Hey Friend,
The end of the day can be so stressful as a mom. Trying to feed everyone, cleaning the kitchen just before everyone is ready for second supper, getting everything in place so we can find it on our way out the door in the morning, and getting everyone to bed so they can get enough sleep. All the things on our to-do list can really create a stressful couple of hours!!
Here's what I learned from my children this week when things had me mad and frustrated. Does this happen at your house too?
Don't stay stuck feeling all alone! I'm so here for you!! Message me at 704-759-6816
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
Hey Friend!
Reading with our children is one of the best things we can do with them in those early years! But how can we keep the bookshelves from looking like an avalanche after they put books away? In this episode, I share my simple organization solutions that have worked for us over the years!
Need help with one of your own spaces? I'm so here for that! Get your sos call scheduled today and let's work on it together! Text 704-759-6816
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
Puuttuva jakso?
Hey Friend! Laundry used to make me feel like a failure. It was always piled up on the guest bed, and still a mountain waiting to be washed….
Here’s how I changed that cycle of piling it up, and have been able to keep all the clean laundry put away for nearly 10 years now!!!! Even when I get backed up, this system keeps me from getting overwhelmed or staying backed up. Need help creating systems for your family? Book an SOS call and I’ll help you know exactly where to start, and give you the steps that will help you reach your goals! HUGS,
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
Hey Friend! When I finally realized how much the clutter and extra things were adding to my feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I got serious! Where to start decluttering when your whole house is a mess? Anywhere! Whatever space you’re in right now, start there! I’m sure you can look around and find 3 things you don’t need! Put them in a trash bag and keep going!!! If you need someone to give you a plan or walk with you through the process, what are you waiting for!?? Book a session with me today!! www.thesosmom.com
We’re in this together!
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL ☎️: www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
Hey Friend!
So many moms are struggling with toys and clutter! You don’t have to be one of them! Set boundaries, make it easy to clean up, and keep purging until it’s easy!!!!
Open ended play and toys that inspire creativity and imagination are all they need! Keep it fun, simple, and bless others with your excess to keep it from being your burden.
Mess IS Stress. If you’re home feels stressful because of the stuff in it, and it’s keeping you from enjoying the people in your life, it’s time to make a change!!!!
Need help decluttering? Book an SOS Call today!! www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: +1 704-759-6816
Hey Friend! so many times I meet my clients in their cluttered homes, embarrassed to even show me their beautiful rooms because they feel like failures for not keeping up with everything. We were not meant to be responsible for so many things that they burden us and make us feel stressed and overwhelmed in our own homes! It’s time to take back your home! Look around right now and find something you can give away!! Now fill a box or bag with more things you don’t need! It’s time to break those chains keeping you from your peace!
You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here to help!! HUGS,
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: +1 704-759-6816
Hey Friend!I used to have a pile of dirty laundry the size of the washing machine, and it would take me hours to clear all the clean clothes off the guest bed when someone was coming to stay! It was embarrassing! It felt impossible to fix it, and believe me, I felt like I had tried everything! But I changed my process and now, laundry is EASY for me!
I'm working on a course to show you step by step how to eliminate the laundry mountain for good! If you want to be one of the first to know when it's available, email me at Hello@thesosmom.com and get access before anyone else!
Need help simplifying or organizing your home? Book a session or consultation at www.thesosmom.com
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
Hey Friend!
I used to have this problem on a monthly basis! But for the last 8 years, I have only had ONE laundry basket for my family of 6, and we rarely have overflowing hampers, and even my husband gets his laundry INTO the Hamper, not on the floor!!
Struggling to simplify your laundry routine so you can keep up at home? Get to your email and send me a message today! I can't wait to help you!!
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
FB GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/thesosmomshow
Hey Friend!
Do your summer days have you feeling overwhelmed, behind, or like you've lost all control of your systems in your home? I can get that way too with all the distractions and chaos that comes with not having a schedule to follow.
Are you asking how to stay on top of things and still enjoy a relaxing summer of fun? Well, with YEARS of experience with moms just like you, I can tell you that this is what I have found that balances the fun and function for my household. It's Time Blocking! It is completely customizable, and flexible!
Email me at hello@thesosmom.com for a printable time blocking template just for you! If you need help with your schedule, email me at hello@thesosmom.com
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
FB GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/thesosmomshow
Hey Friend!
I was reminded how important it is to create an inviting home instead of a “perfect” home. Sometimes it’s just the perspective that needs to be adjusted ever so slightly so we can get out of our own way and get back to what’s most important!! Need help getting an action plan together so you can feel more confident in your own home? Email me at hello@thesosmom.com and I will personally help you create a simple, step by step plan to reach your goals! I’m here for YOU, let’s do this together!!
Website: www.thesosmom.com
FB Group: www.Facebook.com/groups/thesosmomshow
Email: hello@thesosmom.com
Hey Friend!
I got a message from a mama with 3 young children who was feeling wasteful and guilty for wanting to part with her pre baby wardrobe. She wasn't wearing any of it, and didn't feel comfortable or confident wearing it anymore, but couldn't quite make herself get rid of it and buy new items. This episode shares how I helped her, myself, and others over the years with this and similar struggles relating to clothing, as well as HOW TO start over with clothing if you do need to purchase new sizes or styles. From the bare minimum to a full closet of items that work for who you are now!
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
FB GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/thesosmomshow
SOS CALL: www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
Hey Friend!
Only have a day or two each week with time to make a home cooked dinner? Here's my simple meal plan solution for busy moms so everyone stops asking "What's for dinner".
I knew this was going to be a busy season for us with birthdays, holidays, houseguests, and out of town trips. We needed to save some money to stay on top of everything! The easiest way to save is to stop spending! So I wrote out our favorite dinners and the ingredients needed to make them. I found that I have everything I need to complete dinners this entire week without going to the store! I also have all the ingredients I need to make several breakfasts and snacks, so even if it isn't their favorite thing to eat, there is more than enough to keep everyone fed until next week.
I used colored index cards and a little sharpie to create Meal Cards. I used blue cards for dinners and peach cards for breakfasts. I plan to make some for snacks and drinks or deserts my children like to have during the summer too!
The Second night of me having meals planned and dinners ready early, we ended up spending several hours at the emergency room and boy oh boy was I glad I had things taken care of at home! I don't care if you live alone or have a dozen kids at home, this is guaranteed to save you time, save money, and eliminate stress and food waste!
Only shopping one day a week is another way to save money on groceries. The more you eat at home, the more likely you are to eat those fruits and veggies you forget about if you go to the store multiple times a week.
I'm doing this for the next few months at least! Are you with me??
Share your favorite meals in the Facebook group!
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
FB GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/thesosmomshow
SOS CALL: www.calendly.com/thesomom/sos-call
Hey Friend!
I don't think I've had many clients that didn't struggle with paper clutter, especially if they have children!! In this episode, I share my 3 step system for sorting through paperwork quickly so you can do better at keeping up with the papers, especially the important ones!
We Can do this together! And like they say on Paw Patrol, "No job is too big, no pup is too small." Come join us in the Facebook group for some behind the scenes fun an d conversation.
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
FB GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/thesosmomshow
SOS CALL: www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
Hey Friend! Are you someone who loves a tidy space, or a person who grew up knowing every item needs to be put away, but as you’re managing your own home, you realize you lose things often, or forget where you put them?
You are not alone!! That is one of the biggest reasons I wanted to start this podcast. I wanted to help people organize their homes and help inform those that maybe weren’t taught how to organize and it doesn’t come naturally to you. This episode shared a recent story about a kitchen that was full of junk drawers!! Like every drawer was a mix of items and none of them had any defined purpose. And how to solve this kind of challenge in your home, in any space!!!
Feeling like you can’t fix your space on your own? No worries! Book an SOS call and I’ll help you!
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
Hey Friend! This is the very first thing I do before a possible move to get my house ready. Whether your move is in days, weeks, or even next year, getting these things out of the way is the first place to start!! I actually love moving! I get so excited about a new beginning and a fresh start. Not just for myself, but for clients as well. If you need some personalized plans for your project, go book your sos call at www.thesosmom.com and let’s get started! HUGS,
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
Hey Friend!
I think we probably all hold on to things long after we stop using them, and definitely things we’ve never used at all. Here’s how I handle these tricky areas with myself, my children, and my clients!! No more feeling guilty and frustrated by things! Here’s how you can make the right decision for yourself!! HUGS,
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
Hey Friend! Does the thought of going through your clothes stress you out and make you want to give up? You are not alone!! I used to feel that way too!! In this episode, I share how I find the small categories even in a huge mess, and make it something I CAN do, even if I only have a few minutes to get through it. Decluttering doesn’t have to be a big mess and take hours at a time! There are things you can do in seconds to chip away at that big, overwhelming task, and I am here to help you find the way! HUGS,
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
Hey Friend! Happy Spring!!!
Its time to sort through our wardrobes and decide what to keep for next season, and what needs to go now. In this episode, I share several ways that I actually use to declutter clothing for myself, my children, and my clients. What questions should you ask yourself as you’re deciding what to keep or toss? I share my thoughts and opinions throughout the process of sorting through clothing with my clients and my children. Wish someone would come help you do this at your house? Book an SOS call for a quick Q&A or if you need more time, there are options for that as well at www.thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: www.calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-callWEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
Hey Friend,
As a mom of 4, my mental load can feel overwhelming at times. And when my home is cluttered, I don't feel like I ever get anything checked off my to-do list, and I'm just running around in circles never actually doing anything. More like just moving things from one place they don't belong to another place they don't belong, getting distracted a million and one times along the way.
Clutter can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, resentment, rage, failure, depression, overstimulation and can have other negative impacts on health and wellness. It also significantly interferes with our ability to do things efficiently!
When I walk into a cluttered kitchen, the last thing I want to do is make more mess by cooking. Often, I just end up leaving, snacking, or not eating at all.
Want to find some ways to share some of the responsibilities or at least simplify them? Listen in and I'll tell you!
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: https://calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
Hey Friend,
Feeling like a failure Bec cause you can't do everything everyone wants you to do in a day? This is the episode for you! You will find out how to live a simpler life and have a saner schedule!!
"Knowing your purpose simplifies your life. It defines what you do and don't do. Your purpose becomes the standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential and which aren't. You simply ask, 'Does this activity (task/request) help me fulfill one of God's purposes for my life?'" A paragraph from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life' by Rick Warren.
(I probably used the quotations incorrectly, but you get the point. It was a quarter century ago when I studied that stuff. Forgive me, mom.)
I would love to help you simplify your to-do list! Let's discuss what to prioritize in your SOS call or just shoot me an email and I'll get back to you!
WEBSITE: www.thesosmom.com
EMAIL: hello@thesosmom.com
SOS CALL: https://calendly.com/thesosmom/sos-call
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