This week we will be discussing the merits of brewing compost tea. Nope, you don’t drink it!Compost tea is alive with diverse microorganisms, or microbes, that work to build healthy soil, manufacture perfect plant food (humus!), protect plants from pests & disease, and so much more. Compost tea is a living organic solution to just about all gardening and farming issues, plus it helps grow amazing plants.Compost Tea is brewed by aerating beneficial soil microbes from high-quality compost in a solution containing premium organic fertilizers. In the presence of food and oxygen, the beneficial soil microbes grow to extraordinary concentrations. Think of microbes like construction workers. Your job as the contractor is to consistently bring them to the job site so that they may build the neighborhood, so to speak. Once the soil neighborhood is built it will work tirelessly for you, reducing the need to irrigate and fertilize to support growth.
Have you always wanted to start a compost pile? Do you have a compost pile that is not working for you? Then this is your webinar.Premium compost is manufactured by diverse soil microbes. The leaves falling on the forest floor and being digested by the microbes in the soil is “composting”, humans just give it a name and concentrate the process. There are different methods, a couple of things to remain conscious of, but mostly microbes do all of the work! Learn all there is to know about composting in this information packed hour, bring your questions.
Puuttuva jakso?
The soil is alive. It contains living organisms called microbes made up of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes that are responsible for manufacturing healthy soil.
There are rhythms in Nature beyond our general awareness. Put it this way, we have to invest faith in them to experience them, and we have to experience them to see them.
Modern agriculture is focused almost solely on growing plants…at the expense of soil. The simple reality is that healthy soil grows healthy plants. If farmers are doing soil testing the focus is on “essential elements”, or those elements required for plant growth. This is what the plant HAS to have, not what the plant WANTS. Big difference. This week we will be exploring the relevance of trace element fertilization through foliar sprays, Sea Energy Agriculture, ORMUS, Biological Transmutation, and much more.
When it comes to soil, trust but verify. Soil may look the part, but you cannot see proper mineral balance in your soil. Most growers do not test their soil, and many that do are chasing incomplete data looking simply at NPK and pH. This week we will demystify soil testing by comparing pH-driven soil testing to a base saturation approach, explain the cation exchange capacity (CEC), put pH in its place, discuss the magic of trace elements, and much more. Bring your questions.
A plant is a plant. Whether it is growing on Mars or in your backyard plants require the same things. We learned about that last week discussing what and how plants eat. This week we will be exploring plant fertility further through the perspective of organic growing and hydroponics, or growing plants in water with fertilizer solutions.
Plants are autotrophs, they make their own food. This is primarily because they cannot move distances to find it, but also justified by the process of photosynthesis and respiration that we learned about last week. This week we will have a broad discussion on how and what plants eat.
Last week we learned about plant taxonomy and structure, this week we will be learning about plant physiology and processes. Plants make their own food, but how? We will cover photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and all of the biochemical processes that make plants tick.
In order to maximize agriculture it is important to know where plants come from and how they work. This week we will be discussing the Tree of Life, the “angiosperm mystery”, ideas for contemplating plant development, along with plant taxonomy, anatomy, and the organizational wonder of plants.
Today will be discussing where agriculture comes from and where it is going through the perspective of BioEnergetic Agriculture.
In this episode we cover the background on my experience and a discussion of the physical, mineral, biological, and energetic capacities of living systems. Setting the table, so to speak. Future episodes will move into the detail of each category and will include information on base saturation soil testing, compost tea, activated water, plant physiology, soil structure, composting, and much more.