
  • Over the last decade, the business world has seen a significant shift towards customer-centricity, and companies are increasingly realising the value of investing in customer success. But what exactly is customer success, and how can it benefit both the customer and the organisation?

    This week I’m joined by Jason Noble, the VP of Global Customer Success at Vinli. With over 20 years of executive-level experience leading post-sales organisations, Jason highlights the challenge of defining customer value. Metrics like time to value, NPS, customer satisfaction, and revenue retention rates help track value. Identifying value moments in the customer journey and conducting periodic reviews can ensure customer satisfaction. It's crucial to be selective in surveys and ensure customer comprehension to avoid fatigue. Internally, value propositions that translate to customer value are essential. Jason warns against exceeding expectations at the cost of the business and neglecting external factors affecting customer needs. He also predicts there will be a growing emphasis on value delivery, especially in light of current economic challenges.

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  • When Covid struck, many companies were desperately scrambling for ideas to keep associates engaged and productive. How does one manage morale when everyone is working from home? These were unchartered waters.

    Today we focus particularly on the initiatives launched at Lasership which ultimately lead to improved communication and an impressive, positive impact on attrition. I’m delighted to be joined by Carle Henry, Vice President of Customer Service at Lasership. With more than 35 years of experience in customer service, he has lots of invaluable insights to share.

    Carle set about creating a virtual recognition program. A new team of 8-10 like-minded associates from different levels and different teams were brought together to create and improve culture during challenging times. Surveys were carried out to learn what really mattered. The result? There were daily to annual recognitions, including High Fives and Year End Oscars. They even included a spin off from Some Good News which was a turning point, as  associates began sharing on a personal level, fostering loyalty, commitment and positive relationships. Cooking clubs and photography clubs have been born out of these initiatives. This has been a tremendously successful initiative which Carle discusses at length. Tune in for a truly inspirational story for any CX leader.

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  • Have you ever wondered why somebody gets a Harley-Davidson tattoo? Well on this week's episode of Tech People, I talk with Ken Hughes a CX strategist and consumer behavior analyst whose work focuses on these kinds of questions and the importance of understanding life through the lens of the consumer.

    We look at how CX needs to move away from a transactional view and towards creating an emotional connection with customers. Digital technology has pushed society into a more immersive space, which has led to transactions becoming commodities instead of experiences. AI and chatbots can assist with customer service, but the depth of connection is missing.

    Ken Hughes feels that companies should strive to deepen their connection with customers by instilling values in employees that emphasize making a difference and bringing back the human aspect and increasing channels and touchpoints by outsourcing customer service and finding good partners who are invested in the technology and the future. Whether it's using humor to diffuse difficult situations or an employee going above and beyond to “save” a small child's goldfish, authenticity is essential to consumers.

    Ken Hughes is also a motivational speaker and will be back on tour in 2023, traveling the world and enjoying interactions with live audiences, so be on the lookout for his appearances.  Enjoy the show.

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  • 90% of Startups fail, so how can you overcome this statistic?

    This week Gordan Hempton shares his success and failures on how to build a startup. Gordon is currently the CEO and co-founder of Spot, his 4th Startup, which is a flexible virtual workspace application tailored to companies with remote employees.

    He gives valuable insights into his journey to create a successful virtual workspace. As well as the importance of generating revenue early and how important it is to reach out and nurture each customer that signs up.

    Gordon also uses his three previous startups as examples on the importance of determining when it's the right time to pivot or shut down a business. Ken and Gordon also focus on Spot's future, which is to continue developing their platform and make it more immersive and connected. This is a fantastic insight into how cutting-edge technology is connecting people and helping us achieve even more, enjoy the show!

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  • Industry 4.0 is breaking new ground in Digitalisation by making better use of resources, empowering employees, reducing costs, and ultimately increasing profitability with the help of machine learning and AI.

    In this week's podcast, my guest Karim Marucchi who is the CEO of Crowd Favorite, discusses Industry 4.0, the advanced digitalization of manufacturing companies, and the integration of technologies in all aspects of production.

    He shares a fascinating case study of how Industry 4.0 can be used to improve efficiency and CX in the construction industry by developing a cataloging system for a construction equipment manufacturer that allows clients to get pricing for projects online, while still maintaining a human connection with clients. This is an engaging look at how new technology is impacting every industry, enjoy the show!

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  • Companies collect a lot of data from customers and it’s crucial to act upon this information rather than aimlessly cataloging it and allowing the dust to settle! Every touch point gives some insight into understanding the customer and paints a more complete picture informing internal teams about what’s really going on. Once we are clear about what we really want to learn about the customer, companies can make more accurate projections about the future. This is invaluable. Data not only provides insight into product decisions but also assists customer retention efforts and self-service.

    This week I’m delighted to welcome Ben Gardner, Senior Director of Support at Drift. Previously, Ben shared his experience of implementing an effective ticketing tool in CX, and today he takes a closer look at why data can be an instrumental tool to enhance productivity and performance. Ben discusses the importance of ingesting every piece of data which contributes to a greater knowledge of the customer experience and how best to react when a red flag has been raised. Fantastic ideas for anyone operating in this space! Enjoy the show!

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  • Today we are discussing customer metrics and how one can tell the real story behind them by digging a little deeper. Not only do they reflect customer satisfaction levels but they can also be a very useful tool to support the team at hand. Different companies measure customer success using various metrics such as SLAs, CSAT, and NPS. However, they do not always present a clear picture.

    I’m delighted to be joined by Kevin French, senior director of customer support at Bizzabo. Kevin explains how team metrics can sometimes be excellent but missing SLAs can remain an issue. An unproductive team or a staffing issue is usually behind such a scenario and these need to be addressed accordingly. How then did Kevin turn things around and drive CSAT levels to an all-time high? Right size the team and keep a close eye on global, regional, and individual metrics. This a fascinating insight into the value of looking at customer metrics under the microscope. Enjoy the show!

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  • It is a tumultuous time for the retail sector. Shoppers behaviours and expectations have changed dramatically and continue to evolve post-pandemic. How are companies adapting to this new environment and what marketplace solutions are available to secure their future in retail?

    To answer these questions and more, Francois Chaubard, Focal Systems CEO, gives a fascinating insight into this sector. Focal Systems is an AI company, specializing in retail automation. Francois believes their AI capabilities will enable grocery retail giants to become self-driven stores in the future. Focal Systems cameras and AI software scan the store shelves providing the retailer with 100% accurate inventory results. Resources can therefore be invested into better customer services for example and improved technology elsewhere. Ultimately, a self-driven store creates its’ own planogram, reacting in real-time to changes in demand, and supply, adapting pricing, and adjusting promotions. It can drive profitability and reduce food waste and global warming caused by over-ordering. Focal Systems is central to this revolution. This an incredible insight for anyone interested in AI and how the future looks for retail. Enjoy the show.

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  • This week I’m delighted to welcome Anieke Lamers, founder of Peekabond to the show. Peekabond is an interactive app that allows separated family members living all over the world to connect and sustain meaningful relationships with younger family members in particular.

    Anieke gives a very in-depth insight into the startup journey so far with lots of valuable advice. From the challenges presented by new technologies like blockchain and metaverse to being cost-effective and using existing technologies instead of building, Anieke has lots to share for anyone tinkering with the idea of a new startup.

    With a venture capitalist background, she discusses the reality of working with investors today post-pandemic, their goals, and concerns. As always finding the right talent to align with the company mission, communicate remotely, be transparent, and have dynamic outcomes features in our conversation. Crucially, the all-important user, their role, and achieving the right product-market fit is up for discussion here too. This is a bumper-packed episode providing a behind-the-scenes insight into a startup that operates in one of the most relevant spaces for the world we live in today. Enjoy the show.

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  • The major shifts in today’s workforce have put business leaders to the test. Workforce inclusion and a company's ability to be agile have never been so important. Successful companies are those that listen to their workforce and demonstrate an inclusive environment. They are nimble, competitive, and engage in talent marketing.

    To discuss much of this topic and more, I am delighted to be joined by Ahva Sadeghi to discuss inclusion in the workplace. Ahva is the Co-founder and CEO of Symba, which provides an all-in-one platform to manage and scale company internship programs. Ahva recalls how remote internships in 2017 were considered an impossibility but this is no longer the case. Companies are now realising the value of early career investment.

    Remote recruitment practices provide companies with a stronger reach, tapping into diverse schools and community colleges. Ahva gives a fascinating insight into how companies with an inclusive environment are improving retention and supporting the mental health of their workforce. She suggests some means of measuring inclusion and also provides us with some reasons why the HR community is becoming more aligned. A bumper episode for anyone seeking to foster and reap the benefits of a truly inclusive workplace environment. Enjoy the show!

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  • This week we turn our attention to the success story behind the 1440 Newsletter which boasts almost two million subscribers at a time when fewer and fewer Americans trust News outlets. Busy professionals require unbiased news without motive. Tim Huelskamp, co-founder, and CEO of 1440 Media outlines some of the essential criteria which have led to 1440’s success. He states the importance of knowing, understanding, and delivering for the user and the importance of achieving a 40% retention rate before scaling and monetisation can take place. If this all-important open and retention rate is not reached, the business model is ultimately doomed to fail. Tim discusses the challenges he is confronted with and stresses the importance of being laser-focused on creating and delivering the best product in the world. This a fascinating insight for any budding entrepreneurs in this space or indeed in any industry. Enjoy the show!

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  • This week we are turning our focus to the power of digital marketing. Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time on the internet.

    I’m delighted to be joined by Courtney Rambo, one of the Co-founders and Directors of Intellitonic, an SEO and digital marketing agency. Courtney provides a thorough insight into the background of creating an effective digital marketing tool.

    She outlines the importance of understanding where the company is currently positioned and where the competitors are. She examines several elements such as the strengths and weaknesses, the particular industry, how the website appears, and the use of keyword research to serve as a backbone of the overall strategy. Courtney outlines how keywords determine content and she takes a look at budgeting and results when using a paid platform. Finally and importantly what were the challenges they faced on the journey to establishing Intellitonic and how does the future look. This is a bumper show that provides a fascinating insight into digital marketing as an invaluable asset in any company’s success. Enjoy the show!

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  • In the post-pandemic world, we live in today, the company website has become the core strategic asset. Effective conversational sales and marketing which take place via the website are driving more qualified leads in the customer pipeline. To discuss this essential element of the customer success journey I speak to Dan Darcy Chief Customer Officer at Qualified. Qualified enables companies to have valuable conversations with the right people using the website as the digital store frame. Qualified success architects do whatever it takes for customers to realise the value and role of the investment with Qualified. How has this been achieved? What model has been adapted and what are the future challenges? Get fired up, genuinely care about the success of customers and let the expansion numbers speak for themselves! Enjoy the show!

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  • This week I’m delighted to discuss company culture with Wren Cotrone, Director of Customer Support at Agiloft. Wren believes that culture is the most important aspect of running a department. Over his career, Wren has seen the good, the bad and the ugly, including toxic red flags, so he’s got plenty of wisdom and advice to share. Treating people with respect and dignity, providing the best tools, and procedures can empower a workforce leading to personal success. Ultimately, this trickles down to, and manifests itself as an amazing customer experience. Wren points out how research such as the Forrester 2020 Report are playing their part, highlighting why companies can no longer neglect to invest in culture. A fascinating insight, where the stakes have never been so great. Enjoy the show.

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  • Diversity and inclusion are widely recognised as key elements to any company's success. So why and how has advertising’s exclusion of the LGBTQIA+ online community come about? What impact is this having on LGBT creators who voice the community online?

    To discuss this topic in greater detail, I’m delighted to be joined by Alex Parmar-Yee. Alex is responsible for Strategy at Awin UK and is also the author of the article “Embracing the LGBTQIA+ online community as part of your advertising strategy”. Alex is an advocate for a more inclusive society with the mantra that diverse teams produce better results. Publications have begun to disappear, creators are failing to monetise, and there is a diminishing level of online content. Brand safety lists have been instrumental in bringing this about. However, Alex believes that working with a partnership approach and engaging with more creators can lead to more brands embracing the community on a day-to-day business level. If brand safety moves towards understanding content as opposed to using lists of words such as gay, lesbian, etc will also bring about a positive change. A fascinating insight, enjoy the show.

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  • It’s never an easy decision to move from one technology system to another in CX. Harvesting critical information to ensure customers are better served is of paramount importance but when the data isn’t always accurate, alarm bells begin to ring and the need to change becomes a lot clearer. To throw some light on the subject, I was delighted to have a conversation with Ben Gardner, Senior Director of Support at Drift who has first-hand knowledge when it comes to overseeing such a system transition. The move involved leaving Zendesk for Salesforce.

    Ben gives a thorough overview of the entire process from start to finish. From why hiring somebody with the sole purpose to manage the service cloud implementation and manage the system thereafter was the best option, to the challenging bumps, and lessons along the way. Communication and sincere dialogue became key when addressing the concerns of internal users and Ben learned this the hard way. A fascinating insight with much wisdom and advice on offer. Enjoy the show!

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  • When companies successfully understand the customer story and their conversations with customers, they can better shape the customer journey. This leads to more engaged customers that are passionate about who they are buying from.

    To discuss this fascinating and critical topic in greater detail, I am delighted to be joined by Ben Rosenberg, Co-Founder of Rosencall Consulting. With over 12 years of experience in CX, Ben highlights the importance of measuring and understanding how the customer interacts with every facet of a company. He discusses the importance of communication channels and using the correct tools and mechanisms to understand the data. Feedback is at the heart of everything you do as a support organisation and providing feedback via the correct support mechanisms is crucial.

    We discuss some of the common pain points and how the future looks in a more automated but human-driven customer experience. Enjoy the show!

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  • In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, success hinges much on the retention of employees. It is the people who are emerging as key competitive differentiators and retaining the talent has become a matter of paramount importance.

    To discuss this phenomenon in greater detail, I’m delighted to be joined by Gary O'Connell, Vice President of Support Services at EMEA Sophos. Gary highlights the ever-shifting landscape of recruitment post covid pandemic. The candidate pool has been transformed given remote working possibilities from around the world.

    However, establishing meaningful engagement between the company and its employees is challenging. Employees can feel isolated and disconnected and when constantly faced with such an array of new career opportunities, attrition is on the rise. Gary is dealing with these challenges head-on with a variety of creative initiatives. Introducing a new role known as an Employee Success Manager and The Buddy System are two critical strategies that are helping to combat attrition rates. With full-time remote working more popular than hybrid models, it is the new working norm. Companies now face the difficulty of trying to establish meaningful engagement with employees as they are consistently approached for new roles, never has the competition been greater or more intense. Tune in to discover the best survival skills.

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  • Today’s economy is governed by the customer. Your customers choose exactly when and how they want to engage with your organisation. Thus the stakes have never been higher when investing in customer experience. Your internal processes impact the overall experience you deliver to your employees and your customers. Unfortunately, it’s often challenging to pinpoint where processes are causing problems or when and how is the right time to scale these processes.

    To examine this in greater detail, I am delighted to be joined by Manuel Harnisch - Vice President, of Customer Service at People Data Labs. Manuel outlines precisely what a process is, its uses, high/low impact, frequency scenarios, and when is the right time to scale. We look at the pitfalls of scaling too soon and how human psychology plays a role. Finally, the million-dollar question, Build vs Buy, a future with human-assisted automation and millennials' contributions. It’s a bumper episode and a must for anyone in the customer services space.

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  • This week Alan Rich, CEO of Y Meadows offers a fascinating insight into some of the most up-to-date technology which offers real value in customer support. Alan provides an overview of Natural Language Processing and Robotic Automation Systems. This technology determines the intent, performs entity extraction and determines the sentiment of tickets, and ultimately routes their journey. Natural Language Processing is constantly improving, delivering new functionality, helping agents to become more productive and build real relationships with customers. A must-listen for anyone in the customer support field.

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