Episode 129: On my final episode of the show, I welcomed guest Craig Campobasso. Craig is an award-winning filmmaker and Emmy-nominated casting director with a career that spans three decades. Craig has appeared on many radio shows, including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Open Minds with Regina Meredith, and Beyond Belief. He has also appeared on the History channel’s Ancient Aliens. Craig is the author of the bestselling The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac and his more recent book, The UFO Hotspot Compendium: All of the Places to Visit Before You Die or Are Abducted. To find out more about Craig and his work you can visit his website at, craigcampobasso.com. Thanks Craig!
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinovv
#passion4theparanormal; #ETAlmanac; #MUFON; #UFOHotspots -
Episode 128: On this episode, James Szubski joins me on the show. James is the owner/operator of Margie’s Outdoor Store located deep within the Columbia River Gorge in Washington State. In 2022, his store initiated a paranormal reporting program which has now received well over 150 reports of strange activity in the Gorge, including Sasquatch sightings, UFO contacts, ghost experiences, and Klickitat Ape Cat encounters. James is a former Search & Rescue EMT, a wildland firefighter, and a highly decorated US Army infantry veteran who has experienced an array of unusual phenomena. In his free time, he conducts follow up research on the paranormal reports received by his store.
During our discussion, James talked about some of the unique geology of the Columbia River Gorge, which may be part of the reason for the strange activity. He also talked about some of the unusual reports he and his employees have taken, to include Sasquatch sightings, UFO sightings (including at Mt. Adams and the ECETI Ranch), Klickitat Cat encounters, strange balls of light and even small huminoid type creatures witnessed there. You can find more out about James and the many strange reports he and his employees have filed at, margiesoutdoorstore.com.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#Margiesoutdoorstore; #columbiarivergorgeparanormal; #jamesszubski; #Klickitat Cats; #Sasquatchsightings; #Bigfoot; #UFOs; #MountAdams -
Puuttuva jakso?
Episode 127: On this episode, Vincent Genna joins me on the show. Vincent Genna is known as a “tell it like it is,” truly authentic Psychic Therapist and Spiritual Teacher who uses his extraordinary psychic abilities to help clients clear unconscious blocks and fulfill their purpose. He shares his insights in his new book, The Secret That’s Holding You Back. Vincent has spoken at notable organizations such as Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research Enlightenment, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Shift Network, Afterlife Research and Education Inc, and the International Association of Near-Death Studies, along with several other media appearances. Vincent also hosts a weekly podcast, called Genna Effect, on MindBodySpirit.fm, which is available on all podcast platforms and also talks about how ETs are visiting Earth, to help us.
Vincent shared his journey of transformation and how he got involved in being a psychic and medium and psychic therapist. He also talked with me about how our subconscious really does hold us back, when deep down we have thoughts about being unlovable. He said this is something we are not even consciously aware of and can even be tied to past lives as well. Vincent went on to discuss how when his psychic abilities were turned on later in life, he also began to receive messages and communicated with ETs, to include what he calls the Intergalatic Council. He also talked about the role the recent UFO whistleblower, David Grusch is playing in the UFO disclosure movement. If you would like to know more about Vincent and his work, you can visit his website at, vincentgenna.com.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#vincentgenna; #thesecrethatisholdingyouback; #ETcommunication; #DavidGrusch; #passion4theparanormal; #psychicmediums -
Episode 126: On this episode, Scott L. Smith joins me to talk about exorcisms and demonic possession. Scott is a Catholic author, attorney, and theologian. Smith is author of What You Need to Know about Mary, The Catholic ManBook and of Christian horror novels. His latest book is True Ghost Stories & Hauntings: Real Catholic Exorcisms. Scott also regularly contributes to his blog at www.thescottsmithblog.com, winner of the Fisher’s Net Award for Best Catholic Blog.
During the interview, Scott first talked about things like Voodoo and curses, as is prevalent in his home state of Louisiana. He also talked about what he thinks ghosts might and talked a little bit about a famous haunted location, the Myrtles Planation, that is close to where he lives in New Road, LA. Scott and then moved on to the main topic, which was of demonic possession and exorcisms. We talked about some famous cases, to include the Roland Doe case, which the move, "The Exorcist," was losely based on.
We also talked about the Emma Schmidt case of the 1920s and about the other famous case exorcism case of Anneliese Michel, which the Exorcism of Emily Rose was losely based on. Scott went on to talk about how catholic priests and the church separate mental illness from demonic possession and about some of things that the priests who have performed these possessions have written about. These include things like telekinetic powers, victims who have vomitied strange objects like nails and other things that are unexplaiable and things like words appearing on the victims skin and of body contortions and ancient languages beign spoken by the victims, like ancient hebrew and latin.
It is an interesting yet frightening and even controversial topic for some and it was a pleasure to have Scott join me to talk about his research and knowledge of these exorcism cases. Scott has offered a audio promo for his book, True Ghost Stories and Hauntings: Real Catholic Exorcisms.
Webiste: https://www.audible.com/acx-promo Promo Codes for, Real Catholic Exorcisms audiobook [Amazon affiliate Link]
Article Link on Senator Comments Concerning UFO Whistleblowers: https://www.nbcrightnow.com/national/sen-rubio-officials-report-possession-of-non-human-ufos-with-dead-pilots/video_669106ed-6f72-5b0b-be14-ee634381263f.html?fbclid=IwAR06iakupydonmQPCAlmHqdX4zlM-3bSjUY6jFmRLdbSyOutGj6MzdTyJPo
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#RealCatholicExorcisms; #TheExorcist; #DemonicPossession; #passion4theparanormal -
Episode 125: On this episode, Mark Carlotto joins me on the show. Marc is an engineer with over forty years experience in the aerospace industry. He explores a range of topics from extraterrestrial artifacts in our solar system to evidence of previous technologicial civilizations on earth, to Unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1981 and has published numerous technical articles and books. He has also extensively investigated the face and other structures on mars, analyzed anomalous objects in STS-48 and STS-80 space shuttle videos, and participated in a study of unusual surface features on the far side of the Moon. His latest book is, Not of This World: New Edition: An Emerging Picture of the UFO Phenomena.
Mark talked about how he came into looking into the UAP UFO phenomena and his analysis of many images and videos of UAPs, to include UAP footage from the Dome of the Rock / Temple Mount UFO case in Isarel, UAP videos from Space Shuttle missions and many others. He has also viewed so and done photo analysis of the so called face on Mars and other structures and has also viewed unexplained images on the dark side of the moon. He also talked about how UAP incidents, such as the Tic Tac UFOs have defied the laws of physics and how the phenomena may be too complex for us to yet understand. You can find out more about Mark and his work on his website at, markcarlotto.com.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#markcarlotto; #notofthisworld; #structuresonmars; #UAPs; #passion4theparanormal -
Episode 124: On this episode, Eva Marquez joins me for a second time on the show. Eva is a spiritual consultant, soul healer, teacher author and writer with Pleiadian starseed ancestry. In her spiritual work she utilizes her Pleiadian energy. She remembers the Language of Light along with many other ancient soul memories and works with her guides – the Lights of the Universe who are a collective group of light beings from various star nations (Pleiades included). Eva and her guides assist starseeds to remember past life memories on Earth and beyond, to activate their sleeping cosmic DNA, and to connect them with their soul family. Her latest book is, Activate Your Cosmic DNA: Discover Your Starseed Family from the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Centaurus, Epsilon Eridani, and Lyra.
Eva talked about what the cosmic DNA is, by saying that we all live multiple lives, some of which may be lives elsewhere in the universe as non-humans. She also suggested that perhaps many of these Star Beings or ETs also played a role in our development and evolution, to include modification of our DNA. She went on to talk about ways in which we can activate our DNA and become more in tune with our past lives and with our Starseeds. In the second part of our discussion, we talked about some of the negative energies that can attach themselves to people, to include disencarnate spirits and even negative ETs and how to prevent or rid yourself of these negative attachments. If you would like to learn more about Eva and her spiritual work, visit her website at, evamarquez.org.
Music by: Sergery Cheremisinov
#starseeds; #Lightbeings; #evamarquez; #Pleiadians; #Extraterrestrials; #negativeenergies -
Episode 123: On this episode, author of the book, The Afterlife: A Journey To, Now You Will Know What Will Happen, joins me on the show. Stephen Chong has a Master’s degree in Education and is an author, speaker and screenwriter who draws his inspiration from life. Themes of life that relate to us all - love, grief, struggle, overcoming obstacles. Culminating in his five inspirational novels, five feature-film screenplays and multiple short-stories, he has converted these ‘life themes’ into stories that relate to us all. Stories that resonate in the soul.
In this book, Stephen talks about how he was provided a guided tour and glimpse into the afterlife after a tragic accident. Stephen provides insight into the heavens and about the karmic principle at work determining what we may experience once our time is up here on earth. His insight into the heavenly realms is hopeful and insightful and provides us all hope that we will all one day experience the afterlife. If you would like to find out more about Stephen, visit his website at, www.stephenchong.com.au.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#afterlife; #heavanlyrealm; #stephenchong; #passion4theparanormal -
Episode 122: On this episode, Astronomer Marc Dantonio joins me on the show. Marc D'Antonio is Director SkyTour LiveStream Observatories, CEO of FX Models, a model making and special effects company specializing in digital/physical models, and organic special effects in the film industry and Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON) Chief Photo/Video Analyst. Marc will be doing a never-before-seen presentation at this year's Contact In the Desert (CITD) event, live streaming from a remote observatory in the Arizona Desert, where he will showcase amazing objects in the sky! Marc has appeared on a number of networks including programs on CNN, Discovery, SciFy, History, NATGEO and Science Channels, performing on camera work in his role as a UFO investigator, scientific presenter and photo/video analyst and he is also author of the book, The Populated Universe.
Marc talked about how he went from having an interest in Astronomy to UFOs and he also talked a little about his involvement with doing video and photo analysis for MUFON. While he says that the vast majority of videos and photos he has analyzed have a prosaic explanation, he said that are still handful that are anomalous. He also talked about how there may be a scientific explanation for how UFOs travel, which may include the use of gravitons to accomplish a type of interdimensional travel. He also talked about how he believes whatever is piloting UFOs may have established bases under the oceans. To find out more about this year's Contact in the Desert, to include Marc's live stream event, visit contactinthedesert.com. This years event will be held June 2-4 at the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort and Spa in Indian Wells, CA.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#Contactinthedesert; #marcd'antonio; #USOs; #passion4theparanormal; #FXmoodels; #Thepopulateduniverse -
From the Archives: My interview with Stephen Hawley Martin from July of 2019.
Best selling author Stephen Hawley Martin joins me to talk about the topics in his book, revolving around the afterlife and what happens to us when we die. In his book, Afterlife: The Whole Truth, he covers what he believes to be proof of the afterlife and consciousness outside the brain through Near Death and Out of Body Experiencers, Channeling, Remote Viewing, Reincarnation and Past life Regression, Discarnate Spirits, Soul Progression and more. His research cites professional studies done on some of these phenomena, to include research done by the Monroe Institute, the Division of Perceptual Studies at University of Virginia, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Jeffrey Long, Dr. Julie Beischel, Dr. Bruce Greyson and many others.
Offer a review of the show on Apple podcasts and I will read your review on an upcoming episode. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/passion-for-the-paranormal/id1243344846?mt=2
Website: www.passion4theparanormal.com
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov -
Episode 121: On this episode, one of the foremost researchers on the subject of Near Death Experiences, Dr. Jeffrey Long, joins me on the show. Jeff is a medical doctor specializing in the practice of radiation oncology. As a scientist, Jeff founded the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) in 1998. Dr. Long wanted to know if NDEs were real by questioning the experiences.
Jeff is the author of the New York Times best selling book Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences and has appeared several times in national media, to include on the O’Rielly Factor, NBC today, ABC with Peter Jennings, the Dr. Oz Show and the History Channel. As a result of he and his wife Jody’s research, they have amassed over 5,000 NDE cases from across the globe.
Jeff shared some of his insights into his 30 plus years of research into Near Death Experiences and how he believes they offer the most compelling evidence for the existence of an afterlife. He also talked about some of the remarkable similarities and themes among those who have reported having an NDE, which include people from many different walks of life and from across the globe. To find out more about Jeff and his research and his foundation, visit the NDERF website at, nderf.org.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#neardeathexperiences; #afterlife; #dr.jeffreylong; #NDERF; #passion4theparanormal; #outofbodyexperience -
Episode 120: On this episode, Past Life Regression Session Therapist, Simon Bown joins me on the show. Simon has a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and he is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy with the Past Life Awakening Institute. Simon is fascinated with the notion that consciousness is not a product of the brain, but exists independent of it and acts as some kind of receiver of consciousness, almost like a radio receiver. He has had his own paranormal experiences, including psychic flashes, UFO sightings and other strange experiences that are not easily explained. He is also the host of the popular Past Lives Podcast, where he talks about things like reincarnation, past lives and other strange occurrences.
Simon talked about how he became involved in Past Life Regression work and about some of his strange encounters and UFO sightings and about near death experiences. Simon also talked about how in one of his past life regression sessions, it was like a switch was turned on and suddenly he was on a table with gray aliens around him. He also talked about how a Past Life regression session works and about a little bit about what people experience during their sessions. To find out more about Simon and his work you can visit his website at, https://www.pastliveshypnosis.co.uk/.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#pastliferegressions; #pastlives; #hypnotherapy; #simonbown; #passion4theparanormal; #UFOsightings -
Episode 119: On this episode, Tom Conwell joins me to talk the new book he co-authored and about his UFO and paranormal experiences. Tom has been an Electronic Technician with the US Navy and Honeywell for 42 years, a Honeywell Temperature Control, Fire Alarm and Security Software Specialist, Biomedical Engineer, a Metrologist and HVAC Engineering resource. Tom has wide-ranging expertise with a keen awareness of physics, computer and internet software and a broad knowledge of electronics and how it intersects with the paranormal world and UFOs.
He is co-author of the book, The Night Visitants: A Ufologist, An Experiencer, And the Undefinable. Tom studies databases as a Forensic Pattern Researcher. Over the past three years, Tom has written three volumes of a book series (They Are Here, Volume 1, 2 & 3), self- published a collection of blogs (Going Interstellar?), has studied and researched UFO sighting reports from the US East Coast, the Central US, and the Western US and given speeches about these subjects. Tom has assembled a map of UFO sightings which has revealed many anomalies and is now an integral part of his research studies.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#TheNightVisitants; #TomConwell; #AnnaMariaManalo; #UFOs; #NightTerrors; #AlienAbductions; #Paranormalinvestigation; #passion4theparanormal -
Episode 118: On this episode, Steve Stockton joins me once again on the show. Steve is a veteran outdoorsman, paranormal researcher, and bestselling author of Strange Things in the Woods and More Strange Things in the Woods. He is also co-author of the National Park Mysteries and Disappearances book series and a digital creator and hosts the Among the Missing YouTube channel. Steve researches collects stories about terrifying, odd and strange encounters, to include unsolved missing person cases.
Steve talked about some of the strangest missing person cases he has investigated and about where there have been large clusters of mssing people in places like Yosemite National Park, Mount Shasta, and Joshua National Park. Steve also talked about some of the theories behind missng person cases and about a little about other strange activies in the woods. You can find all of Steve's books on Amazon and you visit his wildy popular YouTube channel, Among the Missing at, https://www.youtube.com/@AmongTheMissingYT.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#passion4theparanormal; #stevestockton; #amongthemissing; #mysteriousdisappearances -
Episode 117: On this episode, Paranormal Investigator, psychic and medium, author, paranormal radio host and speaker, Victoria Mundae joins me on the show. Victoria Mundae is a contributing author to several literary compendiums and her writings have appeared in the paranormal literary journal “The Feminine Macabre: A Woman’s Journal of All Things Strange and Unusual”. She has also been profiled in the book “A Walk in the Shadows” and in the TV Mini-Series, “The Shadow Dimension”. In addition to writing, paranormal investigations, and embracing the “woo-woo” of life, Victoria co-hosted the long-running paranormal podcast “Edge Of The Rabbit Hole” and later joined the paranormal panel podcast “Black Lotus Live”.
With hopes of helping paranormal and esoteric subjects merge into the mainstream narrative, she created the wildly popular “Victoria Mundae’s Paranormal Activity” Activity Book Series for both adults and children. Upon deciding to take her writing career to a higher level, Victoria has teamed up and joined forces with “Beyond The Fray Publishing” – a publishing house that caters specifically to the paranormal and true crime genres – and is writing in both the fiction and non-fiction paranormal genres. Here latest book is, My Night in the Most Haunted Hotel in Texas, which is available on Amazon.
Victoria talked with me about her experiences at the Jefferson Hotel, as she recounts in her new book, and about her experiences and persecptives on the paranormal not only a Paranormal Investigator, but also as a psychic and medium. If you would like to find out more about Victoria and her work, you can visit her website at, victoriamundae.com.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#JeffersonHotel; #VictoriaMundae; #passion4theparanormal; #BeyondtheFray -
Epiosde 116: On this episode, Tim Swartz joins me to talk about the book her co-authored with Sean Casteel. Tim R. Swartz is an Emmy-Award winning television producer & videographer, and is the author of a number of popular books including The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla, America's Strange and Supernatural History, UFO Repeaters, Time Travel: Fact Not Fiction!, Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and many others. As a photojournalist, Tim Swartz has traveled extensively and investigated paranormal phenomena and other unusual mysteries from such diverse locations as the Great Pyramid in Egypt to the Great Wall in China. He has also appeared on the History Channels programs "The Tesla Files"; "Ancient Aliens"; "Evidence"; and "Ancient Aliens: Declassified.”
He is co-author of the new book, Mimics: The Others Among Us. His articles have been published in magazines such as Mysteries, FATE, Strange, Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe, Flying Saucer Review, Renaissance, and Unsolved UFO Reports. Currently, Tim writes a column about high-strangeness in Indiana for the magazine "Daydrifter." As well, Tim Swartz is the writer and editor of the online newsletter Conspiracy Journal; a free, weekly e-mail newsletter, considered essential reading by paranormal researchers worldwide. Tim also co-hosts with Gene Steinberg on the Paracast Radio and Podcast.
During the interview, we talked about things like the Men in Black, the Black Eyed Kids, ETs, Poltergeists and Ingo Swan's strange remote viewing encounters, which are all covered in the book and in what could be considered Mimics. You can find out more about Tim and his work on his website, conspiracyjournal.com.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#TimSwartz; #passion4theparanormal; #passionfortheparanormal; #OthersAmongUs; #Mimics; #ConspiracyJournal -
Episode 115: On this episode, Ryan Stacey joins me on the show. Ryan is a certified Private Investigator and is the President and founder of The Experiencer Support Association (TESA). He is also the host of the Beyond the Thin Foil Hat Podcast and several other media programs. He previously worked with MUFON as the Director of Field Investigator Training and was the national Chief Investigator for MUFON in Canada.
Ryan talked about how he uses ultraspectrum classificaiton system to catalog and to investigate cases and about how he focuses on the experiencer and not the paranormal phenomena itself. Ryan believe that also by studying and investigating all types of experiencer cases, we will come to a greater understanding about how all unexplained phenomena is linked. You can visit the Experience Support Assocation website at, www.experiencersupport.org. You can check out the Beyond the Tin Foil Hat podcast on YouTube at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry2gVj69_GY&t=2s.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#beyondthefinfoilhat; #experiencersupportassociation; #passion4theparanormal; #authorcurrystegen -
Episode 114: On this episode author of the book How to be a Paranormal Detective, Greg Lawson, joins me on the show. Greg Lawson is a 10-year military veteran and has traveled to over 40 countries visiting some of the Earth’s strangest sites and conducting his own investigations of their paranormal histories. He is also a 30-year law enforcement officer and a former expert witness for investigative procedures. Greg researches and investigates human paranormal experience and locations known for spiritual or unusual activity. He uses the thousands of hours of training he has received through his profession and his experience as a detective and a Masters Degree in Education to study paranormal human experience and physical anomalies.
Greg talked about his journey into the paranormal, a little about his views on the paranormal and ways in which Paranormal Investigators can up their game and become better investigators. He also talked about his research into the famous 1947 Roswell UFO incident, as document in his book, Roswell: The After Action Report. To find out more about Greg and his work you can visit his website at, http://www.coldcaselegends.com/.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#passion4paranormal; #passionfortheparanormal; #Paranormaldetective; #GregLawson; #Roswellafteractionreport -
Episode 113: On this episode, Ghost Helper Tina Erwin joins me on the show. Tina is a retired Naval Officer with an unusual skill. She is able to assist the dead with the process of crossing over into what she calls the heavenly world. Tina is the author of eight books related to metaphysics and is the author of Ghost Stories: From the Ghosts Point of View, Vol 1-3. She has studied metaphysics most of her life, gaining insight into the mystical world of magic and spirituality. Tina says she is like a magnet to ghosts, who often come to her for help.
Tina discussed the many times she has encountered the dead and how she has learned to assist them with crossing over and how this helps not only the dead but also the living to deal with the grief and move on with their lives. She also discussed how she uses remote viewing techniques when interacting with ghosts. She also talked about how karma and frequency impact not only our present lives, but also other lives we live when we reincarnate. To find out more about Tina and her work, you can visit her website at, ghosthelpers.com.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#passionfortheparanormal; #passion4theparanormal; #tinaerwin; #Ghosthelpers; #Crossingover; #WalkingintheShadowsofStrangers -
Episode 112: On this episode, author Leslie Rule joins me to talk share some of her favoirite ghost stories as well as some of her experiences at haunted locations, as covered in her latest book, Haunted in America. Leslie is an artist, photographer, and author. Her true crime debut, A Tangled Web, released in April 2020, covers a frightening Omaha love triangle murder. A veteran author for over three decades, Rule's other works include two suspense novels and five nonfiction books on the paranormal, including Coast to Coast Ghosts—True Stories of Hauntings Across America and her latest book, Haunted in America - which covers the very best ghost stories she has written about. In addition to her bestselling books, Leslie has published dozens of articles in national magazines, including First for Women, Woman’s World and Reader’s Digest.
Leslie also talked a little bit about her experience living in a haunted house and her own experiences at places like the St James Hotel, the Oxford Hotel and ghost stories from other famous haunted locations such as the Queen Mary, the Lemp Mansion and others as well. You an find out more about Leslie and her writings on her website at, https://authorleslierule.com.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#passion4theparanormal; #passionfortheparanormal; #authorleslierule; #hauntedinamerica; #walkingintheshadowsofstrangers -
Episode 111: On this episode, Jeffrey Mishlove joins me to talk about his case for life after death. Jeff earned a doctorate degree in Parapyschology from UC Berkley and was the grand prize winner of the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) Essay contest, making the best case for life after death and consciousness outside the brain, entitled “Beyond the Brain”. He is the author of the books, The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems and The PK Man and is the host of the New Thinking Allowed show.
Jeff provides nine lines of evidence for proof of the afterlife in the essay and we talked about several of them, to include Near Death Experiences (NDEs), mediumship, reincarnation, instrumental transcoummication, possession and more. He also described an experience he had in his early 20s, where he believe he was visited by his deceased Great Uncle in his dream and communicated with him. Jeff stated that this experience was so profound that it led him into his work and study Parapshychology.
He is the only person in the US to ever receive a doctoral degree in Paraphsychology from an accredited university. Jeff also discussed with me things like psychokineses, which wrote a book about and poltergeists, all are also topics that help make the case for life after death. To find out more about Jeff and his work, visit newthinkingallowed.com and newthinkingallowed.org.
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#jeffmishlove; #BICS; #passion4theparanormal; #passionfortheparanormal - Näytä enemmän