New Episode! New Book! Singing! Storytelling! Songwriting! Exclamation Points!!! This surprise episode drop is in celebration of Dan's new book, We Share This Earth. It's a rhyming book with beautiful illustrations featuring specific places around the globe and the people who live there.
✪ We begin with the Echo Song We Share This Earth that uses text from the book of the same name to bask in the warmth of our global community. The song is available as a single wherever streams get streamed.
✪ Next up, we write a story together during a game called You Make The Story. It's like Mad Libs in real time with a soundtrack and no pencils.
✪ We finish strong with a round of KaraYOUke. You get to combine your singing and your storytelling into a triumphant display of extemporaneous songwriting. KaraWHOke? KaraYOUke!
We hope you enjoy our music and games for pre-k, kindergarten and all little kids! It's like a music lesson that happens whenever I write a new book.
✪✪✪ WE SHARE THE EARTH BOOK OUT NOW!: https://bookshop.org/a/9590/9780593658291 ✪✪✪
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
Find us on noodleloaf.com and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
There's never a bad time to sing about Autumn and learn some Spanish but there are particularly good times, and one of those is now.
✪ We begin with a Clap It Back song in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. We use the power of rhythm and song to teach you the common Spanish phrase for "I want to eat a snack in a fort with you." You will never be hungry and lonely in a fort in a Spanish speaking country again. De nada.
✪ Next up, we get in the Fall spirit with an Echo Song titled Sleepy Trees that will teach you about why trees lose their leaves and polish up your pitch matching capabilities.
✪ Lasterly I share a new song called I Like This Outfit. It is dedicated to all the Noodlinos big or small who liked an outfit enough to wear it multiple days in a row. You know who you are.
We hope you enjoy our music and games for pre-k, kindergarten and all little kids! It's like a music lesson that happens when you least expect it.
✪✪✪ WE SHARE THE SCHOOL BOOK OUT NOW!: https://bookshop.org/a/9590/9780593658253 ✪✪✪
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
Find us on noodleloaf.com and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Puuttuva jakso?
We are celebrating the release of Dan's new book We Share This School by getting together to sing and rhyme and clap along with a new episode of Noodle Loaf!
Our Clap It Back this week unusually unusual, even by our standards here at Noodle Loaf. Practice your rhythmic awareness while learning such important non-facts such as "Turnip is short for Turtle Nipple" and "Rutabaga is short for Ruth Bader's Bagel." This rhythm game also explores 4/4 and 3/4 time somehow. ✪
A special Tiny Song appearance by Kinetic Lawns with a live version of their song "No Birds to Describe You" from their album "1 Love Song." ✪
The echo song, We All Belong, was inspired by Dan's new book series about communities. This song celebrates our roles within our communities and helps develop a child's sense of pitch and rhythm. ✪
We finish the episode with a Finish The Pattern game all about breakfast. It goes by fast so try to keep up as we mix up breakfasts and switch up the fixins. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson that happens once a year but stays with you for a lifetime.
✪✪✪ WE SHARE THE SCHOOL BOOK OUT NOW!: https://bookshop.org/a/9590/9780593658253 ✪✪✪
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a personal recording, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: https://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
THIS IS OUR 100TH EPISODE! If it is your first time listening I suggest starting with a different episode. If it is your 100th time listening then hooray for us! To celebrate this milestone, we turn the mic around to our listeners and listen to them singing their favorite songs from the show as well as songs that they have written. We got kids from all over, like The Bronx, Scotland and New Zealand, singing songs they wrote. Anywhere you go in this world kids are making up songs and singing them together because singing together is just about the most humanly fundamental thing two people can do. Sometimes folks who write songs get together to do a song share. This episode is something like that. You'll hear kids sharing their favorite songs from the show, many of them with slight changes either from misheard lyrics or modifications they felt were necessary. That is the folk process after all. You'll hear families harmonizing, part singing, vocal jamming and riffing back and forth the way families have been doing for centuries. And you'll hear some of the most creative and joyful original songs you've every heard, all written and performed by the single digit class. Pete Seeger said "Our Greatest songs are yet unsung." Well a few of them just got sung. I hope you enjoy them and feel inspired to record a few of your own to share with your friends. Thanks for coming to our celebration.
Dan Saks
✪✪✪ Echo Songs, Vol. 2 OUT NOW!: https://noodleloaf.bandcamp.com/album/echo-songs-vol-2 ✪✪✪
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Anyone cane name a problem, but can you name a solution? Anyone can make a doodle, but can you make up a song about yours? Press play and find out!
Our Echo Song this week is We Can Fix It, a song that makes the case for problem solving. It's a fabulous life skill with a catchy hook. Have fun singing along to this groovy song! ✪
Take out your pencils because we've got a Guided Doodle! You won't know what it is you are drawing. You may never know. But I do and more importantly, fun will be had. ✪
Now that your doodle is drawn, it is time to improvise a song about the characters you just drew. I give you prompts and you sing the answers. It's equal parts simple and ridiculous and that's why we call it KaraYOUke. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that sneaks in counting skills.
✪✪✪ Echo Songs, Vol. 2 OUT NOW!: https://noodleloaf.bandcamp.com/album/echo-songs-vol-2 ✪✪✪
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: https://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
It's new album week! And it is also AAPI month! So much to celebrate, such a good time.
Our Echo Song this week is I Got a Bicycle, an ode to two wheels and our planet. This is a Noodlino favorite song that made it on to Echo Songs, Vol. 2 now available in all the music places! Get on your bike and ride! ✪
Next up, we've got a round of Trivia in honor of AAPI Month. It's called Bird or Traditional Asian Instrument and it is a great way to learn about some musical instruments from China, Japan and Vietnam as well as brush up on your bird songs. It's a wild ride! ✪
We continue our riff on birds with a Rhyme Time game all about shore birds, birds that live by the ocean. This finish the rap couplet song will test your phonological quickness and prime you for any future rap crew hype person auditions. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that loves you back.
✪✪✪ Echo Songs, Vol. 2 OUT NOW!: https://noodleloaf.bandcamp.com/album/echo-songs-vol-2 ✪✪✪
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: https://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Dinosaur songs, truck stories and even an ode to napkins. Something for everyone! (Especially people that like music and games)
This Clap It Back manages to squeeze in tributes to a few of the many celebrations happening this month like International Drum Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, National Bike Month and American Cheese Month. What a great way to gain a strong sense of rhythm! ✪
We're also celebrating the release of Echo Songs, Vol. 2, a new collection of echo songs from the podcast. Here is a fan favorite song, I Am a Lonely T Rex, about friendly but lonely T Rex. Why won't anyone play with him? Is it because he'll eat them? Probably. ✪
A Tiny Song twofer! One is by me about napkins. The other is by Noodlinos Sydney and Andi and it is about Fun in the Tub. ✪
We end with a You Make The Story game all about trucks, and a little about geese. Good luck! ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that both is and ins't about geese.
✪✪✪ Echo Songs, Vol. 2 OUT NOW!: https://noodleloaf.bandcamp.com/album/echo-songs-vol-2 ✪✪✪
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: https://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
We won't let all these April Fools hoaxes keep us from having some interactive educational music based fun!
A delightful Clap It Back about rainbows and love (dedicated to the governments of Texas and Florida.) Develop rhythmic awareness while committing to a more compassionate world. ✪
A Tiny Song called Mozzarella Sticks that is a round for kids AKA a canon for kids. Try it out and share what you got by tagging @noodleloafshow! ✪
Our Echo Song this episode is called Outside and it is about how soul nourishing the browns and greens of the forest can be. A great way to enhance pitch recognition and celebrate nature. ✪
Did you know that you are a songwriter? Well, I did. And this lyrical and melodic improvisation game called KaraYOUke intends to prove it ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that's 10 minutes long that is based on the life of the BeeGees. APRIL FOOLS!
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: https://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Come for the eyeball dance, stay for the tongue twister song. It's about a very well built boat built by billions of babies. Babies can't build boats you say? Can so, you just need one billion of them. This show is actually a music education multi-vitamin. True facts. You'll see.
We begin with Dance Dance Noodleution, a movement isolation game that puts your limbs in direct competition with each other. The Great American Extremity Dance Off. ✪
This Echo Song is a real tongue twister. Very Well Built Boat will not only held develop your sense of pitch but it wall also help you tone your tongue hamstrings. ✪
A Rhyme Time of the finish-the-rap variety. Finally you can fulfill your dreams of being the person on stage at a rap show that finishes the lead MC's lines. Hone you phonological skills and impress your kids. Kangols optional.
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that's 10 minutes long with songs in 4/4 coded with 1s and 0s.
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: https://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
In today's episode we question our pants, celebrate the enormous gifts of James Baldwin and work together to make up a story about a creature who lives in a tree. Clearly a certain streaming service should have put their production dollars into Noodle Loaf instead of that other podcaster guy.
We kick things off like we kick off our pants after a long day spent jogging in a rain storm, by questioning the need for pants in the first place. This Call and Response game was inspired by some listeners who sent in a song they made up to help get keep up morale during wiggly diaper changes. I flipped it and made it into a game. Just like their baby flips and tries to make diaper changes into a game. ✪
James Baldwin Used His Words to say so many things. He was enormously gifted at eloquently and poignantly critiquing the world around him. This Echo Song is a tribute to his talent. ✪
In our Mad Libs spinoff, You Make The Story, you get to fill in the blanks in real time to create whatever story your imagination wants to invent. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that is 100% non-GMO.
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: https://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Music people! You have arrived just in time to make rhymes, sing songs and do some creative movement games all with your host in chief, Dan Saks. Today's episode raises a glass to celebrating Autism Awareness month way ahead of schedule. We'll also be toasting old school flows and the art of snowman building. If none of that makes sense it's because you haven't listened to the show yet. So do that pls.
This Rhyme Time is a little different than our usual version. In this one, your job is to channel your inner Run DMC to anticipate and finish the rhyme at the each of our rapper's couplets. So don a Kangol and loosely lace your Adidas cause it's about to get tricky to rock a thyme that's right on time. ✪
Today's Echo Song was inspired by a family of long time Noodlinos who requested I write an echo song to celebrate neurodiversity, or as they put it, Different Brains. This neurodiversity awareness song for kids is an appreciation for the different kinds of brains we all have and will hopefully help neurotypical kids see themselves in the autistic children in their communities. ✪
Who doesn't love a Time To Move game that employs a lil musique concrète to create an imaginary snowman building creative movement game? Hopefully, not you because that's what this game is. Enjoy! ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that is equal parts music and love.
30 DAY FREE TRIAL AT DIY: https://diy.org/?ref=noodleloaf
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Lots to sing and dance about today like salty soups, sticky sneaks and bananas. Flying bananas that is. So warm up your larynxes and press play on another episode of play based music education for humans.
The kids wrote most of this Clap It Back rhythm game. That means the lyrics are especially odd but the rhythms are just as dynamite as ever. Rosin up your clapping hands and play along. ✪
The people have spoken and they have said that they want more Tiny Songs from Loafy Noodles. So he's back with his new hit Salty Soup Sally about Sally who always makes her soups super salty. Minestrone anyone? ✪
Today's Echo Song is dedicated to grown ups who want kids to do what they tell them to do. The song is called Do Not Ask Me Why, as in do not ask me why I write such ridiculous songs. ✪
It's a Dance & Freeze round of our Time to Move segment. Isolate one or more limbs, make em shimmy, and then freeze! That's the game. The game is fun. You like fun. Enjoy. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that have no relation to college credits.
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
The best thing about chores is identifying the sound they make using your ears. It's downhill from there BUT with some groovy tunes on, any chore becomes a dance party. Amiright? Except duvet related chores, those are just a chore.
We begin with an Echo Song about being the insatiable desire to take a thing apart to see how it works and then feelings that arise when you realize that putting it back together may not be in the cards. This happens in my life more often than I'd care to admit. Might as well sing a song about it that promotes pitch awareness in a Gypsy Punk style. ✪
Perk up your ears in this aural awareness game Name That Sound. I will play the audio of various household chores and you must identify them. You don't have to identify WITH them. It's not an empathy exercise, just a sound naming game. Enjoy! ✪
And lastly, I take those chore sounds and remix them into a funky groove with which you are encouraged to Jam Along. Your body and surroundings become drums in this body percussion and found object percussion activity. Make it funky! ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that encourages household responsibility.
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Things are really starting to happen round here. Things are getting cooking. Rubber is meeting road. Flubber is eating toad. Let's goooooo music fun and games for kids and grown growns!!! (now hiring people who know what to write in this space - no experience necessary - payment is in guitar picks)
We begin with a Feel The Rhythm designed to make humans look silly while learning music fundamentals. We put the FUN, the DUH and the MENTAL in fundamentals. Is this thing on? Anyhow, I like this game a lot and hope you do too. ✪
A Tiny Song called Big Chunk Charlie, about a guy who is always eating up the granola chunks. I'll be waiting outside for my Grammy delivery if you need me. ✪
Today's Echo Song is I Want a Monkey to Hug Me. It is about interacting with animals in ways both pleasing and not. It is about consensual hugs. It is about developing pitch matching skills. Is is about time a monkey gave me a nice big hug. ✪
A throwback in more ways than one: We close with Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes. Try to keep up...or else. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that uses the word "flubber" in its show notes.
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Kids will dig this play based rhyme infused educational music filled podcast as much as you enjoyed this keyword laden introductory sentence.
This episode begins with a Rhyme Time game about kindness. Can you figure out what action each kindness verb could lead to? i.e. Make, Send, Offer? I love when phonological exercises extend into making the world a nicer place. ✪
This week's Echo Song is the 4th installment of our annual homage to the art of the homemade costume, "I Made a Costume pt.4." "A big cardboard box / wrapped around me / two tiny hats / I'm a battery." Happy Halloween! ✪
And we close the episode with a Guided Doodle where listeners are invited to participate in drawing a mystery drawing. You will need something with which to draw and something on which to draw upon. Like pencil and paper for example. Share your drawings by tagging @noodleloafshow wherever you like to tag stuff. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids that occasionally involves drawing pictures.
✪✪✪ I have written three pictures books celebrating families. They make great gifts :) https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-dan-saks ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out, handwritten letter and phone jingle! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Go on, open up the packet. What's inside? 10 minutes of interactive music education games for children?? Fantastic! Here are the games on today's show:
First up a Clap It Back game called "What's On The Menu" I say things that are on the menu. You clap back the rhythm of the words. It's fun, easy and helps develop a sense of rhythm. If the foods were actually available then it would be a very promising new restaurant concept. ✪
Before today's echo songs you'll hear a brief description of how some songs are written which will help demystify how an instant classic like Funky Little Porcupine comes to be. It's not rocket science. It's much fancier. ✪
We end with a Call and Response written by the eternal Ella Jenkins. The song is called Dulce Dulce and it is a fun music game that will help your child learn rhythm, melody and the Spanish word "Dulce." Ella Jenkins was not Hispanic but hopefully this Spanish word song will inspire some Hispanic Heritage Month singing and playing even as the official celebration month draws to an end. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids you can do on the way to your swimming lesson.
I wrote a book!!!: ✪✪✪ FAMILIES GROW - an Amazon Best Book of the Month - by Dan Saks and Brooke Smart available from Penguin Random House ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out and a handwritten letter! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Great Bowls of Groovy Gemelli Noodlinos! It's a new Noodle Loaf noodlesode! Too much? Ok, I'll tone it down. Press play for fun music and games for kids. Thank you.
First up a special edition of our Trivia game called Instrument or Italian Cheese. This music appreciation game tests you knowledge of both Italian cheeses and orchestral instruments to make sure you never attempt to grate a piccolo over your pappardelle. ✪
This episode's echo song, called Before I Get Up, is a gentle wake up song that teaches morning mindfulness and may possibly help your child wake up happy and get ready faster. If nothing else it should help them develop a sense of pitch and rhythm. ✪
We end with a Time To Move game that involves magic gloves and finger dancing. I learned a version of this game from Dr. John Feierabend, an early music education wizard. It is a great game for teaching awareness of flow and tempo. It is also big time fun. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids you can do on the way to your music lesson for kids.
I wrote a book!!!: ✪✪✪ FAMILIES GROW - an Amazon Best Book of the Month - by Dan Saks and Brooke Smart available from Penguin Random House ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out and a handwritten letter! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
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✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
You won't learn to spell in today's episode, but you may learn to mispronounce the word "barber." You will also learn how to plan for special occasions. In other words you will learn MOST of the most important things. And if you enjoy singing songs then that's even better.
Birthdays, graduations, growing your first eyebrow...what do these things all have in common? They are all very special occasions. This echo song is an all purpose special occasion celebration song. It helps children develop their sense of pitch, rhythm and hosting. ✪
Today's Rhyme Time is a collaboration with Tibbs and MG from the very silly show Paper Bag Party. They need your help making rhymes! If you don't listen to this episode then they will be wandering forever in a land of unfinished quatrains. HELP THEM PLEASE!!! ✪
Does your child sit in the car or their room or a shopping cart making up songs for hours about whatevs? If you said yes then this is the music game for them. It builds verbal skills and improvisational skills and it is called KaraYOUke ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids hiding in side your smart speaker.
I wrote a book!!!: ✪✪✪ FAMILIES GROW - an Amazon Best Book of the Month - by Dan Saks and Brooke Smart available from Penguin Random House ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out and a handwritten letter! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
I am introducing a new episode titling concept that is akin to how certain race horses are named. See, this episode contains pieces of previous episodes as well as new material. Thus, the episode title pays homage to that lineage to form the poetic phrase: "Hello Donkey Potato." Race horse names are often nods to their parents i.e. a horse named Waffle Toes may have been sired by Brekky Pie and Foot Fingers. I expect this innovation to spread rapidly throughout the world of podcasting. It is my gift to the industry...my legacy. But enough about the title, what fun music and games for kids lies within these 1s and 0s?
We begin with a Time To Move movement game called Bubble Bubble Pop. Kids will use their hands, fingers and claps to perform a dance that develops small motor skills AND big movement thrills. ✪
Nextly, we share a Noodle Loaf version of the Echo Song mega-hit, Down By The Bay. This was recorded when Joni was a good bit shorter than she currently is. Not to worry, I have adjusted the mic to accommodate her latest height. We've added our own punchlines to this song. How did we do? ✪
Who doesn't love a listening skill building game like Name That Sound? I don't want to give away any answers but let's just say you're going to need an extra pair of socks to play this one. ✪
A Tiny Song that is about a Donkey Farm and about how everyone is going there tonight. Not too much to add to that. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids you can play at 1.25x speed.
I wrote a book!!!: ✪✪✪ FAMILIES GROW - an Amazon Best Book of the Month - by Dan Saks and Brooke Smart available from Penguin Random House ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out and a handwritten letter! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com -
Sorry kids, the song about the history of Kraftwerk didn't make the final edit but don't fret, there is a clapping game about robots. There is also a Western folk song and opportunities to make use of your ears and hands so make sure to have those nearby before hitting play.
We begin with a song game called Clap It Back about robots. But is it a song about robots? Or an homage to Phil Collins? Can it be both? This is a great way to develop Rhythmic Awareness and 80s pop icon awareness. ✪
Kids love classic Western cinema so here is an old Western folk song that also happens to be an Echo Song. So hop up in the saddle and join us on the trail. ✪
The word "Aural" is confusing when heard aurally. That is ironic. There is nothing we can do about that but what we can do is develop Aural Awareness via a game called Name That Sound. We'll play a sound, you try to name it. ✪
If you like Rhythmic Improvisation and Body Percussion then you will love Jam Along. Stomp, clap, pat and snap your funkiest groove along to our funkiest groove. ✪
We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for kids you can pack in your picnic basket.
I wrote a book!!!: ✪✪✪ FAMILIES CAN - an Amazon Best Book of the Year So Far - by Dan Saks and Brooke Smart available from Penguin Random House ✪✪✪
✪ Join our Patreon to get a show shout out and a handwritten letter! www.patreon.com/noodleloaf
✪ SUBSCRIBE and/or LEAVE A REVIEW on Apple Podcasts
✪ Get some Noodle Loaf gear at noodleloaf.threadless.com.
✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir? The echo song and instructions are here: http://noodleloaf.com/choir
Find us on noodleloaf.com Twitter and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com - Näytä enemmän