
  • What if you could change the way you feel about your life in an instant?

    What if you could feel truly positive about your home, your partner, your body, your job?

    To suddenly feel proud of it all, grateful for it, like you want to shout from the rooftops how wonderful it is?

    To feel in awe of, and admire your body

    To feel proud of, and in love with your partner

    To enjoy and savor your home, your job, your friends.

    All without ANYTHING having to be different…

    What if you had an antidote to the repetitive self criticism and judgment of ourselves and others that we subtly feel every day?

    That’s what this episode is about.

    In her honest, irreverent way Cara will share examples and the insights she’s getting herself as she plays with this way of shifting perspective.

    We all know that when we shift our perspective we shift everything. SO enjoy this new tool and the changes you can make with it!

    Ready to dive into the creation of a life beyond your dreams? Happiness is something you can cultivate and continue to expand exponentially. Check out Cara’s course, Manifestation Magic and find out what you are truly capable of receiving.



    Connect with Cara!

    Website -⁠ https://www.caraviana.com/⁠

    Instagram -⁠ https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/⁠

    Facebook Page -⁠ https://www.facebook.com/caraviana⁠

    YouTube -⁠ https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Most people go about their lives reacting to the circumstances they are in and the events they experience.

    There is another way to live, a way of curating how you feel and creating the reality around you on purpose.

    In this episode of the Playful Spirituality podcast Cara dives into the distinction between these two; reacting versus creating.

    She shares a personal (and a little bit embarrassing) experience of this recently in her life, to demonstrate how normal it is even for those who know how to create on purpose, to sometimes slip back into just reacting.

    If this is you lately don’t worry!

    You may not even realize that you have slipped into reacting instead of creating, and that life could feel so much better than it does!

    Cara teaches the three very simple steps to gently come back into a place of creating your life on purpose.

    Give a listen and see just how easy it can be to move back into the driver's seat.

    -> Be sure to sign up for the free gift that Cara offers to help you expand this further, in a really fun way: Not Your Mama’s Manifestation workshop.

    If you’re ready to get serious and create the life, you’ve always dreamed of Cara’s gift to you in this episode is a 20% discount on the manifestation magic course! Use code MANIFEST20 at checkout - Manifestation Magic

    To keep exploring this topic, and get really juicy information on how creating the way you want to live and feel can be done… listen to Episode 33 and Episode 35

    Oh and if you're feeling really thrown off course, be sure to check out the energy work and meditation that Cara references in the episode, on taking your power back

    Episode 13________________________________________________________

    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Your mindset is one of the biggest keys (or possibly hurdles) to the success and happiness you desire.

    To get you the juiciest advice on mindset, Cara interviews her long time friend and colleague, Business Coach, Kim Argetsinger.

    Kim and Cara examine the idea of how core beliefs and patterns in mindset can potentially hinder both your personal development and success in business.

    Cara and Kim have been meeting monthly to mastermind together for many years, and they share their own personal challenges in life and business, how often mindset is the culprit and the answer, and how they help each other through.

    They share many insights on recognizing and shifting mindset patterns, always emphasizing self-compassion during the process, as this is something that you can always be utilizing and improving.

    Don’t miss when the podcast takes a fun turn to dive into mindset and money, and the free gift Kim offers the audience. This masterclass from Kim will help you identify some of the blocks you might have in your relationship to money.

    Access that free right here: Transform Your Money Blocks into Gold

    For more juicy information from Cara on money and abundance, check out episode 18 - Money is Your Dance Partner.

    If you’re ready to expand your relationship to abundance, and open the flow of money in your life, it’s time for Cara’s course For The Love Of Money.

    This course is designed to take you to your next level with money, abundance, financial security, and wealth; by healing what limits you, expanding your capacity, adjusting your upper limit, and evolving your personal relationship with the energy of money.


    More about Kim!

    Kim Argetsinger is a business coach with a mission to help you create *your* version of business success and make money on *your* terms.

    Kim’s been around the business and coaching block for 7 1/2 years, has been on thousands and thousands of coaching calls, and has built a booked out, multi-six-figure business and team - her way - that’s brought in $1.2 million in revenue in the last 4.5 years and $700k in the past two from a 1:1 model alone, without using complicated funnels or ads.

    Using her coaching framework of clarity, mindset, strategy and action, Kim helps you tap into your unique edge and define & own your role as a CEO to run your business like a business for six and seven-figure results.

    Kim’s clients make their own rules, take up space, and grow and scale businesses that run like a well-oiled machine so they can make their own record-breaking income months from their first sale ever, to recurring $5k, $10k, $20k, and even $100k cash months.


    Website: kimargetsinger.com

    Podcast, ONE Question: Unapologetic Questions for Unapologetic Results: kimargetsinger.com/podcast

    Or iTunes: apple.co/3qFWHi7Amazon: https://amzn.to/3S3YomT

    Spotify: bit.ly/onequestionpodcast

    FB Group with 16k+ members, Business Besties & Creative Bosses: bit.ly/businessbestiesfbgroup

    IG: @kimargetsinger

    Free Masterclass: Transform Your Money Blocks into Gold


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - ⁠https://www.caraviana.com/⁠

    Instagram - ⁠https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/⁠

    Facebook Page - ⁠https://www.facebook.com/caraviana⁠

    YouTube - ⁠https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

    00:00 Introduction to the Podcast

    01:15 Special Guest Introduction: Kim Argetsinger

    02:01 The Story of Their Friendship

    07:55 The Power of Peer Support

    12:13 Kim's Journey into Coaching

    16:42 The Importance of Mindset in Business

    30:53 Understanding Neuroplasticity and Mindset

    31:44 Practical Examples of Mindset Impact

    33:51 The Power of Rewiring Your Brain

    35:01 Client Success Story: From Zero to Millionaire

    37:49 Identifying Core Mindset Blocks

    42:30 The Role of Money in Mindset Work

    50:50 Embracing Your Mindset Patterns

    53:46 Practical Exercise: Writing a Letter to Your Younger Self

    56:52 Closing Thoughts and Gratitude

  • Check out the Art of Slowing Down Free Workshop

    Listen to previous episodes on this topic:

    Navigating the Holiday Season as a Sensitive Person

    Creating and Manifesting in the Winter Season

    How the season and the new year energy affects your manifestation

    Aloha my friends,

    We are opening the new year with a new podcast episode I think you’ll find helpful.

    We all want to be in flow with life.

    You know what I mean, it’s that feeling when…

    ~ life seems to be working with you instead of against you

    ~ things happen with ease

    ~ it all kind of magically jives and feels like very little efforting and no pushing against

    ~ you feel resourced and capable of what’s on your plate

    ~ life feels enjoyable and you feel present for it

    ~ people want to be around you and think to themselves “I’ll have what she’s having”

    Every coach and guru has a specific prescription for how to get into flow with life. Much of it is really good stuff.

    —> What gets confusing is that the prescription of do’s and don’ts to get you into flow are specific to our exact circumstances!

    That’s right, it’s different for each of us and different in the phases of life we are in.

    So what worked last year or always before in your life might actually do the opposite right now.

    In this episode that’s what we are exploring.

    We will dive into the phases of life and learn what your particular phase is and how to be in flow with it.

    I hope you enjoy it and send me a message to let me know what you figured out after you listen!

    Journaling Questions

    What season of life are you in?

    What is this season asking of you?

    Are you working against your season of life or with it? What does each feel like? What does each look like outwardly?

    What are the actions behaviors thoughts or outlook that are

    going with the season and what are the ones that are going against it?

    0:00 Ep 43 The Secret to Being in Flow with Life

    00:05 Introduction to the Playful Spirituality Podcast

    01:47 Understanding the Concept of 'Being in Flow'

    02:42 Exploring the Seasons of Life

    02:59 The Challenges and Joys of New Motherhood

    04:25 Identifying Your Current Season of Life

    04:31 Understanding the Demands of Your Life Season

    09:12 The Importance of Going with the Flow

    10:35 The Struggles of Balancing Motherhood and Personal Needs

    15:22 Recognizing the Signs of Going Against the Flow

    20:52 Reflecting on Your Actions, Behaviors, and Outlooks

    28:25 Conclusion: Embracing Your Season of Life


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • “How do you get over God trauma aka religious trauma so you can have an intimate relationship with the divine again?”

    In answer to this listener's question, Cara invited a very special guest, Sarah Chann, for an intimate and enlightening conversation about dealing with religious trauma and re-establishing a genuine connection with the divine.

    Sarah shares her personal journey of dealing with anger towards the divine, her experiences with faith and trauma, and how she came to her ultimate understanding of God as a force of unconditional love.

    Sarah's work, which is grounded in the body, emphasizes addressing past traumas and unresolved issues that are oftentimes stored in the body.

    Cara and Sarah discuss the concept of religious or God trauma, and how to overcome it through a deep, intimate relationship with the divine.

    They also discuss their individual spiritual paths, the concept of God, unconditional love, sin, and their approach to understanding and experiencing the divine through nature and their internal sense of spirit.

    As Cara promised in the episode, here’s a guided meditation for Feeling Divine Love. This is an excerpt from a live call.


    00:00 Introduction and Meeting Sarah

    01:03 The Idea of Inviting Sarah to the Podcast

    02:48 Sarah's Unique Approach to Healing

    05:02 The Role of Divine in Healing

    07:26 Exploring the Concept of Fractures with God

    08:56 Sarah's Personal Experience with God and Trauma

    26:00 The Misplaced Anger Towards God

    30:37 Personification of the Divine

    34:47 Understanding Sin and Alignment with God

    37:34 Childhood Experiences and Personal Beliefs

    44:50 The Fear of God's Rejection

    49:01 Finding Connection with the Divine

    54:47 The Journey of Healing and Transformation

    55:52 The Power of Love and Self-Worth

    01:02:30 Final Thoughts and Reflections

    Looking for a sense of freedom, more peace and less anxiety?

    We have gifts for you!

    With the tools in the Playful Spirituality Bundle you will get to experience Cara’s playful, powerful style and receive: 1) A Guided Grounding Meditation, 2) A guided Theta Healing, 3) A full recording of a live group call.

    Join the email list at caraviana.com to sign up for these free gifts and much more!


    About Sarah Chann ~

    Sarah Chann is an intuitive guide and transformational coach. She helps you identify and release what is getting in the way of you being fully here now - the self criticism, lack of self worth, guilt and shame. Sarah uses a unique blend of coaching tools, energy work, sound, and movement.

    You can connect with Sarah here:

    Website: https://sarahchann.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.chann.96

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahchann.nz/


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Excited to finally share the beautiful stories of her miscarriages and the evental birth of her son, Cara divulges her very personal journey over the last seven years.

    This episode is truly an Intuitive’s story of meeting her baby.

    A very different take on miscarriage than the norm, it is Cara’s hope that it will uplift, and bring some understanding and soothing to a difficult topic.

    In this episode of the Playful Spirituality Podcast, host Cara Viana tells the story of the first time she met her son, more than 7 years before his birth. She recounts the beautiful and moving stories of her miscarriages and the lessons her baby taught her through each one.

    In talking with people about her experiences over the past years, Cara has found that nearly everyone is touched in some way by miscarriage or abortion, though people rarely speak about it. In her wide open and sometimes irreverent way, she brings light to often unspoken topics like these. Sharing both the fear and the beauty, the comedy and the triumph, she hopes that talking about it will ease some of the shame and isolation that so many feel.

    Cara explores the topic of miscarriage and motherhood from a different perspective; being an intuitive she sees the world with an alternate lens. This episode is a spiritual take on miscarriage (or abortion— they are energetically similar) as well as a personal journey. A story of beauty, hope and meeting one very sure of himself, little dude.

    0:00 Ep 41 A Different Take on Miscarriage

    00:05 Introduction to the Podcast

    01:13 Personal Story: The Journey of Miscarriages

    06:14 Meeting My Baby

    10:41 The Impact of Miscarriages on Relationships

    13:47 Surprise Pregnancy

    15:26 The Struggle with Fertility Treatments

    17:24 Moving: The Final Piece?

    18:41 The Joy of Successful Pregnancy

    26:04 Understanding Miscarriages: A Spiritual Perspective

    30:07 Supporting Someone Through a Miscarriage

    32:07 Conclusion: The Beauty in the Journey

    32:46 Closing Remarks and Future Episodes


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Join Cara Viana on this episode of the Playful Spirituality Podcast as she returns from a maternity leave hiatus to candidly share her experiences as a new mom.

    This episode is a raw and honest reflection on the unexpected challenges, joys, and surprises that come with giving birth and raising a newborn, including sudden vision loss, intense insecurity, social awkwardness, and finding unexpected pleasure in some seemingly mundane (even gross) and intense moments.

    Cara gives uncommon insights into the physical and emotional transformations people undergo during pregnancy and in motherhood, and the absolute necessity of learning to receive and care for yourself too.

    She also acknowledges the importance of motherhood in society, recognizes societal undervaluation of the role, and shares how her experiences have turned her into something she never thought would be. She demonstrates how she is truly cherishing every moment with her personalized view on parenting.

    Tune in for an infusion of playful spirituality that might surprise and comfort you if you're a parent, ever considered becoming one, or know people in your life who have gone through this journey.

    00:00 Introduction to the Playful Spirituality Podcast

    01:20 Returning from Maternity Leave: A Personal Journey

    02:29 The Challenges of Pregnancy and Preparing for Motherhood

    04:54 The Unexpected Joys of Motherhood

    09:45 The Reality of Motherhood: A Bootcamp Comparison

    17:11 The Slow Pace of Motherhood

    23:52 The Importance of Support Systems in Motherhood

    25:02 Motherhood: The Most Important Job in the World

    27:37 The Vulnerability of Motherhood

    28:43 The Struggles of Postpartum

    29:34 Society's Lack of Support for New Parents

    30:25 The Unexpected Joys of Parenthood

    33:20 The Reality of Parenting and Time Management

    34:44 The Bliss of Being a Parent

    35:29 The Insecurity of Motherhood

    39:52 The Social Awkwardness of New Parenthood

    43:01 The Shock of Losing Vision

    45:22 The Unexpected Baby Craze

    49:06 Wrapping Up and Looking Forward


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • One of the biggest unspoken questions in manifestation is “When do I take action and when do I go for a walk in the garden?”

     Well, that’s exactly what Cara's breaking down in this week’s podcast.

    “You can’t just sit around meditating and expect success to happen for you” 


    “You can’t just effort your way to success, you have to line up energy” 

    Also true.

    Manifestation gets a bad wrap sometimes, and so does hustle/action/just getting it done.

    There are unhealthy and wildly ineffective patterns of behavior at either far end of the spectrum. Most of us lean toward one or the other (by the way).

    Give a listen to the podcast to discover how to truly harness action and manifestation together for the greatest result with the most effective effort.

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Be sure to check out the upcoming Manifestation Magic Course and the For The Love Of Money Course, both available now.

    It's time to learn to leverage and trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf and blossom into the next level of your ideas, abundance, love, success, health, joy, etc.

    You are WORTH putting in the work.

    Not only will you receive a special discount if you purchase these sister courses together, but you will receive the replay for the Bloom virtual retreat for FREE!!!



    Episode suggestion: Joy Experiment


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • In this episode Cara shares the personal story of an experiment she decided to do in her own life, an experiment to put tiny bits of effort and focus into seeing if she could find the feeling of joy.

    Tune in to hear the results of this life experiment and the lessons she learned, as well as the effects it had on her life.

    What started as a simple practice to try in little moments, realigned her with being the creator of her life.

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Be sure to check out the upcoming Manifestation Magic Course and the For The Love Of Money Course, both available now.

    It’s time to learn to leverage and trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf and blossom into the next level of your desires: abundance, love, success, health, joy, etc.

    You are WORTH putting in the work for.

    Not only will you receive a special discount if you purchase these sister courses together, but you will receive the replay for the Bloom virtual retreat for FREE!!!!



    Episode suggestion: How the season and the new year energy affects your manifestation


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

  • The potent energy of the new year is an extremely powerful time to create within.

    There is a brewing, a budding, like a cauldron of change gently being stirred. This energy urges us to begin anew, to reevaluate, to desire, to grow, to change.

    However, …

    There is also a juxtaposition of a contradictory energy here in the northern hemisphere: Winter, slowness, the going within, hibernation.

    This also makes for a very potent time for creation, but it asks for something different from us, something we often overlook or push past. When we push past it, things can go south quickly.

    What is your Winter season asking of you?

    Join Cara in this episode to find out how to manifest and create during Winter, you might be surprised at how different it is than what you’re used to hearing.

    Bloom Virtual Mini Retreat -

    Join Cara for a virtual retreat on January 8th, with a replenishing and energy healing after the holidays. This retreat will give you an opportunity to honor the closing year and welcome in the new with intuition and intention. We will look at what you truly desire, and what stands in your way. Then we can plant the seeds for the blossoming of your desires in the upcoming year.


    Be sure to check out the upcoming Manifestation and Money Course.

    Not only will you receive a special discount, but you will receive the Bloom virtual retreat for FREE!!!!


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

  • The holiday season is full of magic, love, and wonder, but sometimes it is also wrapped in loneliness, comparison, and replaying old patterns.

    Meditation is a powerful way to release those gloomy feelings from the season and embrace your playful and joyous self. So, If you feel you are triggered negatively this season. This episode is for you.

    Cara created a special meditation practice for this holiday season to harness the intuitive energy of winter and shed some light on your deepest desires to bring the power of magic and transformation into your life.

    If you desire to incorporate this as your daily holiday practice, we added the timestamp of the actual practice for you.

    Holiday Meditation Practice: 10:17

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Join us for the brand new Manifestation Magic Course; find out more here:


    It’s time to learn and trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf and blossom into the next level of money, abundance, financial security, and wealth with

    For the Love of Money Course, find out more here:


    To RECEIVE YOUR FREE GIFT, head on to;



    Episode suggestion: Meditation for Peace


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Are you stuck in a cycle of comparison? Wishing you could be someone else in a day or two. It's hard not to feel jealous, especially watching other people's dreams and desires come true.

    But you see, that jealousy you are feeling right now is an invitation telling you that you can receive what you manifest.

    If you ever feel like you can't have what you desire because you got caught up in jealousy and comparison. This episode is for you.

    Learn how to shift jealousy into an opportunity for YOU to have what you desire and use the 4-step practice to create your magic and next-level expansion.

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Join us for the brand new Manifestation Magic Course; find out more here:


    It’s time to learn and trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf.


    Episode suggestion: Coming to Terms with Our Manifestations


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Have you ever manifested something huge in your life without meaning to, or maybe you did it on purpose, and suddenly, your nervous system gets tense, and you start thinking:

    "Who am I to have this"

    "What if I lose it?"

    "Is this safe, or is the other shoe going to drop?"

    This is far more common than we recognize.   Often we don't even realize that we got our manifestations/desires because we are too busy being uncomfortable, or subtly sabotaging.

    I.e. We got a raise but then immediately the car breaks down.

    This is the time to put a little effort into getting up to speed with your manifestations.  Cara is all too familiar with this as she shares candidly on this episode.

    When good things happen, it's normal to feel uneasy because our nervous system is not used to operating in a state of abundance, etc. The key to this is to keep gently calibrating to the good things that are happening.

    In this episode, Cara will share how to come to terms with your manifestation and get more comfortable with things you want.  Which will help open up the floodgates for more good things to come into your life, and raise the upper limit on what you can create.


    Ready to start manifesting your dream future in a big way?

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Join us for the brand new Manifestation Magic Course; find out more here:


    It's time to learn to trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf.

    Join Cara and the playful spirituality team for a life altering journey in the new year.

    Lets get your dreams planted and ready to bloom in this upcoming year, and uplevel your relationship with manifesting and abundance.

    This journey is like a quest of creating we get to embark upon!

    We start right after the first of the new year, in that delicious fresh blossoming energy that urges change. All while still cocooned in the magic and intuition of winter.

    ~ First on our quest is BLOOM, a virtual mini retreat. Where we harness the power of the winter season together, recover energetically from the holidays, and redesign our lives to be the lives we dream of moving forward.

    ~ Then we start Manifestation Magic, where together we venture into the actual creation of the desires we are seeking, flirting with, longing for, tasting.

    ~ Next our quest takes us right into For The Love Of Money, where your abundance can really spring forth into your life, and those old demons in the way dissolve at your feet.

    Presale for the whole adventure bundle is available now, which gets you a discount Plus the virtual retreat for FREE!   https://caraviana.podia.com/mini-course-bundle


    Suggested episode:

    Episode 26 - Your Miraculous Nervous System and the Rewiring of It 


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

  • You have already desired so much for your future, far more than you consciously realize.

    Whether you know it or not, the universe is conspiring to bring all of this and more to you.

    Your job now is to get out of your own way and let in the good stuff.

    When it comes to manifesting our desires…most of us get in our own way without even realizing it.

    If you’ve ever had a feeling that you have certain desires and you don’t know how to attract them to you, or perhaps you’re even blocking them in some way from happening… you’re not alone!

    This episode is for you.

    Learn what’s in the way of your desires, and simple ways to lovingly let your manifestations in with greater ease.

    It really doesn’t need to be so hard, when we can understand the system and what’s going on, we can create big shifts with simple changes.

    For anyone ready to make the big life dreams come true …

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Join us for the brand new Manifestation Magic Course; find out more here:


    It's time to learn to trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf.


    Episode suggestion: Manifestation Myth Busting - You’re Not Doing It Wrong.



    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

  • If you have tried to manifest something and it hasn’t worked - listen to this.

    If you’ve worried you’re doing it wrong, or felt like you might accidentally create something you don’t want - listen to this.

    If you feel like the information on manifestation is sometimes confusing or contradictory (you’re not wrong) and definitely listen to this!

    In this episode, Cara tackles the most common manifestation misconceptions.  She calls bullshit in her irreverent loving way, on much of the strict thinking and myths out there, and she tells you how it actually works.

    Cara created the Manifestation Magic course to help you step into what is possible!

    It's time to learn to trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf.

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Join us for the brand new Manifestation Magic Course, find out more here:



    Episode suggestion: Carving my Man Out of the Universe


    Hear the personal story of Cara’s love. ___________________________________________________________________________

    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

  • Have you ever stopped to wonder how the really good stuff in your life happens?

    Have you wondered what’s actually happening when everything is going wrong and crumbling around you?

    How does a person go from the dissolution of your dreams to stepping into the new and better ones?

    In this episode Cara shares the real and vulnerable story about how she got the romantic relationship that keeps exceeding her wildest dreams.  It’s not only an inspiring story about finding love after divorce, but a delightful journey of healing, trusting the Universe, and

    It’s a story of manifestation for sure, but really, it’s a story about how even when things seem at their worst, your higher self is actually looking out for you and the best is yet to come.

    Cara created the Relationship Alchemy course to share the tools she used to heal and to call in her love, and the tools she continues to use to up-level her relationship each year!

    Enroll in the live course now,

    ▶️ Doors are Open now!!!! ◀️

    Fall more madly in love all over again in your current relationship, or call in the relationship of your dreams.


    *** If you’re curious about manifestation, check out the new Manifestation Magic course ***


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

  • What would you feel if you received a gift beautifully wrapped with a big red ribbon? Where do you need to peel each part to uncover what's inside? That is so fun and exciting, right?

    We are sitting in a world full of possibilities, and the universe is doing so much prep for us to uncover an exciting gift called life.

    Like what happens to Emily when she manifests to create a sustainable relationship, she gives herself two months to not commit to being in a relationship and trusts the universe to show her the right path.

    Emily Cassel, a dear friend of mine and business coach that I truly admire, is the founder of WMNûp: a vibrant constellation of mission-driven change-makers, trailblazers, multidimensional risk-takers, and business-starters seeking intimacy and international support to cultivate long-term compounding success. Her superpower in listening to a person talks to laying out an incredible business plan that aligns with the soul is remarkable.

    You will learn how to create a sustainable and harmonious relationship in today's episode.

    Emily shares how joining Relationship Alchemy helped her open new doors to the endless possibility of the unknown and how she met her now fiancé Jeff.

    Emily and Cara also explore the exciting new directions Emily’s life and work have taken her, how her passions have collided, and how relationships impact all of that.

    → Doors are now OPEN!!!

    Join us for the upcoming Relationship Alchemy Course.

    Uncover the energetic mystery behind relationship success.

    Relationship Alchemy: https://www.caraviana.com/relationshipalchemy

    Fall more madly in love as you level up your current relationship or call in the relationship of

    your dreams.


    Connect with Emily Cassel and learn more about WMNûp

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/emilycasselofficial/

    WMNûp Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wmnup/



    Emily Cassel is the Founder of WMNûp: a vibrant constellation of mission-driven change-makers, trail-blazers, multidimensional risk-takers and business-starters seeking intimacy and intentional support to cultivate long term, compounding success.

    As a business strategist and leadership consultant, Emily’s work draws from her background in Positive Psychology, Sustainability, Women’s Leadership, Business + Entrepreneurship, and her uniquely impactful experience attending an all-women’s college.

    Emily is the host of the podcast Like Nobody’s Business, author of two journals: the 52-week Motivational Journal and the 90-Day Goals Journal with Rockridge Press, and has been featured on Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe, With Whit with Whitney Port, and The Priestess Podcast with Julie Parker. Her work has also been featured in The Huffington Post, The Atlantic, and Skirt Charleston.

    She lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her fiancé (Jeff), Mini Australian Shepherd (Kai), + goofy Golden Doodle (Wilson). You can find her stress-baking delicious DF + GF treats, performing a full Broadway revue in her convertible with the top down, or swimming in the ocean after soaking up sun on the beach.


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Do you ever struggle to find joy, love, and connection in your life? Then this episode is for you. I have welcomed to the show an exceptional guest and someone who has been part of my past programs, Woodrow Petrović, a physicist and shaman who clearly sees the connections between science and spirituality.

    After studying energy working for many years, Woodrow noticed that his beliefs and expectations had negatively impacted his romantic life and prevented him from connecting with others.

    In this episode, you will learn about Woodrow's background as a physicist and how his experience in Relationship Alchemy was able to help him change a lifetime of beliefs and easily  manifest a loving relationship.

    Doors are Open now!!!! ←

    Join us for the upcoming Relationship Alchemy Course.

    Uncover the energetic mystery behind relationship success.

    Relationship Alchemy

    Fall more madly in love as you level up your current relationship or call in the relationship of your dreams.


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Have you ever experienced that feeling of misfire in a relationship, when your communication just seems to be on different planes?

    Or have had times in a relationship when one or both of you feel you aren’t getting what you need no matter how hard you try?

    Or maybe you feel like you're the one constantly putting in effort, but your partner isn’t?

    This is hugely common in relationships, and the problem isn’t what you think!

    Cara will be discussing the secret fix to any relationship, and the key to getting what you need and desire from your relationship by pouring in love in the way your partner actually can receive.

    So if you're ready to learn how to get more love and intimacy in your relationship and fill both yours and your partner's love tank, be sure to have a listen.

    —> Doors are Open now!!!! ←

    Join us for the upcoming Relationship Alchemy Course.

    Uncover the energetic mystery behind relationship success.

    Relationship Alchemy

    Fall more madly in love as you level up your current relationship, or call in the relationship of your dreams.


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

  • Let's imagine that you are in your circle of friends, and you get together but discuss all the things that drive you nuts about your partner; that's what you do, right? It's not a societal norm to talk about all the great things your partner does; we tend to focus on what we resent more than appreciate. So, where did the appreciation go?

    In today's episode, Cara wants to discuss the biggest c-block in any relationship. You might be surprised to learn that children did not make that list.

    Human beings naturally crave love, and it’s easy to love in the beginning of a relationship. However, over time we can build up frustration and eventually resentment, leaving you to wonder if the relationship will work out.

    In today's episode, Cara will be diving into what we can do with the resentment we carry around and how we can shift a little bit every day and allow our hearts to open back up towards our partners.


    Join us for the upcoming course and uncover the energetic mystery behind relationship success!

    Relationship Alchemy

    Fall more madly in love as your level-up your current relationship, or call in the relationship of your dreams.

    Doors are open now, with early bird bonuses.


    Connect with Cara!

    Website - https://www.caraviana.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/

    Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana