
  • Be the first to get notified of the AI bootcamp by going here.

    Learn how to make money on the side by applying to develop a course here.

    In this episode, Ann delves into the delicate topic of receiving counteroffers from employers when attempting to transition to a new role. She shares personal experiences and insights to caution against seeking counteroffers solely for a salary increase and highlights the potential pitfalls of this strategy.

    By analyzing the reasons why firms might not provide counteroffers, Ann sheds light on the dynamics of such situations and advises listeners on how to approach salary negotiations sensibly.

    Key Takeaways:

    Avoid seeking counteroffers from employers solely for a salary increase, as it may lead to unintended consequences.

    Understand the various reasons why firms might not provide counteroffers, such as budget constraints or firm policies.

    Approach salary negotiations with transparency and honesty, focusing on the actual value and growth opportunities in a new role.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • Be the first to get notified of the AI bootcamp by going here.

    Learn how to make money on the side by applying to develop a course here.

    If you're interested in guest hosting, reach out to Ann on LinkedIn here.

    In this episode, Ann delivers a series of exciting announcements, including a switch to Tuesday releases, the introduction of guest hosts on the podcast, plans to start recording video episodes, updates on new courses, and an intriguing project on creating online courses for paralegals. From practical strategies for paralegal success to innovative opportunities for skill development, this episode sets the stage for upcoming changes and enhancements to the podcast.

    Key Takeaways:

    Ann Pearson introduces guest hosting opportunities for paralegals specializing in various practice areas.

    The podcast will transition to video recordings, offering a new platform for engaging with the audience.

    Exciting new courses, including an AI Bootcamp for paralegals, are in the works to enhance professional development.

    Listeners can sign up for newsletters and stay updated on upcoming courses and opportunities for growth in the legal field.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

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  • In this episode, host Ann discusses the topic of making mistakes as a paralegal and how to handle them. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and assessing the mistake, notifying the attorney, fixing the mistake, and reflecting and learning from it. Pearson shares a cautionary tale of a secretary who tried to hide a mistake and the negative consequences that followed.

    Key Takeaways:

    Mistakes happen to everyone, even attorneys, and it's important to acknowledge and address them rather than trying to hide or cover them up.

    When a mistake occurs, it is crucial to assess how it happened and take responsibility for it. Avoid making excuses or blaming others.

    Communicating the mistake to the attorney should be done with honesty, professionalism, and a focus on potential solutions.

    Fixing the mistake may involve correcting documents, amending filings, or taking immediate steps to mitigate the impact on clients or cases.

    Reflection and learning from the mistake is essential to prevent similar errors in the future. Consider implementing workflows or procedures to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • What is Panic Mode Paralegal? It's that state you're in when you're new to your career, you haven't had any kind of structured on-the-job training, the attorney brings you another last-minute piecemeal project that needs to be done, and you panic, wondering and guessing if you're doing it the right way or not.

    It doesn't have to be that way! In this episode, Ann discusses the Litigation Paralegal Career Accelerator method that helps new litigation paralegals move from Panic Mode Paralegal to Confident Case Strategist.

    Join Ann inside the Litigation Paralegal Boot Camp if you want to accelerate your paralegal career. She holds monthly live group coaching calls with you for one year to support you as you work through the course video lessons.

    Enrollment closes on May 2, 2024. Learn More Here.

  • Attorneys have a reputation for being procrastinators. We’ve all seen the memes and jokes about it. They’ve all seen them too. So we assume that’s just the way it is. It’s always been that way, and we have to get used to it.

    What if it didn’t have to be that way?

    Can you prevent all rush projects with what I’m going to talk about today? No. But what if you could reduce them by 50%? Even more of a reduction would be better, but imagine if you’re currently dealing with one rush project per day, and you could get that down to 2 or 3 per week.

    The result is less stress for you and a better work product. Maybe even fewer late nights or weekends.

    Listen to the episode for some actionable strategies to reduce the number of rush projects that you have.

    Don't forget to reserve your seat in the free live training being held this week - A Roadmap for Six-Figure Earnings: Insider Strategies for New Litigation Paralegals. Ann is holding it at 3 different days and times for you to choose from: https://paralegal-bootcamp.com/roadmap

    Key Takeaways:

    New litigation paralegals don't have to wait years to see success and earn a good salary.

    Proactive thinking and taking initiative can significantly reduce rush projects and improve work quality.

    Changing what you do and how you think can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding paralegal career.

    Having open and honest conversations with attorneys about the impact of last-minute projects can bring about positive change.

    Being proactive and staying ahead of deadlines and tasks can help paralegals provide better support to attorneys and clients.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • Join the FREE live training Ann mentions in this episode, the Roadmap to 6-Figure Earnings: Insider Strategies for New Litigation Paralegals, here:


    In this episode, Ann shares actionable strategies for legal assistants or other legal professionals who want to get promoted to a paralegal position.

    She emphasizes the importance of exceeding expectations in your current role, taking on paralegal projects, getting additional training beyond your paralegal certificate, and asking for the promotion. Ann provides valuable insights and advice for paralegals looking to advance their careers.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • About the Guest:

    Lewanda Franklin is an experienced paralegal with over 20 years of experience in the legal field. She has worked in various practice areas, including family law, civil litigation, government affairs, and personal injury. Lewanda is known for her ability to pivot and adapt to different practice areas, continuously expanding her knowledge and skill set. She is currently working on launching her brand, "The Proper Paralegal," which aims to help paralegals achieve work-life balance and professional growth.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Ann Pearson interviews Lewanda Franklin, an experienced paralegal who has successfully pivoted between different practice areas throughout her career. Lewanda shares her insights and experiences, highlighting the importance of continuous learning, self-care, and taking initiative in one's career. She discusses her transition from civil litigation and family law to government affairs, and later to personal injury. Lewanda also shares her advice for paralegals at different stages of their careers, emphasizing the need for self-care, professional development, and the courage to ask for what you want.

    Key Takeaways:

    Lewanda emphasizes the importance of self-care for paralegals, highlighting the need to prioritize physical and mental well-being.

    Continuous learning and professional development are crucial for paralegals to stay relevant and advance in their careers.

    Paralegals should not be afraid to ask for opportunities and investments in their professional growth.

    Pivoting between different practice areas can expand a paralegal's knowledge and skill set, increasing their value to employers.

    There is no endpoint in a paralegal's career where they can say they know everything. The legal field is constantly evolving, and paralegals should always strive to learn and improve.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • Use Code "bootcamp" to get 10% off Jaclyn's 1 day live freelance paralegal marketing mastermind that's happening on April 8, 2024 at https://FreelanceParalegalMarketing.com. About the Guest(s):

    Jaclyn Foster is dedicated to empowering freelance paralegals nationwide, helping them achieve their entrepreneurial dreams in the legal industry. As a former paralegal turned multiple six-figure entrepreneur, Jaclyn's journey from subcontracting to founding her own successful freelancing venture has equipped her with invaluable insights.

    As the CEO of Freelance Paralegals USA, she provides a revolutionary platform connecting law firms with skilled freelance professionals. Through her signature course, Freelance Paralegal Roadmap, podcast, and YouTube channel, Jaclyn guides individuals on the path to realizing their aspirations of six-figure freelancing.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Jaclyn joins host Ann Pearson to discuss the misconceptions surrounding freelance paralegals and the opportunities available in the freelance paralegal industry. Jaclyn shares her personal journey of becoming a freelance paralegal and explains how freelancing can provide financial stability, work-life balance, and professional authority. She also highlights the importance of gaining experience in a law firm before venturing into freelance work and offers insights into the growing demand for freelance paralegals in the legal industry.

    Key Takeaways: Building stability as a freelance paralegal requires establishing long-term relationships with attorneys and offering services through hourly packages that provide ongoing work. The demand for freelance paralegals is increasing as law firms realize the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of outsourcing work to experienced professionals. New paralegals should consider gaining experience in a law firm before venturing into freelance work, as law firms prefer to hire freelancers who can immediately start performing legal tasks without extensive training. Jacqueline Foster's Freelance Paralegal Roadmap course provides paralegals with the knowledge and strategies to start and grow their own freelance businesses. Her online marketplace, Freelance Paralegals USA, connects attorneys with freelance paralegals.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Ann provides quick resume tips to help paralegals in their job search. She emphasizes the importance of the name and format of the resume file, using numbers to showcase experience, keeping the resume length concise, using action verbs, and avoiding repetition of bullet points from previous positions. These tips will help paralegals create effective resumes that stand out to potential employers.

    Key Takeaways: Use a simple and clear file name for your resume, such as "First Name_Last Name_Paralegal.pdf" or "First Name_Last Name_Paralegal.docx". Opt for a single-column format in your resume to ensure compatibility and readability. Incorporate numbers in your resume to highlight specific achievements, such as the number of trials attended or billable hours met. Keep your resume concise and aim for one page, utilizing white space effectively. Use action verbs to describe your responsibilities and accomplishments, avoiding vague statements. Avoid repeating bullet points from previous positions to demonstrate professional growth.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • Go to Paralegal-Bootcamp.com/challenge to join the challenge discussed in this episode.

    In this episode, Ann discusses the Paralegal Bootcamp's five-day challenge. Designed primarily for new litigation paralegals, this challenge aims to provide valuable tips and strategies to fast track their careers. Ann emphasizes the importance of mindset, managing priorities, taking ownership of work, embracing technology, and creating a written plan for career success. Each day of the challenge focuses on a specific topic, with actionable tasks and assignments to help paralegals improve their skills and achieve their goals.

    Key Takeaways: Mindset is crucial for success as a paralegal. Shifting from a "gap" mindset to a "gain" mindset allows paralegals to appreciate their progress and focus on their growth. Managing priorities is essential for effective time and attention management. By allocating time and attention to the most important tasks, paralegals can increase productivity and reduce the risk of mistakes. Taking ownership of work means going above and beyond assigned tasks. Paralegals should accept responsibility for every aspect of a project and strive to exceed expectations. Embracing technology, especially in the field of litigation, is crucial for career growth. Paralegals should stay updated on case management software, e-discovery tools, and other emerging technologies to enhance their skills and job prospects. Creating a written plan is essential for long-term career success. Paralegals should set clear goals, outline actionable steps, and regularly review and update their plan to stay on track.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • In this episode, Ann interviews Tony Sipp, Practice Assistant Director at Kirkland and Ellis. Tony shares his insights on knowing when it's time to make a career move and offers advice for paralegals considering a change. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing happiness and finding a job that aligns with your goals and values. Tony also discusses the evolving landscape of the legal profession, including the shift towards remote work and the increasing demand for diverse talent.

    Key Takeaways: Don't be afraid to leave a job that is toxic or does not provide opportunities for growth. Your mental and emotional well-being should be a priority. Embrace your existing skills and experiences, even if they are from a different industry. Many transferable skills can be valuable in the legal field. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and pursue your dreams.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • In this episode, Ann is interviewed by paralegal student Kristy Medo. This was a class assignment for Kristy to interview someone and then present the interview to her class. Instead of just choosing to do a phone interview and use PowerPoint slides for her presentation to the class, Kristy reached out to Ann to see if she could take a step farther!

    This is our first ever flipped interview style in which Ann is the person being interviewed on the podcast.

    Key Takeaways: Ann initially pursued a college degree, thinking she would go to law school but fell in love with being a paralegal and decided to pursue it as a career. Finding balance is one of the most challenging aspects of operating the Paralegal Bootcamp, as it can be easy to get wrapped up in projects and work long hours. Paralegals have a wide range of alternative career options, including legal compliance, data security, corporate positions, and healthcare compliance. Learning to use AI tools and technology is crucial for paralegals to stay relevant and valuable in the industry, as it can enhance efficiency and productivity.

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • In this episode, Ann discusses the concerns paralegals have about their jobs being replaced by overseas virtual legal assistants and AI. She reassures listeners that the types of paralegal jobs that can be taken by overseas assistants are typically low-paying and repetitive tasks. Ann provides actionable strategies to protect paralegals' job security and increase their value in the legal profession.

    Key Takeaways: Paralegals should aim to work in positions that involve tasks requiring specialized knowledge and experience, rather than repetitive and easily replaceable tasks. Choosing to work for larger firms can provide more job security, as they are less likely to outsource paralegal positions to overseas assistants. Being client-facing and developing strong relationships with clients can make paralegals more valuable and less likely to be replaced. Legal assistants should strive to gain the skills and training necessary to be promoted to paralegal positions, as these roles are less likely to be outsourced. Developing leadership skills can make paralegals indispensable in managing overseas virtual legal assistants if their firm decides to hire them. Regularly updating resumes and LinkedIn profiles is essential for paralegals to showcase their skills and accomplishments to potential employers. Paralegals should focus on building career security by acquiring the skills and knowledge needed for future job opportunities

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • Click here to view Teas' "10 Essential Tips for Paralegals to Ensure a Successful Process Service"

    About the Guest:

    Tea Godfrey is a former litigation paralegal who now owns her own company, Solid Serve Legal, where she provides process service and private investigation in the state of Oregon. With her background in litigation and her expertise in investigation and surveillance, Tea specializes in serving hard-to-reach defendants and conducting workplace investigations, civil litigation, and criminal defense cases. She is also the Vice President of the State's Association of Professional Process Servers and regularly volunteers with several legal aid organizations.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Ann interviews Tea Godfrey, owner of Solid Serve Legal, about the importance of hiring a reliable process server and shares a checklist to ensure a smooth process. Tea discusses her experience as a former litigation paralegal and how she transitioned into owning her own company. She also provides insights into the world of surveillance and investigation, highlighting the precautions and challenges involved. The conversation focuses on tips for hiring vendors, including process servers, and emphasizes the need for clear communication, comprehensive instructions, and thorough research. Listeners gain valuable insights into the process serving industry and learn how to avoid common pitfalls when hiring a process server.

    Key Takeaways: Conduct thorough research and obtain multiple bids when hiring a process server or any vendor. Price should not be the sole determining factor when choosing a process server; consider responsiveness, communication skills, and attention to detail. Provide comprehensive instructions and relevant information to the process server, including photos or physical descriptions of the person to be served. Understand the rules and limitations of your role as a paralegal when hiring vendors and ensure compliance with state laws for out-of-state cases. Effective communication and documentation are crucial for successful outcomes when working with vendors. If you're looking to level up your paralegal investigation skills, check out our Paralegal Investigations Boot Camp: https://paralegal-bootcamp.thinkific.com/bundles/investigative-paralegal-boot-camp

    Are you a paralegal who wants to skip the learning curve and kickstart your career?

    The Paralegal Boot Camp offers online courses to fast-track your paralegal career and cut YEARS off the typical learning curve that most new paralegals encounter when starting their careers. View our course offerings to see how we've helped thousands of paralegals like you.

    Website: https://Paralegal-BootCamp.com

    For more free paralegal resources, visit our Paralegal Resources page on the website.

  • Announcement for our podcast listeners! The Litigation Paralegal Boot Camp is currently open for enrollment! This is the only online course and coaching program of its kind that walks litigation paralegals through every phase of a litigation case and cuts YEARS off your learning curve. It also includes monthly live group coaching calls with Ann Pearson. Learn more about joining at https://LitigationParalegalBootCamp.com Enrollment closes on Thursday, February 8th!

  • Announcement for our podcast listeners! The Litigation Paralegal Boot Camp is currently open for enrollment! This is the only online course and coaching program of its kind that walks litigation paralegals through every phase of a litigation case and cuts YEARS off your learning curve. It also includes monthly live group coaching calls with Ann Pearson. Learn more about joining at https://LitigationParalegalBootCamp.com Enrollment closes on Thursday, February 8th!

  • Announcement for our podcast listeners! The Litigation Paralegal Boot Camp is currently open for enrollment! This is the only online course and coaching program of its kind that walks litigation paralegals through every phase of a litigation case and cuts YEARS off your learning curve. It also includes monthly live group coaching calls with Ann Pearson. Learn more about joining at https://LitigationParalegalBootCamp.com Enrollment closes on Thursday, February 8th!

  • Announcement for our podcast listeners! The Litigation Paralegal Boot Camp is currently open for enrollment! This is the only online course and coaching program of its kind that walks litigation paralegals through every phase of a litigation case and cuts YEARS off your learning curve. It also includes monthly live group coaching calls with Ann Pearson. Learn more about joining at https://LitigationParalegalBootCamp.com Enrollment closes on Thursday, February 8th!

  • Announcement for our podcast listeners! The Litigation Paralegal Boot Camp is currently open for enrollment! This is the only online course and coaching program of its kind that walks litigation paralegals through every phase of a litigation case and cuts YEARS off your learning curve. It also includes monthly live group coaching calls with Ann Pearson. Learn more about joining at https://LitigationParalegalBootCamp.com Enrollment closes on Thursday, February 8th!

  • Announcement for our podcast listeners! The Litigation Paralegal Boot Camp is currently open for enrollment! This is the only online course and coaching program of its kind that walks litigation paralegals through every phase of a litigation case and cuts YEARS off your learning curve. It also includes monthly live group coaching calls with Ann Pearson. Learn more about joining at https://LitigationParalegalBootCamp.com Enrollment closes on Thursday, February 8th!