Ramadan is the best opportunity for us to turn our life around. We built good habits and got rid of the bad ones and we purified our hearts. But we have to make sure to continue those good habits after Ramadan is over. In truth, we may be at the end of Ramadan, but we actually just began our new life. In the final episode of this series, I share how important it is to keep doing good after Ramadan and I share some tips on things we can do when Ramadan is over. Enjoy!
Everything we go through in this world, is just a means to an end. The end goal being Jannah, which is our destination. Allah SWT promised us paradise as a reward for all of our pain and hardships, and for being humble and devoting ourselves to Allah SWT. In this enlightening episode, I remind you of this magnificent place that we hope to enter, to help motivate you to never give up. Enjoy!
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Loving yourself is a lot more beneficial on your deen than you think. Self love is an important concept, we Muslims need to put on a higher pedestal. In truth, self love is one of the major contributors to having a successful life and being content with Allah SWT. In this motivating episode, I share powerful words and reminders on self love. I hope you will be inspired and get closer to Allah when you are done listening. Enjoy!
This Muslim community is one ummah. Meaning we should always be there for each other in times of need. When one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts. Giving charity is an opportunity for us to help our brothers and sisters in need and gain many rewards from it. In this plentiful episode, I’m going to share the power and benefits of giving charity. Enjoy!
Being grateful is a such a huge factor for a content and successful life. However, a lot of us struggle with being grateful to Allah SWT. To help encourage us to be more grateful and reap the benefits, I wanted to discuss gratitude. In this abundant episode, I share how powerful being grateful is through stories and ayats, and I share some tips on how we can integrate gratitude into our lives, enjoy!
Dua allows us to speak to Allah SWT and have a conversation with Him. It allows us to connect with Allah more, so our worship for Him will be stronger. Dua is a path to Allah SWT and Allah is always listening waiting for us to call on Him, so start now. In this beautiful episode, I share the significance of dua and some powerful reminders on how dua works. I hope this episode inspires you to reach out to Allah SWT, Enjoy!
Praying is such an important task for a Muslim. It holds so many benefits and allows us to get closer to Allah SWT. The prayer is a major healer for our souls and our whole lives should be revolved around it. In this enlightening episode, I share how important praying is, the benefits of praying, and some tips on how you can start praying more effectively. Enjoy!
Ramadan is the perfect opportunity to be forgiven by Allah SWT and also to forgive others. The last ten days are especially important for forgiveness so you can come out of Ramadan with a fresh start. In this plentiful episode, I’m going to share why forgiveness is very principal for us to do and for us to ask Allah for and also how we can ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT. This episode will open your eyes to a new perspective on forgiveness. Enjoy!
Another reason why the last ten days of Ramadan are so special is because of this one night, Laylatul Qadr. The night of decree is better than a thousand months, which in its self tells you how major this night is. In this episode of 10 For 10 Days, I share what this night is, why it’s so significant, and what we can be doing to get the most rewards, InShaAllah. Enjoy!
Salamu Alaikum!! It’s been a long time but Alhamdulillah I’m back for this mini series! We have entered the last ten days of Ramadan, which is known to be very significant, so we should make it the best days, full of many good deeds. For that reason, I decided to share powerful reminders everyday of the last ten days of Ramadan, in hopes of getting you motivated to get closer to Allah. The first episode of this series is about why this month is so special, the Quran. In this short, but powerful episode, I share some important reminders and motivation about the Quran, Enjoy!
This episode is a powerful one to bring awareness to the injustice happening to those in Palestine. Palestine has been oppressed for more than 70 years. They are being murdered daily, children, and innocent civilians killed. These are our brothers and sisters, they don't deserve this. They deserve their freedom, their right to live freely in their homes. We will keep fighting, we will keep supporting, and we wont be silenced or knocked down because we have Allah SWT on our side. In this short episode, I bring awareness to this crisis and share what we can do to help. I also make lots of duas and prayers for our brothers and sisters, that you can be apart of. May Allah protect them from this injustice, ameen.
Donate here: https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/muslims_of_the_world_for_gaza_victims#!/ Or: irusa.org/donatenow -
Umrah is a journey that all Muslim's hope to go on. It is a cleansing and purifying journey that just brings us closer to Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah my sister was one of those people who were able to go on this journey. In this very special episode, my sister shares her journey to Umrah and how beautiful it was. She shares stories, experiences, and advice to those who have the goal of going one day. This episode is plentiful, beneficial, and heart touching, and it's something you don't want to miss, enjoy!
This episode will have a video version coming out tomorrow on YouTube at this link : https://www.youtube.com/@_peaceofmind99
Make sure to turn on the bell notifications so you don't miss an episode. And btw this video version is a little different, so you guys are going to love it! -
The greatest enemy to all of mankind is shaytan, the devil. His goal from the beginning of time to the day of judgement is to deceive all of mankind into following him to the hellfire. He is the rejected one, the one whom before anything we do, we seek protection from. But how can we know how to take caution when we don't know who he is or what he'll do? In this plentiful, beneficial, eye-opening episode, I share many ayahs in the Quran that Allah SWT tells us about shaytan and I share 4 traps of shaytan that he will use to deceive us. InShaAllah this episode will help all of us take caution of his traps and protect us from falling into them, enjoy!
The story of Adam and the traps of shaytan lecture series:
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlnkNshUxFpwEtilY3ktYCAkWST5xY3RN&si=Lw7Ng5CX2xaPyfN8 -
Say you’ve been making many mistakes and displeasing Allah SWT or you’ve just lost track of the right path, and it hits you that you want to return back to Allah, so you ask yourself, what now? How can I do that? In this episode, I share numerous powerful, beneficial reminders that will answer those questions and give you a blueprint on how to get closer to Allah after you’ve been lost. If you are confused on what you can do to increase your Iman and gain that connection with Allah SWT again, this episode is for you! I hope you enjoy! Link to socials, YouTube and previous episodes here: https://linktr.ee/_peaceofmind99
I’m backkk!! New season, new setup, and a new series called Hijabi Talks!! In this latest episode of the new season, I get a little more personal with you. This episode is a chill sit down episode, with just a conversation between me and you. I share the story of how I started my podcast, choosing the right friends, my trip to Nigeria, and much more. Plus, along the way are so many lessons to take from. I hope you enjoy! Btw, I finally started a YouTube channel to post video versions of this podcast! This episodes video version will be releasing tmrw on YouTube at this link: https://youtube.com/@_peaceofmind99?si=E1BUnkFZDQ2c8Bkr So subscribe and turn on notifications to stay tuned! Thank you!
This finale episode shares a beautiful story of a mother who went through the greatest test from Allah SWT. My dear friend, auntie, and an inspiration for me, Samar, shares her journey with her son, Owais, who has cancer, while going through a pregnancy and the birth of her second son. This episode goes through lots of ups and downs and includes valuable lessons that we could all use when we’re being tested from Allah SWT. This story will change your perspective on life, so share it with those you know. You don’t know how big a benefit it can be for them as well! To learn and understand more of her story check out this article! https://www.rileychildrens.org/connections/a-mothers-love-torn-between-two-sons Thank you!
How your morning goes defines how your day is going to be. So because of that, we need to make sure we are having good, productive mornings. And the best way to do that, is to look at the Prophet SAW's mornings. In this plentiful, pre-finale episode, I share 5 powerful tips that we can all start integrating in our mornings to have a successful and productive day, which will turn into a successful life, InShaAllah! The Prophet SAW said: "Oh Allah, bless my nation in their early mornings" (Hasan). This episode might just transform your life, so don't miss out, enjoy!
What is true beauty? Well, the beauty standards in the West have a totally different concept of beauty than Islam. The Western standards imprison women while the Islamic standards free women. As the season comes to an end, this episode highlights what true beauty is and I share some inspirational and benefical words to help free you from the shackles of the Western beauty standards. This episode is a big one, so share it with those you know and it may help them too! Enjoy
This episode is exclusively for the Muslimah’s who are struggling with keeping their iman up and staying connected to Allah, while on their periods. If you are a woman who has been wondering how you can still worship Allah, even though you can't pray and do other acts of worship, this episode is just for you! In this episode, I share some very important, powerful, and beneficial words to help you in that time and I discuss 4 tips to keep you firm in your deen. Enjoy!
As the month of Shawwal began, an opportunity to gain even more rewards after Ramadan began as well. In this episode, I explain the significance and importance of fasting the six days in Shawwal and I guarantee that after you finish listening to this episode, you'll never want to miss the chance of fasting in Shawwal. I hope you enjoy!
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