
  • What do you do when you're a commission-based salesperson, and your boss refuses to let any customers come your way? They just stand there, claim everyone who walks through the door and makes your job impossible!

    That's today on Office Horror Stories.

    Here's a preview.

    "I learned quickly that getting fired was done quite often to employees who could not sell cell phones or other devices. It got so bad that my boss would threaten us daily that if we don't get out there and sell, we will get canned. Most of the time, she was not even at the store running "errands" or sitting in the backroom doing absolutely nothing. Corporate managers came in one day and had a meeting with her and once they left, she ripped all our heads off with the "YOU NEED TO SELL MORE OR WE ARE ALL GETTING FIRED!". This turned quickly into HER trying to outsell US employees! She would literally stand by the door, and once a customer walked in, she would bombard them with questions about what they needed to buy and pushing every new electronic device on them."

  • What do you do when it's your first day on a new job, and you're forced to call the cops? You want to look like a manager who is able to handle the job, yet you have no choice! Just how crazy was that first day? That's today on Office Horror Stories!

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  • What is lifelike for a debt collection agent? Endless calls, harassing, reasoning, begging people to follow through on a debt that they owe. How crazy and stressful can that life get? That’s what we’re about to find out today on Office Horror Stories.

  • What do you do when you're boss is all to eager to throw you under the bus? Do you work harder? Try to change their opinion? Or get revenge? That's today on Office Horror Stories!

    Here's a preview of one story.

    "Instead of utilizing the vast knowledge of the staff and learning from them, he was threatened by anyone who knew more. He would often swear at staff. He would talk about employees behind their backs to other employees. This gossip was often very sensitive and personal information. He would take credit for good ideas and throw employees under the bus for his screw-ups. He constantly demeaned and bitched about his wife but then hired her to run a department of the affiliate. I hate to say this about another woman, but she wasn't very bright and had a nasty personality. She and had no business working there, let alone running a department. This added even more bad energy to an already toxic workplace. I strongly suspect both the director and his wife were heavy drinkers and often took part in the consumption of other illicit substances. Their toxicity quickly seeped into every aspect of the affiliate, and even our reputation in the community was affected."

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • How do you approach a neighbor about their un-neighborly activity without turning into a bad neighbor yourself?

    Subscribe to our podcast wherever you download podcasts!

    Share your nightmare neighbor story with us at http://www.nightmareneighbors.com or Call 1-888-68-Crazy!

  • What do you do when a delusional customer comes into your dealership, claiming that you are attempting to steal his car? Crazy right? That’s what we hear about today on office horror stories.

    Heres a preview of the story.

    “This guy starts freaking out. I told him I would gladly get him a sales manager, you know, someone in a higher position than the person this dude was asking for. That was not good enough. And he continued to sit there. I went to the sales managers, and they left me, a young 20-year-old girl, to do the heavy lifting and get this guy out. I tried everything. I gave him the salesman’s schedule. I even TEXTED the sales rep, and he had no idea who I was talking about or who this customer was. Finally, I was able to get this guy back to the service counter, and I was relieved, thinking he was finally going to leave. That was not the case. In the state where I live/work, it is required to get a signature when vehicles are picked up. It’s symbolic that we are “giving” ‘the vehicle back to you so that if you were to get into an accident/whatever, it was not in the hands of the dealership/shop. Also, with a $0 bill, we want some type of paper trail that some rando didn’t come into the lot and stole the car. I asked this guy for a signature on his $0 bill. He starts asking me why. So, I explained to him why. He took that as we’re keeping his vehicle. (Meanwhile, his vehicle is sitting in the service drive, unlocked, keys inside, garage door wide open) I told him that we do not want to keep his car and that he is more than welcome to leave.”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • What do you do when the person responsible for keeping people ethical and on track, is the least ethical of your employees. When HR is the enemy! Is there no hope at this point? That’s today on Office Horror Stories.

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • What do you do when your boss is a control freak? A control freak that can't handle reality and ends up trying to overcharge the customers for the sake of their ego!? That's today, on Office Horror Stories.
    Here's a preview of our story.

    "Hutch insisted that only one person was always to be on the job until the job was done, that one guy Keenan. All the while, he'd pressure Keenan to get it done. Remorseless to how much work he added was at least 3 weeks of work. Hutch lost his mind when Keenan didn't have the work done in less than a week.

    All of these "faults" were to belittle Marvin and me because Hutch couldn't stand to realize that Marvin and me, but mostly Marvin, could actually have successfully, had such a fancy home addition for the cost Marvin and I painstakingly made sure would be possible. All of Hutch's unnecessary changes brought the project up to $87,000. The homeowner could only pay an additional $5,000. Hutch blamed Marvin for the huge loss of money on the project.

    Keenan ended up walking off the job first thing in the morning when he was reamed at out by Hutch less than an hour after he had begun working after he tried to stand up for himself and was pushed deep into the dirt for not working fast enough."

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! That is something that is easy to tell others, but sometimes hard to digest if you are the recipient of the sudden “fortune.” Today we hear a crazy story of name dropping to the extreme.

    “Most office horror stories come from workplaces where we must deal with nightmarish coworkers and bosses. I happily left that world to start my own business in 2007, and for the most part, it has been everything I’ve ever wanted. Awesome customers, a fantastic network of other small business owners to chat with, and the freedom that comes from running my own show.

    But office horror stories can happen to one-person businesses too, and here’s the proof!

    I had an amazing customer—for several months, she spent a LOT of money in my online shop, specifically on custom pieces. She'd always been very well-spoken in our email exchanges, was very engaging, had lots of social media cred, and I trusted her.

    After ordering several items over several months, which she always paid for, and giving me glowing reviews, she casually mentioned that she was going on a certain TV show, which she teasingly called “E.” I congratulated her, assuming she was going to be on The Ellen Show, and to my surprise, she invited me to go on the Ellen Show WITH HER, because my work was so inspiring, and Ellen loved it. (My artwork has a lot to do with rescue animals, so this seemed legit to me at the time.)

    This is important to understand—this customer had a VERY credible reason why she was going, and why she was asking me along.

    And then
two days after THAT invite was extended, she called me and revealed that her "personal friend,” Oprah Winfrey, wanted to meet me as well.”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Sometimes reality is just too “normal” for some people. What do you do when you find out that the person you think you are working with, is not that very person at all! That’s today on Office Horror Stories!

    Here is a preview of a story.

    “I would review with T things that she should have remembered as we just discussed it the day before. When she would talk to customers, it was like she knew nothing about the clothes even though we had trained all our staff on the focus diets on the important items that we really wanted them to concentrate on. She would be taken in for coaching and things would improve for a bit, but we finally let her go. A few years later, I ran into T on the street, or at least I thought it was her. She was still dressed the same way in the same cakey makeup and the same clothes. Her hair was looking like she had just stepped out of a hair salon where she had spent hours under a dryer drum with rollers. And her perfume created a scent barrier where I could barely breathe. As I said chasing with her, it came out that it was not actually T but, instead, was a sister a triplet. T had two identical sisters!”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • What do you do when the person you work for is delusional. They have visions of grandeur that really don’t exist, yet they insist on living in this delusional world and bringing you into it? How do you keep your job and not go crazy at such w workplace?

    “It didn't take me long to find out my boss was mentally insane. It started off fine, she was great but quickly went south after a few months. She was super funny and would sing and dance in front of the customers to make them laugh. Everyone loved her. She would always brag about her lifestyle and her big nice house her husband built her and how they donate so much money to charity every year. She seemed like she had it all. One day I came into work down in the dumps because my boyfriend had gotten locked up earlier that day for probation violation. She noticed something was wrong, and after me explaining to her what happened, she dragged me to her car and took me to bail him out of jail. I told her a million times not to do it because I didn't have the money to pay her back, but she insisted. A couple of weeks after that passed, she told everyone that she had hit the lottery and that she was going to give each worker $10,000. We were all ecstatic to say the least, because we did not make a lot of money working there making $2.00 an hour being a waitress. She also told me in private that I was her favorite, so she was going to buy me a car because I didn't have one. I was over the moon, excited. She would randomly buy everyone nice things and treat us to dinner a few times a month.”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Have you ever had a coworker who just refused to be happy? The type that will complain and complain, yet when things are fixed, they just find more to complain about. Yep, That’s who we’re talking about today on office horror stories!

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Sometimes people put up so many walls, it is impossible to get to know them. What do you do when you have a co-worker that you can't be sure is good, bad, neutral or evil? Confusing co-workers, today on Office Horror Stories.

    “3 weeks and I had only said one thing to her, in attempts to be nice and sociable which was "What do you think of this new program, compared to the old one?" and simply got a response "I was just getting used to the old one too but it's not bad." I smiled, left it at that and went on my way to whatever it was I had been doing, probably a visit to the bathroom. Several days later, still trying to learn how the new program worked, I had come back from my Team Lead's desk after asking her a question only to be approached by my direct manager, Ashley. Ashley smiled and asked me to follow her to her office for a moment. My thinking nothing, perhaps reflecting our personal assessments we had done a week or two earlier, she happened to be on her way and felt it was just easier to snag me as she passed by; I was wrong.”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Do you have a nightmare neighbor story or a story of a neighbor from hell? We want to hear it! Soon, we will be launching a brand new podcast "Nightmare Neighbors"! Share your story at http://www.nightmareneighbors.com or call in 1-888-68-CRAZY, that's 1-(888) 682-7299 .

  • Have you ever been asked to do something that was far outside of your job description? How do you handle it, when what you are asked to do is not only dangerous but crazy as well?

    “Later that day, I got a call explaining that I was one of the five people they wanted to call back for stage 2, so I was told to return to the office at 9 AM the next day. I get there and find that there are four other people waiting as well. As we wait, the tiny waiting room fills up, until there are more than 30 people packed together. While this is happening, we hear house music ominously blasting in the backroom, and after a while, we hear loud chanting and shouting coming as well.

    Against my better judgment, I choose to stay until my name is called. My interviewer explains that because the office is so crowded, we must have an interview in a Starbucks. On the way, he explains that my job would involve none of the responsibilities listed in the job description. Instead, it involved walking up to people on the subway to get them to sign up for cell phone deals, and my salary would be entirely commission-based.”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Have you ever had a boss that didn’t respect your time off? Calling, emailing, even demanding you “stop in” on your vacation? Today we hear about a zealous boss who doesn’t respect personal time in any, way shape, or forms!

    Here’s a preview of the office horror story we will be talking about:

    “Shortly after, I would start getting called in on my week-long vacations, and the reason was my manager was whining about shifts needing to be covered and having no one to call in, and a close friend of mine had enough and flat out told him, "Hey, why not call in [story writer], he'll work" and just kept pestering and pestering until in an annoyed tone my manager was like, "I guess I can call him in"

    Well, one of these days, the store owner was at the store and remembering the schedule issue, I brought it up with her, to which the owner was shocked at how little I was being given for hours.

    After that, I was given regular working hours again, and I think it was in part because my friend would just annoy my manager into calling me in, and also because I think the owner tore the manager a new butthole for abusing his employees.

    Soon, however, I was given nothing but opening shifts, and our store opens at 6am... the reason this is an issue is that I have ADHD meds I take at 7am every day, and my manager knew this.”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Having a vindictive boss is never a “good thing”. Having a boss that goes out of their way to destroy your personal belongings takes crazy to a whole new level. That’s what we talk about today on Office Horror Stories.

    Here’s a preview of the office horror story we will be talking about:

    “Adrian is THE most awful boss EVER. Adrian is a huge bully for no good reason. Vincent is a sweet guy in his 50’s who still lives at home with his mom. And Adrian thinks of himself as some sort of Messiah. Here goes! It’s the end of the day and work is almost over; everyone is getting ready to leave and Vincent hangs his lab coat up ready for the next day. Adrian likes to do A LOT of overtime; I’m talking working from 4am-5pm when our contracted hours are 8am-5pm. So, this means, Adrian comes in much much earlier than Vincent. On this day, Vincent arrives at work and goes into the workshop, he knows he has a messy job to do that day, so he goes to get his lab coat, but his lab coat isn’t there. He turned around and Adrian is smirking at him. Adrian shrugged at Vincent as if he didn’t know what happened to the lab coat. Vincent started to walk around the machines and see’s that his lab coat is floating in the tank of oil they have in the corner of the room. That’s right, oil. Vincent simply said nothing because he knows that Adrian loves getting a rise out of him, so he lets it go and asks the superiors to order a new lab coat. A few months go by, it’s seemingly just another day at work with Adrian bossing Vincent around and telling him how useless he is. It gets to the end of the day. Vincent doesn’t like to wear his work boots in his car because of the oil they work with, so he keeps a pair of sneakers in a locker, but today, he notices the keys to his locker are already in the keyhole.”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Some people just have no concept of what life is like outside of their bubble. Some people have always had everything handed to them and probably always will. What is lifelike for those charged with catering to these assholes? That’s today on Office Horror Stories!

    Here’s a preview of the office horror story we will be talking about:

    “Having never done anything of value in her own life, she has devoted all her time to berating and humiliating us poor’s. We’ve photo-documented their homes down to the polish of the salad forks, lest she sends us manifestos about how we failed their expectations when an original Rockwell painting is .0007 degrees off-center. I once had to shuttle her and the company owner’s wife through a raging blizzard, and while I waited for them to eat at a restaurant, she loudly expressed her desire that the waiter be hanged for bringing her lukewarm soup (there was one waiter holding down about eight 4-tops by themselves due to their coworkers being snowed out of work).”

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com

  • Call center employees take more abuse than you could imagine. Impatient customers on a mission to shut down and destroy anyone in their path who simply want to help. Today we hear stories of call center nightmares!

    Here’s a preview of the office horror story we will be talking about:

    Nurses, cooks, salesmen, etc. suddenly became IT experts in weeks. This could be a trade secret, but the real reason why we don't have to be experts is that most centers follow a flow that mostly consists of questions and clicks to the proper box. I guess many people back in the states will relate to this. We must follow that flow even if it means we must ask questions that sometimes don't have anything to do with the issue. We can't reveal that we follow a flow and we can't do freestyle to quicken the call as that will be a death sentence for us. With all fairness to the system, 90% of the flows work and fix stuff, the rest is when we send technician to the customer's address. That is an entirely a different process, we can relay all we want, give all the information, but after that it really depends on the company and the technicians if they will show up. We also encountered racists comments from customers and some agents won't take this easily, we have cases that when a customer asks for an "American" agent, they were transferred to the Spanish queue. Our agents, at least in the company that I worked for speaks English properly. Some have accents close to those in the US so for them it's sometimes unfair for customers not giving them a chance. To end this, I'll give a series of tips for American listeners who from time to time must speak with customer service reps with hopes that we can help each other even more.

    If you have an office horror story, we want to hear it! Share it with us by writing in on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com or call in anytime 1-833-HATE-JOB.

    To hear more office horror stories be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Get more info on our website http://www.officehorrorstories.com