
  • In this episode we share the conversation with Anjlee, Voice No. 21 of the Spotlight Campaign for Mortal And Strong.

    Anjlee shares her journey from being a mum in her 30's with two young children, working as a pre-school teacher and enjoying life. After seeing a post on social media raising awareness on the importance of being breast aware, Anjlee checked her breasts and discovered a lump. Months later her journey with primary triple negative breast cancer began. Following treatment with a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy Anjlee was followed up with regular scans. Anjlee shares how her world was turned upside down when her primary diagnosis became a secondary diagnosis and she was found to have lung metastases. After initially find a good response to treatment whilst on a trial, a week before this interview Anjlee was told there was further disease progression. In true format with our podcasts we talk about the highs and lows, the challenges of self identity with breast reconstruction, hair loss and navigating talking to children about such complex issues. We focus on messages of hope and strength and where Anjlee finds joy despite facing her mortality before sharing her advice to anyone beginning their own journey. We share Anjlee's story along with her Kintsugi inspired Scars of Gold photography as part of our National campaign on our online platforms. Thank you to Anjlee for being one of our voices and we continue to follow her journey and raise awareness for the charities mentioned.

    Mortal and Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. 100 artworks produced by artists across the country along with a powerful photography series ‘Scars of Gold’ inspired by kintsugi.

    Founder & concept - Dr Liz Murray

    Podcast Presenters for this episode - Dr Liz Murray & Laura Middleton-Hughes

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Voice No. 20....1/5th the way through our 100 Voices and here we have a very rare and unique Voice sharing insight into something hardly ever discussed or even known about. The delightfully optimistic and life-loving Sarah sharing her journey of having two very rare conditions (one of which linked to a genetic mutation) - HNPP (Hereditary Neuropathy With Pressure Palsies) and Hypermetabolism. These two conditions are unrelated but complicate each other. At 31 Sarah went from being a healthy mum with no health issues, began a weight loss journey which was a healthy choice in response to being overweight. However after a bought of Covid things went drastically wrong. In 6 months Sarah went from a size 18 down to a size 4. Even when Sarah stopped dieting the weight continued to fall, and was dismissed by many health care professionals labelling her as having an eating disorder. Eventually Sarah was diagnosed with hypermetabolism and her body needs 5000 (more than double) her daily requirements just to maintain her weight. As a result Sarah has a permanent Jej tube and is both tube fed and eats normally. In addition to this Sarah developed a foot drop, numbness and multiple neurological symptoms, resembling MS. Sarah was diagnosed with HNPP which for Sarah means she has demyelination of her peripheral nerves and a very severe form leaving her permanently disabled.

    Despite all this Sarah realised she had two options - to go on a negative spiral or choose a positive spiral. Sarah deliberately seeks joy in every single day and embraces life to the fullest. After facing her mortality several times, Sarah has such a powerfully strong philosophical approach to life "Everyone has two lives. The second one begins when you realise you only have one". Sarah's amazing story of strength includes how she copes as a parent with a disability, how she delivered her own baby and resuscitated him herself, and how she manages not only as a disabled mum but a disabled mum with a disabled child. Her strength and love of life is inspiring and we are honoured to have her share her story with us and be one of the Mortal And Strong charity ambassadors.

    Mortal and Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. 100 artworks produced by artists across the country along with a powerful photography series ‘Scars of Gold’ inspired by kintsugi. The voices will share their stories through the podcast released bi-weekly. Through the project Mortal And Strong will be featuring and collaborating with up to 20 chosen charities that are linked with the topics discussed in the project - to raise awareness of their work, fundraise for them with our exhibition and signpost people to right places for support. 

    Founder & concept - Dr Liz Murray

    Podcast Presenters for this episode - Dr Liz Murray & Laura Middleton-Hughes

    Photographer Sammy Weston

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Another one of the 100 Voices and we have the fabulous and life-embracing Jules sharing her journey with incurable lung cancer. Jules was diagnosed 2 years ago in her late 30's with incurable lung cancer. The rare cancer had already spread to her pelvis, spine and more recently recognised her brain. Jules talks so openly and honestly about how she was immediately devastated, fearing she had months to live, and how the realisation that modern medications and the support of the palliative care team have allowed her to live well two years on. Whilst being honest about the realities of the medications, the highs and lows of being a parent with an incurable disease, Jules has adapted an incredibly inspiring philosophical approach to life and her mortality. Jules talks about the stigma of disease and the taboo subject of being told 'but you look so well'. Jules also discusses the prejudice surrounding lung cancer and having a less obvious cancer as a young woman, the prejudice of people presuming it is a smoking-related cancer and opens up the conversation to address the need to break these taboos in society. Honoured to have Jules as one of our Voices and Ambassador for Mortal And Strong.

    Mortal and Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. 100 artworks produced by artists across the country along with a powerful photography series ‘Scars of Gold’ inspired by kintsugi. The voices will share their stories through the podcast released bi-weekly. Through the project Mortal And Strong will be featuring and collaborating with up to 20 chosen charities that are linked with the topics discussed in the project - to raise awareness of their work, fundraise for them with our exhibition and signpost people to right places for support. 

    Founder & concept - Dr Liz Murray

    Podcast Presenters for this episode - Dr Liz Murray & Laura Middleton-Hughes

    Photographer Sammy Weston

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing another episode and another Voice of the Mortal And Strong 2024 campaign. This episode we speak with the lovely soul that is Sue. Sue is such a gentle soul and provides a real and honest insight into living with chronic pain as she was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia two years ago. Trigeminal Neuralgia is an incurable condition whereby one of the nerves within the face causes intermittent attacks of pain. Nerve pain can be immensely debilitating, and Trigeminal Neuralgia has historically had a very unfortunate nickname within the patient community and medical community - known as the 'Suicide Disease' owning to a the disease having a stigma associated with it because the severity of pain leading to mental health problems for lack of a cure. Sue talks candidly about her resentment of such stigma, as it instantly detracts any hope when given the diagnosis. However Sue has a very pragmatic view; seeking alternative therapies and distracting techniques to help cope with the daily chronic condition. Sue is a lovely example of someone wanting to share their voice to advocate for change, reduce stigma and provide support and awareness.

    Mortal and Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. 100 artworks produced by artists across the country along with a powerful photography series ‘Scars of Gold’ inspired by kintsugi. The voices will share their stories through the podcast released bi-weekly. Through the project Mortal And Strong will be featuring and collaborating with up to 20 chosen charities that are linked with the topics discussed in the project - to raise awareness of their work, fundraise for them with our exhibition and signpost people to right places for support. 

    Founder & concept - Dr Liz Murray

    Podcast Presenters for this episode - Dr Liz Murray & Laura Middleton-Hughes

    With thanks to Norfolk Farmhouse for providing the venue for this episode.

    Photographer Sammy Weston

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to Mortal And Strong the Podcast - Charity Spotlight special episodes...today featuring TimeNorfolk charity - a charity that provides free counselling and support to both women and men affected by pregnancy loss, at any time. In this episode Dr Liz Murray, founder of Mortal And Strong, is interviewing Fiona Gosden (CEO of TimeNorfolk). They talk in an open and real discussion about the complexities of society and current healthcare system and how difficult it can be for people to access support following a pregnancy loss. Fiona highlights an important issue of disenfranchised grief - the fact that people can experience grief that is not recognised by society. Together they talk about the different challenges people face (individually or as a couple) both immediately following a pregnancy loss, or later on in future pregnancies. The Tie Norfolk approach of providing a safe space that is confidential, non judgmental and non directional is so key. We are honoured to be collaborating with them as one of our charities.

    Mortal And Strong is a nationwide charity campaign raising awareness of women facing life changing and incurable disease at a young age. Using the power of art, photography and a series of interviews to share messages of strength and hope.

    Our main podcast episodes share the stories of 100 women affected by a wide range of health issues. As part of our campaign, founder and presenter Dr Liz Murray and photographer Sammy Weston are travelling around the country to interview these charities as part of a massive collaboration to put the spotlight on these charities: what they do, how they help and how people can access their services. We are so honoured to be collaborating with, and able to fundraise for, so many important charities.

    In this special feature episode we will be sharing the interview with one of our nominated charities. To learn more about the charity, or the Mortal And Strong campaign, please visit our website. Please also remember to like, subscribe to the channel and find us on all social media platforms!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcoming another Voice to our collection of 100 - Voice No. 17 the beautiful soul that is Claire W. Claire, in her 40's, is sharing her journey with secondary breast cancer. After finding a lump which would have been difficult to spot (only able to feel when leaning forward) - Claire thought things were going well. Initially told stage 1 and not needing chemotherapy or a mastectomy...Claire was discharged with Tamoxifen and felt like she could begin to look forward to living her life again. When symptoms began to grow and Claire couldn't keep putting them down to side effects of Tamoxifen, Claire repeatedly tried to seek help. It took many months before the healthcare team recognised that Claire's warning symptoms were in fact signs of metastatic disease. At which point Claire was admitted to hospital with life threateningly high levels of calcium, and was diagnosed with liver and bone metastases. Claire was devastated and immediately thought it was the end. After finding hope online and realising through social media campaigns that people were living well with secondary cancer, Claire faced more than 10 rounds of chemotherapy in a bid to reduce the mets. Claire's hair has just begun to regrow, and unfortunately found out days before the interview that she had not responded well to treatment and needs to restart chemotherapy again. This episode is a fierce example of how to find joy, optimism and continue to embrace life where and when you can as Claire has been one of the MAS supporters from the beginning. We are continuing to follow Claire's journey through this campaign and how she continues her journey. We are honoured to have Claire as one of our voices sharing her experience and where she has found hope and strength.

    Mortal And Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. Founded by Dr Liz Murray, this is a year long project sharing 100 Voices of real stories through our podcast, in conjunction with an innovative photo series 'Scars of Gold' inspired by Kintsugi to celebrate the scars both seen and unseen, as well as artists from all over the country producing 100 artworks. This project aims to raise money for charity, provide messages of hope, empowerment and support whilst also addressing social stigmatisation of disease. The project launched in 2024 focusing on Women's Health but every two years aims to address other health inequality issues. Podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and breast cancer advocate Laura Middleton-Hughes present the 2024 series focusing on Women's Health with two episodes released every week leading up to International Women's Day 2025.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The latest episode of Mortal And Strong and we are introducing Voice No. 16 of 100 - the incredible Dawn. Dawn is sharing her experience of living with fibroids; how the onset of symptoms began with puberty and how for years was led to believe from those around her (including the healthcare system) that the warning signs of fibroids were 'normal periods'. Dawn shares how this false belief that her heavy and painful periods were normal meant that by the time she was finally diagnosed with fibroids, she had 16 including extremely large ones that were blocking her fallopian tubes and affecting her fertility. Dawn goes on to discuss the different treatment options for fibroids, her own journey following a myomectomy which helped her finally conceive her daughter. After years of suffering, at the age of 39 Dawn finally had her first 'healthy happy period'. This journey is so familiar to so many and here we explore this false narrative that has been laid down that heavy/painful periods are normal - when in actual fact can be the warning signs of serious pathological disease that can be organ/fertility/life threatening. Dawn is now thriving, and is a multi-award winning advocate in the fibroid community - determined to raise awareness and educate people not only on the existence of fibroids but in particular what treatment options are available to women affected. We are delighted to have Dawn share her story with us and be part of the MAS 2024 project.

    Mortal And Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. Founded by Dr Liz Murray, presented by Dr Liz Murray with Laura Middleton-Hughes. Interviewing Dawn Heels. Photography by Sammy Weston.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Another insightful and importance episode in the series with the wonderful Ellie Howie. Ellie is Voice No. 15 of 100 for the 2024 campaign putting a spotlight on women facing incurable disease at a young age. In this episode Ellie shares her unique and personal journey of being diagnosed with the BRCA gene mutation putting her at a significantly greater risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other cancers. For Ellie's personal family history the major concern was the risk of breast cancer, having had several immediate family members affected, and died, from breast cancer. Ellie was thrust into the enormity of these decisions in her teens and was in her early 20's when facing decisions about genetic testing and opting to have a risk-reducing mastectomy. With so much discussion in the media currently about post-mastectomy reconstruction being a 'free boob job' this episode is so important at putting a spotlight on the significant trauma that these surgeries and conditions carry, the complexity of recovery. Ellie talks about being a trustee for the a BRCA charity, raising awareness and support for people who are going through these life changing decisions when diagnosed with being a carrier for a gene that increases the risk of cancer. Thank you to Ellie for being so honest and putting a spotlight on something that is still not widely understood or appreciated the significance to someone's life. Ellie's witty and uplifting positive mentality is everything Mortal And Strong is about, with the infamous quote in response to flippant comments/reactions of having a 'free boob job' being "Yes they're fake - ask me how!". This sums it up entirely, there is so much behind the reconstruction for anyone having a mastectomy, that needs better understanding in society.

    Mortal And Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. Using art & the power of voice to empower, support charities and change the narrative of social stigmatisation of disease. Founded by Dr Liz Murray and presented by Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes with photographer Sammy Weston.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Another episode of Mortal And Strong and today's episode is full of poignant reflections with a touch of dark humour. The wonderful and bubbly soul that is Jeannie, sharing her story of a de novo diagnosis of breast cancer. 5 Years ago, whilst enjoying life, working, a mum and wife - Jeannie was diagnosed with breast cancer that had already metastasised to the bones. Jeannie was breast-aware as had a strong family history of cancer, but despite this her usual breast symptoms meant it was spotted late. Jeannie shares the turbulent ride of coming to terms with a secondary cancer diagnosis; "grieving for the life you're not going to have anymore" and the feeling of living on 'borrowed time' as Jeannie has now surpassed her 5 year target. Jeannie talks openly and real about what it's like to live with secondary cancer; having a double life, the immense benefits of having a community of friends in the secondary community but the lows that come with experiencing more funerals at a young age. Jeannie shares with hilarious spirit her idea of a funeral that would capture the essence of 'Jeannie'. The beauty of how Jeannie articulates that despite preferring not to have cancer, that she wouldn't want to change anything, the intensity with which she now lives and enjoys life to its fullest is something she is actually grateful for. A wonderful insight into a view of living with an incurable disease that can help so many others.

    Mortal And Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. Using art & the power of voice to empower, support charities and change the narrative of social stigmatisation of disease.

    Founded by Dr Liz Murray. Podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray & Laura Middleton-Hughes. Photography Sammy Weston. Thank you to Norfolk Bound for providing the venue to film this episode.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • A new episode of Mortal And Strong and another Voice to add to the 100 being interviewed this season. Tracy W - sharing, amongst many things, her experience with connective tissue disease, heart disease including Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and heart failure brought on by an inherited condition putting her at increased risk at a young age. Tracy is a wonderfully positive spirited person who despite having a battle that can resonate with so many - in being belittled for years and having to fight to get a diagnosis, has still managed to stay positive and continuing to do the things she loves. Her hilarious anecdotes and stories of finding comfort in adopting new pets after receiving difficult medical diagnosis will leave you feeling moved and warm hearted. This episode covers so many poignant topics - from the long journey of how autoimmune diseases like Lupus and Sjogrens can gradually takes its toll, to the scary realisation of having a family history that puts you into the world of heart disease at a young age. We talk a lot on the importance of being an advocate for yourself, listening to your body and finding joy in life whilst also being strong at managing your own health.

    Mortal And Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. Using art & the power of voice to empower, support charities and change the narrative of social stigmatisation of disease. Founded by Dr Liz Murray, this episode is presented by Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes. Photography by Sammy Weston.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to another episode of the Mortal And Strong podcast and in this episode we have the honour of sharing another amazing Voice - Laura B. Laura B is sharing the unique and rare story of being diagnosed with Addison's disease - a rare endocrine disorder that affects 1 in 10,000 people in the UK and is more common in women. Laura B was first diagnosed with premature ovarian failure, plummeting her into premature menopause in her early 30's. After suffering bizarre and life-halting symptoms she was finally diagnosed with Addison's. If left untreated this can be a life threatening disease and requires lifelong steroids in Laura's case. Laura shares some powerfully poignant messages as she has gone through the turbulent process of struggling to know her own body, fighting the stigma of disease and feeling 'broken'. But now, Laura is beginning to (in her own words) 'get her sparkle back'. There are some amazing insights into how the strength of mind and attitude to living with a life changing disease can help provide new focus in rebuilding your life after disease diagnosis. Thank you to Laura B for sharing with us and being Voice No. 12 of 100 in this campaign.

    Mortal And Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. Founded by Dr Liz Murray, this is a year long project sharing 100 Voices of real stories through our podcast, in conjunction with an innovative photo series 'Scars of Gold' inspired by Kintsugi to celebrate the scars both seen and unseen, as well as artists from all over the country producing 100 artworks. This project aims to raise money for charity, provide messages of hope, empowerment and support whilst also addressing social stigmatisation of disease. The project launched in 2024 focusing on Women's Health but every two years aims to address other health inequality issues. Podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and breast cancer advocate Laura Middleton-Hughes present the 2024 series focusing on Women's Health with two episodes released every week leading up to International Women's Day 2025.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing Voice No. 11 (of 100) - the beautifully witty and honest published author and food-blogger Jo (Joanna Weston). In this podcast episode Jo shares her honest story, with all the highs and lows overcoming anorexia as a teenager, the honest struggles of trying to conceive (including miscarriage), her experience of both an ideal birth followed by a traumatic birth and how postnatal depression can manifest as intense guilt. Jo's incredible journey and message shows how the determination to overcome mental health issues by facing them head on can lead to a healthier mindset. From being a teenager with an unhealthy relationship to food, Jo has now become a successful author of healthy recipes for children and how to adopt the right positive approach to teach children healthy relationships with food. This episode is full of real honest truths that very few people talk about - from how trying to conceive can become an overwhelming 'mission', to how that bond doesn't always come instantly when you give birth. There are equally some brilliantly funny moments and this captures Jo's positive mindset and how overcome life changing health issues through life doesn't define you, but in Jo's case has made her a successful author, blogger and app creator. Thank you to Jo for being part of the Mortal And Strong project.

    Mortal And Strong was founded by Dr Liz Murray and is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength through a powerful photographic series 'Scars of Gold'. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Another Mortal And Strong episode with Voice No. 10 (of 100) for the 2024 project focusing on Women's Health. Viv shares how very powerful and honest story of the true rollercoaster that women experience when getting a diagnosis of secondary breast cancer early on in life. Viv's secondary diagnosis was de novo, which means the cancer is already metastatic at presentation. Viv epitomises what Mortal and Strong is all about - when Viv initially received her diagnosis she began looking online for stories of hope, of other women living well with secondary cancer. Now she is here sharing her story of finally finding a way to live life well and enjoy her life. Viv talks to Liz and Laura about the warning signs of metastatic disease, the lesser spoken symptoms of menopause, and the stigma of looking well despite facing a daily battle of uncertainty. A lovely conversation between three women discussing exactly what it is to face your mortality at a young age, but still finding ways to live well. Thank you to Viv for sharing with us.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. Mortal And Strong™️ content, Scars of Gold and IP copyright protected. Founder Dr Liz Murray. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing another Voice from the 2024 Mortal And Strong project - Voice No. 9 and the wonderful soul that is Tracy. In this episode Tracy shares her journey of originally being diagnosed with primary breast cancer before then later being diagnosed with incurable secondary breast cancer. Tracy is an NHS nurse and shares the unique insight into what it is like when someone has inside medical knowledge, and how 'knowing too much' can have both benefits and negatives. Tracy talks about the reality of how hard Radiotherapy can be, the impact of having to tell her family about her secondary diagnosis and trying to live life to the fullest. One of the key discussions in this episode is surrounding the HER 2 - Low debate - a topic of current controversy as a drug that can potentially help patients with secondary breast cancer is not currently available in England on the NHS for HER2 - LOW patients, despite ongoing campaigns to make this drug available, a drug which could potentially offer a life line to some people. Thank you to Tracy for sharing her honest story of resilience to help support and educate others on another aspect of Women's Health.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing voice No. 8 - the beautiful soul that is Helen. In this episode presenters Liz & Laura talk to Helen about her journey with breast cancer and thyroid disease. Helen talks about the numerous complications of having breast re-constructive surgery and the little details people don't always consider in having delayed reconstructive surgery. Helen's openness of finding her journey with cancer at a young age hard, particularly the isolation she felt in having few people initially to relate to and the power of having a supportive community of people who understand. Helen also shares a phenomenon not often spoken about - the reality that not every woman with breast cancer needs chemotherapy, and so in the absence of losing her and showing that she 'visibly had cancer' she developed imposter syndrome for a while. Helen's quote that she didn't need people's pity - she needed support is a powerful one and shows the importance of people understanding what others go through helps for a more supportive and understanding society.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing another amazing strong voice from the series and we are honoured to have published author Camilla Fellas Arnold sharing her journey to being diagnosed with Endometriosis, struggles with fertility and miscarriage. Camilla's journey is like that of a beautiful Butterly coming into its own glory. As a teenager Camilla was bullied for her heavy and problematic periods, and through various reasons found her voice silenced as she become an adult. Through the last few years in her journey to getting her preliminary diagnosis of Endometriosis after numerous hospital trips and her life being halted because of pain and morbidity - Camilla has found herself simultaneously finding her voice again. Not only has Camilla found her voice, but she has published a book! Using her words to help and encourage others. When her own medical problems left her feeling lost and struggling to find joy, she turned the word into a focus and managed to re-orientate her mindset. This is a brilliant conversation with podcast hosts Laura Middleton-Hughes and Dr Liz Murray where the three truly address and pull apart the social taboos of talking about periods, miscarriages, the mental health impact of fertility. Another amazing contribution to the Mortal And Strong project.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing another episode of Mortal and Strong with a new Voice from the project...Lisa. Lisa is Voice No. 6 (of 100) and is sharing her hugely relatable story of taking years to get a diagnosis of Lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune condition whereby the body attacks its own tissues as a result of simple triggers (virus, stress, temperature) and can lead to organ damage and significant disability. Because lupus flares can be sporadic and varied over time, it is often years before the symptoms are all put together and the diagnosis is made. Lisa's story is very powerful and moving, after sharing her journey of supporting a family member through significant mental health, and the impact of being a busy working mum...how Lisa navigated the health system to get her diagnosis. Lisa's positive outlook and open-mind approach into exploring alternative medicine and the power of recognising the importance of diet is inspiring.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing another episode of Mortal And Strong and another Voice of the project...Karianne. Karianne is Voice No. 5 (of 100). Here we are privileged that Karianne has allowed us to do a special episode whereby we are capturing Karianne early on in her journey with breast cancer. Karianne began treatment for primary breast cancer in 2024 and is half way through her chemotherapy treatment. This is a special episode of sharing the real, raw insight into the highs and lows and unexpected challenges of adjusting to a diagnosis of breast cancer. Karianne is young, a mother and someone who has always worked. In this episode we talk about the side effects of chemotherapy, how Karianne found a positive and empowering way to tackle losing her hair, how she has consciously approached her children through the process and her outlook for life beyond treatment.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing Voice No. 4 from the Mortal And Strong project...Lorna Bramble sharing her journey of postnatal depression following a traumatic birth and how this first experience of mental health came out of nowhere but how she found he way back to living life well. Lorna was always an optimistic, energetic person living life to the full. Starting a family came at the right time and Lorna had what felt was the idyllic pregnancy. The birth began well but took a dramatic turn in the final stages. Initially Lorna didn't think this had effected her, and in the first few weeks of motherhood felt she was 'bossing it'. However out of nowhere (and skipping the 'baby blues') Lorna had what she described as a mental breakdown. Out of no where postnatal depression hit hard and left her feeling completely helpless and detached from reality for a significant number of months. Lorna describes so articulately what many women face - the sense of dissociation, feeling clouded by a fog and losing all sense of self. Lorna shares her personal journey and of how when the fog lifted and she found her way back to her old self, but stronger, it was a humbling experience and insight into the world of mental health. Post natal depression has such a stigma, as does many mental health issues, and so this is a really insightful story to share to prove that there is not always an obvious trigger, it can't be helped, it is no one's fault and the most important part to learn...it is not a reflection of the person and it can pass. We reference the charity PANDAs in this episode which is a really useful support charity for anyone affected by this episode. Thank you to Lorna for being honest about this really important topic as it is important for women to know that these things do happen and we need the social stigmatisation to end so that people know how to help anyone going through this.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Introducing Voice No. 3 from the Mortal And Strong project... Gizela Schultz sharing her experience of metastatic breast cancer...of how she is living (and working) despite being given months to live - over a year ago. Gizela is a wonderful, humble soul who went to her GP for over 6 months complaining of nipple discharge, only to be given antibiotics and dismissed. It was only after seeing a post on instagram that Gizela found the courage to advocate for herself, fight to be referred and was finally confirmed to have breast cancer. Unfortunately the delay meant by this time the cancer had spread to multiple organs and Gizela was told she had months to live. At that time Gizela had small children and was still working. Gizela has since responded well to new drug treatments and shares how she has far surpassed the date she was given and is still working. This is an amazing interview about life, living, finding your voice and hope. If ever there was a better example of what it is to face your mortality, find your strength and continue to shine, Gizela is it. We are delighted to present Gizela as Voice No. 3 of the MAS project.

    Visit our website and social media platforms to find more videos and information around Gizela's story and the other Voices discussing women's health issues as part of the 2024 MAS project.

    Mortal And Strong is a UK project to empower humans with stories of strength and resilience through art. A national project applying the art of Kintsugi to human scars to instil hope and demonstrate strength. With podcast presenters Dr Liz Murray and Laura Middleton-Hughes who are leading the MAS project in 2024 to address Women's Health in a new and bold approach. Capturing the voices of 100 people who have experienced major health issues early on in life, combining this with 100 artworks to produce something major. In a bid to address social stigmatisation of disease, support and empower others on their own journey, and address gender inequalities in health. MAS 2024 is focusing on Women's Health with 2 podcasts released each week between International Women's Day 2024 and IWD 2025, the project will end with a National exhibition showcasing the voices, the Artwork and celebrating the cause. To learn more, or for support on any issues covered, please visit our website or social media handles @mortalandstrong.

    For more information on support available for these issues discussed in todays episode, including direction to medical information, visit our website. This episode is not intended as specific medical advice, always see your own GP/physician if you have any concerns regarding your own health. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.