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    The episode features Krissi Carter, the founder of Thinking Spot Coaching, who shares her journey from being a head teacher to facing a mental health crisis and finding resilience. She emphasizes the importance of mental fitness and offers valuable advice for teachers and individuals struggling with mental health. The conversation delves into the challenges of teaching, the impact of mental health, and the power of resilience.


    The importance of mental fitness and its impact on overall well-beingThe challenges faced by teachers and the impact on mental healthThe power of resilience and the journey from crisis to recoveryThe need for support and resources for teacher well-beingThe value of positive practices such as journaling, meditation, and mindfulness
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    The conversation revolves around health and fitness for teachers, focusing on mental and physical well-being. It covers topics such as diet, exercise, sleep, and sustainable lifestyle changes.

    The hosts discuss extreme diets and the importance of balance and consistency in health and fitness routines. The conversation covers various dieting approaches and their impact on mindset, health, and fitness. It delves into the complexities of tracking food, the pitfalls of extreme dieting, and the importance of balance and moderation.

    The discussion also touches on the influence of social media on health and fitness perceptions, the significance of healthy habits, and the role of sleep in overall well-being.


    Teachers often struggle with health and fitness due to the nature of their work and the pressure of half-term deadlines.Sustainable lifestyle changes, balance, and consistency are key to achieving and maintaining good health and fitness.The importance of sleep, movement, and calorie management in achieving health and fitness goals.Extreme diets may not be sustainable or healthy in the long term, and a balanced approach is more effective.Focusing on healing the relationship with one's body and making gradual, sustainable changes leads to long-term success in health and fitness. Tracking food can be tedious at first, but it becomes easier with time and practice.Extreme dieting can lead to a binge culture and an all-or-nothing mindset.The influence of social media on health and fitness perceptions can be misleading and unrealistic.Healthy habits, including sleep, hydration, and balanced nutrition, are essential for overall well-being.
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    In this episode, Sam Lilley shares his career journey as a primary school teacher and offers valuable insights and advice. He discusses the importance of finding the right school for you, the power of collaboration and observation in teaching, and the need to prioritize work-life balance.

    Sam also talks about his experience on CBBC's Pet School and the positive impact of social media in supporting and championing the teaching profession.


    Finding the right school for you is crucial for a fulfilling teaching career.Collaboration and observation are powerful tools for professional growth.Prioritising work-life balance is essential for mental and physical well-being.Social media can be a supportive platform for teachers and a way to champion the teaching profession.
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy interview Robbie O'Connell, a positivity primary principal. Robbie shares his career journey, starting with his background in social work and transitioning into teaching.

    He discusses the challenges and rewards of being a school principal and the impact he has on his students. Robbie also shares his favorite memory of seeing the smiling faces of students returning to school after the COVID-19 pandemic and the hardest moment of breaking the news to a class that he would be leaving. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of building connections with students and the role of educators in shaping their lives.

    In this conversation, Robbie O'Connell, a primary school principal, shares his insights on leadership and well-being in the education sector. He discusses the importance of taking breaks, using a diary for organization, and maintaining a reflection journal. Robbie emphasizes the need for perspective and prioritizing time in order to manage the stress and demands of the job.

    He also highlights the significance of setting a positive example for staff and prioritizing family time. Overall, Robbie's advice centers around maintaining balance and well-being in both personal and professional life.


    Robbie O'Connell started his career in social work before transitioning into teaching and becoming a school principal.As a school principal, Robbie emphasizes the importance of building connections with students and being present in their lives.The impact of educators goes beyond academics and can greatly influence the well-being and happiness of students.Robbie's favorite memory is seeing the smiling faces of students returning to school after the COVID-19 pandemic.Breaking the news to a class that he would be leaving was one of the hardest moments for Robbie, highlighting the strong bond between teachers and their students. Take breaks and prioritize self-care to manage the demands of a leadership roleUse a diary for organization and reflection journal for positive mindsetMaintain perspective and prioritize time to manage stressSet a positive example for staff and prioritize family time
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy interview Poppy, a reception teacher with pink hair. Poppy shares her journey into teaching and the challenges she faced during her NQT year. She emphasises the importance of finding a supportive network of friends and seeking advice from experienced teachers.

    Poppy also talks about her role as the farm lead at her school and the joy she finds in interacting with the animals. Her advice to listeners is to have a diverse group of friends and to be open to different perspectives.


    Find a supportive network of friends who can provide advice and different perspectives.Seek help and advice from experienced teachers when facing challenges.Embrace diverse friendships and learn from people in different stages of life.Find joy in your work and take time for self-care.Create a positive and supportive environment for yourself and your students.
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy discuss finding the right environment to work in and how to handle job applications and rejections. They share their personal experiences and offer advice on navigating the teacher transfer window and applying for jobs in general. They emphasize the importance of finding the right fit and being open to new opportunities.

    They also discuss the challenges of job interviews and share some unconventional interview experiences. In this conversation, Martin and Poppy discuss their experiences with job interviews in the teaching profession.

    They share tips and insights on how to prepare for interviews, including researching the school, asking questions, and being authentic. They also discuss the importance of not getting discouraged by rejections and seeing each interview as a learning opportunity. The conversation concludes with a reminder to value oneself and to keep persevering in the job search.


    Take the time to find the right environment and school to work inBe open to new opportunities and don't be afraid to make a changeHandling job rejections is part of the process, and it's important to remember that it may not be the right fit for youJob interviews can be unconventional and challenging, but it's important to stay true to yourself and your teaching style Research the school before the interviewBe authentic and show your true selfDon't get discouraged by rejectionsSee each interview as a learning opportunityValue yourself and your worthKeep persevering in the job search
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy interview Jordan Firth, a primary school teacher and creator of humorous teaching videos. They discuss Jordan's career journey, his favorite and hardest moments in teaching, and the importance of humor in the classroom. Jordan shares three things he can't live without: moments of reflection, sarcasm, and his gym workouts. He also offers the advice to not take teaching too seriously and to find humor in the everyday challenges.


    Teaching can be challenging, but finding humour in the everyday challenges can make it more bearable.Taking moments to reflect and have a laugh can help protect your mental health and well-being as a teacher.Finding activities or hobbies outside of teaching, like going to the gym, can provide a much-needed break and help you recharge.Don't take teaching too seriously. Remember to have fun and find joy in the classroom.Humour can humanise you as a teacher and create a positive and engaging learning environment for your students.
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy discuss the concept of finding one's purpose and passion in life. They explore the first two questions from Margie Worrell's book: 'What makes you come alive?' and 'What are your innate strengths?' Martin shares his excitement and passion for fitness and teaching, while Poppy talks about her love for connecting with people and coming up with new ideas. They also discuss the challenges and benefits of being true to oneself and taking risks. In this conversation, Poppy and Martin discuss their different career journeys and how they have found purpose and added value in their respective roles. They explore the importance of finding what serves you and what you want in life, and how this can lead to a fulfilling career. They also discuss the value of building relationships and supporting others, and how coaching and mentoring can make a difference. They reflect on measuring their lives by the freedom and happiness they experience, and the importance of living without regrets.


    Finding one's purpose and passion in life is essential for mental and physical well-being.Reading can be a great form of escapism and self-actualization.As educators, it's important to remember our why and reconnect with our passion.Excitement and passion are key factors in coming alive and finding fulfillment.Being true to oneself and embracing authenticity is a strength.Problem-solving skills and finding alternative ways to do things can lead to greater satisfaction.Taking risks and trying new things can be both a strength and a weakness.Connecting with others and learning from different perspectives can enhance personal growth. Finding what serves you and what you want in life is key to a fulfilling career.Building relationships and supporting others adds value to your work.Coaching and mentoring can make a difference in people's lives.Measuring your life by the freedom and happiness you experience is important.Living without regrets and making choices that align with your values leads to a fulfilling life.
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    In episode seven of the Not Another Teacher podcast, Martin and Poppy discuss the high levels of stress and coping mechanisms among teachers. They explore the findings of a study that revealed one in four teachers drinks to cope with the job, and 12% of teachers are on antidepressants. They discuss the pressures of the job and the need for teachers to find healthy coping strategies. They share their own coping strategies, such as voice noting to friends and taking time for oneself. They also highlight the need for schools to prioritize teacher well-being and for teachers to set boundaries and prioritize self-care. The conversation explores the reasons why people turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism and suggests alternative strategies for dealing with stress and negative emotions. It emphasizes the importance of making conscious choices and finding joy in healthier ways. The hosts discuss the accessibility and affordability of alcohol and the need for better coping strategies. They also mention the benefits of meditation, spending time outdoors, and connecting with others. The conversation concludes with the idea of focusing on the positive aspects of teaching and the power of talking and sharing experiences.


    One in four teachers drinks to cope with the job, and 12% of teachers are on antidepressants.Teachers need to find healthy coping strategies to manage the stress of the job.Coping strategies can include voice noting to friends, taking time for oneself, and engaging in activities that bring joy.Schools should prioritize teacher well-being and support teachers in setting boundaries and practicing self-care. Question whether reaching for alcohol is really what you want and consider healthier alternatives for coping with stress and negative emotions.Find joy in activities that don't involve alcohol, such as spending time outdoors, practicing meditation, or connecting with others.Focus on the positive aspects of teaching and share the good moments with others.Make conscious choices and be aware of the reasons behind your alcohol consumption.Talk and share experiences with others to find support and new strategies for coping with challenges.
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy discuss the study that suggests jogging makes people angrier and explore alternative fitness activities. They emphasize the importance of finding time for fitness and establishing a routine that works for individual schedules. They also discuss the significance of taking breaks during the day and setting boundaries to prioritize self-care. Martin shares a helpful tool for creating a to-do list that includes self-care activities. They highlight the importance of getting to know oneself and making changes to routines to find joy in life.


    Finding time for fitness and establishing a routine is crucial for overall well-being.Taking breaks during the day and setting boundaries can help prevent burnout.Creating a to-do list that includes self-care activities can help prioritize personal well-being.Getting to know oneself and making changes to routines can lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life.
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy discuss strategies for managing anxiety in teaching. They emphasize the importance of preparation and organization, such as planning outfits and meals in advance. They also highlight the value of setting boundaries and living authentically to reduce anxiety. Gaining perspective and talking to others about worries and concerns is another helpful strategy. However, they caution against relying on negative online communities for support and suggest choosing positive and supportive groups instead. In this conversation, Martin and Poppy discuss strategies for managing anxiety as a teacher. They emphasize the importance of being authentic and seeking support from others. They also discuss the balance between professionalism and personal expression on social media. The conversation explores coping mechanisms for anxiety, such as creating positive routines and gaining perspective. They highlight the importance of switching up routines to reduce anxiety and finding joy in everyday life. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the importance of setting boundaries with work and taking control of one's well-being.


    Be authentic and seek support from others.Balance professionalism and personal expression on social media.Create positive routines and switch up routines to reduce anxiety.Gain perspective and offer advice to others.Find joy in everyday life and take control of your well-being.
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy discuss the importance of setting boundaries and saying no in the teaching profession. They explore the pressure to go above and beyond, the fear of what others will think, and the impact of budget cuts on workload. They provide strategies for saying no, such as using the school diary and taking time before making a decision. They emphasize the power and worthiness of teachers and the importance of seeking opportunities that serve you. By setting boundaries and saying no, teachers can protect their mental and physical health and thrive in and out of the classroom.


    Setting boundaries and saying no is crucial for protecting mental and physical health in the teaching profession.The fear of what others will think and the pressure to go above and beyond often prevent teachers from setting boundaries.Using strategies like checking the school diary and taking time before making a decision can help teachers say no effectively.Teachers should seek out opportunities that serve them and align with their career goals and personal enjoyment.
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    In this episode, Martin shares his journey into teaching and his experience with a toxic school environment. He discusses the challenges and benefits of a four-year teaching degree, the intensity of a PGCE, and the importance of reflection and growth during a three-year degree. Martin also highlights the red flags and overwhelming expectations he encountered in the toxic school, including micromanagement and undermining. He emphasizes the significance of leadership and the impact it has on the overall school environment. In this conversation, Martin shares his experiences as a teacher and his decision to transition into personal training. He discusses nightmare stories in schools, the importance of trust and structured planning, and the need for teachers to maintain boundaries and prioritize self-care. Martin also emphasizes the power of choice and flexibility in teaching, the challenges of leaving a comfortable teaching job, and the benefits of exploring different school environments. He offers advice for current and trainee teachers, including effective communication with school leadership and the utilization of unions. Overall, Martin's story highlights the importance of empowering teachers to make positive changes in their careers.


    Consider the benefits and challenges of different teaching degree programs before making a decision.Reflect on your experiences during placements to determine if teaching is the right career path for you.Be cautious of red flags in school environments, such as high staff turnover and negative leadership.Maintain a focus on your own well-being and mental health throughout your teaching journey. Maintaining boundaries and prioritizing self-care are crucial for teachers to avoid burnout.Effective communication with school leadership is essential for managing workload and addressing concerns.Teachers have the power to make choices and explore different school environments to find the right fit.Utilizing unions can provide support and protection for teachers in challenging situations.Empowering teachers to make positive changes in their careers can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
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    In this episode, Poppy shares her journey into teaching and her passion for education. She discusses her decision to become a teacher and the reasons behind it, including her love for connecting with people and her curiosity for learning. Poppy also talks about her experiences in teacher training and the challenges she faced during her university years. She reflects on the different roles she had in various schools and the impact they had on her well-being. Finally, Poppy shares her transition from teaching to becoming a university lecturer and the fulfillment she found in working with adult learners. In this conversation, Poppy discusses her experience teaching older adults and the joy she felt in seeing them learn and grow. She also shares her journey of transitioning from primary school teaching to higher education. Poppy highlights the challenges of teaching adults, including the need for mental health support and dealing with adult issues. She emphasizes the importance of being oneself as a teacher and finding the right fit in terms of teaching environment. Poppy also discusses the flaws in education, such as the focus on knowledge rather than practical skills.


    Teaching can be a rewarding career for those who have a passion for connecting with people and a curiosity for learning.Teacher training programs and university experiences can vary, and it's important to find a program that aligns with your values and interests.Changing schools and roles within the education field can provide opportunities for growth and learning, but it's important to find a supportive and inclusive environment.Transitioning from teaching to other career paths, such as becoming a university lecturer, can offer new challenges and opportunities for personal and professional development.Maintaining a work-life balance and finding fulfillment in your career are important considerations when deciding whether to continue teaching or explore other options. Teaching older adults can be incredibly empowering and rewarding.Transitioning from primary school teaching to higher education can provide new challenges and opportunities.Supporting students' mental health is a crucial aspect of teaching adults.Being oneself and finding the right teaching environment are key to being a successful teacher.
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    In this episode, Martin and Poppy discuss the purpose of the podcast, which is to address the mental and physical health challenges faced by teachers. They highlight the interconnectedness of physical and mental health in teaching and the impact it has on teachers' overall well-being. The conversation delves into the pressures and challenges of the teaching profession, including the exploitation of teachers by higher authorities and the difficulty of prioritizing self-care. They also discuss the temptation of promotions without adequate compensation and the distorted boundaries and expectations in education. The episode concludes with a discussion on the high levels of stress and mental health issues among teachers. The conversation explores the challenges of maintaining boundaries and avoiding burnout in the teaching profession. It highlights the pressure to always show up and give more of oneself, leading to constant burnout. The need for catch-up sleep is discussed as a coping mechanism. The importance of setting boundaries and using a diary to manage workload is emphasized. Creating habits and routines that prioritize self-care is seen as crucial. Ultimately, protecting oneself is essential for maintaining passion and being the best teacher for students and family.


    Teaching is a profession that requires attention to both physical and mental health, as they are interconnected.Teachers often face immense pressures and challenges, leading to burnout and a sense of losing oneself.The education system often exploits teachers by expecting them to take on additional responsibilities without proper compensation.Teachers struggle to prioritize self-care due to the demands of their profession and the difficulty of setting boundaries.There is a need for greater support and resources to address the high levels of stress and mental health issues among teachers. The teaching profession often demands teachers to show up and give more of themselves, leading to constant burnout.Catch-up sleep can be a coping mechanism for teachers, but it is not sustainable in the long run.Setting boundaries and learning to say no are crucial for managing workload and protecting mental health.Using a diary to plan and prioritize tasks can help teachers establish boundaries and maintain a healthy work-life balance.Creating habits and routines that prioritize self-care is essential for preventing burnout and maintaining passion in teaching.