Join The Business Ascension Mastermind! It starts May 1st and I'm offering early bird enrollment that includes a complimentary 1 on 1 strategy session.
Lets hop on the phone to see if we're a good fit. Sign up for a call HERE.
In today's episode I give you 5 Tips to get you branded in your online business.
My favorite presets for photos:
Chelsea Jean Presets
Pretty Presets
Grab my 5 Steps To Define Your Niche Freebee!
Come stalk me at Instagram @nicoleslaterbiz
My website: www.nicoleslaterbiz.com
Today Kesha Maute and I talk about practicing daily intention and how it helps achieve our present and long term business goals and how without this practice, we tend to get stuck.
You can find Kesha on Instagram @kesha.unfiltered and Facebook Kesha Unfiltered.
Don't forget to leave a review while you are here!
You can find me on Instagram @nicoleslaterbiz and Facebook Nicole Slater -
Puuttuva jakso?
Short and sweet episode where I'm talking about an energetic block that was affecting my business in negative ways. I was preventing people from reaching out to me!
Come grab your FREE niche training at www.nicoleslaterbiz.com
or find me on Instagram @nicoleslaterbiz
Sending you all lots of light and love.
In today's episode Marta and I talk mom life and business life and how mindset is everything.
Marta is a mom to triplets and a success coach that help moms find purpose in the life post-partum.
You can find Marta @momdoesitall_
and on her amazing podcast, Mom Does It All Podcast HERE.
Find me at my new IG @nicoleslaterbiz
In today's episode I talk about my rapid transformational therapy session or RTT. I have been wanting to do a session for months and finally made it a priority. I'm so glad I did!
I talk about how my money blocks were connected to certain moments that I experienced in my childhood and why they were preventing me from allowing abundance to flow into my life.
Come join my Mompreneur Life Facebook Group and connect with a like-minded tribe of working mamas.
You can find Jess Lively @jessclively
Find me @indiemamanicole
Sending lots of love and light!
This episode is SO exciting for me. I was scared to do it, but I'm so glad that I have! These sessions are so powerful and I can't wait to get more recorded for the podcast.
You can find more on Jess Lively on IG @jessclively
Make sure to check out Brianne @thepriestesshood
Sign up for my new FREE training, How To Be A Mom That Stays Calm
Sending you lots of love and light!
I can't wait for you to join The Awakened Mom
Mom Life With More Peace, Joy & Ease
On today's show I geek out on a recent interview of Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. that I watched.
I talk about the important of conscious parenting during the first 7 years of a child's life and how we need to break free from our subconsious baggage we created in our first 7 years of life.
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a pioneer in the new biology, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. A cell biologist by training, Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem-cell research at Stanford University. He is the best-selling author of The Biology of Belief and received the 2009 prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.
You can watch the entire interview here.
Find me on Instagram @indiemamalife
Find me on Facebook @indienicoleslater
Sending you all lots of love and light.
On today's episode we talk about Reiki, dance and coming into motherhood and our power.
Brianne Ferry is a mystic Mother and a reluctant teacher. She can be found chasing the muse through poetry, sacred dance, and the vast world of the Healing Arts. She facilitates and teaches Reiki, Breathwork and Shakti Dance for curious and hungry souls. Find her in IG @The PriestessHood
Today I talked about what my intuition or what I also call, inner source, literally told me to talk about.
It's a candid and easy going episode that dives into what presence means to me and why I think it's so vital as a mom.
If you haven't joined my private Facebook group, Healthy Conscious Families head on over and jump in! https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthyconsciousfamilies/
To get more information on my group program, The Awakened Mom, head to my website. www.indiemamahealth.com
Instagram: indiemamalife
Until next time!
Sending you lots of love and light
In today's episode I talk about my transition from being a wellness coach who focused on healing with veganism to a transformation coach who helps mom ditch emotional trauma and baggage.
I share how I had the revelation to change to this niche and how I take moms from being anxious, angry and irritated to peaceful, happy and joyful.
If this episode resonated with you and feel called, sign up for a 1 on 1 Discovery call. Click HERE
You can find me on Instagram @indiemamalife
Sending you love and light!
We talk about having acceptance for what is, how to dump negative thoughts that lead to mom guilt, gentle parenting and Gina shares her remarkable story of surviving over 40 surgeries in 12 years.
You can find Gina at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ginanorma
Website: https://contemplatingbeauty.blogspot.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/contemplatingbeauty/
Today I talk about meditation and how it's helped me in all aspects of my life, but particularly in parenting.
Don't forget to jump in my 3 Day Mama Meditation Challenge:
Sending you love and light!
Today I'm chatting with Lauren Dyer, a fellow mama that I connected with online.
She is a mama to two and talks about her post-partum depression, mom guilt and the challenges of parenting while in a wheel chair.
You can find Lauren at:
Facebook: @spiritualmeditationmama
Welcome to Plant-Based Energy!
In this episode I'm giving you 5 tips to get picky kids to eat better.
These are tricks we use at home when our kids aren't eating as well as we want them to.
I hope you love this episode! If you do, please take a minute to give me a review and share it with any friends that you think will benefit.
Sending lots of love!
Welcome to Plant-Based Energy!
On today's episode I talked with my friend, Vanessa Dougan.
Vanessa is a pelvic floor physiotherapist and mom of 2. She has a passion for helping moms take power over their bodies and return to an active life after babies. She has met many women (mostly moms) who have put their health on the back burner. This is why she is on a mission to teach as many women as she possibly can that peeing your pants is not NORMAL and give you the simple tools to change that. LINKS: If you want more information on her current program just for moms to lose the baby weight, rehab your core and lose the mummy tummy https://www.theinspiredactionmethod.com/p/hardcore-momstrong IG - www.instagram.com/corestrengthmomma Sending you lots of love!
Welcome to very first episode of Plant-Based Energy, where I talk about everything plant-based, holistic, spiritual and emotional when it comes to parenting.
Today I'm sharing my health journey with you and how I went from sick and half dead to the thriving, alive and healthy mama that I am now.
I hope you enjoy!
Make sure to give this episode a like and share it with a friend if you think they will benefit from it.
Sending lots of love.