In this insightful episode, Dr. Saahil Laangar and Vaidya Jyoti Jagtap come together to discuss the role of Ayurvedic diets in managing seasonal respiratory diseases. Drawing from centuries-old Ayurvedic principles, they explore how the right balance of food can strengthen immunity, reduce inflammation, and support respiratory health during seasonal changes. Whether you're looking for practical dietary tips or a deeper understanding of holistic health, this podcast offers valuable guidance to help you breathe easy throughout the year.
Dr. Anupma Sharma a renowned vaidya talks about benefits of Garbha Sanskaar in contemporary world.
Puuttuva jakso?
Vega Dharan kyu nahi krne chahiye.
Why people suffer from Kaphaj Vyadhis in Vasant Ritu and what precautions can be taken in this regard.
In this lecture we have debunked the myths and misconceptions about Ayurveda and Ayurvedic medicines. We have taken a few questions from the listeners regarding the topic and the Ayurveda.
Dr. Madhukeshvar Hegde, MD Ras Shastra, give information regarding ointments and creams used in clinical practice along with making of few effective creams/ointments.
Dr. Sahil Langer, Founder Praanad Ayurved, explains how to approach a patient with skin disease. we have some case discussion also along with questions from listeners.
Dr. Sahil Langer (Ayurvedacharya), Founder Praanad Ayurved, shared his views on how to approach a patient with Skin disease in Clinical Practice.
Dr. Jyoti Verma, MD Ras Shastra, gave lecture on the clinical uses of Swarna Makshika Bharma.
Dr. Jyoti Verma (MD Ras Shastra) has explained the uses of swarna makshik alone as well as in combination with different medicines.
Dr. Prashant Sasane, MD Kaya Chikitsa, PhD, shared points on clinical approach in Aam Vata.
Dr. Jyoti Verma, MD Ras shastra, gives an interactive lecture on clinical uses of Abhrak Bhasma. After that experts shared their clinical experience on the same.
Here we are discussing the clinical uses of most commonly used Asav-Arishta.
A lecture on what Prameha in Ayurveda is related to Diabetes of nowdays? And how we can reverse diabetes by Ayurveda way of living.
Comparative lecture on Hridrog (Ayurved view of heart disease) & its relationship with Cardiovascular disease (Allopathic view of heart disease)
Bhasma and its application along with Abhrak bhasma clinical uses
Various Guggul Kalpa and its uses in Obesity
Uses of various Guggul Kalpa in Skin diseases.
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