
  • Remote recording for interviews and the like has always been a bit tricky and the platforms that provide recording of this type are always trying to improve.

    2022 brings us a lot of contenders for the title of "best remote recording platform."

    This episode is a handful of recordings of me and my right-hand audio-man, Aaron as we test out the top 11 platforms. You're going to hear about...


    And we also tried Ringr, which has been around for some time but we got so frustrated trying to get it to work that we dropped the attempt. It could have been a bad day (for both of us?) but we made the call not to move forward with that portion of the recording and moved on.

    RESOURCES MENTIONEDBoomcaster - https://Boomcaster.com Cast - https://tryca.st Cleanfeed - https://Cleanfeed.net Clearcast - https://clearcast.io Iris - https://iris.fm Remotely - https://remotely.fm Riverside - https://riverside.fm (affliate link here)Squadcast - https://squadcast.fm (affiliate link here)Welder - https://GetWelder.com/remote-interview-recording Zencastr - https://zencastr.com Zoom - https://Zoom.us 
  • I have LONG wanted a Podcast Newsletter that provides content for me — an INDEPENDENT PODCASTER.

    I mean, it's OK to have industry news about who moved from what bigwig company to another biggerwig company in a higher profile industry-speak position... no problem there.

    But it's not relevant to me at all.

    So I've created an Indie Podcast Newsletter FOR Indie Podcasters, BY an Indie Podcaster. Abraham Lincoln would have said something like that if he were a podcaster.

    I'm calling it "Podawan" (hat tip to the Star Wars universe).

    I LOVE the idea of Podawan Learner... and since we are all bootstrapping, do it yourself kind of folks, we can be Podawans.

    Each episode or installment of the Podawan newsletter will include...

    An Education section that highlights stuff you need to learn or do better

    A Success Stories section that tells of Indie podcasters who have actually done it.

    An Industry News section where I frame happenings in ways that matter to you.

    And an Editorial section... where I write an opinion piece based on issues within the podcast industry (and shock... it will be RELEVANT to Indie podcasters).

    Finally... I'll be taking LETTERS TO THE EDITOR... you can write your input about my opinions, industry stuff, something else. I don't care what it is. Send it to me.

    I hope you'll subscribe. It's going to be a fun and RELEVANT ride.

    Oh yeah... you can also find some fun, Podawan swag here.

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Daniel J. Lewis has been building authority in the podcasting space since 2010.

    That’s when the very first episode of his show (a podcast about podcasting) “The Audacity to Podcast.” You can hear it here.

    Daniel has already been podcasting for about three years when I first came across his content and I can’t express the number of ways he’s helped me personally, both through his content and via personal email interactions we’ve had together.

    He’s a regular guy who is as genuine in real life as he seems on his show.

    THIS episode featuring Daniel J. Lewis features the story of how Daniel has used his podcast as a launching pad for SERVICES-based businesses - from website development to plugin development, to podcast consulting, Daniel has tried his hand at a wide variety of things — with varying levels of success. On this episode he shares...

    ▷ His path into podcasting from a job he loved

    ▷ How he built authority in a niche that was new to him

    ▷ Choosing from the wide variety of income models

    ▷ The power of perseverance in finding what fits you

    I hope you take the time to listen. Daniel doesn’t hold back and if you apply what he shares, you’ll move WAY forward in your attempts to monetize your show.

  • How successful can a niche podcast be?

    The answer likely depends on the niche. For example, back on episode 154 of this podcast Glenn Hebert, the personality and power behind The Horse Radio Network said this about his niche:

    ”(Annually) We are well into five figures, and you know, in our niche, we’ll probably never get to six figures. I don’t see us ever doing that.”

    But his comments are about an expensive and specific niche, horses. What about if the niche in question is broader but very popular?

    Like Bourbon?

    While he was still in college, Kenny Coleman became a fan of bourbon (makes sense) and got into the “Bourbon Culture” from there. His interest became a passion and his passion has turned into a multi-six-figure business, all built on the back of a podcast that happened to become very, very popular.

    My theory? Kenny pursued something he loved that many others were growing to love at the same time, and he saw an opportunity to serve people like himself.

    Kenny and Ryan started their podcast from scratch, just like the rest of us

    Go back and listen to episode 1 of The Bourbon Pursuit podcast (you can find it here). There was nothing super special about it. Just two guys with a mic (maybe two) who were talking about something they enjoyed — bourbon. They set the stage, gave listeners an idea what to expect, and asked for feedback. I love what they said at the end of that episode...

    “If we suck, let us know, if it’s good, let us know. If you think something else would be cool, let us know. We just want to learn and grow as we go.”

    That is KEY: Ask for feedback

    No matter what your niche is, you won’t be able to serve your audience well until you know what they want. So figure out ways to ask them...

    What do they want to learn?Who do they want to hear from in the niche?What kind of skills do they need?What are the pains they feel related to the niche?

    These days Kenny and Ryan do that through a community that is managed, run, and kept alive by members of their Patreon supporters. But back at the beginning, they had to figure out ways to do it. Annual surveys were a tool they used. Soliciting listener feedback episode to episode helped. And little by little, they were able to dial-in their demographic and know how to serve their audience better.

    Quality matters, both technically and in skill level

    Kenny and Ryan started their podcast about bourbon back in 2015. Bourbon back then was NOT the thing it is today. Today it’s cool, hip, trendy, etc. , but back then, it was just a hobby for enthusiasts. But that began to change. More bourbon-related podcasts started showing up and Kenny (the Executive Producer of the show) realized he’d have to figure out ways to make their show better than all the rest.

    So he up-leveled the equipment they used. He improved their interviewing skills. He shot for higher-level guests and topics listeners said they wanted to hear.

    And the podcast continued to grow.

    Burnout happens to all podcasters at some point

    There was a turning point when Kenny felt he was going to have to give up the podcast. He was working a full-time job, was married, and had a child, and he felt that he was being pulled in too many directions. Between his job and the podcast he was working 80 hours a week and knew that without any payoff coming from his efforts, it didn’t make sense to keep making the kind of sacrifices he was making.

    He was open about the situation on social media and a fan reached out and suggested they start a Patreon. Kenny didn’t even know what it was. If you dont, here’s the nutshell: Patreon allows fans to support you on a donation level. You can set it up in a way they donate monthly, or per-episode you...

  • Do you EVER have issues coming up with new topics to cover on your podcast?

    If not, it’s only a matter of time. Every podcaster runs into the issue eventually - asking the question, “What ELSE am I going to talk about on my podcast?”

    It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or if you’ve been podcasting for a long time. It WILL happen to you.

    What then?

    How are you going to move forward and continue to serve your audience?

    I’ve got a content development exercise you’re going to LOVE!

    On this episode, I want to teach you a process I’ve implemented time and time again that enables anyone to have 10 to 15 interesting, helpful, immediately usable topics that can be recorded for individual podcast episodes, in JUST 30 MINUTES.

    If it sounds too good to be true, just listen. You’ll see the magic (but it’s NOT magic, just common sense) of taking this approach.

    It’s tapping into the knowledge you already have inside that noggin of yours and putting it to work for the sake of your audience.

    Ready? Hit the play button!

    If you’d like to take the DEEP DIVE into this approach, you can find it outlined in detail on this blog post: https://podcastfasttrack.com/podcast-workflow-step-2-generate-topics-bulk-record/

  • Every podcaster is looking for ways to grow her audience. Why? Hopefully, it's for reasons bigger than our own ego (if it's not, please — STOP podcasting right now).

    The best reason to work toward podcast audience growth is to better serve those who find our show interesting and or helpful. I know you agree with me, right?

    Scott Johnson is a guy who does that through a couple of podcasts, but the one we focus on in this conversation is what he calls his "passion project" — "What was that like?" It's an intriguing show that interviews real people about the bizarre and sometimes painful experiences they've had in life. (Check out this episode, "Robert was in a gunfight with pirates" to get a taste for yourself).

    Scott and I discuss the MAIN thing he's done to keep his audience growth heading upward — and it comes in THREE forms. He breaks it down on this episode.

    You'll enjoy this episode if you're interested in...the best ways to discover what kind of people listen to your podcasthow to find other podcasts that have a similar audience (listen to understand why this is important)making connections with the podcasters who host those showspartnering with other podcasters to grow your respective showsreal-life results that come from this strategypodcast mastermind groups: their benefits might surprise you
    Mentioned on this episode"What was that like?" - Scott's podcast discussed on this episode: https://whatwasthatlike.com/Scott's The Computer Tutor podcast: https://computertutorflorida.com/
    MIDROLL: Podcast Mastermind

    If you're interested in growing your podcast by joining forces with other podcasters who are on their way to success (just like you), consider applying for the next Podcast Fast Track Podcast Mastermind. It's one of the best investments you can make in your podcast, hands-down. Not to mention the great ongoing cooperative relationships you'll make with other podcasters like yourself. APPLY FOR THE NEXT GROUP HERE.

    Other podcasters who share your audience are NOT your competition

    One of the things I've loved about podcasting ever since I started is the reality that it's a very cooperative space. Unlike other industries, podcasters seem more than generous to help others who are trying to grow a show just like they are. This conversation with Scott is an example (he's a very generous guy).

    Scott banks on that fact as part of his podcast audience growth strategy. It's an easy assumption to make because you know that other podcasters who your audience finds intriguing or interesting are attempting to grow their listenership just like you. Reaching out to them to investigate cooperative partnerships makes perfect sense.

    But it's not easy to do with all the SPAM hitting our inboxes these days. For that reason, I was super interested in finding out how Scott makes the most of his opportunities to partner with other podcasters. As I suspected, he doesn't use a copy-and-paste email template that can be modified for pseudo-personal outreach. He does the hard work required to ensure he's coming across genuinely and that his communication is cutting through the noise. Listen to find out the details because I ask him all the questions.

    What elements contribute to your audience growth outreach pitch being noticed?

    As I mentioned above, SPAM...

  • For the first time ever, podcast show notes display almost the SAME in all podcasting apps (thanks Apple).

    That brings up the question... what ARE show notes anyway? And how can I best use them?

    On this episode of Podcastification, I'm going to explain what show notes are, what they should contain, and how to create and use them in the MOST EFFECTIVE WAYS.

    Keep reading.

    What ARE show notes?

    There are differing opinions or definitions out there for the term "show notes." Some people feel like it's a blog post length summary of a podcast episode, or maybe even a transcript of the audio.

    Others feel the term should refer mainly to the brief description of an episode you might find in a podcast app.

    Which is it?

    From my perspective as the Founder of a company that creates show notes for podcasting clients, it's both.

    Let me explain...

    Kill two birds with one stone

    To make the most of every episode of your podcast, you really NEED BOTH the longer blog post content that goes on your website, AND the shorter, abbreviated content that pulls into the podcast apps from your media host.

    Instead of creating a separate document or post for those two things, I suggest you create one MASTER post that you can use in a variety of ways to fulfill both needs... and social media elements while you're at it.

    But before we get to that, there's one last thing I want to say...

    Your listeners won't know what you've created for them if you don't guide them to it

    You may follow the steps I'm about to give you and create the best show notes on the planet or within your industry or niche.

    But if your audience doesn't know they are available, they won't use them.

    It's YOUR job to ensure they know about the resources you create.

    I suggest you figure out a way to remind yourself to TELL your audience about your show notes EVERY TIME you record a new episode.

    Develop a bullet-point list you use when you record that reminds you of all the important stuff you need to sayAdd references to your show notes to that list


    Make the mention of your show notes a standard part of your call to action at the end of each episode.When guests share a resource, comment that you'll include it in the show notes or description.

    Your listeners will become aware of your show notes and become accustomed to looking at them when they need a resource... in time. Just be consistent.


    The last stats I saw (early 2021) said that 85% of podcast listeners are listening on a mobile device. So think about that from a show notes perspective...

    If you're saying, "Check out the website for the show notes to this episode," you're making it HARD for your listeners to find them.

    Even if you refer to a specific short-link, you're still forcing them to open a web browser and find the show notes.


    Since you know that the majority of your listeners are listening to your show on a mobile device, then point them to the description on their mobile device. I often say something like this...

    "That resource can be found in the description for this episode, and you can find that in the listening app you're using to listen right now. Swipe right, left, up, down... something and the description section will be there."

    Your show notes master document

    First off, create a Google Doc that you can use as a template for your show notes. That way you don't have to recreate the structure every time you produce a new episode.

    You'll simply copy the template document, rename it, and away you go.

    What should your...

  • If you feel you don't know enough about the topics you want to podcast about, you are in good company

    Maria Failla began her podcast, Bloom & Grow Radio because she DIDN'T know enough about how to care for her plants and saw it as a great opportunity to talk to experts who did. And by the way, isn't that a GREAT name for a podcast? It comes from a line in Maria's favorite song from the musical, "The Sound of Music" - Edelweiss.

    I was eager to talk with Maria about her journey because as a client, I've seen her go from almost no audience to an amazing following and enthusiastic membership community that's quite astounding. The lessons she's learned are ones any podcaster can benefit from, especially if you're looking to serve your audience in bigger ways, build relationships with sponsors that benefit them long-term, and therefore, fuel your podcast, AND make your podcast a full-time living kind of thing eventually.

    All of that is true of Maria and it just might be possible for you too. Give her a chance to convince you of what's possible!

    What you'll learn from Maria's story[2:32] Maria's monetization story: Where she's at now[4:32] Niche podcast ad sales | speaking opportunities | membership community[7:18] The wandering path: Why Maria thought 10 episodes would be it for her show[11:10] The first steps of monetization Maria started taking[14:35] How to leverage the power of the fact that you are your target listener[19:36] How to move affiliate relationships to sponsor partnerships

    🚨 Set up a MEMBERSHIP for your podcast

    In this episode, I mentioned that I have a very successful membership once your podcast is rolling. You'll hear Maria speak about how she's doing that if you listen (you ARE going to listen, right?).

    I use a platform called Supercast, which I describe at the midpoint of this conversation. HERE IS MY AFFILIATE LINK to Supercast... and remember, if you use my link to sign up for Supercast, I'll send you my "Supercast Walkthrough" video to help you get it set up and get started.

    And to see how Supercast works, here is the link I share with my podcast listers that provides more information about my podcast partnership (what I call it instead of a "membership"): https://CareyGreen.com/partners

    [27:17] The membership Maria has created sounds amazing... she shares how you can build one too![33:06] Premium tiers are coming to Maria's membership... here's how she's setting it up[36:01] How Maria's self-doubt and ignorance led her to a vulnerable approach to her topics (that has been SUPER successful)[38:10] Getting past the fear of asking people for money to support what you're doing[42:01] Being friends with your sponsors removes the tension from the financial relationship and makes things more fun[44:51] Why "Bespoke" podcast ads are THE WAY TO GO with your sponsor relationships (it's a game-changer for you and your sponsor)
    If you're not an expert in your niche, that may be an IDEAL reason to start a podcastMaria says that she never expected her podcast to get past 10 episodes. There were a handful of reasons for that but the main one was that she thought she would probably run out of questions and guests by then. But as she got into things, it became clear to her that not only did she have more and more questions as she went along, but the audience was benefitting greatly from the content she was producing.That led her to one of the key insights that have...
  • Subscribe Is Gone (on Apple only, so far)

    Podcast tech is changing all the time, so we shouldn't be surprised when Apple makes a change (unannounced, as is often the case).

    What's the latest change?

    Apple's newest version of the iOS app (14.5 update) is now MISSING the "Subscribe" button. It also has no "Follow" button (which we've previously thought was coming).

    What users will see now when they click into a podcast they are considering is a button that says "Latest Episode."

    When they click that button...

    ...what happens? It plays the LAST 60 SECONDS of your most recent episode.

    Did you get that?

    Your MOST RECENT episode is going to be the Costco Sample for potential listeners. That's a big deal.

    It's easier for listeners to check out your show than ever before... but Apple is DICTATING how they do that... through the most recent episode.

    So you should consider if what you're doing during that first 60 seconds is...


    If it's not, this is a good time to make a change.

    What kind of change might you make?


    My episode this time started with what I'd call a "teaser." It's a creative way of introducing the topic.

    You can do this like I did, with unique or interesting music underneath.

    You could add a quote or clip from your guest that highlights the most interesting or compelling aspects of what they had to share.

    You could tell a story from your experience that illustrates the topic of your episode in an engaging way.

    There are so many ways to do it.

    What should NOT be in the first 60 seconds?ADS GO SOMEPLACE ELSE

    Advertisements or sponsor spots should NOT be in the first 60 seconds of your episodes from now on.

    Think about it...

    If YOU were a new-podcast-searcher and found a show you thought might be interesting... and you clicked that "Latest Podcast" button... and you hear an...

    ADVERTISEMENT for the first 60 seconds...

    what would YOU think?

    What would you do?

    What would you wonder about that podcast and its creator?

    Long, boring, canned intros should be moved

    You may feel you still need the canned intro you've been using. You know, the radio-announcer-gal who says the same blah-blah-blah at the beginning of every one of your episodes.

    That's OK... but don't put it within that first 60 seconds.

    You want to use that 60 seconds of audio real estate to its fullest potential.

    Give value.

    Hook your listeners.

    Build interest.

    Promise something.

    Make them WANT to keep listening.

    I don't think I've ever heard a canned intro that has made me WANT to keep listening.

    Have you?

    Stay tuned... this is likely not over!

    Apple is well-known for making unannounced changes like this, and then tweaking the change for weeks, months, sometimes years.

    So keep your eyes open. This feature is likely not going to stay exactly like it is.

    I'll do my best to keep you informed.

  • Glenn Hebert...

    is one of those guys who saw the value and power of podcasting early on. His "Horse Radio Network" has been in the podcasting game for a long, long time as a result.

    I wanted to chat with Glenn about monetization because he's done it well — he and his wife both work full-time for their little media company and have recurring sponsorships for their shows that are long-standing.

    How does that kind of thing happen? That's what I wanted to know.

    Glenn is quick to point out that his audience (horse owners) are an obsessive bunch (his words). They are eager and willing to spend lots of money on their horse hobby, so he's got a bit of a built-in "buyer's market" in his niche.

    But the principles he shares are applicable just the same.

    Listen to this episode to hear the story of how the HRN came about, how Glenn started monetizing, what the income is like now, and how he recommends you go about doing the same thing in your niche.

  • Can you see the opportunities that exist in your niche?

    If so, you'll gain further insight from listening to this episode. If not, you'll REALLY benefit from listening.

    Andrew Allemann seems to have a knack for noticing the opportunities, taking action on them quickly, and making the most of being first to meet the need the opportunity represents.

    In this episode Andrew shares...When he started his first business ventures (in college)The lessons he learned from working for a corporationHow he noticed the opportunity to become a leading voice in the Domain Name industryWhat he did to fill that need with what he had, on the cheapThe benefits podcasting brought to the tableHow podcasting revealed another need and Andrew's quick moves to capitalize on itAndrew's advice for wanna-be and already-started podcasters
  • Podcasting success comes in all shapes and sizes... and in any niche area you can think of.

    This episode is a case-study of sorts and focuses on a very specific niche podcast and the impact its had on it's creator — Mark Goldman.

    Mark is an accountant, and a recruiter for the accounting industry. His businesses help others succeed in the accounting field and help companies in need of a good accountant, find one.

    So why did Mark think it was a good idea to start a podcast for the recruitment side of his business? Because he was looking for a way to make his voice heard in the industry and serve his audience of incoming accountants and business clients.

    But here's the funny part, Mark barely knew that podcasts even existed when he was introduced to the idea. When he found out about it, did some homework, and realized it might be a good content creation option for his company, he dove in.

    In this conversation, Mark shares his mistakes, his frustrations, his dashed expectations, and what he's learned along the way. And as powerfully as any guest I've had on the show, Mark drops some gold nuggets about mindset, financing your podcast, revenue generation, and more.

    You're going to love Mark's unassuming manner and humble demeanor. But more than that, you're going to love the powerful concepts and mindsets he has to share about making your podcast a success, even if it's in a very small niche.

    Take the time to listen. You can thank me later.

  • It's not every day you get to have a "Podcast Hall of Fame" inductee on your podcast. But it's fun when it happens! In this case, it's because Dave Jackson is such a fun guy.

    He's known as "The Podcast Coach" and has earned the title since he's been podcasting since way back in 2005 and has published more podcasts of his own than most people have lived. OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but not much of one.

    Podcast Monetization Is THE Topic

    This episode, Dave and I are talking about how to monetize a podcast — and we're not primarily referring to ad revenue when we say that. There are many, many, many ways to create a revenue channel accompanying your podcast and the limits are only as small as your level of creativity.

    Join us as we chat about the many examples included in his new book, "Profit from Your Podcast: Proven Strategies to Turn Listeners into a Livelihood." It's exactly what it sounds like.

    This episode introduces a series of episodes I'll be producing off and on over the next couple of months talking with podcasters who have approached the monetization issue from a variety of different standpoints. Some of them are in Dave's book. Others are not.

    Dave stuff

    Find Dave at https://SchoolofPodcasting.com

    Find his book at: https://www.profitfromyourpodcast.com/ - and I suggest you DO get his book.

    Check out Dave on the Podcaster's Hall of Fame

  • Get Into Jeremy's Podcast Marketing Course ASAP before it fills up! (Affiliate link)

    No doubt, marketing and promotion of your podcast, with a goal toward growing your audience with the RIGHT listeners, is a very difficult task. I know because I get questions about it from clients all the time.

    Are you struggling with the same issues? Dollars to donuts you are…

    Jeremy Enns has made a study of successful podcasters VS not-so-successful podcasters and he’s found a handful of things those on the plus side of the equation are doing that the others are not — even though it looks like the same thing from the outside.

    In this conversation, we cover all this stuffJeremy’s first podcast - an R-rated, Local Ice Cream Review show… reallyLessons learned from a co-hosted show (tech and intrapersonal)How Jeremy created his podcast business and began specializing in marketing5 out of 10 clients were growing their shows effectively. Jeremy’s deep-diveWhy you have to view the purpose of your podcast differently to be successfulJeremy’s view of marketing in general — and podcasting specificallyWhat the successful 50% of Jeremy’s clients were actually doingGenerative Marketing is Jeremy’s superpower — what IS it?A magic question: “What would make my show something you can’t wait to share?”Are you posting about your show on social in a way that is “me-me-me” centric?Providing value on social media even WITHOUT links back to your stuff (be generous)Think of your podcasting skill like that of learning a new instrument
    Get Into Jeremy's Podcast Marketing Course ASAP Before It Fills Up! (Affiliate Link)CONNECT WITH JEREMYFind all of Jeremy’s offers at https://CounterweightCreative.co/podcastification Jeremy’s blog (mentioned at the end of the episode)Find Jeremy on LinkedInFollow Jeremy on Twitter: @iamjeremyennsAnd on Instagram: @iamjeremyenns 
    RESOURCES MENTIONEDSmart Passive Income Podcast from Pat Flynn (one of my early influences too)All things Seth Godin are worth your time and money and… well, whatever you want to invest.Seth Godin’s podcast: Akimbo (I listen to this one, too)
    Get Into Jeremy's Podcast Marketing Course ASAP Before It Fills Up! (Affiliate Link)
  • Podcast monetization may be in your future. Even if you have a relatively small show. Really.

    How it is possible? By using a friction-free platform that enables you to simply produce bonus content that is available to paid-members-only.

    Sound like a pipe dream? It’s not. My guest on this episode, Jason Sew Hoy is leading a team that has created Supercast — THE WAY (in my humble opinion) for podcasters to build a membership by giving their audience more of what they already love: audio.

    In this conversation, Jason and I cover all the topics below in detail:

    The Supercast backstory - and why paid audio memberships are importantSome of Supercast’s original creators make MILLIONS per year from membershipsIs your podcast ready for a paid membership model?Supercast’s model shows how Howard Stern and Joe Rogan are getting ripped off!How average podcasters (300 downloads per ep) can make paid membership workWhat kind of “perks” can you offer your audience to incentivize subscriptions?Jason’s advice to those who wonder if they have adequate “value” to give to membersThe Candadaland success storySupercast works with any podcasting app your audience uses - easily

    If you’re at all considering monetization you must, Must, MUST listen to this episode. It will not only provide you with food for thought about monetization in general and explain why private podcast feeds are an amazing opportunity, but it will also give you lots of examples of how other podasters have succesfully done it, with large and small audiences alike.

    CONNECT WITH JASONSupercast - where Jason serves as CEOJason’s podcast: Supercasters (worth the membership to get the extended version)Jason on Twitter: @JSewHoyJason on LinkedIn
    RESOURCES MENTIONEDMy supercast page (so you can see how the platform looks to listeners0Sam HarrisPeter AttiaRhonda PatrickBen Thompson’s newsletter: StratecherySubstack - newsletter and more platform mentioned by JasonPatreon (the membership service I moved away from)Canadaland (Supercast user and podcast)
  • Watering My Wife's Plants

    She asked me to SATURATE some of them... what does that mean? It means entirely soak them... cover them... overwhelm them with water!

    This episode is about THAT, for your podcast. Here are some of the best ways to do it

    Syndication (platforms) - my list of "how to" instructions: https://podcastfasttrack.com/podcast-directories-2018-2019-get-submitted/

    This is Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, etc. - use my list above to get your show on all the platforms you can!

    Social sharing / promotionPlatform appropriate frequenciesYour content and OTHER's contentco-schedule shares how often to share on each platform: https://coschedule.com/blog/how-often-to-post-on-social-mediaDo it the RIGHT way (Jeremy Enns upcoming episode) - empathy and generosityTRULY HELPFUL approachALWAYS include a link back to the full episode (1st comment?)
    Other methodsYour audience (requires you have a GREAT show they want to share)Ask them to share specifically (pause, ask, resume)Emails to your list asking for shares periodicallyOther people's socialMention other accounts related to your episode (at mention tag)Libsyn does a "Promote the tar out of yourself" Friday post - join the fun! https://twitter.com/libsyn and https://www.facebook.com/libsynTag Apple about your show (with a link to your show ON their platform) and maybe they'll help you promote! https://twitter.com/iTunesPodcasts and https://twitter.com/ApplePodcastsGuests should help you promote their episode, but don't always. Here are tips to help you help them help you. :)Trade magazines or publications/websites/mediaRequires scrappiness and hustleVA could do with the right instructions (but avoid being SPAMMY)Appropriately leverage relationships / groupsFind journalist emails - send articles / pitch ideas
    EPISODE SWAP / EPISODE PROMOSIdentify a similar listening audience first - https://graph.rephonic.com/Ensure it will be mutually beneficialTwo optionsPlan the date and pull the triggerScott Johnson, "What Was That Like" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rP5xXidzXD_pCDyfKl1OJtD_z88Js-Vl/view?usp=sharing
    BUSINESS CARDSImage of my square cardTELL people that you podcastShare a card with those interestedLeave them in appropriate places (bulletin boards)With your check when you pay your dinner bill
    CONFERENCESStickersConversationsDave Jackson interview with Jack Rhysider - https://schoolofpodcasting.com/how-jack-rhysiders-darknet-diaries-podcast-gets-300000-downloads-per-episode/

    Don't let...

  • Before we get into STEP 4 can I remind you that these steps will do no good unless you dedicate yourself to applying them?

    You are doing that, right? If not - are you planning a way to make it happen in the near future? Nothing could impact the long-term success of your podcast like nailing this.

    STEP FOUR: Consistency / Frequency

    I can't think of anything more consistent than TIME itself, can you?

    It ticks away, second after second, never stopping, never relenting.

    It's why age is a thing. It's why memory and goal-setting even exist.

    Time is one of the unavoidable constants of life... and your podcasting efforts need to take FULL advantage of it.

    You want to do your very best to publish your podcast content in a consistent manner - for ONE MAIN REASON:Your audience will trust you more, the more consistent you are with your content

    That's important. You want to be as reliable as the sunrise for the sake of your listeners.

    But let's be honest - it's hard to do. Impossible at times.


    My podcast publication schedule has been less than consistent at times.

    I have a few shows that are on a semi-permanent-but-hopefully-returning status for some time.

    That's because life happens. Things come up. Things you can't control or change.

    Yes, you'll hear podcasters who honestly say, "I haven't missed an episode in 5 years."

    Good for them. Really. I'm not bitter. ;)

    But I have to wonder how many of those episodes were either not all that good OR were only so-so in terms of quality, simply because they felt bound to get an episode out.

    I'd rather produce content that serves my audience well than produce mediocre stuff just to meet a self-imposed deadline. How about you?

    THIS is an issue you'll have to decide for yourself. More on that in a bit...

    My tips for being consistent...

    Don't over commit yourself in the first place

    While weekly may be best (it's arguable) it may not be possible. Choose a publication schedule you are 95% sure you'll be able to stick with and do it consistently.

    Consider your industry/niche

    Some industries or niches may not appreciate a weekly podcast as much as others, for a variety of reasons. Think this one through. It's a thing.

    Batch record

    If you can set aside one day to record 4 or 5 episodes at once, you'll have a backlog that will help you avoid missing a publication date.

    It requires planning and hard work. But it can be done. It's how John Lee Dumas started Entrepreneur on Fire and kept it up for so long. Learn from his example.

    Get help

    A co-host, a VA (virtual assistant), a spouse, a teenager in your home - these are just some of the people you can tap to help you do things. You could delegate posting, editing, artwork creation - lots of things. Don't believe the lie that you have to do everything.

    Make a decision and stick to it

    A commitment to yourself is just as important as the commitments you make to others. So make a wise decision about publication frequency and stick to it - as you would to other commitments you make (job, spouse, meetings, etc.)

    Cut yourself slack when life happens

    Sometimes, life just gets in the way and you'll find it IMPOSSIBLE to stick to your schedule. It's happened to me. It will likely happen to you.

    A guilt-induced zealot would push themselves to publish anyway. A person guided by wisdom would weigh the decision in light of other things that may be more important.

    When life happens, my...

  • https://podcastfasttrack.com/

    I hope you're putting these steps into action...

    I know you're busy. I know you have other commitments.

    If that's the case, file this away and get back to it. But this stuff is important for the longevity and audience building of your podcast.

    We've already covered the first two steps - (1) Notice / Awareness and (2) Quality / Helpfulness.

    Now it's time for the 3rd phase - Originality / Appeal

    In my view, we are right at the tail end of the "interview-someone-famous-in-your-industry-and-get-an-audience" phase of podcasting.

    Because the podcast-o-sphere is SATURATED with those types of shows.

    OK - probably not ENTIRELY saturated, but we're getting pretty close. And I'm not the only person who thinks so.

    Here's this from... @Scott Galloway of NYU... about podcasting in the year 2020...

    ...the podcasts of the highest quality at the top of the charts will reap the lion’s share of the benefits. Niche podcasts that truly add value will also survive and do well, but reheated Joe Rogan imitators… that sh!# is going to fall off the face of a cliff.

    If you already have one of "those kind of shows" running and it's doing well, you've got a leg up on the competition.

    If you are struggling to get an audience with that format... maybe you know why, now.

    If you are considering starting a show of that nature, I recommend you tweak that decision based on my recommendations below.

    No matter where you are in your podcasting journey, you can make changes - large and small - that make your show more orginal and therefore, more appealing.

    Consider these things...

    + Podcasts are as much entertainment as they are education

    And entertainment has to be - well, entertaining.

    Look at what you're doing with your show currently?

    Can you add something to spice it up? (music, transition sounds, other voices, ambiance or sound effects)

    You want to be careful here and not overdo it.

    And you WILL likely get some negative feedback about such changes from existing listeners.

    But give it time... keep changing things little by little, and overall your listeners will come to LOVE it.

    One show that does this well...

    Roger Whitney - The Retirement Answer Man (listen here)

    Roger's show is broken into segments, he uses transition sounds and segments effectively, and his humor and laid back approach come out loud and clear.

    What could you do along this line to not only make your show more entertaining, but to reap the rewards of the domino effect it sets in motion...

    + more entertainment = more fun = better listener experiences = happier audiences = long-term followers/subscribers

    Do you get the picture?

    Can you be more yourself?

    It's amazing how much being yourself multiplies into audience attraction. When you are you, those who see the world the way you do tend to like the way you talk about things.

    Not only that, they tend to trust your more quickly and buy your stuff (subscribe to your podcast) more rapidly.

    A show that does this...

  • https://podcastfasttrack.com/

    AFFILIATE offer for this episode: CAPTIVATEOK, you're working that "awareness" piece from the last installment, right? Be sure you go back and start there if you're not.

    It's time for STEP TWO of my Niche Domination Formula. Here it is:

    Quality / Helpfulness

    This one is best illustrated by talking about movies.

    There are only two reasons I can think of that people talk about particular movies.

    1. It was really good

    2. It was really bad

    And then in the middle are the MILLIONS of movies that nobody is talking about because they are just "so-so." Right?

    The same is true of podcasts

    You want people to be talking about your podcast - but for the RIGHT reason... because it's truly GREAT content!

    That "greatness" exists in either quality or helpfulness - but preferably both.


    Quality has to do with the experience your listeners have as your episode comes through their ear(buds).

    There are a handful of words (and opposing words) that help us dial this one in. Your show may not be all of these, but it should be some...

    Is your podcast...

    Pleasant? (as opposed to painful to listen to)Creative? (as opposed to more of the same)Deep? (as opposed to skimming the surface of your topics)Original? (as opposed to saying what everyone else says)Moving? (as opposed to emotionally uninspiring)Revealing? (as opposed to guarded or inhibited)Engaging? (as opposed to boring, uninteresting)Provocative? (as opposed to bland, unsurprising)Helpful? (Oh, wait... that deserves its own section, later...)

    All of these are possible for your show, but you've got to decide which ones you're going to make a hallmark of your show.

    Will you focus on creativity through the sounds you use, the way you mix music, and the perspectives you bring to your topics?


    Will you find guests that are not the run-of-the-mill talking heads, people who bring fresh perspectives that truly help your listeners?

    There's no one-size-fits-all for this issue - and you've got to decide what you can manage, both in terms of your expertise and in terms of the time you have to devote to your podcast.

    But know this: If your podcast is not high quality, NOBODY will be talking about it. That means your growth-curve will be slow, slow, slow... and you will NEVER dominate your niche.


    One of the most powerful ways your podcast can be a high-quality show in your niche is by being ultra helpful.

    I think that's one of the reasons Pat Flynn's show "Smart Passive Income" appeals to so many people. He works hard to make it super helpful, super practical.

    So you have to ask yourself, "What does MY particular audience need?"

    Your answer could come in the form of the pains they experience, the struggles they have, or the desires they have that are not fulfilled.

    Once you know that answer - you have the opportunity to fill...

  • https://podcastfasttrack.com/


    If your podcast is going to be top in its niche, people have to know about it. Obvious, but true. And you don’t accomplish it by posting 10 Facebook posts per day saying, “Listen to my podcast! Listen to my podcast! Listen to my podcast!” Even if you include an audiogram.

    The awareness step requires what I’d refer to as “guerrilla promotion” techniques. Some involve social media, some don’t.

    1 – Get biz cards printed up for your show. Seriously.

    Sticking with our real estate example from the first article in this series, if you’re actively working in the real estate industry, you meet others who are actively working in the real estate industry all the time. Right?

    Your podcast can help those people. But only if they know about it.

    So along with trying to rustle up new clients/customers (and handing out your normal business cards), why not rustle up some new listeners to your show by handing out show-specific business cards?

    And be sure to include a direct link for the easiest way they can subscribe to your show. You figure out what that is (and it may or may not include a QR code or two).

    2 – Find the online and real-life communities that talk about what you talk about on your podcast

    It only takes one search on Facebook to find groups that are interested in what you have to say. Do it and join the groups that appear to be active and have a decent number of members.

    But again, don’t immediately start posting “Listen to my podcast! Listen to my podcast! Listen to my podcast!”

    Follow these steps instead…

    1. Watch and listen2. Notice the common questions or needs that arise3. Start answering questions with helpful answers (in other words, don’t just show off or promote yourself, truly help people)4. Make friends5. When you finally do share your podcast, do in a way that provides topic-specific episodes as a solution to someone’s need

    Then do the same thing in real life.

    It takes a bit more work to find these real-life groups, but they are out there. And they are extremely valuable! Google “my niche groups in my town” and see what turns up. Go to those groups. Then repeat steps 1-5 above in real life.

    And don’t forget to take your podcast biz cards!

    3 – Take note of where high-profile people in your niche are and copy what they are doing

    Are there people in your industry who you look up to…

    • Writing pieces for industry magazines? (online or offline)

    • Placing ads in industry journals or publications? (online or offline)

    • Presenting at industry events?

    • Writing local newspaper columns or op-eds?

    • Guesting on podcasts within your industry? (affiliate link)

    Figure out how to do those things for yourself — and do them. Regularly. Giving away amazing insights and value. And keep at it.

    4 – Develop friendships with others who podcast and blog about the things you do (and those influencers from the previous point)

    There are so many ways to come at any topic. That’s why there are so many podcasts in every niche (OK, maybe not in the “underwater basket weaving” niche, but you get the point).

    Those others who are podcasting or blogging in your niche are not your competition. In fact, they could become some of your