Happy Valentine's Day! This year you all picked "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Enjoy as we dive into the concept of enmeshment: what that means, the factors that can create enmeshment, and the impact of enmeshment on an individual's development.
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Be careful, this episode is FrA-Gee-Lay!! We dive into the holiday classic, A Christmas Story. We discuss the child dynamics centered within the film as well as parenting styles and the relationship between Mom and Dad. Join us as we try not to shoot our eyes out!!
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Puuttuva jakso?
Happy Holidays ya filthy animals! In this episode we will be breaking down the 1990 Holiday Classic: Home Alone! We will be discussing the challenges of being a gifted child, the roots of behavior issues, family problems, holiday stress, and dissociation. We're gonna give you to the count of ten to tune in! One, two...ten!
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Enjoy this bite sized holiday appetizer exclusively recorded using the new Spreaker content app! Hope you enjoy our mini discussion on acceptance and finding strength in what makes us different than the rest of the herd!
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[CW: discussions of abuse and trauma]
Please enjoy our live panel from Fan Expo 2024! We discuss House of the Dragon with Dr. Vanessa Hintz! We mostly focus on the dynamic between Rhaenrya and Alicent and their differing experiences within the patriachy of the Seven Kingdoms.
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Happy Halloween! We are excited to join force with Dr. Benjamin Taitz of MyHeroTherapy once again to bring you this Mysterious and Ooky Sequel on Addams Family Values! We will be covering the stunted development of Fester due to being infantilized, the predatory and criminal behavior of Debbie, and the family dynamics of the Addams family on display! Duh duh de Dun!! Snap snap!!
*Note Technical issues impacted us during this recording due to weather.
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Happy Halloween! We are heading back into the cinematic universe of Jordan Peele to discuss 2022's Nope. We explore the sibling dynamic between OJ and Emerald as well as how their father's death impacted them individually as well as their relationship to each other. We also discuss the interesting presentation of Jupe in the way that he is dealing (or not dealing) with his childhood trauma. So strap into your saddle and giddy up!
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Trigger warnings: Violence, Poverty, Racism, Oppression
This episode is for HUMANS ONLY! NON-HUMANS BANNED! We are taking on the 2009 Academy Award Nominee for Best Picture: District 9! We will be addressing the burning question that seems to plague our species: "How do people do this and think it's ok?!" (Spoiler alert) they dissociate, dehumanize, and delegitimize the group they are othering. This time we examine how it happens, why it happens, and what happens when the tables suddenly turn all through the lens of science fiction! Tune in and let us know what you think!
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[Trigger warning as we discuss domestic violence, parental abuse, suicide, and briefly mention sexual assault]
School is back in session and we are already in detention! But never fear because joining us is a very special guest: Molly McAleer! We break down the five members of The Breakfast Club: Bender, Claire, Andrew, Brian, & Alison. We discuss a variety of topics: parental influence on our sense of self, societal roles, the general misery of adolescence, suicide, familial abuse, and more. Though this episode is almost as long as a Saturday detention, we hope its more insightful and entertaining.
You can find Molly McAleer on her podcasts: Trend Lightly and Mother May I Sleep With Podcast
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In the jungle you must wait, til the dice read five or eight! We are jumping into the 1995's Jumanji! We will be discussing the four main characters: Alan, Sarah, Judy, & Peter; and how they all demonstrate different reactions to trauma. We cover a variety of topics: selective mutism, pathological lying, identity issues, and arrested development.
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We are travelling back to Studio Ghibli to discuss the beloved Miyazaki film, Princess Mononoke! We use the wide spectrum of characters to discuss the concept of values. We explore how values are formed and also how values influence our choices.
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[CW: discussions of suicide]
Happy Pride! Join us as we discuss Portrait of a Lady on Fire! We break down the themes of autonomy & actualization represented by the various female leads. We also explore the idea of abstract grief and have a lengthy discussion on suicide, specifically within the LGBTQIA+ community.
If you are experiencing suicidal thinking and/or feel at risk of suicide, you can contact the following supports:
The Trevor Project
call @ 1-866-488-7386 or text @ 678-678
National Suicide Hotline
call or text @ 988
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In today's episode we break down the animated classic Batman: Mask of the Phantasm! This film was truly ahead of its time and the stellar voice cast masterfully covered the mental anguish Bruce Wayne experiences as he battles his internal family system about whether upholding an oath of vengeance sworn as a child or living a happy life best honors his departed parents. In this episode we cover the topics of Arrested Development, Egocentrism, and the Jungian concept of Shadow Work. Stay out of the abyss!
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Join us today as we discuss one of Hannah's favorite movies of all time, Arrival! We break down the use of communication in the film and how it relates to communication both in and out of therapy. We also explore the film's theme of existentialism and radical acceptance.
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Hi Barbie! In this episode, we are once again joined by our beloved friend, fellow therapist, and real life Barbie: Rachel Harrison. We discuss sense of self vs systemic identity. We also explore the themes of codependency and life changes. So put on your favorite pink outfit and join us!
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Welcome to Season 7! We have heard your cries and we are starting with Saltburn!
[content warning: this episode includes discussions of abuse]
We attempt to understand Oliver Quick through the lens of antisocial personality disorder. We also discuss the Catton family as a model for dysfunctional family systems.
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[CW: Discussions of predatory relationships including references to assault]
This year's winner of our Valentine's Day poll is Never Been Kissed! Listener beware if you are precious about this movie because we truly rip it apart. We first break down the characters of Josie and Rob. We discuss the potential of neurodivergence in regards to Josie and the impact of failed dreams via Rob. We spend a good chunk of this episode focusing on the predatory and reprehensible relationship between Josie AND A MAN WHO THINKS SHE IS A TEENAGER! So hang on to your favorite feather boa, cuz this is gonna be a bumpy ride.
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Would it be better to forget than remember when pain is involved? We try to answer that question in our PATREON picked episode on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. We analyze the two main characters: Clementine & Joel. We also rip apart the ethics (or lack thereof) behind the “medical professionals” responsible for the forgetting procedure. Join us as we try to outrun the memory police!
Thank you, Kayla!
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Happy December 23rd! Or how its known in the Costanza household: HAPPY FESTIVUS! Join us as we round out 2023 by getting out our metal poles and discussing the Festivus episode of Seinfeld. We discuss how trauma is represented by George Costanza as well as how Festivus is a holiday made by and for someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. We wish you all a happy new year and we hope you all win your family's feats of strength!!
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Merry Christmas! This holiday season we break down (and hate on) the 90s kid classic, Jingle All The Way! We discuss the representation of parenting via Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad. We also explore the destructive nature of consumerism. Hope you all don’t mind our ribbing of a modern classic that unfortunately does not hold up in any way.
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