Today Eleonora and Rabea are talking about one topic that we feel is very important, but is very often left out, here in Finland - which is car seat safety.
We will be talking about what the laws and recommendations are here in Finland, why rear facing saves lives and what are the most common myths regarding car seat safety among parents.
Newborn - 15kg* baby car seat (*until the baby grows out of the seat's maximum limits - weight OR height, whatever comes first)
Toddler 9-25kg* RF seat (*until at least the age of 4)
25kg* - 150cm booster seat (*if changing into a FF car seat before the 25kg or age, at least 5, FF seat with a harness is the safest option)
Be at least 5 years old. Meet the weight and height minimums for the booster seat you’re considering. Be responsible enough to sit properly 100% of the time, even while asleep. Have a safe belt fit.
Before moving to a booster seat, your child should:SAFETY TESTS
ECE-R44 (European approval standard)
Seats are tested in frontal collisions at 50 km/h and rear collisions at 30 km/h using crash test dummies and measuring instruments designed to see how well the seats protect the test dummies.ADAC
50% of the emphasis is on collision results and 50% relates to user-friendliness, comfort, instructions for use and installation methods.
This is a worst-case scenario test, that means the poorest result will influence the total score.Plus Test
The Plus test is an optional test developed for child safety seats released onto the Swedish market. Similar tests are not conducted elsewhere in Europe. The tests are conducted by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI).
Plus Test has such strict requirements that forward facing child car seats would not be able to comply with the Plus test. The thinking behind the test is that no children sitting in a child car seat which is Plus Test labelled would sustain any serious/life-threatening injuries in a collision.LINKS
Finnish Road Safety Council
https://www.liikenneturva.fi/en/road-safety/child-safety-seats-frequently-asked-questionsScientific part of RF really well explained
https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/physics-rear-facing-car-seats-kids/Explaining different safety tests
https://www.besafe.com/en/child-car-safety-tests/explaining-tests-and-approvals/Car seats for the Littles (CSFTL) - great resource regarding overall car seat safety
https://csftl.org/CSFTL FB group - very helpful community that has several trained car seat professionals (can help with seat installation, choosing the right seat for your family and car, and many more)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/394663900632207Debunking myths about rear facing
https://csftl.org/rear-facing-car-seat-myths-busted/Harness or booster seat
https://csftl.org/harness-or-booster/ -
Today we are talking about one of the most discussed topics of parenting - introducing solid food.
We will be talking about when to start and why, different feeding options that you can choose from and how eating out with small kids works in Finland.Links:
Signs of readiness
https://solidstarts.com/starting-solids/readiness/When to starts, how and with what:
https://www.hel.fi/static/liitteet/sote/perheentuki/imevaisikaisen-ruokaopas-2016-englanti.pdfFood before one is not just for fun
https://www.childrensnutrition.co.uk/full-blog/criticalnutrientsBaby Led Weaning
https://solidstarts.com/baby-led-weaning/Science based FB group for BLW and combo feeding
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1505873949509904Choking hazards (based on age)
Great resources for tackling picky eating (includes great tips for all parents to know)
Puuttuva jakso?
Today we have a very special episode, focusing solely on the fathers’ side of Parenting with Sisu.
Listen to the stories of Ville, a Finn with an expat wife, and Peter, an expat himself, and how they went through their partner's pregnancy, birth, how they have coped in their role of being a father and what it means to be a father in Finland.LINKS:
Confirmation of paternity
https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/family/law/child-welfare-officers/paternityPaternity allowance
https://www.kela.fi/web/en/paternity-allowancePostpartum depression and anxiety in fathers
https://postpartum.org/services/dads/signs-of-ppd-anxiety-in-men/Postpartum help for fathers
https://www.postpartum.net/get-help/help-for-dads/Family support - Parenthood and parent’s relationship
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-en/parenthood-and-parents-relationship/Expat dads in Finland FB group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/expatdadsfinland/Expat parents in Finland FB group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/131063933618519 -
Today we are going to talk with our guest Mareike, who had preeclampsia with both kids, which is also known as pregnancy poisoning.
A condition which is still not fully discovered and can not be prevented nor be treated as such. The symptoms are amongst others high blood pressure, protein in the urine, pain in the upper stomach, water in the extremities, headache and nausea.
Ultimately it might lead to kidney failure, water in the lungs and other serious issues for the mom.
Besides the symptoms for the mom, the condition also bears risks for the baby since it is often not perfectly supplied with what it needs to grow.
This week we are talking with postpartum doula Danielle, founder of Mothers Transition, about the mental side of postpartum, about private postpartum services and her tips and tricks for a relaxed and enjoyable time after giving birth.
Amongst other things, we talk about postpartum depression and how it is different from the regular baby blues that many moms experience after birth. If you need help from mental health care, don’t hesitate to reach out to Mieli https://mieli.fi/en or Äimä https://aima.fi/in-english/.
If you want to read more about traumatic childbirth and depression, here are two interesting articles https://mieli.fi/en/home/mental-health/difficult-situations-life/traumatic-childbirth & https://mieli.fi/en/home/mental-health/mental-disorders/depression
If you feel like you need therapeutic help, you can reach out to Compass Psychology https://compasspsychology.fi/therapy/.
If you want to know more about Danielle and her services, you can visit her website: www.motherstransition.com and follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mothers_transition/
Don’t miss to visit the Nest Doula website, we talked about the services they offer from help during pregnancy and birth to postpartum care: www.doulacollective.fi and follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thenestdoulas/.
Last but not least, our special for YOU! The Helsinki resource guide, the extensive list of services in the capital area that everyone has been waiting for. It’s never too late to build your village:
Today we will be talking about the postpartum journey in Finland - who and where you can get help from and how you can make yourself as comfortable as possible.
Psychologist services by the maternity clinics
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-en/pregnancy-and-childbirth/after-childbirth/postpartum-depression/Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
https://www.fresno.ucsf.edu/pediatrics/downloads/edinburghscale.pdfPPD Help from Äimä
https://aima.fi/in-english/Really good document
https://www.ouka.fi/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=5bf1ec7e-ecc0-406f-8aa3-5cf71ff0b4b3&groupId=1651612Therapeutic work for families with infants
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-en/0-1-year-olds/services-for-families-with-babies/therapeutic-work-for-families-with-infantsPhone number for free mental health support in English (MIELI-Mental Health Finland): 09 2525 0113
MIELI Finland - Seeking help with mental health problems
https://mieli.fi/en/home/mental-health/seeking-help-mental-health-problemsBirth control options (City of Helsinki)
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-en/pregnancy-and-childbirth/after-childbirth/birth-control/For other cities google ehkäisyneuvola + your city
Home services for families with babies under 1 year of age
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-en/0-1-year-olds/services-for-families-with-babies/family-work-and-home-services-for-families-with-childrenSocial guidance for families with children
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-en/0-1-year-olds/services-for-families-with-babies/social-care-work -
Welcome back to another episode from our series Pregnancy stories, where international moms living in Finland tell about their pregnancies.
We are here with Brenna, a mother of two boys - twin boys. She will be sharing her story about her twin pregnancy, the birth and how much it changed her family’s everyday life.LINKS
Facebook group for expat moms of twins/multiples in Finland
https://www.facebook.com/groups/3840175559413898/Finnish association for multiple-birth families
https://monikkoperheet.fi/Detailed info on everything regarding having twins in Finland
https://www.hyvakysymys.fi/en/course/a-good-start-to-parenting-multiples-online-course-for-parents-expecting-twins-or-triplets/support-for-parenting-multiples/Kela benefits for multiple-birth families
https://www.kela.fi/web/en/multiple-birth-familiesMultiple pregnancy info
https://www.odotusaika.fi/en/worried/multiple-pregnancy/Compass Psychology New Mothers Group
https://compasspsychology.fi/new-mothers-group-helsinki/ -
Some women say childbirth is a euphoric experience, while others argue it is the worst pain of their life.
There are as many child birth stories as there are babies, but presumably all women wish and hope that their story will be a positive one.
Some parents can’t wait to start a new life with a baby, while others may worry about their life changing too much.
In this episode, we want to go through all different ways how you can prepare for this joyous occasion in Finland and what kind of support systems are offered through Neuvola and other channels.LINKS
Key websites for information and services regarding pregnancy, childbirth and parenting:Naistalo website for info about pregnancy and childbirth
https://www.terveyskyla.fi/naistalo/raskaus-ja-synnytysPerhetuki (Family support) website by Helsinki city
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-enNeuvola (maternity clinic)
https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/family/maternity/Open neuvola (maternity clinic)
https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/family/maternity/open-clinics/Private midwifery service in Tampere
Birth preparation classes and doula services
https://doules.fiPositive Birth movement
https://www.motherstransition.comInfo about childbirth (including videos in English)
https://www.hus.fi/en/treatments-and-examinations/laborHUS orientation visits to the hospital
https://www.hus.fi/en/treatments-and-examinations/choice-maternity-hospital-and-orientation-visitsInterpreter during childbirth
https://www.infofinland.fi/en/living-in-finland/settling-in-finland/do-you-need-an-interpreterPain relief options
https://www.terveyskyla.fi/naistalo/raskaus-ja-synnytys/synnytys/synnytyskivun-hoito/synnytyskivun-l%C3%A4%C3%A4kkeellinen-hoitoHUS support for pregnant women
Some women say childbirth is a euphoric experience, while others argue it is the worst pain of their life.
There are as many child birth stories as there are babies, but presumably all women wish and hope that their story will be a positive one.
Some parents can’t wait to start a new life with a baby, while others may worry about their life changing too much.
In this episode, we want to go through all different ways how you can prepare for this joyous occasion in Finland and what kind of support systems are offered through Neuvola and other channels.LINKS
Key websites for information and services regarding pregnancy, childbirth and parenting:Naistalo website for info about pregnancy and childbirth
https://www.terveyskyla.fi/naistalo/raskaus-ja-synnytysPerhetuki (Family support) website by Helsinki city
https://www.hel.fi/sote/perheentuki-enNeuvola (maternity clinic)
https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/family/maternity/Open neuvola (maternity clinic)
https://www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/family/maternity/open-clinics/Private midwifery service in Tampere
Birth preparation classes and doula services
https://doules.fiPositive Birth movement
https://www.motherstransition.comInfo about childbirth (including videos in English)
https://www.hus.fi/en/treatments-and-examinations/laborHUS orientation visits to the hospital
https://www.hus.fi/en/treatments-and-examinations/choice-maternity-hospital-and-orientation-visitsInterpreter during childbirth
https://www.infofinland.fi/en/living-in-finland/settling-in-finland/do-you-need-an-interpreterPain relief options
https://www.terveyskyla.fi/naistalo/raskaus-ja-synnytys/synnytys/synnytyskivun-hoito/synnytyskivun-l%C3%A4%C3%A4kkeellinen-hoitoHUS support for pregnant women
Thinking about what to buy for the baby can be exhausting.
There are sooo many things in the stores and online that seem handy or cute.
But what do you really need and what is just there to make you spend money?If you are still wondering the same, TUNE IN, as in this episode we'll be sharing our experience trying to navigate through the essentials in Finland.
Maternity (Kela) box
https://www.kela.fi/web/en/maternity-package-2020Vaavi crib on wheels
https://vaavi.fi/Baby Shusher
https://www.lastentarvike.fi/verkkokauppa/Vauvatalo Johanna
https://www.vaunuaitta.fi/ONLINE BABY STORES
https://www.jollyroom.fi/Baby shop
FREE GOODIESLibero diaper bag
https://www.libero.fi/liberokerho/liberolaukku/Baby box
https://babybox.fi/Muumi diaper sample
https://www.vaukirja.fi/raskausaika/ -
This episode is the first from our new series called: Pregnancy stories, where international moms living in Finland tell about their pregnancies.
Our guest Jess is sharing her pregnancy story, which is very special - Jess went through two pregnancies, during which she experienced Hyperemesis gravidarum, also known as severe morning sickness.LINKS:
Hyperemeesi Ry - local support in Finland (website not available in English)https://hyperemeesi.fi/fi/etusivu/
HER Foundation - online support
Kulkuset, kulkuset, riemuin helkkäilee!
There’s no Christmas in Finland without the countless casseroles and ham! Or is there?
How do expats from around the world celebrate the holiday season in Finland? -
What should you expect when you find out that you’re pregnant in Finland?
In this episode we will explain what you need to know about the Finnish maternity clinic system, discuss our experiences and go through various issues to consider.
You may be wondering where to call first, what are the routines during pregnancy, what not to eat and when to tell your employer.
Tune in to listen to us talk about navigating through the first months of pregnancy in Finland!For all the links regarding pregnancy in Finland, visit our website: www.parentingwithsisu.com
Parenting looks different in every culture around the world.
Our ideas on how to raise kids stem largely from our culture.
But what happens when you raise your kids in a different culture from your own?
In this episode, we discuss how we perceive Finnish parenting, and what kind of effect has the Finnish culture had on our parenting styles? -
Sisu is an old Finnish term that is used to typify the Finnish spirit and is said to be integral to understanding the Finnish culture.
The power of sisu is real!
It helps Finns through the toughest of situations.
It’s a secret ingredient that adds a kick to life!
So what is it exactly, and how does it relate to parenting?
Tune into our bonus episode, and get to know how we feel about sisu and how it affected us as parents. -
Why oh why so much milk?
What’s the magic in porridge?Is fresh air worth it even in freezing temperatures?
Oh, those mighty overalls and cute little silk hats.
These are just some of our Finnish favourites we stopped to wonder about in this episode.
In this episode we talk about...
Milk myths debunked (unfortunately only in Finnish):
https://maitomyytit.fi/ https://www.valio.fi/hyvinvointi/maito-ja-ravitsemus/Benefits of full fat milk for small children: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4981537/
Porridge health benefits: https://www.ifmch.com/benefits-oatmeal-babies/
Finnish candy day: https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article/27/suppl_3/ckx187.405/4556373
Welcome to the “Parenting with Sisu” podcast!
Three hosts.
Three moms.
Three approaches to parenting.
That's us - Eleonora, Katja and Rabea!
Coming soon, to your podcast feed!
Parenting with SisuJoin our hosts as they discuss everything about parenting in Finland - from personal ups and downs as international mothers, to tutorials for navigating the healthcare system.
Are you a parent living in Finland, struggling to find resources? Are you considering moving to Finland, the happiest country in the world? Or did you just always want to know about Finnish parenting culture, where babies sleeping outside in the cold, porridge is required every morning, and young children ride the metro alone.
You can find us on your favorite podcast app, as well as on our blog! Don’t forget to also follow us on social media, to get all the newest updates and behind-the-scenes content that you don’t want to miss!