By consistently focusing your thoughts on the things you want, you are setting a powerful intention which can help you reach your goals. Positive thinking, gratitude and visualisation techniques are also an essential part of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). In this episode, I will be discussing different CBT methods that can help you live a more productive, peaceful and happy life.
Managing intense anxiety can require professional help, but it is also essential to develop certain coping skills yourself. In this episode, psychologist Anna Schmidt and I discuss practical tools for managing anxiety. These tools can help you to relieve anxiety symptoms as they arise and will also help you to prevent them from becoming more intense.
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Members of the LGBTQ+ community will experience on a daily base that the world tries to define other people by its own standards. Cultivating self-acceptance and a strong sense of self-love is not only the best protection against a judgmental world, but also crucial for strengthening inclusion and compassion within our society. In this episode, my guest Chris and I talk about how to cultivate self-acceptance and how to learn to not rely on others to feel loved and included.
Internal boundaries are boundaries that we set within our mind, towards unhelpful, negative or limiting thoughts, beliefs, memories and interpretations. We set these boundaries through choosing the thoughts we want to think and by not allowing unhelpful thoughts to enter our mind and dictate our behaviour as well as the way we feel. In this episode I explain how to create internal boundaries and by dong this, develop more self-love and self-compassion.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most evidence-based interventions for treating depression. Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness, lack of motivation, guilt and shame are typical symptoms of a depression. In this episode I will present three CBT techniques that can help you identify the root cause of depression, which in most cases is automatic negative thoughts. I will explain how to question and transform these negative thougths, which will lead to an improvement of your mood and help you build confidence.
Unwanted intrusive thoughts seem to come from out of nowhere, causing great distress and anxiety. In this episode, I will discuss how to manage repetitive negative thoughts that circle around self-doubt, people pleasing, judgmental thoughts and self-criticism. My guest is Anna Schmidt, Food Freedom & Body Image Psychologist and founder of healthymindclub.eu.
Having the awareness that you have low self-esteem is the first step in developing true self-esteem. In this episode you will learn about how to identify the source of low self-esteem by asking yourself what thoughts are going through your head at the moment when low self-esteem arises. You will understand the difference between false self-esteem, which is always based on fear vs. true self-esteem, which is a continuous source of calm and presence.
Are you holding on to old emotional wounds? Would you prefer to let go of the past, but you don't fully understand how to actually do this? In this episode you will learn about the true meaning of forgiveness and how to apply the practical steps of forgiving others and yourself in your everyday life.
Practicing mindfulness literally lights up the parts of our brain which we normally don't use while we are mindlessly running on autopilot. Paying attention to the present moment and practicing a non-judgmental perspective are the key elements of mindfulness. In this episode you will begin to understand the basic principles of mindfulness and how to apply these in your daily life.
Part 2: In this episode my guest Kagan and I discuss the differences and similarities between CBT and the law of attraction. Surprisingly enough, there are some common principles between CBT and the law of attraction, such as cognitive reframing techniques, the use of affirmations and creative visualisation tools. Learn more about these two concepts and how they can help you transform your life.
In this episode my guest Kagan and I discuss the differences and similarities between CBT and the law of attraction. Surprisingly enough, there are some common principles between CBT and the law of attraction, such as cognitive reframing techniques, the use of affirmations and creative visualisation tools. Learn more about these two concepts and how they can help you transform your life.
Invest in yourself and learn how to practice mental self care on a daily base: CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) offers simple tools for self care and building emotional self reliance. In this episode my guest Anna and I present the most common and simple CBT techniques for mental self care.
This is the second part of "How to find your purpose in life" - you will find the first part as well as more information about finding your purpose in Episode 32
Discover how CBT (Cognitive Behavioral therapy) techniques can help you find your life's purpose: Limiting beliefs about yourself and the world are the most common reasons for not finding your true purpose in life. In this episode my guest Felix and I discuss simple CBT tools and techniques that you can apply in your everyday life in order to understand and identify what your life purpose could be.
Radical self-love requires unlearning negative beliefs and thought patterns about yourself. In this episode I present and explain simple, evidence-based CBT tools that can help you develop strong self-love in your everyday life. You will learn how to trust your inner voice, make confident decisions and live your life in a radically self-loving way.
How to create happiness with the help of CBT tools: Learn how to make yourself happy by changing the way you think. CBT is a type of therapy that focuses on how thoughts, feelings and behaviours interact. In this episode I explain some of the most common and effective CBT tools which can be used in both a therapy context and in everyday life.
A red flag feeling in a job interview is when something happens during the conversation that feels wrong and that makes you feel uncomfortable. In this episode my guest Felix and I discuss why it is important to listen to your intuition during a job interview and why ignoring red flags can be harmful. We also discuss how to know if your intuition is right and when it is better to use logic when making decisions.
A negative body image can cause negative emotions, such as shame, anxiety or even body dysmorphia, which is an overwhelming preoccupation with a perceived flaw in one's physical appearance. Psychologist Anna Schmidt, who has specialised in treating eating disorders and negative body image, is my guest in today's episode. We will discuss ways to heal a negative body image und we will explain how body image generally affects our mental health and what you can do in order to change a negative body image.
In this episode we will discuss ways to overcome challenges that people in cross cultural relationships often face. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors, which are often the root cause for issues in cross cultural relationships. Learn more about how to strengthen your cross cultural relationship, improve your communication and resolve conflicts.
Emotional eating is a coping mechanism that some people develop in order to deal with their difficult emotions. In this episode my guest Anna Schmidt, a psychologist who specialises in treating eating disorders, and I discuss what causes emotional eating, what you can do about it and when to contact a health professional.
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