
  • This episode aired June 30, 2024, on the YOUR HEALTH MATTERS radio show with Karl Sterling and Elizabeth Brusa on News Radio 570 WSYR AM, also available on 106.9 FM.

    🌟 Welcome to the Health & Wellness Insider! 🌟

    Hey there, health enthusiasts!

    I'm Karl Sterling, your friendly host, and I'm thrilled to bring you the latest episode of our Health & Wellness podcast, co-hosted by the amazing Elizabeth Brusa. This week, we dive deep into some fascinating topics that are sure to spark your curiosity and inspire you to take charge of your health journey. Here’s a sneak peek of what we covered:

    Key Takeaways from Our Latest Episode:

    Understanding Your Metabolic Health:
    Resting Metabolic Rate & Fat Burn Efficiency Tests: Discover why these tests are crucial for understanding your metabolism and how they can guide your exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle choices.
    Heart & Lung Fitness: Learn about the importance of heart rate training zones and breathing exercises for improving cardiovascular and lung health.

    The Power of Sleep:
    Cognitive & Emotional Well-being: We discuss the critical role of sleep in maintaining cognitive function, managing chronic conditions, and reducing the risk of mood disorders.
    Tips for Better Sleep: Insights from the Huberman Lab and Matthew Walker’s "Why We Sleep," including the 3, 2, 1 rule, the benefits of natural light exposure, and breathing exercises to reset your nervous system.

    Personalized Health Assessments:
    Breath Analysis & Posture: How these assessments can provide personalized recommendations for improving your overall health.
    Retesting for Progress: The benefits of retesting after lifestyle changes to track your progress and make further adjustments.

    Lifestyle Interventions:
    Frequency Therapy Fat Patches: Explore this innovative approach for better sleep.
    Movement & Health: The undeniable benefits of incorporating more movement into your daily routine.

    Why You Should Tune In:
    Real-Life Experiences:** Elizabeth shares her personal struggles with sleep and how it affects her daily life.
    Expert Insights:** Practical advice and tips from leading health experts.
    Engaging Conversations:** Our discussions are not just informative but also engaging and relatable.

    Special Offer:
    Upcoming Changes in Pricing:** Don’t miss out on our current offers for health assessments. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of these valuable tests!

    Final Thoughts:
    Taking responsibility for your health is a journey, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Whether it’s improving your sleep, understanding your metabolic health, or exploring new treatments, our podcast is your go-to resource for all things health and wellness.

    So, grab your headphones, get comfy, and join us for an episode packed with valuable insights and practical tips. Your health journey starts here!

    Stay healthy and happy,
    Karl Sterling

    Listen to the Episode Now!


  • This episode aired on June 23, 2024 on YOUR HEALTH MATTERS on News Radio 570 WSYR with hosts, Karl Sterling and Elizabeth Brusa.

    Our bioDensity Program has unparalleled benefits, including:

    • Increased Bone Density: bioDensity sessions can help increase bone density, which is crucial for preventing, managing, and REVERSING osteoporosis.

    • Enhanced Muscle Strength: The system promotes significant muscle strengthening through safe, controlled resistance exercises.

    • Improved Balance and Stability: Regular use can enhance proprioception and balance, reducing the risk of falls and related injuries.

    • Joint Health and Mobility: Supports joint health by encouraging the natural movement of joints and increasing their range of motion.

    • Safe and Efficient Workouts: bioDensity offers a low-impact, high-efficiency workout, making it suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, including those with physical limitations.

    • Time-Efficient Exercise: Sessions are typically short, around 10 minutes, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

    • Customizable Intensity: The system adjusts to the user’s strength levels, providing a personalized exercise experience that maximizes benefits and minimizes the risk of injury.

    • Increased Metabolic Rate: Can help boost metabolism, aiding in weight management and overall metabolic health.

    • Pain Reduction: Users often experience reduced pain, particularly in the back and joints, due to the strengthening of supporting muscles.

    • Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: While primarily focusing on strength, the overall improvement in muscle function and density supports cardiovascular health indirectly.

    • Improved Functional Fitness: Enhances the ability to perform daily activities with ease, contributing to better overall quality of life.

    • Support for Rehabilitation: Effective for rehabilitation from injuries or surgeries by providing a controlled, progressive way to regain strength and functionality.

    • Long-Term Health Benefits: Consistent use supports long-term health and wellness goals, contributing to a healthier aging process.

    These benefits highlight the comprehensive advantages of incorporating bioDensity into a fitness or rehabilitation program.

    Biodensity training, a form of resistance exercise that uses high-intensity, short-duration workouts to improve muscle and bone strength, has been studied for its potential benefits in various health aspects, including blood sugar regulation, diabetes management, and lowering A1C levels. Here are the key benefits related to these areas:


    Our Power Plate® pro7 offers various health benefits, including:

    • Improved Muscle Strength and Tone: Enhances muscle strength, power, and overall tone through whole-body vibration.

    • Enhanced Flexibility and Range of Motion: Increases flexibility and improves the range of motion in joints.

    • Better Balance and Stability: Aids in improving balance and stability, reducing the risk of falls.

    • Increased Circulation: Boosts blood flow, promoting faster recovery and better overall cardiovascular health.

    • Reduced Muscle Soreness: Helps alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness after exercise.

    • Enhanced Bone Density: Stimulates bone growth and increases bone density, which is beneficial for preventing osteoporosis.

    • Accelerated Weight Loss: Assists in burning calories and reducing body fat when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

    • Improved Metabolism: Enhances metabolic rate, contributing to better weight management.

    • Stress Reduction: Promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels.

    • Enhanced Lymphatic Drainage: Supports the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of toxins from the body.

    • Improved Recovery: Speeds up recovery time after injuries or intense workouts.

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  • This episode aired from 11am-1pm on June 16, 2024 on News Radio 570 WSYR.

    Part 1: Karl and Elizabeth talk about building muscle and bone health. With their powerful bioDensity machine, many of their patients have been able to reverse osteoporosis and osteopenia and regain healthy bones, which reduces risk of fractures and mortatlity.

    Part 2 (at time stamp 47:30): Learn about living with and fighting back against Parkinson's disease with Parkinson's fighters, Laura Olmos and Russ Parker. GET INSPIRED!


  • This show aired on NewsRadio 570 WSYR on June 9, 2024 YOUR HEALTH MATTERS with host, Karl Sterling.

    Check out the OVERTIME, post radio show portion of the interview here:


    Dr. Lucius Pomerantz is Orthopedic Surgeon and Upper Extremity/Hand Specialist at Synergy Orthopedic Specialists Medical Group

    He is also a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor (Non-Salaried) in Orthopedic Surgery at University of California San Diego

    The priority for Dr Pomerantz is to return patients to the activities they love AND keep people moving.

    He is a strong believer in the mind-body connection and that much of our well-being is guided by our ability to move.

    Watch and learn as Dr. Pomerantz discusses:

    • Muscle mass and bone density
    • When should we start thinking about bone density?
    • What’s happening in Osteosarcopenia?
    • Importance of muscle mass throughout the lifetime
    • Menopause and Osteoporosis / Osteopenia
    • What do we do to prevent these things?

    Be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel at: @CuttotheBone


  • This show aired 6/2/24 on the News Radio 570 WSYR, YOUR HEALTH MATTERS radio show with host, Karl Sterling.

    "The Molecule of More" by Daniel Z. Lieberman and Michael E. Long explores the powerful role of dopamine in shaping human behavior and experience. The book delves into how this neurotransmitter drives our desires, ambitions, and emotions, affecting everything from our love lives and creative pursuits to our addictions and mental health.

    In this interview, Michael E. Long explains that dopamine is responsible for the pleasure we feel from new experiences and the motivation to pursue future rewards. They categorize its influence into two main areas: the “desire circuit,” which motivates us to seek out new things, and the “control circuit,” which helps us manage our resources to achieve long-term goals.

    Throughout the interview, Long illustrates several points with examples from everyday life and scientific studies, demonstrating how dopamine can lead to both positive outcomes, like innovation and progress, and negative consequences, such as addiction and destructive behavior. He also discusses ways in which understanding dopamine’s effects can help us make better choices and improve our lives.

    Overall, "The Molecule of More" provides a comprehensive look at the chemical that plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, actions, and overall well-being.


  • This episode aired on 5/26/24 on News Radio 570 WSYR.

    Unlocking Health and Wellness After 55: Insights from Smoky Hollow CrossFit

    In our latest podcast episode, we dove deep into the world of health and wellness, with a special focus on those of us who have celebrated our 55th birthday and beyond. It was an enlightening discussion, and I'm excited to share the highlights and insights with you here.

    Embracing Fitness at Any Age
    One of the most inspiring parts of our conversation was with Jon Pine, the passionate owner of Smoky Hollow CrossFit. Jon introduced us to a unique program tailored specifically for individuals aged 55 and older. This initiative is breaking down stereotypes and proving that age is just a number when it comes to fitness.

    The Smoky Hollow Approach
    At Smoky Hollow CrossFit, the philosophy is simple: it's never too late to start taking care of your body. Jon and his team have crafted workouts that cater to the needs and abilities of older adults, focusing on functional movements that enhance everyday life. The goal is to build strength, improve flexibility, and boost endurance, all while fostering a sense of community.

    Why It Matters
    As we age, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes even more crucial. Regular exercise can help prevent chronic diseases, improve mental health, and increase overall longevity. Jon shared inspiring stories of members who have transformed their lives through the program, gaining not just physical strength but also confidence and a renewed zest for life.

    Innovative Pain Management
    Another highlight of our episode was the discussion about Play On Relief, a pain relief spray that's gaining popularity among the fitness community. We explored how this product can support an active lifestyle by providing temporary relief from aches and pains.

    The Role of Play On Relief
    For many, the fear of pain is a barrier to exercise. Play On Relief offers a solution, allowing individuals to engage in physical activity with less discomfort. It's a tool that can help people stay consistent with their workouts and recover more quickly.

    The Takeaway
    Our health is our most valuable asset, and it's never too late to invest in it. Whether you're 55 or 95, there are programs and products out there designed to support your wellness journey. The key is to find what works for you and to embrace the process with an open mind and heart.

    Final Thoughts
    I want to thank Jon Pine for joining us and sharing his invaluable insights. If you're curious about the Smoky Hollow CrossFit program or want to learn more about Play On Relief, I encourage you to listen to the full episode. Remember, your path to health and wellness is unique, and with the right tools and support, you can achieve your fitness goals at any age.

    Stay tuned for more episodes where we'll continue to explore the fascinating world of health and wellness together. Until next time, keep moving, stay healthy, and live your best life!


  • This episode aired on 5/19/24 on News Radio 570 WSYR.

    Listen and learn from functional podiatrist / movement specialist extraorinairre, Dr. Emily Splichal about the important relationship betweem Walking Speed and Longevity.

    Walking Speed: The Sixth Vital Sign
    Dr. Emily Splichal opened our eyes to the fact that walking speed is considered the "sixth vital sign." It's a critical indicator of our health, and a decrease in walking pace as we age can be a predictor of morbidity and mortality. This isn't just about how fast you can move; it's about the quality of your gait and movement. Walking speed has profound implications for cognitive protection, circulatory function, and joint health.

    The Triad of Walking Speed: Balance, Energy Transfer, and Foot Progression
    To maintain an optimal walking speed, Dr. Splichal highlighted three key factors: balance, energy transfer, and foot progression. These elements are the pillars that support our ability to walk efficiently and with ease. Without them, our mobility can suffer, leading to a slower pace and potentially increased health risks.

    The Clinic's Approach to Longevity
    In our longevity-based clinic, we focus on helping individuals live longer and better lives. Whether it's pain management, balance, strength, or muscle health, we utilize top-end medical devices like the Power Plate to achieve therapeutic effects. This machine is particularly popular in our clinic due to its benefits, especially when combined with nervosa vibration therapy.

    The Importance of Toe Flexor Strength
    Dr. Splichal brought to light an often-neglected aspect of balance and walking speed: toe flexor strength. Weakness in this area can lead to decreased balance, slower walking speed, and a higher risk of falls. She recommended using toe spacers to improve toe alignment and strength, as well as exercises like the "short foot" to strengthen the muscles.

    Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Affecting Balance
    We also discussed the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that can cause falls and affect balance. Extrinsic factors include environmental obstacles or inappropriate footwear, while intrinsic factors might involve medical conditions like neuropathy or vision impairment. Understanding these can help us improve balance and prevent falls.

    Gratitude and Future Conversations
    As our episode came to a close, I expressed my gratitude to Dr. Splichal for her invaluable insights and for being a forward-thinking leader in the field. Her expertise has taught me so much over the years, and I'm eager to continue learning from her in future episodes.

    A Call to Action: Support and Contact
    I encouraged my listeners to support my endeavor with Muscle and Fitness magazine and reminded them that they can always reach out to me for assistance in their health and wellness journey. My commitment to sharing knowledge and promoting longevity remains steadfast.

    Disclaimer and Closing Thoughts
    As always, the content shared on the show is for general information purposes only, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen.

    Thank you for tuning in, and I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights into the importance of walking speed and overall wellness. Remember, every step counts towards a healthier, longer life. Until next time, keep moving forward!


  • This episode aired on 5/12/24 on News Radio 570 WSYR.

    Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she conducts clinical trials. She is also a patient with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles (paperback), and the cookbook The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions.

    She conducts clinical trials that test the effect of nutrition and lifestyle interventions to treat MS and other progressive health problems. Learn more about Dr. Wahls’ clinical trials here. She also teaches the public and medical community about the healing power of the Paleo diet and therapeutic lifestyle changes that restore health and vitality to our citizens. She hosts a Wahls Protocol Seminar every August where anyone can learn how to implement the Protocol with ease and success. Follow her on Facebook (Terry Wahls MD) and on Twitter at @TerryWahls.

    Personal Connection To Iowa
    I am a fifth generation Iowan who grew up on a farm in northeast Iowa and have raised a son and daughter here as well. I have a bachelor’s degree of fine arts from Drake University in Studio Art – Painting and a medical doctorate from the University of Iowa. I completed an internal medicine residency at the University of Iowa and have been on faculty at Iowa since 2000.

    I live in Iowa City with my spouse, Jackie. Our daughter, Zebby, is an undergraduate at the University of Iowa; our son Zach, a graduate of the University of Iowa, became well-known for his testimony at the Iowa State House opposing the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage, which went viral in February 2011, receiving nearly twenty million views. His book, My Two Moms, was published April 2012.

    Be sure to visit:


  • This episode aired 5/5/24 on YOUR HEALTH MATTERS on News Radio 570 WSYR, Syracuse.

    In this episode, I delve into the critical elements that underpin a successful health and fitness journey: motivation, persistence, and consistency. Today, I want to share with you the insights and personal experiences that have shaped my understanding of what it truly takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle over the long haul.

    Setting Realistic Goals and Anticipating Setbacks

    The path to wellness is rarely a straight line. It's filled with ups and downs, and that's why setting realistic goals is paramount. I've learned that when we set achievable targets, we're more likely to stay motivated and less likely to get discouraged by the inevitable setbacks. It's not just about the end result; it's about celebrating the small victories along the way.

    Building a Support System for Success

    No one achieves greatness alone. In my fitness journey, I've found that having a support system is invaluable. Whether it's a workout buddy, a personal trainer, or a community of like-minded individuals, surrounding yourself with people who encourage and challenge you can make all the difference.

    My Personal Experience with Exercise and Weightlifting

    I've always been passionate about exercise, particularly weightlifting. It's not just about looking good; it's about the profound benefits it brings to your health. Building muscle mass isn't just for athletes; it's a crucial aspect of aging well and maintaining functional strength throughout your life.

    The Surprising Benefits of Bio Density

    In the episode, I introduced listeners to the concept of bio density and its potential to revolutionize how we approach conditions like osteoporosis. This innovative approach to building bone density can also significantly improve muscle health, offering a beacon of hope for those looking to enhance their quality of life.

    Rethinking Weight Loss: The Muscle Mass Factor

    One common misconception I often encounter is the overemphasis on weight loss. While shedding excess pounds is important, it's equally crucial to focus on building and maintaining muscle mass. Muscle is not only metabolically active but also plays a key role in our overall health and longevity.

    Muscle Mass and Survivability: The Cancer Connection

    Perhaps one of the most profound discussions in the episode was the correlation between muscle mass and survivability in cancer patients. The impact of exercise on circulating tumor cells offers a new perspective on the role of physical activity in cancer care.

    Conclusion: Embracing the Three Pillars of Lifelong Health

    As we wrapped up the episode, I left listeners with a call to action: harness the power of motivation, persistence, and consistency. Whether it's through your exercise programming, dietary habits, or mindset, these three pillars are the foundation of lifelong health and fitness.

    Remember, it's not about being perfect; it's about making progress. Track your journey, adjust as needed, and most importantly, never give up on yourself. Your future self will thank you for the investment you make today.

    Until next time, stay strong, stay healthy, and keep pushing forward.

    I hope this blog post captures the essence of the podcast episode and inspires readers to take action towards their health and fitness goals. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!



  • This episode aired on Sunday, April 28, 2024 on News Radio 570 WSYR (and 106.9 FM). Your Health Matters with host, Karl Sterling.

    Listen and learn as we dive into a discussion about exercise in relation to longevity, brain health, lifespan, health span, and qualtiy of life.

    Time - it's the one thing we all share but often feel slipping away. On the podcast this week, we took a moment to reflect on its swift passage and the importance of making every second count. I shared my thoughts on why cherishing time helps us prioritize what truly matters in life and health. A reminder to live fully, with gratitude for each tick of the clock.

    What's the connection between toe strength and your risk of falling? It might surprise you, as it did our listeners, that it's a crucial predictor! On "Your Health Matters," we not only discussed this fascinating fact but also demonstrated a simple exercise to test and improve your toe strength. A little focus on those toes could mean better balance and stability.

    This week's conversation touched on something vital: the power of purpose. It's not just about losing weight or gaining muscle; it's the 'why' behind these goals that truly drives change. We delved into how understanding your motivations can be the key to a sustainable, healthier lifestyle. Inspirational stuff for anyone looking to transform their health journey.

    Muscle strength isn't just for athletes; it's for everyone. In the latest podcast, we discussed the critical role muscle mass plays as we age. From reducing fall risk to improving mobility, preserving muscle is integral for longevity. Let's change the narrative on aging and strength - it's not an option, it's a necessity for a life well-lived.

    PODCAST OF THE WEEK: @JockoPodcastOfficial

    Visit http://www.karlsterling.com


  • This episode aired on April 21, 2024 on News Radio 570, WSYR

    In this episode of "Your Health Matters," host Karl Sterling and guest Dr. Joe Barry discuss the critical links between obesity, inflammation, and cancer. They explore how fat cells contribute to inflammation and how a non-inflamed body can better prevent cancer by cleaning up precancerous cells. Dr. Barry introduces a new blood test from Greece that detects circulating cancer cells, providing an early warning system for cancer detection. The conversation also touches on the importance of lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise, in cancer prevention. Additionally, Karl reflects on the value of free will and the power of human connection, emphasizing the need for community and genuine communication.

  • This show aired on April 14, 2024 on News Riado 570 WSYR, Syracuse, NY.

    Dr. Ray Dorsey is a renowned neurologist specializing in Parkinson's disease and movement disorders. He is a David M. Levy Professor of Neurology at the University of Rochester. Dr. Dorsey's work is deeply rooted in using technology and innovation to improve the care and quality of life for individuals with Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions. He has been a pioneer in telemedicine, leveraging video conferencing to provide care to patients in remote areas, thereby expanding access to specialized healthcare services.

    Dr. Dorsey's research and clinical interests also extend into the epidemiology of Parkinson's disease, aiming to understand the factors contributing to its rise and developing strategies to halt its spread. He has authored numerous articles and papers on the subject, contributing significantly to the field of neurology.

    "Ending Parkinson's Disease: A Prescription for Action" is a book co-authored by Dr. Ray Dorsey, along with other leading experts in the field. The book serves as a clarion call to action against Parkinson's disease, which has become one of the fastest-growing neurological disorders worldwide. It lays out a bold and comprehensive plan to not only treat but also prevent Parkinson's disease, drawing on historical successes in combating other global health crises. The authors advocate for increased funding for research, more robust public health initiatives to reduce exposure to environmental risk factors, and improved access to care for those affected. The book is both a guide for individuals seeking to understand the disease and a roadmap for policymakers, researchers, and healthcare professionals to collaborate in ending Parkinson's disease.

    For your copy of Ending Parkinson's or with any questions, email: [email protected]


  • This show aired on NewsRadio 570 WSYR on April 7, 2024.

    Perry Nickelston, DC aka ‘The Lymph Doc’ is a Chiropractic Physician with a primary focus on treating chronic pain and inflammation via the lymphatic and vascular systems. Owner of Stop Chasing Pain, LLC, he is an International speaker and educator of the self-care MOJO series, the Lymphatic Mojo, Blood Flow Mojo, Tongue Mojo, Glymphatic Mojo, Visceral Mojo, Vagus Nerve Mojo, and Primal Movement Mojo.

    He is the author of the upcoming book Stop Chasing Pain: A vital guide to healing your body, moving well, and gaining control of your life.

    He is my dear friend and brother of 10 years and here to talk ALL THINGS LYMPHATIC SYSTEM

  • Ever pondered how our ancestors remained fit without gyms? They had "incidental exercise" built into their daily lives, something we've sadly lost in our sedentary modern world. Let's take inspiration from the pre-1940s and integrate more natural movement into our days for better health. #HistoryOfFitness #MoveMore

    Reflecting on Easter, a time of renewal, I'm reminded of the profound impact health has on our ability to serve others. Personal well-being extends beyond self; it's about being there for those we love. Let's all renew our commitment to health this season. #WellnessRenewal

    Staggering to learn that the obesity trend could reduce life expectancy in the U.S. It's not just about numbers on a scale; it's about the quality and length of life. Approaching this with compassion rather than judgment is vital. #ObesityAwareness #HealthStats

    Did you know that maintaining muscle mass is crucial for longevity? Our medical approach is evolving, from "medicine 10, 20, 30" to more holistic, preventative care. It's time we all focus on building strength to support our overall health. #MuscleMatters #PreventativeHealth

    Today, I want to share something close to my heart: the interplay of faith and health. My journey has taught me that caring for our health is one of the many ways we can serve and show love to others. It's a mission that goes beyond mere personal gains. #HealthAndFaith


  • With 27 years in health insurance and a lifetime of witnessing his family navigate health challenges, Jason J. Paul's insights are unparalleled.

    In 2020, his wife was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, altering his perspective on insurance, and driving his mission to assist consumers.

    My friends, Insurance is crucial for safeguarding your financial health.

    Listen and learn from Jason in this distinctive and enlightening conversation where you will discover what you did not know you needed to know.


  • This episode aired on 3/17/24 on News Radio 570 WSYR Syracuse, NY


    Dr. Michael Joyner, an athlete, is a practicing anesthesiologist, a physician-researcher and one of the world’s leading experts on human performance and exercise physiology. Using humans as his model system, he has made major contributions to understanding muscle and skin blood flow, blood pressure regulation, and human athletic performance.
    Mike’s broad interests include helping members of the general public understand the real-world implications of research, policy debates and related ideas covered in the popular press.

    Nick Sterling MD PhD, also an athlete, is a practicing emergency medicine physician and scientist, specializing in AI.

    visit http://www.nicksterling.com



  • This show aired on 3/3/24.

    In this episode, I talk about the psychology of health, exercise, and getting started and sticking to a lifestyle that your future self will thank you for.


  • Listen and learn from my guest, Steven Abbey. This show aired on 2/25/24

    Our subject: "Natural vs. Synthetic Ingredients in Your Supplements"

    Steven Abbey, an entrepreneurial force and seasoned investor, is the visionary behind SOS Nutrients. Established in October 2022, SOS Nutrients is a Santa Barbara-based smoothie supplement company revolutionizing the industry. Unlike 95% of products in the market, SOS Nutrients sets itself apart by utilizing whole foods to deliver comprehensive micronutrient nutrition, entirely devoid of synthetic ingredients.

    Steven spearheads SOS Nutrients' mission to redefine comprehensive nutrition through whole foods.

    Visit http://www.sosnutrients.com

  • Learn about the benefits of Resting Metabolic Testing and VO2 MAX Testing. Your VO2 MAX score is the absolute BEST snapshot of your current state of health in addition to being your best predictor of longevity