
  • When you tap into the superconscious realms, you gain access to higher thought forms, higher vibrations, flashes of intuition, wisdom, healing, and Divine inspiration.

    In this two-part series of Inner Work, we'll explore what the superconscious really is and how we can benefit by growing our capacity to tap into this higher field of consciousness.

    Tune in for a discussion on:

    what is the superconscious? what are the different ways of accessing the superconscious realms? what keeps us from being able to tap into the superconscious? how does it benefit us to tap into the superconscious? how is the superconscious realm similar to the Akashic field? 13 characteristics of genuinely connecting to the superconscious field (based on the writings of psychospiritual teacher Roberto Assagioli) potential pitfalls and challenges of accessing deeper levels of superconsciousness (and how to navigate them safely and responsibly)

    Throughout this episode, I refer to the book Transpersonal Development: The Dimension Beyond Psychosynthesis (collected writings of Roberto Assagioli).

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It matters!

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Explore becoming a certified Akashic Records Practitioner:


    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • In this new podcast series, I interview Akashic Records Practitioners to explore how working with the Akashic Records has transformed their lives.

    We discuss topics such as:

    what it means to "hear the call of the Records" (and answer that call) the vast healing, personal evolution, and growth that happens when we activate the energy of the Akashic Records in our lives how the Akashic Records can help us fully awaken our intuitive, multidimensional, and healing gifts - both for ourselves and to serve others how tapping into the Akashic field can help us release outdated, long-standing patterns, beliefs, and attachments that aren't serving us the Akashic Records as a potent tool for psychospiritual development and to align fully with your highest purpose as a healer or lightworker

    In this inaugural episode, I speak with Penny Murray, a multi-faceted intuitive healer and guide. Penny completed my Akashic Records Certification Program in 2023 and works as a Certified Akashic Records Practitioner and Certified International Biofield Tuner.

    Penny is the creator of the Ancestral Resolution Series, where the multi-layered worlds of the Ancestors, the Record Keepers, and the Biofield come together for deep, spacious healing.

    Her clients come back to Penny time and time again because of her deep capacity to create a safe, empowering, sovereign space, from which they are encouraged to release what doesn’t serve them, realign with what does, and rejuvenate their whole Self. Working with Penny has been described as a one-of-a-kind, compassionate, life-enhancing experience.

    You can learn more about Penny's dynamic work by visiting https://resilientbalance.com

    Join Josephine's email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Explore becoming a certified Akashic Records Practitioner: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

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  • The world is kind of nutty right now.

    We're often seeing chaos, conflict, and confusion out in the world and sometimes even in our own homes, workplaces, and schools.

    Therefore, diligence, practice, persistence, and dedication are required to maintain your frequency, vibration, and thought patterns at a high level of Truth and clear knowing... a deep EMBODIED knowing that abundance is indeed all around you and within you at all times. Nothing can separate you from that abundance or take it away from you. You're far more powerful than you sometimes remember or give yourself credit for.

    In this episode of INNER WORK, I walk you through 8 daily spiritual reminders that will help you stay aligned with Higher Truth and maintain a high-level frequency in your body, mind, and energy field. Regardless of what's going on around you.

    The 8 daily reminders will support you in:

    honoring and living up to your commitment to walk the spiritual path living in integrity with your Soul and with the Universe flowing with universal forces and with whatever is arising in your life (instead of trying to resist it) remaining anchored in the truth that you are a Divine being having a human experience.

    My intention is for these 8 daily reminders to serve as spiritual scaffolding for you, every day, as often as you need them.

    They will help you remember the Truth of who and what you are, and what you're capable of in this lifetime.

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Explore becoming a certified Akashic Records Practitioner: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • This episode of INNER WORK features an interview with Michael Bernard Beckwith, a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 group, founder of the Agape Spiritual Center, and #1 bestselling author. Michael is a maverick in the realm of spirituality and a non-denominational spiritual visionary who has addressed the United Nations and appeared on shows like The Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King.

    Join us for a poignant discussion on:

    what does it mean to be spiritual, but not religious? how we've all been conditioned and programmed to give our power away and believe we are unworthy - and how to take our power and our minds back from this programming how we can help ourselves (and the world) shift from a paradigm of fear, scarcity, conflict, and not-good-enoughness to a new emerging paradigm of love, clarity, abundance, and freedom how you can discover YOUR unique role in the awakening of humanity how to protect yourself from negative programming through the media (a.k.a. the "reporters of the old world") and maintain a high-level frequency regardless of what's going on around you

    To connect with Michael and explore his work, you can visit:

    https://agapelive.com or https://michaelbeckwith.com

    To connect with me (Josephine), please visit https://josephinehardman.com

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course:


    Thank you for being here and for your commitment to doing your inner work. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • Emotional reactivity is about having a knee-jerk, habitual reaction to something in the present moment that reminds you (consciously or unconsciously) of something unpleasant you experienced in the past.

    Reducing emotional reactivity is an important goal on the spiritual path, since being highly reactive can keep you stuck in repetitive and unhelpful loops of behavior, thought, action, and feeling.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    what IS emotional reactivity, at its essential nature? the 3 levels of emotional reactivity (and which one gets triggered first) how emotional reactivity drains your energy and causes you to waste valuable time the difference between reacting and responding how to reduce your reactivity gradually and bring yourself back to the present moment (with real-time practices)

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Explore becoming a certified Akashic Records Practitioner: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • In this episode of INNER WORK, I interview Alaina Schwartz -- an international speaker, best-selling author, and Elite Performance Coach who is passionate about helping heart-centered, high-achieving, service-based entrepreneurs to double and triple their income and impact while reducing their workload by 20-30 hours a week.

    With over 25 years of experience in entrepreneurship, Alaina uses cutting-edge tools to support her clients in making shifts at the DNA level to align with their Soul’s purpose so they can move out of stress and into joyful and sustainable 7+ figure success.

    Join us for a discussion on:

    what it really takes to align with your highest purpose (NOT based on external success and/or what others want you to do with your life) Alaina's story of walking away from a successful legal career to follow her North Star (and how she created an even MORE successful and aligned coaching career) how to get into a state of flow through parasympathetic activation, so you can take actions to grow your business with ease how to "quantum leap" your way into massive abundance and aligned opportunities how to shift your relationship to TIME (so you can make the best use of your time and stop feeling rushed)

    You can access Alaina's free gift here: https://www.alainaschwartz.com/timecourse

    Book a consultation with Alaina: https://www.alainaschwartz.com/incomeflow

    Join Josephine's email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • Psychosynthesis is a powerful, holistic, profound approach for psychospiritual development and healing -- with vast applications for every area of your life.

    In this episode of INNER WORK, I introduce you to this incredible psychospiritual model and share an exercise you can work with immediately.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    what is Psychosynthesis, and why might you want to use it on your spiritual path? core concepts of Psychosynthesis and how this approach can help you understanding your "inner multiplicity" and subpersonalities working with your subpersonalities to resolve inner conflict, expand your consciousness, and achieve a higher state of being

    Some books to explore Psychosynthesis:

    The Act of Will by Roberto Assagioli

    Transpersonal Development by Roberto Assagioli

    Know, Love, Transform Yourself (2 volumes) by Petra Nocelli

    What We May Be by Piero Ferrucci

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • In this special episode of Inner Work, I speak with two guests about the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code as powerful modalities for healing.

    Kathryn Wyatt is a photographer, artist, gardener, herbalist in training, and Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code practitioner. She's also an advanced graduate of my Akashic Records Certification Program and a certified Akashic Records Practitioner.

    Lisa Orvis Gusakov is a massage therapist and 10-generation Vermonter who lives and works on the land of her ancestors; walking the same dirt roads that her father, grandfather, great grandparents and beyond walked daily. Lisa is incredibly passionate about her massage therapy work and is nurtured by it every day.

    In this in-depth interview, Kathryn and Lisa share about their hands-on experience with the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code – with Kathryn as the practitioner, and Lisa as her client.

    We delve into what these modalities actually are, how they work, and how they can help you heal and assist you in your process of awakening and shedding whatever is not supporting your evolution. We also address the concept of "Heart Walls" – which most of us have – and the incredible benefits of Heart Wall clearing.

    For more info on the Codes, go to https://discoverhealing.com

    To connect with Kathryn Wyatt: https://blueonyxarts.com

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here and for being willing to do your inner work. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • The Akashic Records are a potent and versatile tool for healing, expansion, inner and outer transformation, and for creating and manifesting the life and reality you want to experience.

    In this mini series, we'll explore the Records as a field of higher consciousness beyond the human/egoic dimension, and how tapping into the Akasha enables you to connect directly to Divine Source and to your inner divinity and inner knowing.

    Every time you journey into the Records, you come back home to yourself – to your essential, loving, wise, powerful, authentic state
 which is who you really are.

    Join me in part two for a discussion of:

    how the Akashic Records can help you do EXPANSION WORK and CREATION WORK (and what this type of healing work is) how you can fully align with your Higher Self, Soul purpose, and Soul blueprint thru the Akashic Records meeting with past life allies thru the Records to recover important gifts, skills, knowledge, and accumulated wisdom from previous lifetimes the Akashic Records as a tool for manifestation collapsing time by tapping into the Akashic field

    Please join me for the Finally Feel Free (Series III) online spiritual retreat, hosted by my dear friend and colleague Aiswarya. I'll be doing a live demo of how to do expansion work thru the Akashic Records. Register here: https://fff.soulgoddesslife.com/Josephine-Hardman

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here and for being willing to do your inner work. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • The Akashic Records are a potent and versatile tool for healing, expansion, inner and outer transformation, and for creating and manifesting the life and reality you want to experience.

    In this mini series, we'll explore the Records as a field of higher consciousness beyond the human/egoic dimension, and how tapping into the Akasha enables you to connect directly to Divine Source and to your inner divinity and inner knowing.

    Every time you journey into the Records, you come back home to yourself – to your essential, loving, wise, powerful, authentic state
 which is who you really are.

    Join me in part one for a discussion of:

    how the Akashic Records can help you do REPAIR WORK (and what repair work is) how you can shed "human density" (including egoic attachments, dysfunctional patterns, coping mechanisms, defense mechanisms, limiting beliefs, old conditioning that doesn’t serve you, etc) by actively spending time in the Akashic field how the Records can help you transmute and release any energetic debris you've picked up by living in a human body the Akashic Records as a tool for psychospiritual growth and expansion how the Records can support you in raising your frequency and upgrading all of your systems – including your energy system, nervous system, physical body, emotional system and capacity for emotional regulation fully activating your intuitive and multidimensional abilities through the Records

    To explore my Akashic Records Certification Program, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here and for being willing to do your inner work. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • This two-episode series of INNER WORK walks you through 6 "big ideas" about what's required to come into greater alignment with your Soul's highest purpose.

    In part two, join me for a discussion of:

    getting deeper into alignment with your purpose of raising consciousness on this planet how to fine-tune your intuition and inner compass (and stop living to please others, or based on others' expectations or demands) how to re-awaken your inner authority and confident sense of self how to take action based on your intuitive guidance and keep moving forward despite resistance the importance of fierce self-care and self-advocacy as you align with your highest purpose carving out your own unique, purpose-driven, Soul-led path

    To explore my Akashic Records Certification Program, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here and for being willing to do your inner work. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • This two-episode series of INNER WORK walks you through 6 "big ideas" about what's required to come into greater alignment with your Soul's highest purpose.

    In part one, join me for a discussion of:

    getting deeper into alignment with your purpose to raise consciousness on this planet what you must RELEASE to fully align with and live your highest purpose how you can take inventory of where you currently are, and more clearly know and understand your purpose why surrendering and taking a leap of faith are key aspects of aligning with your purpose releasing attachments to your old identity carving out your own unique, purpose-driven, Soul-led path

    Make sure to come back for part two of this mini series (ep 186)!

    To explore my Akashic Records Certification Program, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Visit my website: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for being here and for being willing to do your inner work. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • How comfortable are you with uncertainty, like when you don’t know how something is going to turn out?

    When you have to wait to find out the outcome of something in your life? Or when you set out on an unknown path, without being able to see where it’s going to lead you?

    Many of us have a limited tolerance for uncertainty. We might experience uncertainty as a threat, as something we need to fix or avoid at all costs.

    For me, uncertainty and being in a state of not knowing have often felt deeply uncomfortable (along with some other anxiety patterns I’ve experienced in this lifetime).

    We’re all on a continuum of how much uncertainty we can tolerate before we start experiencing inner tension, discomfort, and stress. (Along with a strong need to resolve the uncertainty.)

    If you’re like me, you might have an inner part of you who we might call the “reassurance seeker.”

    This is the part of us that doesn’t know how to sit with uncertainty, that wants to know everything in advance, that might over-prepare for things and/or seek reassurance or validation from others.

    This episode of INNER WORK was created for this part of you -- the reassurance seeker. We'll help this part of you feel seen, validated, soothed, and NOT ALONE.

    You'll walk away with:

    an understanding of what fuels reassurance-seeking patterns and behaviors (and what those behaviors often look like) clarity on whether you're currently in a "reassurance-seeking trap" a powerful shift in perspective that will help you get more comfortable with uncertainty ideas for how you can USE uncertainty as a spiritual teacher in your life

    The book mentioned in this episode is Needing to Know for Sure by Martin Seif and Sally Winston.

    To connect with me, head over to https://josephinehardman.com

    To join my email community (and get my free Akashic Records Mini Course): https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Thank you for being here, and please keep doing your inner work! It matters.

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • This episode of INNER WORK guides you through expert tips on how to deliver genuinely transformative, healing, and powerful Akashic Record readings to your clients... whether you're working as a healer, coach, or spiritual practitioner.

    These pro tips are based on almost a decade of client experience, plus two decades of working with the Akashic Records in my own life and healing journey.

    You'll walk away with an understanding of:

    the importance of continuing to do YOUR inner work as a healer or Akashic Records practitioner setting your energetic frequency as a healer why it's so important to not over-stuff your readings (and suggestions for how to avoid this) some of the fears that could be fueling a pattern to over-give in your readings or client work why I highly recommend focusing on ONE question or issue at time while in the Records how to make your readings as helpful, memorable, impactful, and transformative as possible

    My Akashic Records Certification Program for practitioners is open for enrollment. To explore the program curriculum, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/work-with-me/akashic-records-certification-program/

    You can also reach out to [email protected] with any questions or to apply.

    My online home is https://josephinehardman.com

    Join my email community and get my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Thank you for spending this time with me! I deeply appreciate your presence here.

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • Are you fully owning, claiming, and sharing your gifts with the world... and stepping fully into your DIVINE GREATNESS?

    This episode of Inner Work is about the life-changing magic of no longer hiding your gifts, and the incredible things that can happen (that you can create!) once you fully align with your Soul's highest purpose and follow the calling of your Higher Self.

    Without playing small.

    Without minimizing, discounting, or undervaluing yourself.

    Without feeling like you need to prove yourself to others.

    Without shrinking to make others around you feel more "comfortable".

    Join me for a discussion of:

    what might hold you back from fully claiming and sharing your gifts what can happen once you truly open yourself to embody your Divine greatness and brilliance how the Universe steps in to support you when you begin taking BOLD action towards your purpose personal story: the moment I realized it was time to leave my academic career, and how I dealt with the fear and uncertainty that came up how to call for assistance from your Guides and Spirit Team as you become more aligned with your gifts and purpose

    Thank you for tuning in and spending this time with me!

    If you've been getting some value out of this podcast, I'd be so grateful if you can take a minute to leave a rating or review (or both) on your preferred podcast platform. This truly helps the podcast grow and be discovered by new listeners.

    To join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    To visit my online home and connect with me: https://josephinehardman.com

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • This episode of INNER WORK is about the spiritual, life-changing practice of reaching for the Higher Truth -- in any situation.

    This is a practice I teach in many of my programs, because it's so powerful at cutting through the inner and outer noise that we sometimes get bogged down in.

    Previously on this podcast, I've talked about the LIES and illusions we often buy into as humans. The lies and illusions of the 3D human dimension, which are also sometimes the illusions we inherit through our human family lineage and also through the collective consciousness of this particular planet, and of the society and culture we each grow up in.

    The practice of reaching for the Higher Truth -- which requires active work on our part -- is about seeing those illusions for what they are, shattering them, and re-aligning ourselves with Divine Knowing.

    In this episode, I explain how to work with this practice and walk you through a series of potent examples of Higher Truth (while helping you connect fully to that Truth, if it resonates with you).

    To join my email community, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    To explore my work or connect in other ways: https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for spending this sacred time with me, and please keep doing your inner work!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • This episode of INNER WORK is about the many different ways in which we’ve all been indoctrinated into the “not good enough” paradigm

    ... and how this can prevent you from living your life authentically, truly being yourself, and shining as brightly as you’re meant to shine and expand.

    I also talk about how the "not good enough" paradigm can prevent you from fully expressing and living your Soul’s purpose and stepping into your sacred service and work in this lifetime.

    We'll explore some ways to begin dismantling this paradigm and false belief system in your own life, so you can be FREE to heal and expand to your highest level.

    To request details for my upcoming 3-Day Akashic Records Intensive, please email [email protected]

    To explore my work, head over to https://josephinehardman.com

    To join my email community and get my Akashic Records Mini Course, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Thank you for spending this time with me, and please keep doing your inner work! It matters.

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • In this episode of INNER WORK, I explore the distinct advantages of using the Akashic Records as a healing modality in your coaching, spiritual, or healing business.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    what makes the Akashic Records different from other spiritual tools and modalities how we can use the Akashic Records for quantum healing, insights, and transformation how the Records can help you clear your own "stuff" (fear, resistance, self-doubt, other unhelpful patterns) so you can powerfully show up to serve your clients how the Records can help you expand your healing business in aligned, ethical, effective ways

    I also answer a question posed by my certification student Leah, about how karma works within the context of the Akashic Records. Stay tuned for my answer towards the end of the episode!

    To get the details for my 3-Day Akashic Records Intensive coming up April 2024, please email [email protected]

    To connect with me, visit https://josephinehardman.com

    Thank you for tuning in, and please keep doing your inner work! It makes a difference.

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • For 3 days in April, I'm bringing together a select group of awakened healers seeking to evolve to their next level of clarity, intuition, healing, and purpose...

    ... and showing them how to powerfully and effectively access the Akashic Records for themselves, on command – without ego mind, resistance, or self-doubt getting in the way.

    Imagine being able to...

    Tap into the universal field of Highest Consciousness (a.k.a. the Akashic field) at any time, regardless of what’s going on around you or in the world

    Connect to a source of Divine Wisdom that can clear away limiting patterns and beliefs at the speed of light (without YEARS of talk therapy or endless “working on yourself”)

    Fully activate your “Heart Sight” – your capacity to live, see, and BE from your heart (feeling unconditional love for yourself and for others)

    Come home to your inner knowing

    TURN ON your deepest inner guidance, no longer having to second-guess yourself, ask for others' permission, or seek approval from anyone

    If you’re feeling the call of the Records – this is never by accident. It’s because you have Soul-level work you must do with the Akashic Records in this lifetime. It’s part of your Soul’s blueprint.

    The more drawn you feel to the Records, the more likely it is you’re meant to use them (1) to heal yourself and (2) to assist others in their process of healing and evolution, however that looks for you.

    The Records have been my steadfast, unwavering companion, Divine Guide, and powerful compass through life for the past 20 years (I first opened my Records when I was 17).

    Over these 2 decades, they’ve helped me transform MAJOR stuff and – most importantly – supported me in aligning fully with my spiritual mission and sacred work in this lifetime.

    This mission, for me, includes making the Records an accessible and potent Divine tool – actually, a way of life – for others. This is why I’d love to spend 3 days with you in this Akashic Records intensive as we dive deep into the Akasha together.

    I’ll teach you everything you must know to powerfully connect to the Records – and use them as a tool of insight, transformation, and quantum healing.

    Interested in joining us? Email [email protected] to get all the details.

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • How do we reconcile an injustice that we observe in the outside world with our deep spiritual knowledge that ultimately there is a divine order at play... and that the reality we're experiencing now is a temporary figment (or illusion) that we're all creating together?

    Are we meant to take immediate action when we observe a pain or injustice in the world? Are we meant to work on ourselves internally first, and/or WHILE we are taking action to correct these injustices?

    These are some of the complex questions I'm addressing in this episode of Inner Work, after receiving a thoughtful email from a listener.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    why inner work is so critical for healers, changemakers, and activists how to align yourself with your deepest purpose and understand the role you're meant to play in this lifetime specific questions to ask yourself to get a clearer sense of where and how your gifts are most needed how to connect to your intuition to know when you must take immediate action (to correct an injustice) and when you must move into acceptance or letting go

    Thank you to Dana for writing in with this important topic.

    To connect with me, visit https://josephinehardman.com

    To join my email community and receive my free Akashic Records Mini Course plus weekly newsletter, go here: https://josephinehardman.com/akashic-records-intro/

    Thank you for continuing to do your inner work so you can evolve, heal, grow, and show up in the world at your highest level. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.