
  • Work-life balance is a myth! But rhythms of life and the changing of seasons are something that we can all embrace.

    In this episode, I sit down with Amy Dover, a seasoned therapist and successful group practice owner.

    Amy has an inspiring story of transitioning from various practice settings to building her own flourishing group practice in Enterprise, Alabama.

    Throughout our conversation, Amy opens up about the rapid growth of her practice and the different seasons she's experienced as an entrepreneur.

    We dive into the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and why Amy prefers to think in terms of finding a rhythm rather than balance. Because, honestly, balance never comes and only creates frustration.

    She shares her insights on how to adapt to the changing demands of personal life and business, providing valuable advice for anyone looking to grow their practice while staying grounded.

    Key Takeaways

    Rethinking Balance: Amy encourages us to move away from the rigid idea of work-life balance and instead find a rhythm that works for both our personal and professional lives.

    Embracing Seasons: Understanding and embracing different seasons—whether it's a time of rapid growth or a slower period—can help in managing personal and business development effectively.

    Managing Growth: Amy’s journey emphasizes the importance of being a savvy businessperson. Knowing the financial and administrative aspects of your practice is essential for success, and requires a mindset shift from therapist to business owner.

    Leadership Lessons: Transitioning from a solo practice to a group practice requires continuous learning and adaptation in leadership styles and team dynamics.

    Consulting and Support: Having a mentor or joining a consulting group can provide crucial support and guidance through the stages of growing your practice.

    Amy's experience and wisdom offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of practice growth while staying true to your values.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Wise Practice Consulting

    FREE Webinar: Is It Time To Grow? Should I Start a Group Practice?

    This Episode Is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians who come together for education, training, and events.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

  • In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, Daniel Fava and Dr. Joshua Rosenthal dive deep into the transformative journey from solo practice to a thriving group enterprise.

    Dr. Rosenthal shares his pearls of wisdom on leadership, emphasizing the importance of clarity in your professional and personal goals. He advocates for creating roles that align with your passions and strengths, a strategy that has proven successful for both him and his team.

    Discover how Dr. Rosenthal navigated the complexities of scaling a business, from the inception of the Big Apple Day program—a summer camp for children ages 6-12 with developmental, social and/or learning difficulties.—to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and reflection within his team of over 300.

    He candidly discusses the challenges of retention and the financial balancing act required to sustain growth.

    Dr. Rosenthal also unveils his evolved leadership approach, where he focuses on growth and empowering a core leadership team, ensuring that the quality of service remains consistent across the board. This top-down approach underscores the critical role of leadership in shaping employee experiences and, by extension, customer satisfaction.

    Join us in this episode as we unpack the highs and lows of growing in leadership as you step into private practice growth. Dr. Rosenthal's story is not just about the success of his practice but also about the resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking that are the hallmarks of effective leadership.

    Key Takeaways:

    Joshua Rosenthal, PsyD, shares several key takeaways from his experience in building and managing his private practice, then a summer camp, and later, his role as a CEO. Here are the main points:

    Difficulty and Opportunity: Rosenthal emphasizes that the difficulty of starting a venture is essential, as it allows for the discovery of opportunities and growth. He acknowledges that the process was hard and that he could not replicate it now, but at the time, it was the right fit.

    Staff Retention and Financial Challenges: Hiring good people was only part of the challenge; retaining them as the camp grew and expenses increased became a significant issue. Despite increasing costs, there was a limit to how much the camp fees could be raised, leading to financial strain.

    Leadership and Team Dynamics: Rosenthal learned about leadership, team cohesiveness, and the importance of reflecting on what works and what doesn't. This iterative process was crucial for personal growth and improving the camp each year.

    Trust and Business Relationships: He discusses the importance of trust in business relationships, even though it comes with the risk of being hurt. His experiences shaped his decision-making and ultimately contributed to his success.

    CEO Role Evolution: Rosenthal's role as CEO evolved from micromanaging to focusing on supporting his leadership team. He stopped seeing patients to concentrate on business growth, profitability, and new service lines. He also highlights the importance of having a leadership team that can manage different aspects of the business, allowing him to focus on growth and strategic planning.

    Importance of Leadership: The CEO's mood and approach can significantly impact the entire company. Rosenthal stresses that leadership starts at the top and that the experiences customers have are a reflection of the company's leadership.

    Starting with an MVP: The camp began with a minimal viable product and evolved significantly over time. Rosenthal followed an organic growth approach, letting the project develop naturally without forcing it.

    Free Guide From Our Sponsor: Building Your Dream Caseload

    Growing a caseload of clients you’re passionate about working with can help you build a career that’s both impactful and sustainable. But it’s often easier said than done — which is why our sponsor, Alma, has created a guide to help you identify and connect with clients who fit your practice.

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  • In this conversation with Steve Bisson, you’ll learn all about mentorship - both giving and receiving - within private practice.

    Steve discusses both his personal experience and the broader implications of mentorship in the professional development of therapists and mental health workers.

    The episode delves into the core facets of finding and offering guidance in an often complex and challenging career path.

    Throughout the episode, we unpack the nuanced differences between mentorship and other forms of professional development tools such as business coaching, as well as the organic nature of establishing pivotal mentoring relationships.

    The discussion emphasizes the importance of authenticity and trust in these relationships, illustrating how mentorship can significantly influence personal growth and career progression.

    The episode is filled with anecdotes and strategic advice, inviting both new practitioners and experienced professionals to consider the impact of mentorship on their journey through the mental health field.

    Key Takeaways:

    Mentorship can be a pivotal factor in the personal and professional development of mental health professionals, often provided informally and based on mutual respect.

    The difference between business coaching and mentorship lies in the financial component and the structure; mentorship is often more organic and less goal-oriented.

    Seeking out mentors or becoming a mentor is an exercise in generosity, leveraging one's experience and knowledge to empower others.

    It's crucial to establish mentoring relationships that feel authentic and comfortable for true growth and learning.

    Mentorship extends beyond monetary value and is deeply rooted in the spirit of giving and leaving a legacy.

  • In this special episode of the Private Practice Elevation Podcast, Liz Fava, wife of host Daniel Fava, flips the tables around and interviews Daniel.

    If you’ve listened to this podcast for some time, you’ve likely gotten a small glimpse into Daniel’s life and Private Practice Elevation.

    But have you ever wondered how this all got started? What was Daniel doing prior to helping therapists level up their private practices? What did it look like in 2016 when Daniel took a leap of faith and started his business?

    What does the PPE team look like now and what services do they offer and why? What does the future look like for PPE? And, of course, what are some of Daniel’s favorites? Such as food, drink, books, etc.

    In a candid conversation with his wife Liz Fava on his podcast, Daniel Fava, the founder of Private Practice Elevation, opens up about the origins of his online marketing agency, the services it offers, and his journey through entrepreneurship and life.

    Daniel also reveals his favorite aspects of his role and personal interests.

    Tune in to gain insights into the world of private practice elevation and learn more about Daniel's expertise in helping therapists succeed online.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    Daniel’s background from college to early work in marketing agencies and how he fell in love with website design

    What Daniel was doing before launching his business and his role in marketing for a non-profit organization

    The challenges of leaving a full-time job to transition to building a business

    How Private Practice Elevation transitioned from a focus on courses to full-service website design, development, and SEO catered to therapists

    Insights on building a team and how hiring has helped Daniel improve services to serve clients better

    All the current roles that Daniel’s team plays at Private Practice Elevation

    How Private Practice Elevation’s services have evolved over the years and why Daniel decided to focus solely on website design and development and SEO

    An overview of Private Practice Elevation’s current services and what each of them provides for therapists and private practices

    Lots of candid responses about the challenges of growing a business

    Plus Daniel’s personal favorites in food, drinks, movies, books etc.

  • In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation podcast, host Daniel Fava dives deep into the significance of establishing core values for your private practice.

    Crafting core values goes beyond traditional marketing—these guiding principles shape the culture, decision-making, and strategic direction of your therapy practice.

    After sharing about what core values are, Daniel transitions into a solo discussion on the essence of core values and their profound impact on business operations.

    He delves into the purpose of having core values, including aligning your team's actions, enhancing company culture, and influencing how you serve clients.

    Through three main tips, Daniel illuminates the process of creating actionable and meaningful core values.

    In the candid sharing of Private Practice Elevation's own set of core values, you’ll gain insights not only into building your own values but also into the ethos that guides Daniel's successful team at PPE.

    Tune in to the full episode for a dive into the world of private practice core values with Daniel Fava, and stay connected with Private Practice Elevation for more invaluable lessons to take your practice to new heights.

    Key Takeaways:

    Core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide your private practice's culture, decision-making, and actions.

    The process of creating core values should involve reflecting on your practice's mission, involving your team, and striving for simplicity and actionability.

    Private Practice Elevation's core values include striving for excellence, leading with authenticity, being creative, displaying kindness, and ensuring accountability.

    Core values are crucial not only for internal governance but also for building trust with clients and setting a standard in the industry.

    Regular review and adherence to core values are essential for business growth and team leadership.

  • In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation podcast, host Daniel Fava interviews Brent Stutzman on how to position yourself as the number one trusted therapy practice in your area.

    With around seven years of experience, Brent ventured into the marketing realm when his wife, a therapist, decided to start her own private practice.

    His journey began with branding and marketing, which he mastered through self-learning due to budget constraints. He successfully launched 'Kid Matters Counseling' with his wife, achieving a waiting list status before its onset.

    Eventually, Brent expanded his expertise to help other therapists establish and grow their practices, learning the critical importance of positioning as a trusted authority in the market. He also has launched TheraSaas, a powerful CRM for private practices.

    His work is significantly impacted by the StoryBrand framework, which he has adeptly applied to launch over twelve practices across the country. As a certified Storybrand Guide, Brent emphasizes the power of storytelling and how therapists can become trusted guides for their clients.

    Brent states that this transition - moving from YOU being the center of your marketing to having your clients be the hero - has the potential to help take your marketing to a new level of success.

    In this episode, Brent provides five steps to establish yourself as a guide, including demonstrating empathy, providing a sense of safety, demonstrating authority, illuminating the problem, providing a plan, and calling the hero to action.

    Tune in to learn how to position yourself as the go-to practice in your community.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    The brain's role in survival and calorie conservation - and what this means for your marketing

    The Importance of clear and simple communication to engage potential clients

    The importance of storytelling in building trust and positioning oneself as a guide for your ideal clients

    The shift from telling your own story to inviting clients into a story where they are the hero

    The need for clear and simple communication to capture and maintain attention

    Brent’s five steps to establish trust and position oneself as a guide

    Examples of guides in literature and movies, such as Dumbledore in Harry Potter and Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.

    Brent Stutzman highlights the importance of guides demonstrating empathy and providing a sense of safety

    How to be the guide while still demonstrating authority and expertise

    Brent Stutzman shares how to position yourself as a guide.

    Website and copywriting tips to position yourself as a guide and call your clients to action

    The ultimate transformation in your marketing: when heroes become guides

    This Episode Is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians who come together for education, training, and events.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

    Links mentioned in this episode:


    TheraSaas Website

    Free Course: How to Turn Calls Into Clients

    Ultimate Guide to Growing a Private Pay Practice

    Building A Story Brand by Donald Miller (affiliate link)

    Kid Matters Couseling

  • In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation podcast, host Daniel Fava sits down with Shannon Heers to discuss the topic of cultivating clinical confidence in private practice.

    This conversation offers an in-depth look into the struggles that therapists often face, including impostor syndrome and the feeling of isolation when stepping out into the entrepreneurial world of private practice.

    Together, they unpack strategies for growing confidence as a clinician, providing high-quality service to clients, and finding the necessary support systems.

    Shannon Heers shares insights from her extensive experience in the realm of clinical supervision, highlighting the common issue of impostor syndrome among private practice therapists and the importance of developing a solid theoretical framework to guide interventions.

    She emphasizes the value of connecting with others to overcome feelings of being overwhelmed or isolated within the practice.

    With practical tips and relatable anecdotes, this episode aims to empower private practice therapists to build their confidence and extend their support networks.

    The discussion delves into Shannon Heers' unique approach with Firelight Supervision, and how the resources provided there, such as group and individual consultation, can play a pivotal role in a clinician's professional development and personal growth.

    This episode not only explores the challenges therapists face but also offers actionable solutions to help them thrive in their practices and as business owners.

    Key Takeaways:

    Developing clinical confidence is a continuous journey, and seeking support through supervision and consultation can significantly help.

    Impostor syndrome is a widespread issue among therapists, particularly when beginning private practice or encountering new challenges.

    Having a strong theoretical orientation or framework can provide direction and improve confidence when working with clients.

    Connection and community are crucial; therapists should find their "clinical support" to share struggles and triumphs with, ensuring they don't feel alone in their journey.

    Firelight Supervision offers a myriad of resources, including a free clinical confidence ebook and various consultation services.

    This Episode Is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians who come together for education, training, and events.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

  • The digital age has opened up a plethora of opportunities for private practice owners to expand their reach and refine their marketing strategies.

    Yet, with an overwhelming array of tools and resources available, deciphering which ones truly bolster one’s online presence can be a daunting task.

    So, in this episode of the Private Practice Elevation podcast, we shed light on the most effective platforms and strategies for private practice marketing—straight from an agency that uses them.

    We’ll dive deep into the treasure trove of tools and platforms that can significantly ease the journey of building a private practice website and mastering online marketing.

    These insights are not just mere tips but are used by the Private Practice Elevation team to optimize and streamline processes both internally and for clients.

    From website-building basics to advanced SEO tactics, we’ll outline the comprehensive lineup of resources that power successful online presences for private practices.

    Whether it's WordPress with its unlimited customization possibilities, the user-friendly and visually engaging Divi theme, or the security-strong hosting services of Flywheel, we’re going to unpack our own digital toolkit that makes practice marketing effective and efficient.

    As an added layer, we’ll touch on analytics with Google Analytics, email marketing with ConvertKit, and the webinar-hosting capabilities of Easy Webinar.

    Listen up and discover new tools and resources to help you on your private practice website-building journey.

    This Episode Is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians who come together for education, training, and events.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

  • In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, Daniel Fava had a conversation with Jane Carter, a therapist and business coach for solopreneurs.

    The episode focused on the importance of bringing fun and self-compassion into the process of building a business.

    While building a business can be hard and challenging, finding ways to make it fun is essential to avoid burnout and maintain motivation.

    Throughout the conversation, Jane and Daniel discussed the significance of self-awareness, reframing negative thoughts, and seeking support from others in navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

    The themes discussed in this conversation provide valuable insights and strategies for entrepreneurs to build successful businesses while maintaining their well-being and sense of self.

    Key Takeaways:

    Building a business should be fun, as it helps solopreneurs avoid burnout and stay motivated.

    Storytelling is an effective marketing strategy that can make business more engaging and enjoyable.

    Solopreneurs should practice self-compassion and separate their own responsibility from unnecessary blame or shame.

    Having a support system of friends, coaches, or therapists can provide empathy, reflection, and encouragement to solopreneurs.

    Solopreneurs can reframe their stories and approach problems as leaders, taking ownership and finding solutions.

  • In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation podcast, host Daniel Fava sits down with Joshua Brummel, co-founder of Therapy Flow, to delve into the intricacies of using paid ads to elevate private practices.

    The conversation kicks off with a glimpse into Joshua's background and how Therapy Flow evolved from a marketing agency into a specialized service for therapists. The company now offers a "done for you" practice development program that focuses on implementing digital strategies like Google Ads and Facebook ads, along with a HIPAA-compliant CRM system.

    Their discussion covers crucial elements for success in paid advertising, emphasizing the importance of a website that converts traffic effectively.

    They highlight the need for clear tracking mechanisms to gauge the return on investment (ROI) from ads. Joshua stresses the significance of having a solid sales process in place before diving into paid advertising to ensure that potential client inquiries translate into actual conversions.

    The conversation extends to the expectations from the initial phase of running paid ad campaigns. They spotlight the learning period of 3-7 days where data acquisition occurs, advising patience and observation before making adjustments. They also explore the calculation of ROI from ads, emphasizing the importance of understanding the lifetime value of a client to accurately gauge the success of ad campaigns.

    Joshua emphasizes that while paid ads require meticulous attention to detail, they can serve as a powerful growth accelerator for practices, offering a rapid influx of inquiries and clients when managed effectively. He presents paid ads as a "dial experience," a tool that allows practices to control and intensify their referral volumes swiftly, complementing long-term strategies like SEO.

    In conclusion, the episode emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between long-term strategies like SEO and short-term boosts from paid ads, advocating for a strategic balance between the two for sustained practice growth.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    The big picture of paid ads and user intent.

    Evolution and competition in paid ad platforms.

    Joshua Brummel's experience with managing ad spend.

    Recommended starting budget for Google Ads for therapy practices.

    Using Facebook and Instagram ads for lower budgets.

    Importance of having a website that converts before investing.

    Importance of website conversion for successful Google ads

    Evaluating the effectiveness of ads and sales process

    New, more, better framework for website and ads

    Learning period of 3-7 days for ads

    Tracking conversions and intake process for success

    Google ads work best for practices with existing clients

    Calculating return on investment for ads

    Determining lifetime value of therapy clients to determine ad budget

    Ads as a profitable source for consistent client acquisition

    How paid ads can provide a quick return on investment for therapy practices

    Technical details of running ads can be complex and time-consuming

    How using both paid ads and SEO can provide stability and growth

  • Introduction

    In the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), text-based content often takes center stage.

    Those who have done any work on their website’s SEO, you likely have spent a significant effort in crafting compelling articles, adding content to your pages, and optimizing keywords.

    However, in the pursuit of improving website rankings, one vital element is often overlooked—images.

    In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we'll explore the importance of optimizing images for SEO and provide you with tips and tricks to ensure your visual content doesn't go unnoticed by search engines.

    Why Image Optimization Matters for SEO

    Enhanced User Experience: High-quality, well-optimized images can significantly enhance the user experience on your website. Fast-loading pages with attractive visuals keep visitors engaged and reduce bounce rates, which are crucial ranking factors for search engines.

    Ranking in Google Images: Google Images is a popular search engine in its own right. Optimized images have a better chance of ranking here, driving additional organic traffic to your website. This is particularly advantageous if your site relies heavily on visual content, such as e-commerce stores or photography portfolios.

    Page Loading Speed: Image optimization plays a crucial role in improving page loading speed. Slow-loading pages can result in a poor user experience and negatively affect your SEO rankings. Compressed and properly sized images can help mitigate this issue.

    Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices for web browsing, image optimization becomes even more critical. Smaller file sizes ensure faster load times on mobile networks and better performance for mobile users.

    Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Images for SEO

    Choose the Right File Format: The most common image formats are JPEG, PNG, and GIF. JPEG is ideal for photographs and complex images, while PNG is better for images with transparency. Use GIFs for animations. Choosing the right format can significantly impact image quality and file size.

    Resize Images: Before uploading, resize your images to the exact dimensions needed for your website. This reduces unnecessary file size and ensures a faster loading time.

    Compression: Use image compression tools or plugins to reduce file sizes without sacrificing quality. There are many online tools and WordPress plugins available for this purpose.

    Descriptive Filenames: Give your image files descriptive filenames that include relevant keywords. For example, instead of "IMG001.jpg," use "red-convertible-car.jpg" if the image depicts a red convertible car. This helps search engines understand the image's content.

    Alt Text: Always include descriptive alt text for your images. Alt text not only improves accessibility for visually impaired users but also provides search engines with context about the image. Use relevant keywords naturally within the alt text.

    Image Titles: Consider adding titles to your images, but use them sparingly and make sure they are concise and descriptive.

    Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor your website's performance, including image load times. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix can help identify areas for improvement.


    Optimizing images for SEO on your private practice website is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of digital marketing. By following these strategies, you can enhance your website's user experience, improve page load times, and increase your visibility in search engine results, including Google Images.

    Remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and regularly optimizing your images is essential to maintaining and improving your website's performance in the ever-competitive online landscape. Start prioritizing image optimization today and reap the benefits of improved search engine rankings and user engagement.

  • In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we delve into the inspiring story of Soribel Martinez, a licensed clinical social worker and CEO of SM Psychotherapy and Counseling Services.

    Soribel shares her journey of overcoming adversity, including a life-threatening health condition, and how she used these experiences to build an unbreakable life and business.

    Through her personal story and professional expertise, Soribel provides valuable insights and strategies for aligning purpose, mindset, marketing and hiring to create a resilient and successful business.

    Soribel Martinez's story is one of resilience and determination. Born in the Dominican Republic, Soribel faced the challenges of immigration and the loss of her cultural identity at a young age. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with two brain aneurysms.

    This life-altering event forced Soribel to confront her mortality and reevaluate her purpose in life.

    Soribel's journey towards building an unbreakable life and business began with a shift in mindset. She realized that dwelling on negative thoughts and worst-case scenarios would only hinder her ability to live fully for her son. With the help of a psychologist, Soribel learned to shift her perception and embrace the opportunities that adversity presents.

    And now, as a business coach, she helps others do the same. Listen to the episode as Soribel unpacks her framework for overcoming adversity and finding success, plus a ton of other marketing strategies and tips you can apply to your own private practice.

    In This Episode, We Discuss:

    Soribel’s incredible story of how she worked through a health diagnosis

    Using self-analysis and understanding of how you got there to create a path forward

    Keys to finding opportunities in adversity

    How to grow outside of your comfort zone

    Shifting mindset and perception after receiving bad news

    Building a waitlist and growing the private practice

    The importance of creating a business plan and marketing strategy

    Staying focused on goals and avoiding distractions

    Building a crisis-proof business with the right mindset

    Importance of marketing and having a marketing budget

    Hiring and onboarding process for growth and demand fulfillment

    Importance of building a business mindset and hiring strategies

    Key elements of the marketing plan: digital marketing, social media presence

    Utilizing Google Ads, Facebook ads, SEO, and email marketing

  • In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we are delving deep into the art of crafting an effective and high-converting contact page for your private practice website.

    Your private practice website is more than just an online presence or an online business card. It is your gateway to connecting with clients, helping them find the support they need, and ultimately growing your private practice.

    At the heart of this journey lies your contact page, a crucial element in the conversion process on your website.

    Your contact page is where visitors take that crucial step of reaching out and booking appointments or learning more about your practice.

    It is not just about design; it is about creating a seamless, inviting experience that encourages visitors to take action.

    In this episode, Daniel Fava explores ten tips to help you create a seamless and inviting contact page that encourages visitors to take that crucial step of reaching out and booking appointments or learning more about your therapy practice.

    Key Takeaways:

    Keep the contact page simple and inviting to avoid overwhelming visitors.

    Prioritize the contact form by prominently displaying it above the fold.

    Create an engaging headline that incites action and leads visitors to the contact form.

    Provide multiple contact options, such as phone, email, and a contact form, to cater to different preferences.

    Add trust-building elements, such as testimonials or certifications, to instill confidence in visitors.

    Use a clear call to action on buttons to let visitors know what will happen when they click.

    Optimize the contact page for mobile devices to accommodate the majority of users.

    Ensure privacy and security by mentioning your commitment to privacy and using SSL encryption.

    Implement CAPTCHA or other spam protection measures to prevent unwanted submissions.

    Test and monitor the contact page to track conversions and make improvements over time.

    This Episode Is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians that come together for education, training, and events.

    Alma gives clinicians the tools they need to build thriving private practices. When you join their insurance program, you can get credentialed within 45 days, and access enhanced reimbursement rates with major payers. They also handle all of the paperwork, from eligibility checks to claims submissions, and guarantee payment within two weeks of each appointment.

    In addition to their insurance program, Alma offers timesaving tools and administrative support — so you can spend less time on paperwork, and more time delivering great care to your clients.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

    10 Tips For Crafting an Effective and High Converting Contact Page for Your Private Practice Website 1. Keep it Simple and Inviting

    The first rule of an effective contact page is to keep it simple.

    We want to create a clean and uncluttered design that invites visitors in and makes it clear what they need to do on the page. Look at other websites, both within your industry and outside of it, to get ideas on how to create a simple and inviting contact page.

    The goal is to make it easy for visitors to understand what they need to do and to lead them into taking that next step.

    2. Prioritize the Form

    The contact form is the main attraction of your contact page. It should be prominently displayed, preferably above the fold, so that visitors can easily find it without scrolling down. Include fields for name, email, phone number, and a message box for longer messages.

    Over time, you can customize the form to fit the specific needs of your practice, such as asking for the best time to call back for a consultation. The key is to keep the form simple and efficient for your practice.

    3. Create an Engaging Headline

    At the top of your contact page, create an engaging headline that invites action. This could be something like "Ready to take the first step towards a happier you?" or "Get in touch to schedule your free consultation."

    The goal is to incite action and lead visitors to the contact form, which should be prominently displayed right below the headline.

    4. Provide Multiple Contact Options

    While the contact form is the main focus of your contact page, it is important to offer multiple contact options to cater to different preferences.

    Some visitors may prefer speaking directly, while others may be more comfortable with written communication.

    Along with the contact form, include options such as phone, email, and even a link to your Google Business profile. This allows visitors to choose the method of contact that they are most comfortable with.

    5. Add Trust Building Elements

    Building trust is crucial in encouraging visitors to take that next step and reach out. Consider adding trust-building elements to your contact page, such as testimonials, certifications, or social proof.

    Testimonials from past clients can help potential clients feel more confident in reaching out, knowing that others have had positive experiences with your practice.

    Certifications and social proof, such as being featured on reputable websites or podcasts, can also help build trust.

    6. Use a Clear Call to Action

    Your contact page should have a clear call to action on the button that leads visitors to take the next step.

    Use phrases like "Get started" or "Request an appointment" to make it clear what will happen when the button is clicked. Avoid being too creative or fancy with the call to action; simplicity is key.

    Make sure the button stands out against the rest of the page and is easy to click, especially on mobile devices.

    7. Optimize for Mobile

    With the majority of people accessing websites from their smartphones, it is crucial to optimize your contact page for mobile devices.

    Ensure that your contact page and the form are fully responsive, easy to navigate, and function seamlessly on mobile devices.

    Test the contact form on your own phone and ask others to do the same to ensure a smooth user experience.

    8. Privacy and Security

    Visitors to your website need to feel confident that their information is secure and will not be shared without their consent. Mention your commitment to privacy and include a link to your privacy policy under the contact form. Additionally, make sure your website is secure with an SSL certificate to encrypt information that is submitted through the contact form.

    9. CAPTCHA and Spam Protection

    Implementing CAPTCHA or other spam protection measures on your contact form is essential to prevent unwanted submissions and maintain the quality of inquiries. CAPTCHA helps filter out bots that try to spam your contact form by requiring users to complete a simple math equation. This ensures that only genuine inquiries are submitted through the form.

    10. Test and Monitor

    After implementing these tips, it is important to test and monitor the performance of your contact page.

    Use tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior and conversion rates. Monitor how many people land on your contact page and how many actually submit the form.

    This data will give you insights into the effectiveness of your contact page and help you make any necessary adjustments.


    Crafting an effective and high-converting contact page is crucial for growing your private practice.

    By keeping it simple and inviting, prioritizing the form, providing multiple contact options, adding trust building elements, using a clear call to action, optimizing for mobile, ensuring privacy and security, implementing CAPTCHA and spam protection, and testing and monitoring the performance, you can create a contact page that encourages visitors to take that crucial step of reaching out.

    Continuously evaluate and improve your contact page to maximize conversions and grow your practice.

  • Psychology Today is a powerful marketing tool that many therapists and private practices rely on to attract clients, especially in the early stages of growing a practice.

    However, not everyone knows how to utilize this platform to its full potential effectively.

    In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we will delve into the insights shared by Omar Ruiz, a therapist and business coach, on maximizing your Psychology Today profile.

    By following his tips and strategies, therapists can improve their online presence and generate more client referrals.

    What You’ll Learn About Maximizing Your Psychology Today Profile:

    Omar’s private practice journey and the ups and downs that led him to become an expert in using Psychology Today to get clients

    The difference between browsers and buyers on Psychology Today

    Tips for optimizing the profile picture and first four lines on Psychology Today

    The importance of evoking emotion and offering hope in the profile description

    Providing concrete value in the profile description instead of focusing on certifications

    Including a call to action in the profile description

    Tips for using an intro video, additional photos, and keywords on Psychology Today

    Strategic use of keywords from the issues section in the personal statement

    Importance of optimizing Psychology Today profile for visibility

    Adding italicized snippets to your profile for increased visibility

    Strategic use of location to improve visibility

    Choosing less saturated and competitive areas for visibility

    Using Psychology Today as a supplemental referral source

    Private pay clients may have different experiences with Psychology Today

    Investing in SEO and having a website for long-term marketing

    This Episode Is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians that come together for education, training, and events.

    Alma gives clinicians the tools they need to build thriving private practices. When you join their insurance program, you can get credentialed within 45 days, and access enhanced reimbursement rates with major payers. They also handle all of the paperwork, from eligibility checks to claims submissions, and guarantee payment within two weeks of each appointment.

    In addition to their insurance program, Alma offers timesaving tools and administrative support — so you can spend less time on paperwork, and more time delivering great care to your clients.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Psychology Today

    Online Private Practice Website

    Omar’s YouTube channel


    Get More Views of Your Psychology Today Profile: Key Takeaways

    Psychology Today is a directory site that connects therapists with potential clients. It is essential to understand the behavior of clients using this platform in order to effectively market your services. Ruiz categorizes clients into two groups: browsers and buyers.

    Browsers are simply scrolling through the search results, while buyers are using the filtering options to find a therapist who can address their specific needs.

    4 Tips To Improve Your Psychology Today Profile

    To capture the attention of buyers, therapists must optimize their profile in several key areas. Ruiz provides a step-by-step guide to help therapists create a compelling profile that resonates with potential clients.

    1. Profile Picture

    The profile picture is the first impression potential clients have of you. It is crucial to present yourself professionally and authentically. Ruiz advises therapists to use a high-quality headshot, taken with a good camera or smartphone.

    The photo should be well-lit, with the therapist looking directly at the camera and smiling confidently. Avoid using selfies or pictures with pets, as this is a professional platform and not a dating site.

    2. The First Four Lines

    The first four lines of your profile are crucial for capturing the attention of potential clients. Ruiz suggests using two questions and a leading statement to evoke emotion and curiosity. By addressing the client's pain points and offering hope, therapists can entice potential clients to click on their profile.

    For example, if you specialize in couples therapy for infidelity, you might ask, "Are you thinking about filing for divorce after discovering your partner's infidelity? Are you finding yourself stressed out or in crying spells because you can't stop thinking about the text message you found? If you're struggling to trust and have faith in your relationship, it might be best..."

    3. The Profile Content

    The content of your profile should provide value to potential clients. Instead of focusing on your credentials and certifications, emphasize how you can help them. Offer concrete statements about the issues you address and the solutions you provide.

    For example, instead of saying, "I am Gottman Level 2 certified," you can say, "I help couples repair trust, resolve communication issues, and rebuild intimacy as a result of the betrayal." By focusing on the client's needs and offering tangible solutions, therapists can demonstrate their value.

    4. Call to Action

    The final paragraph of your profile should include a clear call to action. Tell potential clients what they need to do next, whether it's submitting a request on Psychology Today or visiting your website for more information. Be transparent about your availability, fees, and any other relevant details. By providing a clear call to action, therapists can guide potential clients towards taking the next step.

    Additional Tips for Maximizing Your Profile

    In addition to the key areas mentioned above, Ruiz shares several additional tips for optimizing your Psychology Today profile:

    Intro Video: Psychology Today allows therapists to upload a 15-19 second intro video. This video is an opportunity to showcase your personality and connect with potential clients on a deeper level. Use the video to greet viewers, introduce yourself, and highlight how you can help them. A warm and authentic video can make a lasting impression.

    Additional Photos: Include additional photos in your profile to give potential clients a sense of your environment. If you have an online practice, consider including a photo of yourself in a telehealth session. If you have an office, take photos of the space, the entrance, and any other relevant areas. Visuals can help potential clients feel more comfortable and confident in choosing you as their therapist.

    Strategic Keywords: Psychology Today offers a list of specialties and issues that therapists can select for their profile. However, not all of these issues are visible to clients in the filtering options. To ensure that potential clients can find you, strategically incorporate relevant keywords from the visible list into your personal statement. This will increase your visibility when clients search for specific issues.

    Location: Choose your primary and secondary locations strategically. Consider selecting areas that are less saturated and competitive, as this can increase your chances of being found by potential clients. Research the search results for your desired location and identify areas where the competition is lower. By targeting specific locations, therapists can improve their visibility and attract more clients.


    By following the strategies and tips shared by Omar Ruiz, therapists can maximize their Psychology Today profile and increase their chances of generating client referrals.

    The power of a compelling profile cannot be underestimated, as it is often the first point of contact between therapists and potential clients. By addressing the pain points of clients, offering hope, and providing valuable solutions, therapists can create profiles that resonate with their target audience.

    It is important to note that Psychology Today should be viewed as a supplemental referral source, especially for therapists who operate on a private pay or self-pay model. While Psychology Today can generate traction for your practice, it should not be relied upon solely for referrals. Therapists should also invest in a website and consider implementing SEO strategies to further enhance their online presence.

    In conclusion, therapists can leverage the power of Psychology Today by optimizing their profiles to attract potential clients. By following the tips and strategies shared by Omar Ruiz, therapists can create compelling profiles that resonate with their target audience. By addressing the pain points of clients, offering hope, and providing valuable solutions, therapists can increase their visibility and generate more client referrals.

    As the field of therapy continues to evolve, it is essential for therapists to adapt their marketing strategies and embrace online platforms like Psychology Today to reach a wider audience and make a meaningful impact on the lives of their clients.

  • In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we’re going to dive deep into what therapists need to know about using AI for writing their marketing material.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a prominent tool in various industries, including marketing. AI writing generators have gained popularity, offering a solution for those who struggle with writing or need content quickly.

    AI has simply changed content creation forever. The amount of time AI can save you as you create content, such as articles for your website and social media posts, is amazing. And it can be really tempting to outsource all your marketing copywriting to this powerful new tool.

    But before you hand the keys over to ChatGPT or other tools, it’s important to understand the limitations and the ethics of using AI.

    My conversation with Rebekah Hudson, a freelance marketing professional in the mental health industry, discusses the ethical concerns and limitations of using AI writing in marketing for therapists.

    She highlights the controversy surrounding AI writing and the potential for plagiarism. She also explains the limitations of AI writing, including issues with quality, accuracy, originality, brand voice, and search engine optimization. Despite these limitations, she offers tips for using AI writing effectively, such as fact-checking and using multiple plagiarism-checking tools. Hudson emphasizes the importance of maintaining a unique and authentic brand voice in order to connect with clients.

    What You’ll Learn About AI:

    Introduction to the topic of AI in marketing

    Ethical concerns surrounding AI writing

    Ownership and copyright issues with AI-generated content

    Concerns about the credibility and reputation of AI-generated literature

    The Five major limitations of AI writing

    Suggestions to avoid relying on AI writing for SEO

    The importance and irreplaceable need for the human element in writing

    Top Tips for using AI writing effectively.

    Tips include fact-checking and not relying on AI as an editor

    How to compare AI-generated content with human-written content to determine quality.

    Recommended tools for plagiarism checking include Grammarly and DupliChecker.

    This Episode is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians that come together for education, training, and events.

    Alma gives clinicians the tools they need to build thriving private practices. When you join their insurance program, you can get credentialed within 45 days, and access enhanced reimbursement rates with major payers. They also handle all of the paperwork, from eligibility checks to claims submissions, and guarantee payment within two weeks of each appointment.

    In addition to their insurance program, Alma offers timesaving tools and administrative support — so you can spend less time on paperwork, and more time delivering great care to your clients.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

    Links mentioned in this episode:




  • In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we will explore the journey of Chris McDonald, a licensed therapist and holistic practitioner, as she built her private practice.

    We will delve into the challenges she faced, the strategies she employed, and the impact of integrating holistic modalities into her therapy work with clients.

    Chris embarked on a journey to build a holistic therapy practice after leaving her job as a school counselor. With a passion for holistic modalities and a desire to integrate them into her practice, Chris set out to build a private practice that would cater to clients seeking a different approach to therapy, as well as fulfilling her own passions.

    Listen to her journey about how she created a practice that was authentic to her and the strategies she uses to market her holistic therapy practice.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    How networking and consultation groups can provide a stream of referrals in your holistic therapy practice

    How incorporating holistic modalities into therapy can attract clients who are seeking a different approach

    The importance of your website’s about page and how you can talk about what you do in a way that helps you stand out from other therapists

    This Episode is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians that come together for education, training, and events.

    Alma gives clinicians the tools they need to build thriving private practices. When you join their insurance program, you can get credentialed within 45 days, and access enhanced reimbursement rates with major payers. They also handle all of the paperwork, from eligibility checks to claims submissions, and guarantee payment within two weeks of each appointment.

    In addition to their insurance program, Alma offers timesaving tools and administrative support — so you can spend less time on paperwork, and more time delivering great care to your clients.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

  • In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, EMDR therapist and consultant Christy Pearl delves into the impact of childhood emotional patterns on our professional lives.

    She emphasizes that most people have experienced some form of insecure attachment or emotional abandonment in their early family life, which can influence decision-making and the way we show up in our careers.

    Christy explains that these patterns can manifest in various ways, such as struggling with boundaries, handling money, and feeling reactive rather than responsive in professional settings.

    She highlights the importance of doing our own healing work and cultivating self-compassion and curiosity to overcome these patterns.

    Christy also emphasizes the role of the body in healing and suggests that accessing our unconscious material is crucial for aligning our thinking brain with our emotional and physical memory.

    If you’re feeling stuck, under-confident as a leader, or you’ve seen how certain situations trigger you in your private practice, this episode will help guide you toward healing and growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Unresolved emotional patterns from childhood can impact decision-making and the way we show up in our careers.

    Many people are surprised to discover that these patterns also affect their professional lives.

    Doing our own healing work is essential for showing up in a grounded and present manner.

    Cultivating self-compassion and curiosity can help us overcome negative self-talk and shame.

    Accessing our unconscious material is crucial for aligning our thinking brain with our emotional and physical memory.

    Links Mentioned in This Episode:


    This Episode is Brought To You By

    Alma is on a mission to simplify access to high-quality, affordable mental health care by giving providers the tools they need to build thriving in-network private practices. When providers join Alma, they gain access to insurance support, teletherapy software, client referrals, automated billing and scheduling tools, and a vibrant community of clinicians that come together for education, training, and events.

    Alma gives clinicians the tools they need to build thriving private practices. When you join their insurance program, you can get credentialed within 45 days, and access enhanced reimbursement rates with major payers. They also handle all of the paperwork, from eligibility checks to claims submissions, and guarantee payment within two weeks of each appointment.

    In addition to their insurance program, Alma offers timesaving tools and administrative support — so you can spend less time on paperwork, and more time delivering great care to your clients.

    Learn more about building a thriving private practice with Alma at helloalma.com/elevation.

    About Christie Pearl

    Christie Pearl is a Certified EMDR Therapist and EMDR Consultant in private practice with over 18 years of experience in the mental health field. She specializes in EMDR Intensive Therapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families who are struggling with work stress and performance anxiety. She helps Adult Children create a healthier relationship with work so that they can own their brilliance and be who they want to be today, instead of who they had to be as children. Her mission is to inspire, encourage and equip Adult Children on their journey to reconnecting with their authentic selves.

    The Impact of Childhood Emotional Patterns on Professional Life The Impact on Parenting and Personal Relationships

    Pearl highlights that these unresolved emotional patterns not only affect our professional lives but also spill over into our parenting and personal relationships.

    She explains that many individuals who have experienced emotional immaturity or dysfunction in their own upbringing struggle to show up as the parents they want to be. They may feel guilt and shame for not being able to break free from these patterns and may find themselves repeating the same dynamics with their own children.

    "The best thing you can do for your kids is what you're sitting here with me doing right now for yourself. And in my experience, most people, at least most adult children that I work with, have an easier time accessing that inner loving place within themselves for their kids or for other people. And it's a matter of learning how to turn some of that compassion and grace towards yourself." - Christy Pearl

    Navigating Emotional Patterns in the Professional World

    Pearl acknowledges that running a business can be a catalyst for uncovering and addressing these emotional patterns. As business owners, we are faced with various challenges, including client relationships, financial decisions, and time management.

    These challenges often trigger our unresolved emotional wounds and can lead to reactivity, self-sabotage, and difficulty in setting boundaries.

    "I think there's a really good reason for that, which is we might have adapted early on in our early life by really learning how to compartmentalize... So we grow up and we continue functioning like that in our work. And whether you leave the house or not to go to your job at this point, we bring it all to work with us." - Christy Pearl

    The Importance of Self-Awareness and Reparenting

    To navigate these emotional patterns in the professional world, Pearl emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and doing our own inner work. She encourages individuals to cultivate curiosity and gentleness towards themselves, recognizing that healing is a process that requires patience and self-compassion.

    By addressing the unconscious material stored in our nervous systems, we can align our thinking brain, emotional memory, and physical sensations to respond from a grounded and authentic place.

    "I think it's about doing your own work... It's not just a mental exercise. We've got to get into the body because part of what our brain can do is conscious. And then we've got all this unconscious stuff that's hanging around in our nervous system... If we don't get down into that unconscious material and allow ourselves to bring that up into our conscious minds where we can deal with it, then our thinking brain and our emotional physical memory never match." - Christy Pearl


    In conclusion, addressing childhood emotional patterns and their impact on our professional lives is a transformative journey that requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to doing the necessary inner work.

    By recognizing and healing our unresolved emotional wounds, we can break free from repetitive patterns, set healthy boundaries, and show up authentically in our careers. The process of reparenting ourselves and cultivating emotional safety within can lead to profound personal and professional growth.

    As we continue to explore the intersection of our personal and professional lives, it is essential to approach our careers with curiosity, gentleness, and a willingness to confront our emotional patterns. By doing so, we can create a more fulfilling and authentic professional journey, one that aligns with our true desires and values.

    The path to healing and growth may be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Let us embrace the opportunity to transform ourselves and our professional lives, one step at a time.

  • In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we're diving deep into the world of financial planning specifically tailored for therapists in private practice and how you can increase your returns and hit your goals.

    We’re going to be talking all about the goals you have for your life and how those goals can actually drive the financial decisions you make in your private practice.

    Navigating the financial planning side of running a business can take time and effort.

    From bookkeeping to taxes, to whether you should be an S Corp or an LLC. There are so many questions to answer.

    Well, today we’re talking with Ryan Derousseau and he helps us unpack the nitty gritty of getting started with your financial plan and increasing your returns in your private practice.

    Ryan Derousseau is a fee-only financial planner based in Long Island, New York. He has a background in writing and has worked for publications such as Fortune, Money, and the New York Times. Ryan specializes in working with therapists to help them manage their finances and achieve their life goals.

    Whether you're just starting your private practice or looking to elevate your financial game, this episode is packed with tips to lead you toward financial success.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    The importance of understanding your business and life goals

    The importance of having emergency funds for personal and business

    How to balance business savings and retirement savings

    When does a S Corp make sense for your private practice?

    The business advantages of S Corps and the process to transition

    The importance of avoiding debt and tips to keep you safe

    Why ignoring the value of your private practice can impact retirement security.

    Links mentioned in this episode:


    The Financial Planning Checklist

  • In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we will be discussing the topic of Return on Investment (ROI) for marketing in your private practice.

    ROI stands for Return on Investment, which refers to the benefit that you expect from an investment activity.

    In the context of marketing, ROI measures the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and helps you determine whether your investment is generating the desired results.

    Our guest today is Carla Titus, the founder and CEO of Wealth and Worth Within, a fractional CFO firm that provides consulting and advisory services to growing businesses, especially in the mental health space.

    Carla has extensive experience in finance and has helped numerous businesses improve their financial planning and decision-making.

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    The importance of financial knowledge for small business owners

    The need to outsource and delegate financial tasks

    Definition and importance of ROI (Return on Investment)

    Mindset challenges and the need for cash reserves

    The importance of discipline and consistency in marketing

    Tracking and measuring ROI through data analysis

    The importance of conversion rates in marketing strategies

    Tips for tracking ROI and projecting future growth

    The role of financial planning in business growth