Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?
Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?
At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.
Ultimately connecting back to why it matters to your world, and how to order our lives and society to own the future.
Join Lucas Skrobot and follow the show on your favorite podcasts app today to understand the world, discern the truth, own the future. -
This series is host to episodes created by the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford which is part of the Faculty of Law, within the Social Sciences Division. The series reflects this department's world-leading research and teaching by providing talks that encompass topics such as rights and justice, politics, penal culture, crime and mental health and immigration.
Építkezőknek és ingatlant vásárlóknak tanácsadás tervezésben, kivitelezésben, jogszabály értelmezésben, beszélgetés szakmabeliekkel.
Vásárlás előtti házszemlékről beszámolók, monológok. -
Ne csak olvasd, hallgasd is, mi történt a sztárokkal! - A legizgalmasabb beszélgetések már nemcsak olvashatóak, de hallhatóak is. A mikrofonnál a Best magazin újságírói, akik profizmusukkal a legzárkózottabb sztárokat is képesek megnyitni és igazi baráti hangulatot teremtenek a stúdióban. Szó lesz kultúráról, művészetről, színpadról, sikerekről és kudarcokról… sztárköntösbe csomagolt valódi emberi sorsokról.
Olyan témákkal várunk, mint a természetvédelem, az elektromobilitás, a körforgásos gazdaság, a bio élelmiszerek, vagy a fenntartható szépségápolás, divat és egészség. Olvass minket a oldalon, csatlakozz közösségi média követőinkhez és iratkozz fel a csatornánkra!
A Star Wars hír- és véleményportál podkasztja a Csillagok háborújáról és a messzi-messzi galaxissal kapcsolatos történésekről.
Házigazdák: Kajtár Virág, Kelemen Richárd, Kádas István, Faragó Dániel -
Der Politikpodcast
Legfrissebb hírek a gaming világából Ákossal és Balázzsal, minden szombaton.
SP Rupert and Stephen Jondrew host a weekly podcast dedicated for the Hobby Podcaster with tips and tricks on how to get started, sound great, have fun and not break the bank. Each week they talk about a podcasting topic in depth within an arc (like how to start a podcast, podcast gear for the hobby podcaster, and tips on different types of presenting-announcing-hosting) and then run down a current news item of importance to podcasting. They also run down any feedback and offer advice on how to make your hobby podcasting time better, easier and more fun. You can check them out at for more information.
Fit for digital ist der Lern-Podcast zur digitalen Transformation. Die Moderatorin Miriam Lerch nimmt Sie mit auf die Reise zu verschiedenen Themen rund um den Wandel zur Arbeitswelt von morgen.
Sie geht Begriffen und Buzzwörtern auf den Grund, sammelt Erlebnisse, die sie bewegt und beindruckt haben und interviewt Macher und Vorbilder aus Deutschlands Mittelstand, die von ihrem Weg berichten.
Schalten Sie rein, lassen Sie sich inspirieren und erhalten wertvolle Infos und Tipps für Veränderung und Transformation. -
You've been to Office Depot and The Home Depot. Now it’s time to visit The Divorce Depot. This is the podcast where all the divorce info you need is stored. If you are stuck on the tracks or riding a run-away train, here's your chance to pull into the station and get some clarity.
The bad news is you are probably going through a divorce or some other relationship meltdown. Why else would you listen to a podcast called The Divorce Depot? The good news is you are in the right place. Ultimately, the Divorce Depot is going to house a wealth of divorce related information, with experts checking-in from every state, and on every divorce-related topic. -
What story should Europe tell in the 21st-century? What do we want the EU to do by 2030? Our team, based in Oxford University, are going out to ask a wide range of Europeans about their formative, best and worst European moments. We are talking in greater depth to a number of Europeans, hearing their reflections on Europe's stories – and their own. We have also analysed a wide range of public opinion survey data, and are doing our own special polling in collaboration with the Eupinions project. The results are shown on the project website, We would also love to have your contribution, which you can share on Contact us about anything else on [email protected]
The project is directed by Professor Timothy Garton Ash and the Research Manager is Selma Kropp. For the project team see here. An advisory committee consists of leading Oxford academics: Professor Paul Betts, Dr Jonathan Bright, Professor Faisal Devji, Professor Carolin Duttlinger, Professor Robert Gildea, Professor Ruth Harris, Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh, Professor Andrew Hurrell, Dr Hartmut Mayer, Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis, Professor Rasmus Nielsen and Professor David Priestland. -
A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Kommunikáció- és Médiatudományi Tanszékének (SZTEKOMM) havi rádiós magazinja.
Pacsi biterek! Mi vagyunk az ARTBite! YouTube-on 5 éve futó rövid szatírikus híradónk után megérkeztünk Spotify-ra, hogy kicsit hosszabban is beszélgessünk a világ deviáns eseményeiről. Zenés és humorosnak szánt tartalmakért katt a YouTube csatornánkra:
Az LMP - Magyarország Zöld Pártja által alapított Ökopolisz Alapítvány célja az állampolgári tájékoztatás és tájékozódás javítása, a politikai kultúra fejlesztése és a közjó szolgálata, kiemelten az ökopolitikai gondolkodásmód elterjesztése, az ökopolitikai alternatívák megfogalmazása, valamint az ökopolitika képviseletének elősegítése a fenntarthatóság, a közügyekben való állampolgári részvétel és az igazságosság széleskörű népszerűsítése révén.
Whether you own a business, service, repair, build, design, or market swimming pools, this is the podcast for you. We interview swimming pool industry business owners, entrepreneurs, pool service and repair companies, builders, manufactures, marketing and social media experts, as well as many others that can help progress, inspire and entertain us all.
It is a video game podcast that talking about the current state of the video game industry.
Wondering how you’re going to pull off a major virtual event, and turn it into a successful, repeatable strategy for your business? Overwhelmed by all of the details facing you, and all the choices in virtual event platforms and tools? Mike Allton, with years of experience running massive virtual summits, webinars and other events for himself and global SaaS companies, is your host. He's your connector between the brand awareness and lead gen you want, and the virtual event strategy you need today. When you don't have time to sit through countless sales demos and sift through dated books, the Virtual Event Strategist podcast is your salve. For more information, show notes, and contact details for Mike, head over to
A Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala podcastja az iprajog védelem előnyeiről.
This is your coffee podcast and your newest addiction. I'm Holly Shannon, what are you pouring today coffee lovers? Join me for a cup of connection. We will sip, share, and come completely unfiltered, this Coffee podcast is Brewed for Connection.
Let me give you the dark roast first, coffee is figurative, are we really meeting up for the shot of caffeine, or are we craving connection?
Are you dating? Swipe right for that coffee date! Maybe coffee is your new black!
What about coffee culture? Why are Europeans so into their coffee and make fun of our American brew? We will learn why cappuccinos are against the law in the afternoon in Italy, just kidding!
Do we need to know about the supply chain and bean sustainability, climate change and its effects on growth of our beloved beans? Is their true crime happening to coffee farmers?
How about caffeine for performance? Do you add adaptogens, mushrooms, CBD or THC? Do you have Bulletproof coffee with collagen powder before working out or for recovery after exercise? What are you adding to your coffee? I’ll be talking to you intermittent fasting warriors too!
How about that lighter roast chat? How to brew your best espresso? Let’s go visit the baristas and the little coffee shops we adore.
Do you listen to Spotify playlists designed for coffee shop listening? Is it really just the vibe?
What about brunch? Espresso martinis, bloody Mary or mimosas! Mixologists are having a lot of fun with that liquid nitrogen brew. Do you prefer your coffee addiction with a side of sugar?
Yes, I’m thinking about Tiramisu, chocolates, bourbon, beer, so many delicious coffee indulgences, I’ll find them and share them with you.
I know there are some cult favorites too. How do you really feel about pumpkin spiced latte? Are you team Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Regular vs. decaf? I know you have opinions here!
How did Coffee tables earn that moniker? Is the TV show Friends finally opening Central Perk in 2023?
How do you make the best coffee? Let’s learn how to make the best pot of your pour over, french press, drip, and cold brew.
So here’s the tea, just kidding, drink coffee for clarity, focus, your health or an excuse to socialize. But make no mistake, coffee is about connection.
Join me, Holly Shannon, on my podcast, Coffee. Follow me on social so we can sip together and be a part of this community, there will be Youtube video how-to’s, and NPR style interviews. Life can be hard, but coffee helps.
Coffee Culture is Season 5 and dives into the coffee meetup for friendship and connection. It’s not always about the coffee but our need to be there for each other. Both personally and professionally we use coffee as an excuse to gather. But sometimes it is about the brew. This season will address our addiction and allegiance to coffee and fun facts around coffee culture. There will be shorter content for a little sip. Also there will be robust conversation and stories around nostalgia and unique experiences like a coffee meditation. Think of it as our dark roast together. Either way, Coffee is the new black!
If you are new to this podcast, my past content here on Culture Factor has traversed 4 seasons! Season 1 covered topics about company culture from the c-suite during a pandemic. It shifted in Season 2 to company culture from the perspective of emerging leaders that were navigating the new normal in the remote work economy. Season 3 dove into emerging technologies in the Web3 space in an educational format creating simplicity out of new topics. It was for the NFT curious and the Web3 confused.
Season 4 took an NPR style approach interviewing artists, collectors and businesses. Understanding connection, the value of art and the why behind this new creator economy.
How to reach me and Social links here:
Email [email protected]
Zero To Podcast on Amazon