then listen up because I have a guest that can speak into your life. My guest today is going to help us decrease our stress naturally.

    Cailin McBee is the owner of Balance Massage & Wellness Center located in Newington, CT.  She has a degree in Sports Medicine, is a board-certified massage therapist and reiki master, and a former teacher.  Her passion for helping others lead her to create a holistic practice that continues to expand its reach to the community in many ways, including educational opportunities like this podcast.  

    We answer key questions like:

    What is Stress?

    What does stress actually do to your body?

    What are natural ways to decrease my stress?

    What is an easy, effective breathing technique?

    Get in touch with Cailin McBee: www.BalanceMassageCT.com

    Summertime Mama's: Mindful Movement Series. RSVP HERE

    Sundays in July from 7/9 - 7/30 10:30am - 11:30am

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  • Do you think much about your liver? Maybe after listening to this episode, you will!

    Not to scare you, but…Liver disease is a serious problem that affects millions of people in the United States each year. The American Liver Foundation reports that more than 100 million Americans have some form of liver disease, and it’s among the leading causes of death in the U.S.

    Sooo, what is the liver? What does it do?

    The liver is our largest internal organ (the skin is our largest organ!) It’s about the size of a football! Isn't that crazy?! So our liver does the heavy lifting when it comes to detoxing.

    Now detox seems to be the buzz word now, so we’re going to talk about why. And it all goes back to the liver.

    Excellent Detox Tea

    30 Day Reset

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  • Today I am giving you my 5 Go-to Quick easy meals! I’ve got a high schooler, a middle schooler and an elementary school kiddo, so I get the crazy schedule!!

    They are quick and easy to prepare. So those nights that you are in need of a very quick meal or have people eating at all different times because of their schedule….use one of these!

    And don’t worry…my kids eat these! My kids are 16, 14 & 10…and they like all of these meals!

    They are all gluten free and dairy free as well.

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  • Vitamin D is essential to so many various systems in the body. Its effects are grossly underrated and it's deficiency in the American population goes undetected all too often.

    That all stops today. Because today you are going to learn some basic reasons why


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  • Our children are under attack like never before. What can we do to form a shield around them to save them from the arrows being launched at them?

    The Mental Health of our children is at a tipping point. What can we do to stem the tide?

    Today I am giving you 4 tools to put in your "Parent Tool Belt" to help make your children more resilient to the challenges they are continually facing. Listen in to grab these 4 tools!

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  • Do your kids play sports? Are they active kids? Well if so, you are going to love to today’s conversation! Today our kids are so often going from one sports field to the next…so how do we keep them from getting injured?

    My guest today is Jennifer Tirillo and she is going to share with us the key things you can do to keep your child injury-free.

     Jennifer Tirillo is a licensed and board certified athletic trainer, NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Functional Range Conditioning Movement Specialist, and 200 RYT yoga instructor. She is the owner of Concentric Care & Wellness, located in central CT.

    Part 1 Covers:

    --How to live to prevent injury

    --Dynamic Stretching to prevent injury

    --RICE...and it's surprising changes!

    Part 2 Covers:

    Injury Prevention for Specific Sports

    Lower Body intensive (Women's Lacrosse, Soccer, BasketballUpper Body intensive (Baseball, Softball, volleyball)Full Body Equipment (Football, Ice Hockey, Men's Lax)

    Concentric Care

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  • Shawna Rauch vulnerably shares her experience of her pregnancy of her baby with Potter's Syndrome. This is an encouragement to all moms who just found out your baby has Potter's Syndrome or you have a friend who has a baby with Potter's Syndrome.

    Potter's Syndrome is a rare disorder where the kidneys fail to develop properly as the baby is growing in the womb. The kidneys normally produce the amniotic fluid (as urine). With lack of kidneys and amniotic fluid, this condition is life-threatening for the baby and many infants have a short life expectancy.

    Shawna Rauch takes us on her journey of her pregnancy and birth of her precious baby with Potter's Syndrome. She delivers hope and guidance for what can you expect if you receive the same diagnosis.

    Shawna Rauch is a committed wife and mother of three. When she received the devastating news that her first baby had Potter's Syndrome, a condition incompatible with life. She was frustrated by the lack of personal stories and confusing medical jargon online. Determined to fill the need, she created HopeAngel.org just 13 days after her daughter was born, which has since touched the lives of thousands of families around the world.

    As a pregnancy and grief coach, Shawna's goal is to support, inform and empower mothers through their pregnancy, birth, and beyond. She has created a community where mothers can talk through their experiences and provide emotional support to one another during times of loss and grief. 


    Connect with Shawna on IG: ADashofHope

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  • AS a mom, there are many many companies out there wanting to get a share of your market spend…so how do you choose?

    Obviously, if you have been listening for a little or a long time to this podcast, you realize that I am all about helping you negotiate the grocery store shelves and the various store shelves to make the best, healthiest choices you can for yourself and for your family. I’ve given a lot of guidelines and thoughts for you to consider when making various decisions.

    The question ultimately comes down to: do you trust the company that you buy products from?

    How do you know if the company is trustworthy? What do you look for?

    Today I am revealing some key points to look for in a company and sharing a little about a company who is trustworthy: a company whose products that I have chosen to use and to align myself with. This company has been in the business of helping women, men and families flourish for over 42 years. They are the leader in skincare and personal care products and nutrition products.

    Don't miss this mama! Your life could change today!

    Learn more about this company HERE

    Order products from a trustworthy company HERE

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  • You know that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US.

    This is not a secret...we have discussed this in past episodes (Episodes 65 & 66) So what we are going to talk about today is going to help you NOT be one of those numbers – to not be a part of that statistic.

    The topic is: Cholesterol.

    High Cholesterol is a key contributor to heart disease, creating conditions for cardiac arrest and other heart issues. So keeping our cholesterol levels in check is an important thing to do!

    So, what can we do? Well today I am going to give you 5 tips to lowering your cholesterol.

    Listen up, my friend and make changes today!

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  • Welcome to Part 4 of our series with Shirley Amata!

    Now that you are started on your health journey...let's talk what to do when you mess up - because it will happen...newsflash: we aren't perfect!

    So what do you do when you fall off the wagon? …when you stop doing the things that are creating your healthy lifestyle? It’s the main reason why people give up on living a healthy lifestyle. Well, we don’t want that to happen to you! So this episode is all about

    Shirley Amata is back to share her NOW philosophy to help give you the safeguards to ensure you have the tools to stand back up and get back on track to living your healthy lifestyle. ACT Now...be clear on your why...and remember that progress is impossible without change!

    Shirley Amata is a health and wellness expert for over thirty years. Shirley is a N.O.W Coach (based in Austin, Texas) who believes in optimizing wellness through natural options and teaches people how to manage their personal health. She shares her experiences and educates others on the relationship between eating, exercising, and energizing to lead a life of abundance. Her passion for helping others comes from her own health journey, including her daughter's diagnosis with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    Shirley's purpose is to empower people to take charge of their health and wellness journey. She holds a MS in Education, BA in Psychology, several certifications in health and fitness, coached all ages and wellness stages, and has competed in triathlons and other races. She enjoys reading, writing, music, cooking, podcasts, power naps, outdoor activities and spending quality time with loved ones.

    Enjoy Part 4 of our 4 part series with Shirley!

    Connect with Shirley on IG

    Email Shirley at Shirley@NaturalOptionWellness

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  • Welcome to Part 3 of our series with Shirley Amata!

    Now that you are started on your health journey...let's talk exercise!

    What is the best form of exercise? Today we wade into the long debate of Cardio vs Strength Training. Which is better? What benefits do they offer?

    Shirley Amata is back to share her NOW philosophy to help you incorporate exercise into your healthy living journey and gain all the benefits from them to create a positive impact on your life!

    Shirley Amata is a health and wellness expert for over thirty years. Shirley is a N.O.W Coach (based in Austin, Texas) who believes in optimizing wellness through natural options and teaches people how to manage their personal health. She shares her experiences and educates others on the relationship between eating, exercising, and energizing to lead a life of abundance. Her passion for helping others comes from her own health journey, including her daughter's diagnosis with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    Shirley's purpose is to empower people to take charge of their health and wellness journey. She holds a MS in Education, BA in Psychology, several certifications in health and fitness, coached all ages and wellness stages, and has competed in triathlons and other races. She enjoys reading, writing, music, cooking, podcasts, power naps, outdoor activities and spending quality time with loved ones.

    Enjoy Part 3 of our 4 part series with Shirley!

    Connect with Shirley on IG

    Email Shirley at Shirley@NaturalOptionWellness

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  • Welcome to Part 2 of our series with Shirley Amata!

    Now that you are started on your health journey...what happens when you hit a roadblock? ...because they're gonna happen!

    Things like...eating out

    ...having a drink

    ...going to a party or social get together

    Shirley Amata is back to share her NOW philosophy to help you nourish with good FOODS and to help to continue to cut the CRAP! She gives helpful, actionable, nitty gritty details to help you get through these pitfalls with ease!

    Shirley Amata is a health and wellness expert for over thirty years. Shirley is a N.O.W Coach (based in Austin, Texas) who believes in optimizing wellness through natural options and teaches people how to manage their personal health. She shares her experiences and educates others on the relationship between eating, exercising, and energizing to lead a life of abundance. Her passion for helping others comes from her own health journey, including her daughter's diagnosis with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    Shirley's purpose is to empower people to take charge of their health and wellness journey. She holds a MS in Education, BA in Psychology, several certifications in health and fitness, coached all ages and wellness stages, and has competed in triathlons and other races. She enjoys reading, writing, music, cooking, podcasts, power naps, outdoor activities and spending quality time with loved ones.

    Enjoy Part 2 of our 4 part series with Shirley!

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    Email Shirley at Shirley@NaturalOptionWellness

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  • You know our focus on this podcast is healthy living…but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. What to do. Sometimes you just need someone to hold your hand and point you in the right direction. That’s exactly what you are getting today!

    Today we are going to be peeling back the onion to help you kick those bad habits and start your life of wellness. We have so many tips and tricks for you today– I know you will find more than one thing to implement in your life right away! This is definitely a “listen and do” episode!

     To help me deliver on this, is my amazing guest, a health and wellness expert for over thirty years, Shirley Amata. Shirley is a N.O.W Coach (based in Austin, Texas) who believes in optimizing wellness through natural options and teaches people how to manage their personal health. She shares her experiences and educates others on the relationship between eating, exercising, and energizing to lead a life of abundance. Her passion for helping others comes from her own health journey, including her daughter's diagnosis with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    Shirley's purpose is to empower people to take charge of their health and wellness journey. She holds a MS in Education, BA in Psychology, several certifications in health and fitness, coached all ages and wellness stages, and has competed in triathlons and other races. She enjoys reading, writing, music, cooking, podcasts, power naps, outdoor activities and spending quality time with loved ones.

    What is the difference between Health and Wellness?

    What is Natural Option Wellness?

    Where do I start?

    Enjoy Part 1 of our 4 part series with Shirley!

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    Email Shirley at Shirley@NaturalOptionWellness

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  • Do you have weird symptoms or issues that seem to be popping up?

    Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?

    Do you understand what an autoimmune disease even is? And how to heal it?

    Have you heard of regenerative detoxification?

    If these questions resonate with you, then this episode is for you! We are going to break it all down for you to easily understand and give you great hope!

    To help me do this, my guest joining me today is Corry Lang. Corry Lang is a certified Regenerative Detoxification specialist and Iridologist with twelve years in scientific research. She detoxified and healed herself from debilitating lupus, fibromyalgia, and Hashimoto’s symptoms. Now she helps others to determine the underlying root causes of their seemingly “incurable” disease (autoimmune disease, thyroid issues, fibromyalgia, “mystery illnesses”…etc) and guides them to detoxify and heal themselves as well so they can start living again without pain, fatigue, and pharmaceuticals.

    Connect with Corry Lang

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