
  • In the season 4 finale, we discuss the long term economic implications of the Three I's - Inflation, Invasion of Ukraine and Interest rates. Beyond what is happening today, what will the future look like and how can you prepare for these potential realities?

    Alicia Planincic, Economist & Manager of Policy at the Business Council of Alberta, and Rob Roach, deputy chief economist join Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial Chief Economist to unpack all of the possibilities.

    The Future Of will be back in the fall with all new episodes, a new host and new guests!

    Catch up on all past episodes and learn more at atb.com/thefutureof

    Subscribe to The Owl, ATB's daily economic report at https://www.atb.com/company/insights/the-owl/

  • With a decade of experience and education working and living across Asia, Crystal Nash, ATB's Media Analyst joins Chief Economist Todd Hirsch to talk about the future of economic relations with Asia.

    From ESG practices and diversity, to business advice and how brand loyalty - including timbits - are impacting even the smallest local economies - no topic is left behind. Crystal pulls back the curtain to help us understand the opportunities and challenges that are present as we foster postivie economic relations with Asia.

    Email Todd your biggest questions about the economy and the future at thefutureof@atb.com

    Subscribe to The Owl for a daily economic snapshot.

    Learn more: atb.com/thefutureof

    Host: Todd Hirsch, Chief Economist, ATB Financial

    Guest: Crystal Nash, Media Analyst

    Executive Producer: Tia Hagen

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  • ATB's Cheif Economist is joined by Sharon Sun, Trade Policy Economist at the Canada West Foundation and Distinguished Fellow at Asia Pacific Foundation.

    How do sectors like education, agriculture and technology amplify economic opportunities between Asia and Canada? Beyond unpacking the future of these sectors, this episode explores the growing middle class in Asia, Canada’s opportunity for innovation in spaces like food manufacturing, technological innovation and education. How will Canada go from being a footnote, to noteworthy, when it comes to economic relations with Asia?

    Email your biggest questions about the economy, the community, and the future to thefutureof@atb.com

    Guest: Sharon Sun, Trade Policy Economist at the Canada West Foundation and Distinguished Fellow at Asia Pacific Foundation

    Host: Todd Hirsch, Cheif Economist ATB Financial

    Executive Producer: Tia Hagen


  • Alberta is uniquely positioned to be a leader in ending homelessness. Tim Richter, president & CEO of the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness joins Todd Hirsch, Chief Economist, to discuss the current and future state of affordable housing and homelessness in Alberta and beyond.

    This episode explores how Medicine Hat ended chronic homelessness, and how other cities and provinces are leveraging solutions to make big impacts.

    Economic costs and data is shared throughout the episode to bring understanding to the economic strain homelessness has on communities, versus the economic benefits of ending homelessness and ensuring affordable housing for all.

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future.

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

  • Mike Brown, President of Trico Homes and Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial's Chief Economist discuss the future of homebuilding and communities. They unpack how the COVID-19 pandemic unexpectedly boosted the industry and required homebuilders to align with people's values and needs, and what impact this will have on home ownership and the economy in the future. Mike discusses what you, and generations to come, might expect when pursuing home ownership in the years ahead.

    The need to build diverse communities to benefit the economy and businesses is a major theme. Mike also shares what he expects to see for the future for housing affordability, sustainability and intergenerational housing.

    Subscribe today to The Future Of on your favorite podcasting app. Connect with us anytime at thefutureof@atb.com and listen for bonus episodes where we tackle your biggest questions about the future. Check out ATB's free Home Buying Guide.
  • In this episode, Chief Economist Todd Hirsch connects with Naheed Nenshi. Educator, researcher and former mayor of the city of Calgary.

    Cities are hubs for both economic and social innovation. Where communities, policy and creativity come together - amazing potential is unleashed. As the future of cities is explored, how people interact and how resources are utilized will be a determining factor in the resiliency of a city.

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future.

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

  • In this extended episode, Chief Economist Todd Hirsch connects with Catherine Warren, CEO at Innovate Edmonton and Jenn Johnson, managing director of sponsorships at ATB Financial.

    Towering skyscrapers may be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of cities. But as we explore the topic - intricate layers are revealed to disrupt our current perceptions about cities and their futures.

    Innovation, space, inclusivity and community are all major themes explored in this episode.

    Time stamp: Jenn Johnson 33:13

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future.

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Learn more about ATB Financials sponsorships and how we help bring communities together by visiting atb.com/community.

  • Chief Economists Frances Donald and Todd Hirsch connect to discuss their predictions of the top five economic stories for 2022.

    By unpacking the complex topics that you see in the headlines like inflation and labor, supply chains and the Central Bank, you can be better prepared for the year ahead and gain a deeper understanding about how these stories impact individuals, businesses and communities.

    The episode ends with commentary around bright spots in the global and local Alberta economy, and what economists are feeling positive about in the year ahead.


    Subscribe to The Owl for daily economic insights

    Guest: Frances Donald, Chief Economist Manulife Financial

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, Chief Economist ATB Financial

    Did you know? ATB Wealth® is the wealth management division of ATB Financial. Our team of experts helps our clients sort through the complexities of their financial lives so they can focus on the things that matter most. Learn more. Follow ATB Wealth on LinkedIn.

  • ATB Financial’s Chief Economist,Todd Hirsch, is joined by Rob Roach, deputy chief economist at ATB Financial.

    In a moderated discussion, Rob and Todd start the episode by answering listener questions about education, the economy, unemployment and COVID-19.

    Next, they continue the conversation on The Future Of Trade.

    Our relationship and interactions with trade have transformed dramatically over the years. Beyond goods that Canada imports and exports, the trade of intellectual property and services through virtual and online platforms is on the rise. How will technology and our ability to connect with others across the globe impact trade as we know it?

    From free-trade to protectionism, there are ample opportunities for Canada, and each of us, to explore.

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Connect with ATB Financial by visiting atb.com

    Follow Todd on Twitter at @ABeconomist


    Rob Roach, Deputy Chief Economist, ATB Financial

    Tia Hagen, Producer and Senior Communications Manager

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s vice president and chief economist

  • ATB Financial’s Chief Economist, Todd Hirsch, is joined by Carlo Dade, Director - Trade and Investment Centre, Canada West Foundation.

    Todd and Carlo unpack the complex topic of trade and the future of trade with one of Canada’s largest trading partners, China. What is the future of trade with China as it emerges as the largest global economy? Since Canada’s exports serve the global middle class, as China’s middle class continues to grow, the opportunities for Canada to export more goods and services grows as well.

    How will entrepreneurs or business owners navigate trade relations and supply chains? How do we create a world where two economic systems co-exist? Answering these questions will guide Canada’s policies and thinking into the future.

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Follow Todd on Twitter at @theToddHirsch

    Connect with ATB Financial by visiting atb.com

    Guest: Carlo Dade, Director, Trade and Investment Centre, Canada West Foundation

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, vice president and chief economist, ATB Financial

  • ATB Financial’s Chief Economist,Todd Hirsch, is joined by Dr. Lisa Belanger, PH.D., CEO & Behaviour Change Expert of ConsciousWorks.

    Dr. Lisa Belanger discusses the reality of mental wellness, self care and the future of this sector in the second episode in our series on The Future Of Wellness. From the areas individuals have control over, to the impacts of technology and the taboo nature of the topic - nothing is off limits in this conversation.

    Lisa is the CEO of ConsciousWorks, a consulting firm that helps leaders apply the findings from leading-edge scientific research to maximize their mental capacity and performance. Lisa has a Ph.D. in Behavioural Medicine, an Executive MBA, and is a Certified Exercise Physiologist and High Performance Specialist. Check out Lisa’s podcast, The Science of Work.

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future. Please leave a review on your podcasting app and join the conversation!

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Connect with ATB Financial by visiting atb.com

    Follow Todd on Twitter at @ABeconomist

    Guest: Dr. Lisa Belanger, PH.D., CEO & Behaviour Change Expert of ConsciousWorks.

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s vice president and chief economist

  • ATB Financial’s Chief Economist,Todd Hirsch, is joined by bold mental health advocate, Curtis Stange, President and CEO of ATB Financial.

    Curtis shares his personal and professional journey on how to introduce mental health initiatives within any organization. He discusses the invisible line item on every income statement that is costing millions of dollars - and how addressing mental health within an organization, and within each other, helps to significantly offset this cost. Curtis shares what conversations CEOs are having behind closed doors around mental health, and what possibilities exist for intervention and the detection of issues in the future.

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Learn more about ATB’s Greater Good Strategy

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Follow Todd on Twitter at @theToddHirsch

    Connect with ATB Financial by visiting atb.com

    Guest: Curtis Stange, president & CEO of ATB Financial

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, vice president and chief economist of ATB Financial

  • in this episode, dr. linda manyguns unpacks the current and future state of formal education. in her new appointment as avp of Indigenization and decolonization at mount royal university, dr. manyguns plays a critical role in the accessibility, instruction and accountability of the university within Indigenous relations. infusing her traditional knowledge throughout her formal education created a new opportunity to acknowledge the collaborative possibilities within institutionalized settings. we unpack how organizations, institutions and individuals can begin their decolonization journey, and why it is critical for the future. how will formal education settings need to change to address current and future needs of the workforce? what role do universities play in tearing down systemic barriers?

    learn more about the lowercase movement

    ask todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    host: atb financial chief economist todd hirsch

    guest: dr. linda manyguns avp of Indigenization and decolonization at mount royal university

  • Education as we know it is on the brink of a massive change. What is the future where formal and informal education collide? How are those not served by traditional institutions empowered to learn in new ways? How do we make education accessible to those who want to explore it and how do we identify and hire the right talent for our organizations outside of formal credentials.

    We answer these questions and more in the season 3 premiere of The Future Of podcast. ATB Financial's Chief Economist Todd Hirsch is joined by two guests, Chett Matchett, AVP Strategy, Operations and Social Economics & Chris LaBossiere, CEO & Founder - Altitude Investments.

    Connect with Todd and ask him your biggest questions about the future by emailing TheFutureOf@atb.com

    Learn more about ATB's Greater Good Strategy at www.atb.com/GreaterGood

    Visit atb.com/TheFutureOf for more episodes, insight and information.

  • In this series, we are joined by leaders and community members to hear their perspectives on three big questions; when it comes to the economy, what do you want to see built back better rather than just going back to normal? Post-COVID, what do you think is going to remain a permanent societal or cultural change? And what are you most optimistic about for the future?

    From the demise of physical currency, to equitable participation in the economy and the opportunity to harness social media to reduce divisiveness - the ideas shared in this episode will help you formulate your own answers to these questions.

    Guests include;

    Armine Yalnizyan, economist and Atkinson Fellow on the future of workers Brenda Kenny, board chair of Alberta Innovates Carille Mendoza, technical product manager at HelpSeeker Technologies Gary Mar, president & CEO of Canada West Foundation Kerry Clark, artistic director of Calgary Folk Fest Martha Hall Findlay, chief sustainability officer at Suncor Peter Tertzakian, economist & deputy director of the ARC Energy Research Institute Roselle Gonsalves, director of diversity, inclusion and belonging at ATB Financial Ryan Jespersen, host of Real Talk

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future. Please leave a review on your podcasting app and join the conversation!

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Follow Todd on Twitter at @ABeconomist

    Check out ATB Financial's newest mortgage offer here or visit atb.com.

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, vice president and chief economist, ATB Financial

  • In this episode Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s vice president and chief economist is joined by two guests - Karen Ball, CEO & president of the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organization and Tara Lockyer, ATB Financial’s chief people officer.

    The episode begins with Karen Ball. We unpack the importance of the social economy in Alberta’s overall economic recovery and discuss what investments should be made in this sector now to ensure a strong sector in the future. What role do nonprofits play in the community, and how might this innovative sector recover and thrive in new ways?

    Next, Tara Lockyer joins the conversation to discuss building a sense of community within an organization or business. Tara explains the science and must-haves for building a strong workplace culture. Both leaders and team members play an important role in a successful workplace community. We examine these roles and explore how you can foster an award-winning corporate culture, regardless of your title.

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future. Please leave a review on your podcasting app and join the conversation!

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Connect with ATB Financial by visiting atb.com

    Follow Todd on Twitter at @ABeconomist


    Karen Ball, CEO & president of the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organization

    Tara Lockyer, ATB’s chief people officer.

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s vice president and chief economist

  • Harnarayan Singh, Hockey Night in Canada Punjabi, author, & NHL play-by-play commentator joins ATB Financial’s Chief Economist Todd Hirsch to share his insights on the future of community.

    Harnarayan’s incredible story is becoming a staple of Canadian and Sikh culture, perseverance and success. In this episode, we go beyond his well-known story and discuss how to build community in the face of adversity, how to amplify individual strengths amongst a community, how to build a thriving community around you and more.

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future. Please leave a review on your podcasting app and join the conversation!

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Purchase Harnarayan’s book, One Game At A Time

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Follow Todd on Twitter at @ABeconomist

    Connect with ATB Financial by visiting atb.com

    Guest: Harnarayan Singh, Hockey Night in Canada Punjabi

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, vice president and chief economist, ATB Financial

  • In this episode Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s vice president and chief economist is joined by Sam Jenkins, managing partner at Punchcard Systems & co-founder of Covidcontinuity.com

    Factoring ‘risk’ into Punchcard’s value proposition is just one of the traits that set Punchcard up to adapt and succeed during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a technology company, Punchcard faced different challenges and hurdles but sharing the common traits of successful adapters meant that Punchcard not only survived but thrived through the identification of new opportunities. As a leader in this space, Sam talks about the characteristics and traits he and his team drew from to make it through the pandemic, as well as what the future holds for the tech sector in Alberta and beyond. What gaps exist today and what are the opportunities of tomorrow?

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future.

    Purchase Spiders in COVID space at www.ToddHirsch.com

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Guests: Sam Jenkins, managing partner at Punchcard Systems & co-founder of Covidcontinuity.com Learn more about Punchcard Systems.

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s vice president and chief economist

  • In this episode Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial's vice president and chief economist is joined by Jennifer Buchanan, president and founder of JB Music Therapy in Calgary, AB.

    JB Music Therapy was built around face-to-face relationships and being centered around its core story of helping clients. When the pandemic hit and in-person meetings were no longer possible and their core story was challenged, how did this organization adapt and find success while still delivering great client experiences? Jennifer’s experience and insights can help businesses and individuals adapt to unwanted change.

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future.

    Purchase Spiders in COVID space at www.ToddHirsch.com

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Guests: Jennifer Buchanan, president and founder of JB Music Therapy. Learn more about JB Music Therapy

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, ATB Financial’s vice president and chief economist

  • This episode begins by answering questions from our listeners. What’s the role of cryptocurrency and how has perception changed over time about its value? How will we recover our “Alberta advantage?” These questions and more!

    Next, we dive into insights from Todd and Rob’s new book, Spiders in Covid Space. We discuss the unique traits shared by people and organizations that were able to adapt and succeed during the COVID-19 pandemic. By knowing and understanding these traits, you can apply them to your own life when faced with unwanted change.

    Subscribe to The Future Of where we connect with community and business leaders who are thinking about, planning for and leading us into the future. Leave a review.

    Purchase a copy of Spiders in Covid Space at www.ToddHirsch.com

    Ask Todd your questions about the future and the economy, or share your feedback any time by connecting with us at: thefutureof@atb.com.

    Hear more from Todd Hirsch and the economics team by visiting atb.com/webinars

    Subscribe to The Owl and get a quick daily snapshot of what’s happening in Alberta’s economy

    Guest: Rob Roach, deputy chief economist, ATB Financial

    Hosted by: Todd Hirsch, vice president and chief economist, ATB Financial