
  • More Than A Score:

    It’s time to fundamentally change the high-stakes, high-pressure assessment system in primary schools and make good mental health the basis for good learning.

    Primary pupils in England now face SATs and other government tests in five out of seven school years – that’s more formal assessments than in almost any other country.

    But the evidence against the current system is growing. Parents, teachers and heads are united in calling for change.

    In 2022, only 3% of heads wanted SATs to go ahead. 89% of parents say they would support an alternative. And 1 in 10 year 6 pupils didn’t sleep well in the run-up to the tests.

    SATs and other government tests don’t help learning and cause unnecessary stress and pressure.

    Let’s speak out for children.

    Alison Ali Director/Owner Can Can Campaigns

    Alison began her career in journalism, moving into international consumer publishing. Her experience runs from human rights and global finance reporting, to launching premium multi-language magazines and digital platforms for household brand names. She has run her own successful creative agency Can Can Creative since 2006 and, in 2019, launched sister agency Can Can Campaigns to harness the collective’s exceptional skills for greater good.


    FB @morethanascore

    T @MoreThanScore

    Insta @morethanascore

    TikTok @morethanascore_

  • Written by Claire Banks and Mick Waters, A Curious Curriculum: Teaching foundation subjects well details the insightful and transformational steps that a school can take towards designing and delivering a rich, rigorous and wide-ranging curriculum. 

    Before becoming Director of Education for The Olympus Academy Trust, a cross-phase multi-academy trust in north Bristol, Claire Banks was a head teacher for nine years in an inner-city primary school. Throughout her career she has been interested in social and emotional learning and school climate, which has led to her work on leadership culture. Claire now works on curriculum design and school improvement in a system leadership capacity, offering school-to-school support to school trusts. Her passion for succession planning for the profession has led to her coaching and mentoring on aspiring heads and women in leadership programmes.




    Social Media Information

    Twitter and Instagram: @CrownHousePub

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CrownHousePub

    Details of the Primary Education Summit can be found at www.nape.org.uk/summit

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.


    This presentation will aim to inspire listeners to understand why Values-based Education (VbE) is now being considered as the foundation of school culture worldwide. He will explain the key elements of the VbE model and why practitioners love it so much. He will draw on good practice from Primary Schools that find it to be the 'beating heart of their education'. Neil will describe the impact that VbE is having on developing what he describes as ethical leadership and why this concept should be central in the Primary School curriculum. 

    Dr. Neil Hawkes is well known as an educator, motivational speaker, broadcaster, writer and social commentator. 

    He first gained international recognition when he was a Headteacher in Oxfordshire, where he worked with a school community to devise and implement a pedagogical system that would give children a transformational ethical vocabulary, based on values such as respect, tolerance, humility and justice. Pupils were empowered to be self-leaders, with an active moral compass that affected behaviour, their thinking and the quality of their school work. Values-based Education (VbE) is now recognised internationally as a key dimension in school improvement and enhancing the nature of pupil experience and many schools have now gained accreditation for the quality of their values-based education, including Bannockburn Primary School where the Schiller lecture is being hosted.

    Get notified about the Christian Schiller Lecture here https://www.youtube.com/live/aFGja5aYNfM?feature=share

    NAPE YouTube Channel


    Primary Education Summit


  • National Association for Primary Education is proud to present a Primary Education Summit 'Visions for the Future' over two weeks starting on 15th March 2023. This is intended to promote discussion about the type of rich and engaging primary education which will enable all our children to meet the challenges they face now and in the future. This will include the annual Christian Schiller Lecture 'Values-based Education - the beating heart of Primary Education' presented by Dr. Neil Hawkes, eleven pre-recorded guest presentations and four live panel discussions led by prominent figures in primary education. Full details of these are given below. We very much hope that you will wish to join us for some or all of these sessions - and let other people in your school or organization know.



  • Jon Severs is editor of Tes. He was previously commissioning editor at Tes, responsible for the teaching and learning content, as well as policy, leadership and pastoral articles. Before that, he wrote and edited for both trade and consumer titles. 

    Jon explains the journey of taking the traditional Tes magazine, which was established in 1910, to their new online delivery which can be more reactive in our modern age.

    If you want to contribute to Tes in the way mentioned in the show here are the 2 contacts.

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

  • Prepared for life, not just exams

    360 are a dynamic social enterprise developing essential skills for life in young people through an interactive learning approach we call discuss, decide and do.

    360 Skills For Life provide scenario-based educational experiences that equip learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to live active, fulfilling and safer lives in stronger and more sustainable communities.

    Experience Skill City, their unique VR environment, bringing to life real world safeguarding dilemmas in realistic but safe scenarios.

    Their values

    We listen in order to continually learn and improveWe connect and collaborate because partnerships achieve more for lessWe put the learner and their needs firstWe empower and challenge rather than instructWe engage and involve learners in our developmentWe adapt and are flexible when encountering new situations and knowledgeWe include all learners regardless of age, disability, gender, relationship or parental status, race, belief, sex or sexual orientationWe seek the best in everyone to realise individual and collective potential

    Their approachHolistic, cross-curricular education that delivers transferable skills for 21st century lifeImmersive, practical and interactive learning in which users discuss, make decisions and then do, rather than simply learning factsAwareness of surroundings to make good risk assessments, confidently make better decisions and deal with individual and collective challengesBlended learning where online, in-school and outdoor strands are closely integratedProvision of a realistic dilemma-based virtual Skill City as the core resourcePartnership with other organisations to maximise impact and value

    Full details available at www.360skillsforlife.org

  • The Nature Premium campaign is being led by the Forest School Association (FSA). With around 2000 practicing members the Forest School Association is the professional body and UK wide voice for Forest School, promoting and supporting best practice, cohesion and ‘quality Forest School for all.  

    Guidance is being provided by a campaign steering group comprising representatives of key organisations within the outdoors learning industry and conservation sector (campaign partners). 

    In addition, the campaign will seek support from allies across multiple sectors. The private sector will be particularly important in terms of sponsoring the campaign and achieving our goal. 

    The campaign has been developed and managed on an entirely voluntary basis with the FSA underwriting the costs and FSA directors contributing a huge amount of their time. We recognise that the campaign is more likely to be successful if it has additional voluntary and financial resources. 

    The campaign is deliberately independent and simply seeks to increase children’s engagement with nature and realise the huge number of associated benefits. Supporters within the outdoors learning industry will, on their own terms, lay-out and make their ‘offer’ for how the nature premium could be used to support school communities, young people, and families. Each will use their own networks to support the campaign.

    Dr Sara Collins is a biologist who completed her doctorate at Imperial College, London while working with the Forestry Commission. Post research she worked for a Palo Alto biotech company focusing on European sales, expanding into Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus. At the same time, she completed her MBA. She took a career break when her son was born and worked as a Visiting Teaching Fellow at Bath University where she wrote and taught a course on developing entrepreneurial skills in biotechnology. Sara qualified as a Forest School practitioner because it took her back to nature and fitted in with her son’s academic year. She is deputy-chair of a national charity and FRSA. Sara has worked in urban, multi-ethnic primary schools in Portsmouth for over ten years and developed the volunteer led Nature Premium campaign during Lockdown I. She continues to combine campaigning with her self-employed work in local schools.

    [email protected]


    Click to watch NAPE's Christian Schiller Lecture presented by Nancy Stewart 'Cherishing the growth of young children: what early years education can be'

    2 online events for the summer term

    Mental Health/Wellbeing - How to support pupils with transition to secondary school with Sam Moinet from Student Breakthrough (May 16th)

    Ocean Plastic & Climate Change - Join Ellie Jackson author of the Wild Tribe Heroes book series as we invite pupils to write a story based on this topic in a writing festival (June 13th) 

    For full details and booking forms please visit nape.org.uk/online-events

  • The National Association for Primary Education are delighted to announce that Nancy Stewart will present our Christian Schiller Lecture 2022.

    'Cherishing the growth of young children: what early years education can be'.

    Nancy Stewart is a consultant and writer with wide experience across early years sectors in schools, nurseries, local authority advisory service, and National Strategies where she was Senior Early Years Adviser with a central role in Every Child a Talker. Nancy provided expert advice to the 2012 review of the Early Years Foundation Stage, drawing on her interest in communication and language for thinking, as well as children’s development as self-regulating learners. Nancy co-authored Development Matters 2012, and wrote How children learn – The characteristics of effective early learning. She led development of Birth to Five Matters (2021) as Project Lead for the Early Years Coalition, and is a Vice President of Early Education.

    Nancy has earned the reputation as one of the most insightful speakers in the UK, specialising in the field of early years. This event will be of great interest to teachers, tutors, students, parents.

    The lecture is free and will be held on Monday 14th March 2022 at 4.45pm.

    It is being hosted by Windmill Primary School in Oxford and will be live streamed via zoom.

    To book please visit:

    https://nape.org.uk/schiller-online-booking or



  • The National Association for Primary Education works in many ways to provide help and support for those involved with schools.

    One of those ways has been to sponsor and support Education on Fire.

    Here are links to the 5 episodes mentioned in this show.






    Details of the NAPE YouTube channel and the Christian Schiller Lecture with Nancy Stewart can be found at https://nape.org.uk/

  • New Edurio research reveals half of children feel stressed and a quarter feel lonely.

    Edurio has published their latest research examining pupil wellbeing, support systems in school and how pupils feel about school. The study drew on responses from 45,000 children of which 15,000 were from primary.

    Children feel progressively less well as the move through primary school – 76% in year 1 feel well but this drops by 17 percentage points in Y6 when 59% report feeling well.Children feel more stressed in Y6 (36%) than in Y1 (22%)More primary aged children feel overworked in Y2 and Y3 than at any other time during primary school.The research shows that the transition to secondary school has a negative impact on children’s wellbeing and the drop is greater than at other times during school.Children’s overall wellbeing drops from 59% feeling well in Y6 to 46% in Y7.More students often feel stressed - rising from 36% in Y6 to 43% in Y7More children report not sleeping well in Y7 (30%) than in Y6 (28%)

    Mark Taylor chats to Iona Jackson co-author of the Edurio report about her findings.

    Full details can be found at:


    To keep up to date with all the work by National Association for Primary Education please visit:


  • ‘MarvellousMe is a game-changer for parent engagement.’

    MarvellousMe engages parents by telling them about their children’s learning and success. It enriches family conversations about school and makes it easy for parents to help their children’s education and say: ‘Well done!’

    Delivering a positive teacher-parent partnership, MarvellousMe makes it easy for schools to implement the best practice prescribed by experts like the Education Endowment Foundation. To build and sustain excellent parent engagement and positive behaviour school-wide.

    Designed by a once disengaged dad, MarvellousMe is different from messaging systems, social media and solo teacher apps. It involves and equips parents with personal, positive and progress-led news, and gives leaders the ability to focus parent engagement on essential topics and school values, analytics to ensure whole school consistency and peace-of-mind that data is managed centrally, securely and in the UK under the GDPR.

    Inspire, involve and empower parents.


    Social Media Information


    This conversation was previously recorded for the Education on Fire Podcast of which NAPE is a sponsor.

  • Here at the National Association for Primary Education are looking for educators to help us 'Pay It Forward'.

    We see hundreds of questions asked on social media every week. What if we could collate the answers, get your views and experiences in a way that could support thousands of others?

    If you are an educator and have ever asked a question and received a great answer - online or in person - we invite you to Pay It Forward.

    Please be a guest on the NAPE podcast with Mark Taylor (NAPE vice chair) and spend 10 minutes discussing these 5 things.

    How are you currently involved in education?What question did you ask?What was the answer?Who gave it to you?What advice can you share from your own experiences?

    That is it!

    To get involved and find out all the details please visit nape.org.uk

  • National Association for Primary Education presents:

    Special Educational Needs CPD

    Monday 6th December 2021 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

    This online zoom event will cover 3 areas of Special Educational Needs to help you support your pupils:

    - English as an Additional Language (EAL)

    - How to identify children who may also have dyslexia or another SPLD

    - Common speech, language and communication needs

    Co-occurring challenges

    Do you ever worry that a child in your class is not making the progress you were expecting? There may be many reasons for this – and some will overlap. In this interactive session, we will look at some of the causes of underachievement, and try to find some solutions that could benefit the whole class.

    We will start by looking at how all teachers can effectively support those learners who are using English as an Additional Language (EAL), and then move on to what we should be alert to in order to identify any children who also may have dyslexia or another SPLD. Finally, we will look at some common speech, language and communication needs, and how they could be met in the classroom.

    Please feel free to bring your questions and share your experiences, so that, as a group, we can empower each other to support our learners.



    Mark Taylor (Vice Chair NAPE) - Mark has been a professional percussionist for 25 years and performed with some of the major orchestras and arts organisations in the UK. Mark combines his performing career with teaching drums/percussion in schools and providing whole class rhythm workshops.

    Mark is the creator and host of the Education on Fire podcast. He interviews educators from around the world so that he can enable his listeners to support children to live, learn and grow to their full potential. He has recorded over 300 episodes which have been downloaded in over 135 countries.


    Dr. Anne Margaret Smith started her career as a teacher of English as a foreign / additional language around 30 years ago. Alongside her language teaching, she also works as a dyslexia assessor and specialist tutor, and has designed an assessment tool to allow us to identify SpLDs in multilingual people. She founded ELT well in 2005, to combine these two fields of education, and offers professional development and resources to language teachers in all contexts. She is currently also training to be a Speech and Language Therapist.

    If you can not join us live a replay will be available.

    Event Fee

    £12.50 per person 

    FREE to NAPE members (use promotional code at checkout)

    To book please visit https://nape.org.uk/sen

  • Primary Music CPD

    Monday 18th October 2021

    17.30-18.30 Live via Zoom (+ recording)

    Full details and booking at nape.org.uk/primary-music

    We will cover:

    Top 10 resources, organisations, work schemes 3 starting points for compositionWhen, what, how of listening to musicMusic AssembliesMusic across the curriculum

    To keep up to date with all the events and download a FREE copy of our professional journal Primary First please visit:


  • Following the success of our online conference in March 2021 'Towards a balanced and broadly based curriculum' The National Association for Primary Education have planned 6 new online CPD events for the new academic year.

    5 starting points for Primary MusicSpecial Education NeedsEdTechEYFS Mental Health/WellbeingClimate & Ocean Plastic

    To keep up to date with all the events and download a FREE copy of our professional journal Primary First please visit:


  • Ellie Jackson is the bestselling children's author of the Wild Tribe Heroes series of true environmental books for primary children. Each book follows a well loved animal as it gets into trouble due to an environmental issue such as ocean plastic, deforestation or climate change. Free teaching resources and curriculum maps support the books for each key stage.

    Ellie is a teacher and mother of four from Cornwall who is passionate about inspiring the next generation to protect our planet.



    Social Media Information

    Fb, Insta & Twitter


    The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at nape.org.uk/journal

  • Following the success of our conference on 6th March 2021 - Towards a Balanced and Broadly Based Curriculum - Dr. Tony Eaude has a follow up conversation with presenter Clare Whyles (Deputy Head) and Tina Farr (Headteacher) of St Ebb's C of E (Aided) Primary School.

    St Ebb's have been on a journey which has seen their curriculum transformed. We get to hear the ideas, aims, successes and struggles involved in doing this which we hope can provide insight, inspiration and understanding of what is possible.


    You can listen to Dr. Tony Eaude's Schiller Lecture and the follow up Q&A on episodes 65 & 66 of the nape podcast: https://nape.org.uk/nape-podcast

    To keep up to date with all of our events and get a FREE e-copy of our professional journal Primary First please visit: https://nape.org.uk/journal

  • Described as having a breathtaking understanding of how to engage even the hardest to reach of children, Jonathan has established a reputation for delivering inspiring and creative inset both in the U.K. and internationally.

    He has worked for many years on the kind of compelling and inspirational teaching strategies that lead to incredible outcomes and is still in the thick of it as the deputy head at a large inner city primary school in Sheffield. Jonathan has also shared his passion for learning through his role as an Advanced Skills Teacher, Lead Teacher for Sheffield Local Authority, and associate of Ian Gilbert’s Independent Thinking company.

    Jonathan is passionate about working with schools to create learning opportunities that are designed not just to impart knowledge, but also to engage, inspire, and most importantly, make children think.



    The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at nape.org.uk/journal

  • Leonor Stjepic, is an award-winning social enterprise entrepreneur, whose career has spanned both the private and NGO sectors. She is Chief Executive of the Montessori Group as well as Chair of the Board of Directors of Montessori Centre International.

    James Archer is the Centre Director of the International Montessori Institute. Prior to this he was the Course Director of the BA Primary Education Accelerated (2 Year) degree. He has worked on and written various validations of innovative programmes in the Carnegie School of Education.

    The International Montessori Institute, a centre within the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University (LBU), has launched a scholarship programme to support the next generation of Montessori educators. The Institute was established in August 2020 and will provide the UK’s first dedicated undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Montessori education.

    Funded by the Montessori Group, the first scholarships of £2,000 each will be awarded to 25 students who are studying on the BA (Hons) Primary Education Accelerated Degree (Montessori) in the 2021/22 academic year. The relationship between the Carnegie School of Education and the Montessori Group means that further scholarships will be awarded in the future years of the partnership.

    This scholarship will be first awarded in the next academic year, with applicants to LBU able to apply for the scholarship as part of their application to the university.



    Social Media Information

    Leonor Stjepic

    Twitter: @LeonorStjepic

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonorstjepic/

    James Archer

    Twitter: @mrjamesarcher

    International Montessori Institute

    Twitter: @Montessori_LBU

    The Montessori Group

    Twitter: @MontessoriUk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/montessori-uk/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montessoriUK

    Instagram: @MontessoriUk

    To get your FREE e-copy of the professional journal Primary First please visit https://nape.org.uk/journal

  • Mark Taylor chats to NAPE patron Ian Gilbert.

    Since founding Independent Thinking in 1994, Ian has built a global reputation as an educational thinker, innovator, entrepreneur, speaker and award-winning editor and writer. He was listed by the IB magazine as one of their top 15 ‘educational visionaries’. 

    Never happier than when he is making children’s brains hurt, he has a unique first-hand perspective on the world of education having lived and worked in schools and universities in the UK, the Middle East, South America and Asia.

    He is now sharing his time between Rotterdam, where his wife is an international school principal, and their home in the middle of nowhere deep in West Wales.

    He wasn’t always interested in exotic foreign travel and meeting interesting people from different countries, as he started off his educational career teaching French in Northampton. He didn't really want to be a French teacher and, while you would think not wanting to teach French to people who didn't want to learn it might be a match made in heaven, it was only ever really a stepping stone. His main ambition was to work with young people in the areas that most fascinated him then and in which he has become such an important figure today – thinking, learning, motivation, creativity and helping all members of the school community be the best they can be.

    Through his many books including the ever-popular Thunks collection, his ongoing classroom work with children and young people, his keynotes and workshops at conferences around the world and his continuous work with teachers and leaders in schools, Ian has shown a whole generation of educators that there is always another way. 

    Following a chance meeting in the staff room, Ian was encouraged to set up Independent Thinking in 1994 and, since then, has built up a unique educational organisation that acts as a platform for some of the UK’s leading innovative educators and school leaders as well as serving as a ‘lighthouse’ for so many practitioners who might otherwise fall prey to the idea that silence is respect, obedience is behaviour, grades measure education and teaching and learning are the same thing.



    Social Media Information

    @ITLWorldwide on Twitter

    independentthinkingworldwide on Instagram

    The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at nape.org.uk/journal